Keto Diet Tips?


I've been looking into doing the Slimfast 7 day plan but doing it longer term, only issue really is that everyone says there's basically zero variety and I'd prefer keto, I've been thinking of doing 1 Atkins bar 1 Keto Shake for breakfast same for lunch, then chicken breast with veg and bacon for dinner, the same thing every day (my meals dont need variety just the snacks i could eat chicken and veg forever) and tons of water, obviously i will lose weight doing this as and won't have an issue sticking to it, im more looking for some tips/advice, my reasoning for doing it this way is i find any other way than Keeping it super basic an absolute headache, so my daily meals would be

Black Coffee & Butter + MCT
Atkins Bar For Lunch & Keto shake
Grilled Chicken breast & Veg for dinner
tons of water in-between

i would be doing one day Keto Coffee and no breakfast one day shake and atkins bar for breakfast

which bars should i use, any reccomeded shakes? anything else i should add to the shakes/coffee, and can i drink black coffee without anything added in-between? i don't plan on counting macros or anything other than carbs/cals as i have dyslexia and trying to understand anything more or making my diet more complex makes me give up, thanks for any advice!


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Type 2
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I'd heartily suggest eating real food only.
Eat more
Eat more fat for satiety
Limit your eating window (for solid food) to 8 hours a day or less if you can manage it.

Edit to add avoid slimfast at all costs.


I'd heartily suggest eating real food only.
Eat more
Eat more fat for satiety
Limit your eating window (for solid food) to 8 hours a day or less if you can manage it.

Edit to add avoid slimfast at all costs.
that doesn't help me at all, but cheers.


Retired Moderator
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Hi and welcome :)

there are a few different ‘keto shakes’ around now.

My favourite is Purition. I bought it for my husband, but it turns out I love them too.
They do a dairy and a non dairy (vegan) version and a nice range of flavours. But you really do need a blender to mix them up to make them smooth and ‘creamy’.
They all have nuts in, but are gluten free.

you could also try the black version of Huel.

My memories of the Atkins shakes is that they offer very little nutrition, but they may have reformulated since then.

Lamont D

Type of diabetes
Reactive hypoglycemia
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I do not have diabetes
that doesn't help me at all, but cheers.

The reason why we recommend low carb diets and for those who prefer to be in ketosis. Is because of the reaction to carbs and sugar. They stimulate higher blood glucose levels and increase insulin resistance, the viscous circle of carbs if you have a glycaemic issue means your body is producing too much of a hormonal response to the carbs.
Keto diet, keeps your blood levels in or around normal blood glucose levels, this means that the hormonal response is lowered quite a lot. So your Hba1c levels are going down instead of up.
Control of your blood sugar levels is important to your health.

I agree with @bulkbiker eat fresh food and stay away from the manufactured shakes and bars. The reason is the shakes have concentrated foodstuffs and of course they will be low fat and full of industrial sugars. The same with the bars, the stuff they use to bind the ingredients is full of nasties, never mind the high carbs count.

Have a read of the low carb diet threads, some really useful information about how to feed yourself.


Retired Moderator
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If people had read @J666x ’s post properly, they would have seen the following

which bars should i use, any reccomeded shakes? anything else i should add to the shakes/coffee, and can i drink black coffee without anything added in-between? i don't plan on counting macros or anything other than carbs/cals as i have dyslexia and trying to understand anything more or making my diet more complex makes me give up, thanks for any advice!
my reasoning for doing it this way is i find any other way than Keeping it super basic an absolute headache,

And the request was specifically for keto bars and shakes to add flavour variety, not for lectures on how to eat completely differently.
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Type of diabetes
Type 2
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Diet only

Odd.. the forum used to be a friendly place to share experiences and advice.

It seems that this is no longer to be tolerated which is a shame.

People often haven't thought of alternatives to the path they have decided to follow ... sometimes differing advice might lead them to reconsider.

Just a thought and not meant to be in the slightest confrontational.
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Lamont D

Type of diabetes
Reactive hypoglycemia
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I do not have diabetes
Hi Brun,
It has taken you a lifetime of experience discovering what shakes are acceptable to your lifestyle.
I was only advising the pitfalls and an alternative to mass produced food.
I am aware of how good and low carb with vegan options you have advised, your shakes are acceptable.
To me the op is looking for confirmation that what he is thinking of doing, is a easy solution to a complex problems. uninformed opinion from a salesman selling snake oils seem to be behind this reasoning. He came here asking for advice and the forum was built on alternative reasoning to the NHS guidelines. Which just don't work.
It is our responsibility to post sensible advice.
I don't believe that informing him of how a different dietary advice, could be beneficial to his health.

Or I am wrong?


Type of diabetes
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Diet only
I get a bit concerned when there are posts about weightloss and nothing else.
If someone is diagnosed as Type two, really they should be looking to control that, not to lose weight.
As has been pointed out many times, uncontrolled type two often leads to gaining weight as that is a safety measure the body uses to keep blood glucose under control, right up to the time it no longer works.
I was totally bewildered to find that I had lost a load of weight without trying - the blame game can affect the thinking of even the most logical amongst us. All I had done was eat the foods which I know make me feel healthy and happy.
The concept of punishing the body for getting fat is also quite prevalent. Lots of exertion on low rations is damaging - obviously - but it is often used as a therapy. It is wrong.
I seem to find the KETO diet described in terms of rigid rules to follow - because we are all identical in our dietary needs, presumably?
The Atkins diet seems far more individual in its outlook (I mean the one described by the good doctor, not the Atkins Corporation version) and as I am now several years into being almost normal it is something I really recommend, testing levels and adjusting how one eats in response to that.
To encourage a restrictive regime with possible poor outcomes is not something I could endorse.
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@Lamont D
We are all the veterans of our own lives, and have a wealth of experience in that.
But it isn’t just long term forumites who have that expertise.

All the newbies who come here are veterans in their own lives too. They know how much time, effort and interest they want to devote to food prep. They know what fits with their work/home/family life. Not everyone is retired with time and interest in planning, shopping and prepping.

One of the things that makes this forum so helpful and welcoming is that when people arrive with questions, then our members take the time and trouble to offer suggestions that will help them.
How much more wonderful if those answers actually address the question, and respect the personal situation of the questioner.

Anyway, we’ve now had 8 posts on this thread (nope, @Resurgam ’s post #9 was also off topic), only the OP and my response at #4 were on topic, so let’s end the derailment now. Hopefully someone will be along soon to address the snack bar section of the original poster’s question, or make more suggestions about keto shakes.
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Retired Moderator
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Hi @J666x and welcome to the forum.
If I want a bar of something that’s low carb, I eat either Carb Killa bars or PHD Smart bars, they are low carb and they come in a huge variety of flavours.

Lamont D

Type of diabetes
Reactive hypoglycemia
Treatment type
I do not have diabetes
If you can find them, nine bars, by a company in Chester.
Lots of different flavours and tasty as well.

I do as I'm told, I am a veteran of my own experience.
Don't upset the women who hold the power. (Ha!)

Stay safe, keep laughing


Well-Known Member
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Funny, i was just talking about the keto chocolate bar i have every night with decaf coffee on my eating days.... it has just 2g net carbs and is something I really look forward to. Hope it helps. :)