Recently diagnosed with prediabetes


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
To second @HSSS point
The libre types are very expensive to buy and run..£50+.. Per month
And certainly overkill at pre T2 levels.

just to add, for many the Lancet supplied tends not to be changed that often.. Usually when it becomes blunt, and it is a simple enough affair to do that.

The fingers do get used to the testing, and it's a small price to pay, now, for a healthier you for the future.

I found the code free to offer the best £ for £
for me, but like printers, the real cost is supplying the ink, or in this case the strips needed to test.

@Rachox had a nice little post re meters etc.

Good luck finding one to suit you.
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Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Hi jjraak

The person I care for has been my reason for living, for so long now that your post has raised the most important thing I need to address first. Do I care enough about myself, to make the necessary changes.
Honestly, I do not think that I do care enough about myself.
I have been having issues with my partner, who does not live with me. We have broken up several times since I first starting having symptoms, without knowing what was causing my mood swings.
I have just asked her for a break, whilst I ask myself some important questions before I address the pre diabetes.

I really appreciate your post as I need to find some real, honest self worth. Or I carry on as I am.

The person I care for is my mother and I promised my father on his death bed 30 years ago that I would look after her. I think my motivation to deal with my pre diabetes lies in my promise. At least I hope that will be enough?

I really do appreciate your post as it is my way to push the hard but important issues to the background and deal with what is in front of me. I have been loosing myself in the research and as many have pointed out, I am getting it wrong! Which I appreciate being told, as I need directness!!! Thank you to those community members

I don't think I can do that with pre diabetes?

Been there, done that.. So I learnt through bitter experience, we NEED to look after ourselves IF we want to look after others.

It takes it toll, as you probably well know.
And regarding how fit/well mum is, does she have to know anything is wrong, you could just be trying to stay healthy, new year's resolution etc.

The mood swings and self worth....

I'd say at T2 I had some issues, but you might be wise to consider if other things were maybe causing the issues...(far too easy to put everything down to the diabetes angle)

Good luck finding the right balance with all of this.

Life is not always easy, but we do owe it to ourselves to be as good as we can be health wise, because as I now know, bad choices do have implications that can be far reaching.

Better to spend a little time and effort avoiding them if possible
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Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
Since diagnosis and sticking to low carb, my strength had definitely increased. I have gone back to working with knitting machines, doing the servicing on those at the local arts university, and I can haul them around without feeling that I'm in danger of dropping them.
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Well-Known Member
I feel a little weird today. Sure it is to be expected, having made the adjustments to my diet.
I think a visit to my gp is in order.
I will have more greek yogurt, just having a tablespoon as it does not taste so good by itself. I need to find something to ha ve it with.
I am 5" 8 and was 14 stone. So always come up as obese, especially on BMI scale. In reality, I have always carried fat, but the additional weight was muscle. Even though this would indicate a lot of time spent in the gym, which used to be 3 to 4 hours in the gym 4 times a week, hcps always consider you to be obese. Sorry, just a little rant.
I will be going for a blood test on Monday, as the mother already has two appointments that day, so i am able to make use of her blue badge privelidges.
Whilst here, i am drinking a full fat coffee, with a little less milk in it and i will buy double cream next. I feel a bit more energy in my body, reinforcing what everyone has said about fat. I will today have as much fat as i feel i need.
I have nuts and will carry them with me whenever out and about
If I get caught short, out and about, I will go for slices of meat, olives and raw carrots. Many people mention carrots as being ok, but in my head they are still root vegetables!

It has just occured to me that the industry I work in as self employed is actually one that I would get less work in or even no work, if I made it known that I am pre diabetic. It's not the pre diabetic part that would be the issue, it would be the word dIAbetic or any ailment, disease or injury. They wouldn't even need to give you a reason, you would continue to apply for the same jobs as before, you just wouldn't get the confirmed jobs. Shame, but I have been in the industry long enough and regularly see it happen.

I see the sun is out, it's cold and cloudy. Time to get up, showered and out.

Waiting for my morning number 2, then an egg for breakfast, some greek yogurt and out.
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Well-Known Member
Just had some blueberries to help the greek yoghurt go down.
Currently having a 1 egg cheese and tomato omelette fried in Real Anchor Butter lol
Trying to limit myself to 4 eggs a week to keep a check on cholesterol.
And cup of green tea

Happy Thursday
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Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
What sort of weird?

Carrots are one of those things that effect some people more than others. - back to testing again

As far as work goes why do you need to tell them anything. There no medication involved nothing that puts you or anyone else at risk. If you’re eating style is commented on you could choose to just say you are making healthy changes to avoid illness in future - all true.

Eggs aren’t limited. The whole Cholesterol thing and eggs was debunked years ago regardless of eating
“Normally” or low carb. In fact whatever you eat has little effect on cholesterol levels as your body will make what you don’t eat. Inflammation from too many unprocessed carbs however can definitely effect it. Many of us eat 4 eggs a day and cholesterol is just dandy.
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Well-Known Member
What sort of weird?

Carrots are one of those things that effect some people more than others. - back to testing again

As far as work goes why do you need to tell them anything. There no medication involved nothing that puts you or anyone else at risk. If you’re eating style is commented on you could choose to just say you are making healthy changes to avoid illness in future - all true.

Eggs aren’t limited. The whole Cholesterol thing and eggs was debunked years ago regardless of eating
“Normally” or low carb. In fact whatever you eat has little effect on cholesterol levels as your body will make what you don’t eat. Inflammation from too many unprocessed carbs however can definitely effect it. Many of us eat 4 eggs a day and cholesterol is just dandy.
Hard to explain 'weird'
Everything was bit hazy, don't want to use the word dizzy, but a little.

I also need to realise that daily exercise is not addressing my personal inactivity.. I have been too inactive this last week with researching. So DIY and housework moves from the back burner to the front of the queue.

Weighed myself at the surgery and I am down to 13 stone. That's a loss of nearly 1 stone. Unable to say for sure what time period this happened over. No less than a month, based on noticing my waist.
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Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
As you’re prediabetic you’re not likely to have been running too high so I shouldn’t expect it to be a significant rapid drop in blood glucose but still remaining at safe levels (known as a false hypo, feels real but isn’t an actual hypo. Due to it being different to your normal).

I’d say dehydration and lack of electrolytes are the next most likely causes. Up your salt a bit and try and get magnesium and potassium rich foods into the equation (or supplement). Are you sure it’s not hunger and you need more fats?

oh and what’s your blood pressure normally? This way of eating tends to lower it so if you’re on blood pressure medication this might need reducing as potentially a bit light headed could be low bp too.
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Well-Known Member
As you’re prediabetic you’re not likely to have been running too high so I shouldn’t expect it to be a significant rapid drop in blood glucose but still remaining at safe levels (known as a false hypo, feels real but isn’t an actual hypo. Due to it being different to your normal).

I’d say dehydration and lack of electrolytes are the next most likely causes. Up your salt a bit and try and get magnesium and potassium rich foods into the equation (or supplement). Are you sure it’s not hunger and you need more fats?

oh and what’s your blood pressure normally? This way of eating tends to lower it so if you’re on blood pressure medication this might need reducing as potentially a bit light headed could be low bp too.

I will address my hydration, as this has been somewhat overlooked. I used to drink litres.

I do not and have never added salt as it was there in abundance in all that rubbish I used to eat, so will add some to my next meal.

I have started vitamin supplements this morning. A one a day.

I am not on blood pressure watch at the mo. Although I will ask for a check next time at my gp. Just a bit of an issue at the mo as I reached over the kettle a few days ago and have a painful large burn on my left arm, where the blood pressure belt would go. Will see what the gp says.

I will look at magnesium and potassium rich foods and add them asap.

I have just added spinach to my daily veg.

Thank you HSSS for highlighting hydration and salt and of course your continued support and advice.
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Well-Known Member
For lunch I had the left over chicken, just over a quarter, from yesterday with a cheese salad. Maybe veg would have been better?
I have been snacking on nuts. I think too many at a time. Will try one at a time with an interval In between.

Lots more water!!!

I should have asked here first, but i bought heck chicken sausages. Per 2 sausages there are just over 1gm carbs. Please, I need to know if they are ok or definitely NOT!

Nutritional Per 2 chipolatas (59g) (grilled)
Energy 541 kJ / 129 kcal 319 kJ / 76 kcal
Fat 2.3g
of which saturates 0.6g
Carbohydrate 0.9g
of which sugars 0.4g
Protein 12.7g
Salt 1.12g

Thank you
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Well-Known Member
I have ever only had 3 blood tests, that I am aware of, all my life. A handful of injections for a few flu jabs, bcg and dental related. Never been in hospital for more than stitches and broken bones.
I think this is why I am hesitant to seriously look into a glucose meter. Need to get over this quick!!!!

Thank you for keeping this in my eyeline, it should sink in soon.

Really craving Keto Chicken crisps, Thanks a lot #xfieldok lol
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Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
For lunch I had the left over chicken, just over a quarter, from yesterday with a cheese salad. Maybe veg would have been better?
I have been snacking on nuts. I think too many at a time. Will try one at a time with an interval In between.

Lots more water!!!

I should have asked here first, but i bought heck chicken sausages. Per 2 sausages there are just over 1gm carbs. Please, I need to know if they are ok or definitely NOT!

Nutritional Per 2 chipolatas (59g) (grilled)
Energy 541 kJ / 129 kcal 319 kJ / 76 kcal
Fat 2.3g
of which saturates 0.6g
Carbohydrate 0.9g
of which sugars 0.4g
Protein 12.7g
Salt 1.12g

Thank you

All looks good from here... Nuts, easy to eat to many.
I usually have 2 Brazil nuts, and a few walnut halves...I try to only eat a few pistachios, but that didn't always go to plan..:bag:;)

Not sure of the chicken one, but for sausages it's the meat content, as a lot of filler goes in if the meat content is low..I usually like it to be 95% meat.. Hecks do a 97%.


Well-Known Member
All looks good from here... Nuts, easy to eat to many.
I usually have 2 Brazil nuts, and a few walnut halves...I try to only eat a few pistachios, but that didn't always go to plan..:bag:;)

Not sure of the chicken one, but for sausages it's the meat content, as a lot of filler goes in if the meat content is low..I usually like it to be 95% meat.. Hecks do a 97%.
Hey jjrack

They are 85% with 1% cheese. I cant wait for my first solo purchase that demonstrates I am learning. It will be a day to note in my life. So frustrated at myself, allowing my heart to rule my head. Need to be stronger and more focused. I am still thinking outside of the box. For once I need to focus on what I have decided I need to eat and look at different recipes and improving on the food matter I know I can eat, instead of adding stuff on impulse. Need to be stronger and remain focused, so I can get back to living life.


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
If you do not like the yoghurt as it is, find some sugar free jellies and make up a sachet in half the amount of water. Allow the jelly to cool down almost to room temperature and add some yoghurt - say four servings - whatever looks right. Stir in the yoghurt and make it up to almost a pint then whisk it to make it frothy and put it in the fridge to set. I find it needs to be a bit less volume than the one pint so it doesn't slump when you take out a portion. You can pour it into separate containers if that is more convenient.
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Well-Known Member
If you do not like the yoghurt as it is, find some sugar free jellies and make up a sachet in half the amount of water. Allow the jelly to cool down almost to room temperature and add some yoghurt - say four servings - whatever looks right. Stir in the yoghurt and make it up to almost a pint then whisk it to make it frothy and put it in the fridge to set. I find it needs to be a bit less volume than the one pint so it doesn't slump when you take out a portion. You can pour it into separate containers if that is more convenient.
Thank you Resurgam
That sounds absolutely delicious...
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Well-Known Member
I just went down for a cup of green tea. Opened a new box. So annoyed. 0.7g carbs per cup.

Still stupid mistakes


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)

I first started noticing blurry vision early last summer. Initially I put it down to the air conditioning where I worked.
Then late Summer, during a lull at work, I went to see my gp.
I was sent for a blood test and was diagnosed as pre diabetic.
This came as quite a shock, although being of Asian decent, I always knew it would come. My mother has type 2 and most if not all of my relatives of my mum's generation have diabetes.
I was then informed of a study, the define study, being carried out at Kings Hospital, London. I went for 2 days over a month, where various types of tests, mostly eye related, were carried out. I expected to get an insight into my specific issue, but understood that it was more about the instruments used.
They confirmed I had pre diabetes and that was the last encounter i have had with a health care professional relating to my pre diabetes.
I have since been researching, researching, researching, which has led me here.
I have made a major change to my lifestyle.
I am just wandering if it is possible to make too, drastic a change.
Do I have to keep checking my blood sugar after every meal or can I go by how I feel, instead.
I am a carer and only concerned about staying healthy enough to be a carer, without the person I care for knowing I have an issue and not letting my issue progress any further.
I feel mostly ok, getting up once at night to pee. Dry mouth is not as bad. Do feel tired a lot. Belly fat has been noticeably reduced. Still have the blurry vision.
I will have to see my gp at some point. Is there anything specific I need to ask, please.

Thank you
You sound just like me and what iv been going through
I'm newly diagnosed with type 2 and changing my whole diet and lifestyle ti turn this around
I wish you luck
If u need someone to talk to
Msg me

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