Type 2 Life


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Getting bye Vicky still waiting as usual you know how it is hope your not suffering to much
I'm waiting til 18th and every day is dragging. I wish it was all over and done with. 19th and 5th jan too.I now see 2017 is going to be hospital appointment filled. Hoping to have bariatric surgery too. God I'm going to be busy! :confused:


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Not to bad Vicky, just giving a good friend of mine some well deserved recognition. She is a carer for her mum who has MND . My friend has had to battle for everything for her mum. Not only has she had to stop working like me, she also has diabetes. It has been a very stressful time for her . She has now been told her mum only has a short time left.
It makes you realise there's always someone worse off. :(
I have huge respect for carers. Always have. Anyone who knows me will vouch for how humble I am. Its a dying quality. A quality I make my kids aware of but not to the extreme so they can be bullied for it. However a quality which is needed in society, like respect.
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Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Anti-Gay People, Self Centre People, Two Faced People and Bad Language.
@ickihun - Vicky, I am intrigued that you have stopped your Metformin now? When I was due to have the MRI Scan with Contrast of the Liver, I was Told to stop the Metformin 48 hours before I had the Scan, which I did of course.
Is there a particular reason for you stopping the Metformin now - 7 days before the 18th?
William x
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Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
@ickihun - Vicky, I am intrigued that you have stopped your Metformin now? When I was due to have the MRI Scan with Contrast of the Liver, I was Told to stop the Metformin 48 hours before I had the Scan, which I did of course.
Is there a particular reason for you stopping the Metformin now - 7 days before the 18th?
William x
Yes. I was due to restart it as I stopped it due to illness as advised by dn. So rather than mess my body around by starting then stopping again in a few days time. I decided to wait to restart hun. :)
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Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Non-insulin injectable medication (incretin mimetics)
I have Asperger Syndrome which is an autism spectrum condition and a full diagnosis of Adult ADHD which are characterised by impairments in social communication, social interaction and social imagination. I also have a rigid and somewhat unpredictable routine. I also experience obsessive rituals, some a bit overwhelming. But I have a talent in articulate creative writing skills and possess a photographic rote memory. I have sensory sensitivity and get upset by loud noises, bright colours or lights, and notice the texture and consistency of certain foods more making my dietary choices extremely limited or restricted to certain food components. I dislike conflict and lies. The Adult ADHD also makes me very moody and cross.
Good Evening, my friends,

I've just been assessing my Body Mass Index online using the results from the Diabetes Community Clinic in Springfield Medical Centre near my flat.

These are the results and the assessment of my body mass index:-

Height:- 167.6 Centimetres (5ft6ins)
Weight:- 83 Kilogrammes (13 Stones, 0 Pounds and 15.7388 Ounces)
My Gender:- Adult Male
Age:- 46 Years
My Activity Level:- Inactive (Due to my autistic spectrum condition and musculoskeletal disorder)

Which gives me a Body Mass Index Of:-

29.5 (Overweight)

So, my good friends, I've left the Obese Body Mass Index categorisation and am now in the overweight categorisation which means according to the online-based Body Mass Index Calculator, I need to lose between 21 and 22 kilogrammes in order to achieve my ideal body weight for my height. This will be very difficult because of the difficult chronic pain condition that I live with on a day to day basis due to my Musculoskeletal Disorder but I'm determined to take my dear elderly father's advice about 'walking through the pain' and 'avoiding sugar' and eating 'little, but often'. Sticking and committing to the Low Carbohydrate High Fat Diet is very difficult for me, but I have acknowledged that they're 'devil carbs' and that reducing them and keeping them to a minimum and consuming them sparingly will give me a better HbA1c and better blood glucose readings.

My blood glucose reading tonight, 8:35 Post Meridian, on Sunday 11th December in the Millennium Year of 2016 after occasionally ingesting a few slices of cheesy pizza with some kind of meat on them, a few cups of tea and coffee with full cream milk and sweeteners and a couple, maybe three, bowls of Shreddies from Lee, my friend, with full cream milk was a very hyperglycaemic 9.0 Millimoles Per Litre, with lots of glasses of fresh tap water, probably caused by a friend's donation of some pizza slices and another friend's offer of some bowls of Shreddies, a carbohydrate absolutely drenched in granulated sugar. I intend to do better tomorrow to get a better glycaemic index. All that muck gave me a spike in my blood glucose level. But, tomorrow's another day as my care coordinator and elderly father would say.

Lots of love to you all.

Johnny Baker (@autisticwonder1970 ), an individual with Asperger Syndrome, a neurodevelopmental autistic spectrum condition, type 2 diabetes mellitus and musculoskeletal disorder.
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Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
Thanks @debrasue .
Watched this week's gp documentary and it had young man on with similiar symptoms to mine and he was told effects of virus on sternum and ribcage ligaments. Causing breathing to hurt his chest.
The lergies may have exacerbated breathing problem. I only used multivitamins and vit c to get rid of it and a check-up at gp for chest check. I thought I was lucky!
I'm keeping my fingers crossed tight that just lergy symptom. Definitely wasn't naproxen side affect.
Hi @ickihun sorry that you are not feeling too great. I sometimes get inflammation in my ribcage - the first time I had it the doctor thought it was Pleurisy but now I recognise the signs and take ibrufen before it gets too bad. My husband has just been back to his cardiologist with breathing issues and his problem is partly caused by the beta blocker he's on to control his heart beat - like you it seems that in order to resolve one problem another has been created. Hope you get it sorted soon


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Hi @ickihun sorry that you are not feeling too great. I sometimes get inflammation in my ribcage - the first time I had it the doctor thought it was Pleurisy but now I recognise the signs and take ibrufen before it gets too bad. My husband has just been back to his cardiologist with breathing issues and his problem is partly caused by the beta blocker he's on to control his heart beat - like you it seems that in order to resolve one problem another has been created. Hope you get it sorted soon
Thankyou @Daphne917 . My breathlessness started before bisoprolol (beta blocker). I started with palpatations ( I thought from levothyroxine being too strong once I started lchf diet but blood test said no) so I increased from 30g carb diet to slowly increasing to now 250g carbs. Hence no palpatations any more. Still left with dizziness and breathlessness which varies throughout the day and activity. GP stopped Naproxen (anti-inflammatory) incase a side affect but still here after stopping those more than a month ago. In lergy weeks I used liquid sugar free ibuprofen and co-codamol. Which ibuprofen isn't advised with a cough but it was only thing which relieved my inflammed tubes and chest muscles. I'm using codeine now for chest pains and pelvic / hip/ back pain. (Assessment on 5th jan).
I'm dropping to bits. Ha ha


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
People who drive with fog lights on when its only a bit of mist
Just got back from a GP appt ... he is now wondering about my original test results

Love surprising the doc (bless him) ....

Hope things get better for you in new year @ickihun x


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Non-insulin injectable medication (incretin mimetics)
I have Asperger Syndrome which is an autism spectrum condition and a full diagnosis of Adult ADHD which are characterised by impairments in social communication, social interaction and social imagination. I also have a rigid and somewhat unpredictable routine. I also experience obsessive rituals, some a bit overwhelming. But I have a talent in articulate creative writing skills and possess a photographic rote memory. I have sensory sensitivity and get upset by loud noises, bright colours or lights, and notice the texture and consistency of certain foods more making my dietary choices extremely limited or restricted to certain food components. I dislike conflict and lies. The Adult ADHD also makes me very moody and cross.
Good Evening, my friends,

I had a very good day and commuted to the local treatment team to myself to see my care coordinator and received my care plan summary. I went shopping in my local supermarket and bought 20 grammes of hand rolling tobacco a large, sliced Bloomer loaf of bread with sesame seeds. I've been eating tomato sandwiches all afternoon plus 1 bowl of Shreddies. My blood glucose, today, 5:33 Post Meridian on Monday 12th December, 2016, was a slightly hyperglycaemic 8.8 Millimoles Per Litre.

Lots of love to you all,

Johnny Baker (@autisticwonder1970 ) an individual with Asperger Syndrome, type 2 diabetes mellitus and musculoskeletal disorder.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Anti-Gay People, Self Centre People, Two Faced People and Bad Language.
Going to ease up on the Morphine today as it is making me Hallucinate, woke up to see a man wearing a multi-coloured Jacket in my bedroom!!!! And just checked the calendar and it is not Sunday today!
Thanks to everyone for all the hugs they are much needed and appreciated :happy: xx


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Parsnips, turnips, swedes-the vegetable not the people.
Going to ease up on the Morphine today as it is making me Hallucinate, woke up to see a man wearing a multi-coloured Jacket in my bedroom!!!! And just checked the calendar and it is not Sunday today!
Thanks to everyone for all the hugs they are much needed and appreciated :happy: xx

Do you watercolor (paint)? That would make an interesting painting! No you lost a day somewhere.It is the end of Monday.
More hugs-I hope you rested well?

@autisticwonder1970 Hello-we have exactly the same height and weight at the moment. I like tomato sandwiches and shredded wheat also. I eat my tomatoes on whole wheat or rye bread and add Cheddar cheese or avocado to add some protein.I only eat one sandwich at a time now because the bread has a lot of carbohydrates which makes my blood glucose rise. I eat the kind of shredded wheat without sugar on it and use just a little honey on it and milk. Nice to meet you!


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Going to ease up on the Morphine today as it is making me Hallucinate, woke up to see a man wearing a multi-coloured Jacket in my bedroom!!!! And just checked the calendar and it is not Sunday today!
Thanks to everyone for all the hugs they are much needed and appreciated :happy: xx
God love you William. Hugs galore! I am worrying about you. Roll on thursday apoointment for you. At GPs again today. I'd hoped for an avoidance by gp callback yesterday but, nope. I have to go see him. :confused:
Id rather be on the slow train to York with naughty toddler and fighting with your tourists!
I may as well move in soon. Considering taking my sleeping bag. lol I'll be glad to see the back of 2016.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Anti-Gay People, Self Centre People, Two Faced People and Bad Language.
@ickihun - Hello Vicky, Let us know how you get on at GP's today? :)
I have to start today making my Christmas Cards and get them written and posted. The event of Christmas will be here before I know it and the New Year also. I have ordered the Alpha Lipoic Acid after reading an article about it on here. Did You/doYou take this supplement? :)x
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Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Anti-Gay People, Self Centre People, Two Faced People and Bad Language.
@PenfoldAPD - Hi :). Sorry to see your cold is still lingering with you. I take daily a combined Vitamin C and Zinc supplement and have taken it since last year to avoid coughs and colds - and so far not caught one. Thanks for the Hugs you sent me the other day, so I am sending You hugs today and hope you get well soon. :)


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
@ickihun - Hello Vicky, Let us know how you get on at GP's today? :)
I have to start today making my Christmas Cards and get them written and posted. The event of Christmas will be here before I know it and the New Year also. I have ordered the Alpha Lipoic Acid after reading an article about it on here. Did You/doYou take this supplement? :)x
I did but stopped due to expense. I will try and start it up again in new year as it reduced my insulin need, by a third. Xxx
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Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
@Liam1955 when I stopped additional vit c to multivitamins, thrush stopped too. I think those effervescent vit c kicks my thrush off. :(