Weekly weigh in - Fridays

May Mic

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Gosh, that is a good loss and a good call to stay on the minimum dose. What does it feel like on the drug - less hunger and do you feel any ill effects at all?
I feel a bit up and down food / hunger wise. I'm too full to snack, yet wake up feeling like I need to eat NOW! it takes less to make me feel full. There are times I feel a bit queasy. I find the first few days after the shot the worst and improves as the week goes on .
The food chatter in my brain has quieted for the most part.
The first few days were rough, but as I adapt it's better. Gravol helped the first few days.


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
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Tablets (oral)
Good morning everyone - how has this week been?

I managed to lose all of 0.25lb which I normally wouldn't bother reporting on or even logging, but at this stage in the game, every ounce counts!

NSV (non-scale victory) of the week: I have just realised that my office chair no longer makes a rude passing wind noise when I sit in it. I think it must have stopped a while ago, but it just occurred to me this week.

Who is finding it difficult at this time of the year? I must say, I am. Everyone keeps offering me mince pies and chocolates and I have so many dinners to go to over the next couple of weeks. Oh well, I am just concentrating on doing my best, it is all we can do, really.

Have a great week ahead!


Well-Known Member
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Diet only
I don't have a problem with people offering me dangerous-to-diabetics food because I have been very firm about refusing them in the past and finally they have got the message. But I do have a problem with the cold, as I really feel it. Today for instance I am wearing four layers of clothing on my upper body and three for the lower. And I have the fire on (we don't have central heating). And the outside temperature is +5 degrees C, which is not bad for the time of year.

Well done for the weight loss - even a small loss is heaps better than the smallest gain.


Well-Known Member
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Type 2
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Diet only
Spicy food which is too hot. Nasty people who have no idea on your life journey but feel the need to comment and be cruel.
Bit of a week. Not surprised weight up again. 216.3 +2lbs minus 1oz


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
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Tablets (oral)
Hi all, I'm back for another go, at least as long as I can make it! I gained back almost all the weight I lost, but I'm still over 2 stones lighter than my heaviest ever weight. I restarted all my BG meds (metformin, dapagliflozin and ozempic) when my carb bingeing became an issue again and I've been stuck there for months.

I'm trying lower carb and intermittent fasting again, and new for me is trying not to eat after 4pm. That won't be easy but I believe it's better to eat earlier and fast later, so I'll do my best.

I've lost 5lbs in the couple of days of low carb I've done so far, but that's probably not real! I'll take it though, it's motivating :)


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Unable to weigh this week as doing a tour of Christmas markets in Germany, so fighting both bitter cold AND temptations everywhere!
Have found the local Gluhwein doesn't rise my bg (yay!). Some of the ready made bottles in the UK do so assume theyve added sugar.
Wearing 7 or 8 layers of clothes when going out, and 2 pairs of trousers.
No idea how my body weight is doing underneath all that lot :D
See you all next week


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hypos and forum bugs
Have found the local Gluhwein doesn't rise my bg (yay!).
That's a win on the bg then, even if you have no idea what your weight is doing.

I'm 71.3kg , up 400g , but still under 72kg so I'll take it as a win, or at least not a big setback. Sorry you are all suffering in the cold. I'm out gardening most days here in the beautiful summer weather. (And the local quail have just brought out their babies. They are tiny and very very cute.)


Well-Known Member
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My stubborn pound that I can't yet lose has invited two of its chums round for a party. SO annoying. Not helping that I can't walk far at the moment (think yards not miles) as I've done something odd to one leg. It's the right leg too so I can't drive either. Next week will be better.


Well-Known Member
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Type 2
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Diet only
Spicy food which is too hot. Nasty people who have no idea on your life journey but feel the need to comment and be cruel.
My stubborn pound that I can't yet lose has invited two of its chums round for a party. SO annoying. Not helping that I can't walk far at the moment (think yards not miles) as I've done something odd to one leg. It's the right leg too so I can't drive either. Next week will be better.
I can understand how you are feeling. After my knee replacement I thought I would be able to walk more. Its not the knee that causes me trouble but my damaged spine. Of course that doesn't help the weight.


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
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Tablets (oral)
Hi everyone! I am posting early as things are extra busy at work and I may not get the chance later.

I have managed to lose 1lb this week, which is amazing as I feel I have snacked a lot more and dealing with a bit of stress at work, which usually thwarts my attempts to lose.

Anyway, I am so close to another goal, but that will probably have to wait until 2025 now as I am sure the festive temptations will scupper my attempts to diet this week.

How did you do?


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
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Tablets (oral)
3oz isn't too bad @filly! I gained 4lbs so still a pound down from the start of low(er) carb (I knew 5lbs was too good to be true!) I have to admit I'm surprised it's not worse than that with all the scoffing I've done. Have a great holiday everyone xx
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Well-Known Member
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Type 2
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Diet only
Spicy food which is too hot. Nasty people who have no idea on your life journey but feel the need to comment and be cruel.
Really wished I hadn't stood on the scales. Fruit and Mascapone might have done it up 3lbs 2 219.8


Well-Known Member
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I dropped by to catch up on how things are going. I have been struggling with a plateau for months that really bothered me, despite my good diet and daily exercise. I stopped posting here due to my teetering.

I took this past holiday week to not weigh daily and to eat some treats like key lime pie, chips and cake. But, not in large portions. I kept my meals the same. Friday I had lost 3 pounds from my last check! Isn’t that bizarre! So….I’m now 1 pound from my goal! This goal will be a major milestone for me. I’m back to my regular diet. I was hoping to reach my goal by New Year’s, but that’s probably too optimistic.

Congrats to all of you for your work this year. It matters. Cheers to healthy living in 2025! :)