What have you eaten today? (Low carb forum)


Type of diabetes
Type 2
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Diet only
You do know that the livers are cooked in butter first DJC3? . Puréeing the whole lot is the easy part. Trimming nasty bits off them first is revolting. But that’s a part time vegetarian talking there.

Yes I have made it a couple of times - in the olden days when we used to give dinner parties ( they don’t seem to be such a thing any more - or is it just us who have become antisocial/ unpopular?)
I didn’t mind the cleaning so much - I didn’t enjoy it much either - so long as I had a good pair of scissors. In fact I always used the chopped up liver as an ingredient in stuffing for chicken too.
No idea why it’s the liquidising part which makes me feel queasy.
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Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
People who think they know everything.
Yes I have made it a couple of times - in the olden days when we used to give dinner parties ( they don’t seem to be such a thing any more - or is it just us who have become antisocial/ unpopular?)
I didn’t mind the cleaning so much - I didn’t enjoy it much either - so long as I had a good pair of scissors. In fact I always used the chopped up liver as an ingredient in stuffing for chicken too.
No idea why it’s the liquidising part which makes me feel queasy.

It hadn't occurred to me, but your right, we don't often give 'dinner parties' or attend them nowadays. In recent years entertaining seems to be less formal.... barbeques, meeting up for a coffee, day time pub meals, going out for a lovely high tea with the girls (always a low carb challenge).


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
People who think they know everything.

Breakfast: usual egg mayo on crackerbread (might have to change this soon as it's no longer doing the job of preventing the continuing rise of my DP)

Lunch: busy day so may not have time but if I get home in time it will probably be a bit of cheese

Dinner: Chicken and salad

Dessert: baked spicy rhubarb and Greek yoghurt

Drinks: black decaff coffee, still spring water


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Bed 6.5 FBG 6.4. At least I know why my legs have been so bad and BGs all over the place-I am full of the cold. Caught it from No 2 and his other little friends. Was at the Mousetrap last night too so had to cancel morning Aqua and the day was spent dosing on paracetamol and dozing generally until a hot shower got me semi human. Feeling well under the weather is not a good time to have a go either on the morning school run. One of the lazy, can't be bothered brigade dumped her large 4 x 4 on double yellows, on a bend right where the kids cross before reaching the crossing lady. I couldn't see to cross never mind the kids so I politely pointed out she was blocking the view at the crossing point. I got a mouthful of abuse and she declared "ah can park where the $#@£ I like ah have a disabled badge". Really riled me up so I told her it wouldn't surprise her that I have a blue badge and although you can park on certain double yellows you cannot park on D. Yellows on a bend, on a dropped kerb, on a junction, where you are causing an obstruction and are a danger to others plus she had no physical disabilities and a few of the invisibles she wouldn't be cleared to drive. By the way, abuse of a blue badge is a £1000 fine, cancellation of the badge and potentially a court date. I was greeted with "who the blank do you think you are speaking to" - someone who has no consideration for the children present or the childrens safety so tell you what, I've told you the law and some of the penalties so I'll photograph you, your car and how it's parked and "your" blue badge and I'll phone the police OK? She was off like a shot! Still felt Ill but gee that was good.
After all that
B. TAG with ADOC. 2 slices of that wonderful bread toasted with scrambled egg. It toasts really well.
L. Nothing apart from water and paracetamol.
D. Out pre theatre. 2 large white wine spritzer, bunless burger with melted cheddar, gerkin, salad, slaw and veggie chips. Americano with a little pot of cream.
Loved the Mousetrap and it wasn't the butler - there wasn't one!


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Evenin’ All,

B: Port Salut
L: smoked salmon pate/mousse (bought, but v LC)
D: oxtail

Got the oxtail on a trip to Tescos, and v glad i went! The fresh butchery counter had oxtails (got 2) and oxcheeks (got 6).
Since then, the instant pot has seen some use:
1 oxtails in, with stock and seasonings.
2 fished out the tails, leaving stock behind
3 added ox cheeks to same stock and cooked
4 took meat off cooled tails
5 took cheeks out of broth and put into freezer containers to cool
6 put bones into broth to cook for bone broth

Tomorrow, when the broth has cooled solid, i will squelch a tablespoon of it over each meat portion ready to freeze
And then drink the rest.

Result:10+ generous carnivore meat portions and 2.5 litres of stock.

Having said all that, am feeling slightly queasy.
Just reached for a cooled mug of herb tea to find a 2 inch slug on the rim.
I don’t expect to find slugs on my crockery, in my living room.

2 theories, at the mo.
First is that twitty Jasmine the Puppy brought it in to play with on the sofa, and it migrated to the side table. Good job we are worming her regularly, eh?
Second option is that baby slug sneaked in through breeze block, and then grew. Don’t like this theory AT ALL. What has it been doing/eating while it grew. No. No. No. not an option.
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Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
I’m the same - I enjoy it it it’s made for me but can’t bring myself to actually make it. It’s the liquidising bit which makes me feel a bit queasy.
Best bought pate I have ever tasted is Morrow Foods chicken liver and brandy. Sainsburys used to stock it but it's a bit hit and miss now. The other really good one from Sainsbury's is Pate pate the fruity chicken one.
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Type of diabetes
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Diet only
Bed 6.5 FBG 6.4. At least I know why my legs have been so bad and BGs all over the place-I am full of the cold. Caught it from No 2 and his other little friends. Was at the Mousetrap last night too so had to cancel morning Aqua and the day was spent dosing on paracetamol and dozing generally until a hot shower got me semi human. Feeling well under the weather is not a good time to have a go either on the morning school run. One of the lazy, can't be bothered brigade dumped her large 4 x 4 on double yellows, on a bend right where the kids cross before reaching the crossing lady. I couldn't see to cross never mind the kids so I politely pointed out she was blocking the view at the crossing point. I got a mouthful of abuse and she declared "ah can park where the $#@£ I like ah have a disabled badge". Really riled me up so I told her it wouldn't surprise her that I have a blue badge and although you can park on certain double yellows you cannot park on D. Yellows on a bend, on a dropped kerb, on a junction, where you are causing an obstruction and are a danger to others plus she had no physical disabilities and a few of the invisibles she wouldn't be cleared to drive. By the way, abuse of a blue badge is a £1000 fine, cancellation of the badge and potentially a court date. I was greeted with "who the blank do you think you are speaking to" - someone who has no consideration for the children present or the childrens safety so tell you what, I've told you the law and some of the penalties so I'll photograph you, your car and how it's parked and "your" blue badge and I'll phone the police OK? She was off like a shot! Still felt Ill but gee that was good.
After all that
B. TAG with ADOC. 2 slices of that wonderful bread toasted with scrambled egg. It toasts really well.
L. Nothing apart from water and paracetamol.
D. Out pre theatre. 2 large white wine spritzer, bunless burger with melted cheddar, gerkin, salad, slaw and veggie chips. Americano with a little pot of cream.
Loved the Mousetrap and it wasn't the butler - there wasn't one!
Thought about a hug for cold and leg pains but ended up giving a winner for the Chelsea Tractor incident. I do hope the cold subsides and bg toes the line.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Bed 6.5 FBG 6.4. At least I know why my legs have been so bad and BGs all over the place-I am full of the cold. Caught it from No 2 and his other little friends. Was at the Mousetrap last night too so had to cancel morning Aqua and the day was spent dosing on paracetamol and dozing generally until a hot shower got me semi human. Feeling well under the weather is not a good time to have a go either on the morning school run. One of the lazy, can't be bothered brigade dumped her large 4 x 4 on double yellows, on a bend right where the kids cross before reaching the crossing lady. I couldn't see to cross never mind the kids so I politely pointed out she was blocking the view at the crossing point. I got a mouthful of abuse and she declared "ah can park where the $#@£ I like ah have a disabled badge". Really riled me up so I told her it wouldn't surprise her that I have a blue badge and although you can park on certain double yellows you cannot park on D. Yellows on a bend, on a dropped kerb, on a junction, where you are causing an obstruction and are a danger to others plus she had no physical disabilities and a few of the invisibles she wouldn't be cleared to drive. By the way, abuse of a blue badge is a £1000 fine, cancellation of the badge and potentially a court date. I was greeted with "who the blank do you think you are speaking to" - someone who has no consideration for the children present or the childrens safety so tell you what, I've told you the law and some of the penalties so I'll photograph you, your car and how it's parked and "your" blue badge and I'll phone the police OK? She was off like a shot! Still felt Ill but gee that was good.
After all that
B. TAG with ADOC. 2 slices of that wonderful bread toasted with scrambled egg. It toasts really well.
L. Nothing apart from water and paracetamol.
D. Out pre theatre. 2 large white wine spritzer, bunless burger with melted cheddar, gerkin, salad, slaw and veggie chips. Americano with a little pot of cream.
Loved the Mousetrap and it wasn't the butler - there wasn't one!

Oh Maglil55 I am applauding you as I read your post. Well done! It takes guts to confront people these days, everybody seems so rude and aggressive and full of their ‘rights’. Don’t get me started on blue badge abuse! Some friends of my dad carried on using her mother’s blue badge after her death dispite us telling them it was illegal and an appalling abuse. One day they returned from a shoppung trip where they’d parked illegally using the badge, to find their windscreen had been smashed and the badge stolen. They were affronted and couldn’t understand it when we said ‘serves you right!’
Sorry you’re feeling so rough, hope you get better soon. Did the white wine spritzer help at all?


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Oh Maglil55 I am applauding you as I read your post. Well done! It takes guts to confront people these days, everybody seems so rude and aggressive and full of their ‘rights’. Don’t get me started on blue badge abuse! Some friends of my dad carried on using her mother’s blue badge after her death dispite us telling them it was illegal and an appalling abuse. One day they returned from a shoppung trip where they’d parked illegally using the badge, to find their windscreen had been smashed and the badge stolen. They were affronted and couldn’t understand it when we said ‘serves you right!’
Sorry you’re feeling so rough, hope you get better soon. Did the white wine spritzer help at all?
It is always an uphill battle with illegal blue badge people, because they firmly believe they are entitled just because they have possession of one, by whatever means. I have a blue badge. And I know you can do without those battles...
Take care.



Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Eaten today.

Not much.

I couldn't even drink my coffee with cream.

So, been drinking tea, and water with salt and lemon in.

Decided to try breakfast of eggs and cheese bunged in microwave...

My stomach said 'yuck'.

It was too sweet!?!?! I couldn't finish it.

So, now a few hours later and second meal of the day.

Stomach is still iffy. But I still have half a can of chicken and white sauce left. So I tried just the cold chicken...3 spoonfuls later and it ends up in the bin....

I have a horrid sweet taste in my mouth today.



Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
@maglil55 and @DJC3 Boob cheese????? The "censor" lets us say that???
@gennepher how about trying the rubber eggs again, use cream or milk if you can, and nuke very slowly on a low temp, in a deepish bowl, stirring every 30 seconds? Even cooking regular eggs in microwave is pretty touch and go for me.
Well, used up my time for tonight. It's play here or sleep. Sleep wins. Goodnight all you good folk! I'll catch up when I retire.
Thank you...
Will try.
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Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Oh Maglil55 I am applauding you as I read your post. Well done! It takes guts to confront people these days, everybody seems so rude and aggressive and full of their ‘rights’. Don’t get me started on blue badge abuse! Some friends of my dad carried on using her mother’s blue badge after her death dispite us telling them it was illegal and an appalling abuse. One day they returned from a shoppung trip where they’d parked illegally using the badge, to find their windscreen had been smashed and the badge stolen. They were affronted and couldn’t understand it when we said ‘serves you right!’
Sorry you’re feeling so rough, hope you get better soon. Did the white wine spritzer help at all?
It did - I felt more relaxed but that may have been the combo of wine and paracetamol. I find it really annoying as my disability is very visible but I take the time to park safely even although it's further to walk. You just make sure you allow enough time for my slow pace. Yet these individuals dump their "Chelsea Tractors" anywhere and run across. I am also very aware of the "invisible" disabilities but you know from the way they behave whether they're "at it".
I seem to have started something as the Indian Street Food van parked across the sane corner this morning and was tackled by another parent. No sign of madam today.
Best one I ever heard was when a white van man parked in a disabled space (ladders on top), jumped out and started to run. Two ladies shouted at him "Hey, it's illegal to drive when you're blind". Without thinking he said he wasn't blind. "Oh " said the lady "I thought you had to be as there's nothing else wrong with you". I applauded them.


Well-Known Member
Bed 6.5 FBG 6.4. At least I know why my legs have been so bad and BGs all over the place-I am full of the cold. Caught it from No 2 and his other little friends. Was at the Mousetrap last night too so had to cancel morning Aqua and the day was spent dosing on paracetamol and dozing generally until a hot shower got me semi human. Feeling well under the weather is not a good time to have a go either on the morning school run. One of the lazy, can't be bothered brigade dumped her large 4 x 4 on double yellows, on a bend right where the kids cross before reaching the crossing lady. I couldn't see to cross never mind the kids so I politely pointed out she was blocking the view at the crossing point. I got a mouthful of abuse and she declared "ah can park where the $#@£ I like ah have a disabled badge". Really riled me up so I told her it wouldn't surprise her that I have a blue badge and although you can park on certain double yellows you cannot park on D. Yellows on a bend, on a dropped kerb, on a junction, where you are causing an obstruction and are a danger to others plus she had no physical disabilities and a few of the invisibles she wouldn't be cleared to drive. By the way, abuse of a blue badge is a £1000 fine, cancellation of the badge and potentially a court date. I was greeted with "who the blank do you think you are speaking to" - someone who has no consideration for the children present or the childrens safety so tell you what, I've told you the law and some of the penalties so I'll photograph you, your car and how it's parked and "your" blue badge and I'll phone the police OK? She was off like a shot! Still felt Ill but gee that was good.
After all that
B. TAG with ADOC. 2 slices of that wonderful bread toasted with scrambled egg. It toasts really well.
L. Nothing apart from water and paracetamol.
D. Out pre theatre. 2 large white wine spritzer, bunless burger with melted cheddar, gerkin, salad, slaw and veggie chips. Americano with a little pot of cream.
Loved the Mousetrap and it wasn't the butler - there wasn't one!

Well done! Some people are simply ‘too important’ for normal regulations to apply to them.
Do hope you feel well again very soon.
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Well-Known Member
Yes I have made it a couple of times - in the olden days when we used to give dinner parties ( they don’t seem to be such a thing any more - or is it just us who have become antisocial/ unpopular?)
I didn’t mind the cleaning so much - I didn’t enjoy it much either - so long as I had a good pair of scissors. In fact I always used the chopped up liver as an ingredient in stuffing for chicken too.
No idea why it’s the liquidising part which makes me feel queasy.

Of course, I’d forgotten it was a dinner party starter! I made it again when the OH was having withdrawal when pork (leberwurst, sliced sausage, bacon) was not available in one country we lived in.


Well-Known Member
I’ve been so hungry.
Tea, no breakfast.
Coffee w cream
Lunch- lasted a while because I kept looking for something more to eat.
LC bread with smoked salmon and cream horseradish.
Yoghurt with berries.
Nuts and some cheese.
Tea, coffee.
Evening. Mushroom omelette with avocado/feta salad.
A glass of red.
Done now.
Now waiting for the Christiane Amanpour interview with Angela Merkel.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Firstly @maglil55 respect and well done. If only there was a policeman with a fine book on these occasions.
Todays food:
NE1: usual slice HiLo toast, butter, tea.
NE2: Cheese and tomato omelette (out with friends!)
NE3 will be chopped aubergine, tomato and red onion sprinkled with Italian herbs, drizzled with EVOO and roasted. No plans for afters but if required will either be LoCal jelly or Lindt 90.


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
TWAM and a CWC took me to first NE @ 14.20 - a little ambivalent about re-introduction of CWC but joints and sleep pattern seem ok with it and hot cocoa is not really a summer beverage. The NE was double sized flaxseed dunnie (with psyllium husk p) smokey cheese spread, 4 cherry toms, cucumber and 2 radishes. NE2, so far, avocado, tin of mackerel in OO, 2 h/b eggs and some stray chicken in a salad with OO and ACV. May be Fage 5% and rhubarb later depending on how long and how hard I go at the exercise bike. Food was functional - a session of weights made me hungry and I doubt a drinks bottle of electrolytes will do much if I decide to hit a pace or distance target.
Showery day with warm, sunny intervals. Ideal for strawberries to be ready this weekend but stopping our grandson stripping the bed before we can give some to his little sister will be fun. Mulling over the pros and cons of drinking wine again. Not sure there is much point in having so many bottles if I am never going to drink it.
ETA: There was grated cheese with NE2.
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Type of diabetes
I reversed my Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Hi all
@maglil55 respect for your tackling the Chelsea tractor driver - well done you.
I made a fresh batch of lc seeded crispbreads again today - I seem to be addicted to them! Milled my own seed today in a grinder and worked really well they seem lighter and crisper with less milled flaxseed in. I bought a large pack of cheap ground flaxseed a few weeks ago and don’t like results as much when use this so trying grinding an organic omega 3 whole seed mix i have instead - much better. Also had a go at lowering the carb content of OH,s fave Nigella tea loaf which is still not that low, more medium carb, but OH happy with result. Swapped sugar for erythritol and flour for ground almonds but it still has a fair amount of dried fruit in it - great when an idea works though.
Breakfast bacon and egg plus last two of previous lc crispbreads
Lunch tin of wild salmon served with dressing of avc and advocado oil and lc crispbreads followed by four squares of 100% choc
Dinner spritzer of white wine and soda water catching last of sun before dinner, beef curry with .....lc crispbreads! Pudding home made lc raspberry ice cream.


Retired Moderator
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Evening all.

@maglil55 congratulations on the Chelsea Tractor incident and big hugs for the cold.

@DJC3 and @Chook - can’t remember the last dinner party I went to. Definitely think they’re a thing of the past.

A hungry day today and a day when I gave in to the chocolate craving that’s been going on for days - remained under 20g carbs.

Lunch was M&S Serrano ham and manchego cheese rollitos and a bag of their pork crackling. Then began the chocolate episodes. Found the attached in Whole Foods - 3.1g carbs per 35g bar. A little on the bitter side but therefore difficult to over consume. 30g almonds too.

Dinner was Arbroath kippers from M&S. Delicious as ever. Post dinner visit to new independent supermarket yielded a 30g bar of Montezumas very dark (73%) chocolate. Too sweet, but worth a shot just to see. These small bars are a very good idea.

Also stocked up on lamb today - whole shoulder (cut into 6 portions) and whole neck (cut into 2) on Ramadan special offer at a butcher near the office.

Editing to add the attachment.

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