What have you eaten today? (Low carb forum)


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He says hello back - you are his favourite auntie after you warned of possible catastrophe with the chocolate a while ago!
Very happy to be someones favourite auntie, especially when it is to a favourite nephew who is a very good boy!
Glad to hear he still likes me despite having had to spend a night at the vets because of my message! ;)
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Not much on yesterdays menu that was moderate low carb, as my body demanded and got a bucket load of stuff that I have not eaten for a long while.

Single malt whisky before going to bed, with a extra oxvcodone as the pains were starting up in my gut.


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Not much on yesterdays menu that was moderate low carb, as my body demanded and got a bucket load of stuff that I have not eaten for a long while.

Single malt whisky before going to bed, with a extra oxvcodone as the pains were starting up in my gut.
Fingers crossed for a better day today. Not necessarily with less carbs than yesterday but I sure hope you're feeling better than yesterday, no matter what you eat.


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Almost 9 am and I've finally woken up. The chair was reasonably comfortable for a full night's sleep, which was better than I expected. On my second cup of tea - the first was around 4 am when I did wake up for a while, but that's normal for me. I've taken my basal insulin and a dose of my bolus, ready for breakfast in a short time. That will be bacon and egg with a slice of wholemeal toast.

2nd meal today will be the remainder of the beef stew from the pack I defrosted yesterday. I obviously misjudged when I packed it away - 2 serving spoonsful is too much for one meal. Must make sure not to use that spoon as a measure again.


Retired Moderator
Type of diabetes
I reversed my Type 2
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Tablets (oral)
Breakfast: my usual low carb coconut ‘porridge’ with strawberries washed down with a black coffee.
Late morning: black coffee and a phd bar.
Skipped lunch.
Mid afternoon: black coffee and an Aldi protein bar.
Dinner: salmon and cream cheese on a LC roll with a couple of baby tomatoes and coleslaw followed by SF strawberry jelly and cream.



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football, both the game and the culture.
More than a week since my last post. Busy time. Several soial occasions have made both LC and eating less impossible. I can tell by my belt needing to be let out another again that no weight has been lost this week. Might even be a gain. Will probably weigh tomorrow morning. Or should I wait until chance of better result?
2 cups lemon and ginger tea
Coffee mid morning, more coffee with friends during our French lesson and then an unexpected invitation to lunch.
Lunch ham with macedoine salad and diced tomatoes. "Roast" chicken ( it was actually deep fried chicken leg) served with a potato rostï . Again fried and unpleasantly greasy. I opted for cheese as didn't like the sound of lemon cake, which turned out to be lemon meringue pie. MrSlim assures me I didn't miss out on deliciousness. Two small glasses of wine and several of water with lunch. Coffee afterwards. I asked for milk in mine- there might have been as much as a teaspoonful of milk in it when it arrived. The colour wasn't noticeably different from the black coffee some others were drinking.
Back home tea and a late snack of one fried egg on a small slice of low carb toast. Coffee.
Managed to get some seeds, carrots onions and spinach, in the garden, maybe too late in the season, but worth trying anyway.
Weather is partly sunny, but wind has changed direction. Two days ago was outside in vest top and short shorts at nine pm. Today wished I had worn jeans and wanted a jumper or jacket. Long sleeved t-shirt and knee length shorts just don't cut it.
Shopping on the way home for hornet nest exterminator. Our friend has an interest in beekeeping and has lent MrSlim her suit. She is considerably shorter and wider than him, but the hat and gloves will be very useful. He plans to wear chainsuit trousers as well. That only leaves the top half to cover up. Will be really glad when this is over. It's a dangerous task.
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football, both the game and the culture.
I actually turned down a bar of Kendal Mint Cake yesterday tea time what my neighbour had brought back from Hawes as they had been out hiking he knows I love Kendal mint cake.
Well done you. Despite all the difficulties in your life you were strong enough to turn away from this sugary treat.
I used to love the brown sugar version.
Best wishes to you.
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The day started well, two hard boiled eggs, two slices of low carb toast and vegimite for breakfast.

The Blue Care nurse came in with a cake, so a a carby smoko after she told us that this was her last day working for BC, as she is going to take a year or two off to start a family and some extra studying. Another great nurse who understands how to dress chronic leg wounds gone.

Spag bol for lunch without any reheated pasta so eat the full strength variety, my stomach felt comfortablly full as well, first time for a long time.

Least said about supper at six I think. :meh:

A glass or two of single malt before bed.


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Been AWOL. House sitting for friends out of town and trying to balance work with house hunting. House sitting involves looking after 2 cats, one of which has become my shadow!

A bit too much contraband being consumed, but I bought an air fryer which will stay here until I return for another month of house sitting. Seems to take a bit longer to cook things than the one I have at home. Yesterday it cooked lamb ribs for dinner, which followed an earlier meal of cold meats and cheese. In between was a visit to Hotel Chocolat for hot chocolate and whip!

I also found some small tubs of ice cream in Waitrose which aren’t too bad carb-wise. The ingredients were certainly ’better’ (perhaps less bad is a more accurate phrase) than the Oppo, which I haven’t seen for a while and now contains maltitol and fructose! Pic of packaging below. The salted caramel is a bit too sweet, but the vanilla is decent.

Oh and a picture of the cat, looking round indignantly as I’d stopped stroking her. She was very interested in the cream that went with my ice cream. She wasn’t allowed any as her owners don’t feed the cats any human food.



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Brunch - tinned salmon salad. Was a lot nicer than it sounds. Followed by a small piece of cheese as I'd forgotten to take my blasted tablet with the meal.

Dinner - red cabbage/leftover lamb stew made the Eastern European way, tweaked to be diabetes-friendly. Small Lidl Greek yoghurt.


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Type 2
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Diet only
Hi All have been off the forum and not testing much while away for a week near the Tamar estuary which was quite relaxing. I tried to keep low carb the only deviation was scampi on two evenings with either salad or green veg. On both occasions it was good quality without a thick coating and it was a real treat. Had steak a couple of evenings and had two meals a day with brunch of scrambled eggs, mushrooms and tomato twice at home and twice out. So now back to reality.
Today I had one sesame seed Ryvita buttered with lots of tea for breakfast before I loaded the laundry and headed out to do a big shop.
Just had lunch of bit of cheddar with a chopped tomato and a small avocado.
Indian t/a later of Tandoori King Prawns and cauli bhajee.


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Breakfast: wholemeal toast with Dairylea.

2nd meal will be: pork, apple, onion and cheese sausages with braised cabbage. Very hungry right now, but I'll have to wait until later.
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Yesterday was an odd day, foodwise. Was going to have my first brussels sprouts of the year with a burger. :hungry:
But just as I was about to eat my first meal of the day, early afternoon, I got a long phonecall from my cousin that my aunt had been admitted to a hospital in France, while on holiday. She has a double lung embolism but my cousing knew nothing more at the time so we spoke for a long time, being worried.
Sufficiently killed my appetite too, so breakfast was postponed until 4:30.
Which meant I wasn't hungry again until 10 pm, and by then i didn't feel like cooking anymore so I had a slice of bread with cheese, tomato and mayo, and a slice with filet amèricain, which I don't think is a thing in the UK. It's raw minced beef with mayo, ketchup and spices I think (not sure, I've never dared to look at the ingredients :hilarious:).

So hopefully I'll have my brussels sprouts today! :)

My aunt is doing much better, thankfully, although she'll have to stay in the hospital in France for a bit. No flying until the blood clots still in her legs have dissolved.


Well-Known Member
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Spicy food which is too hot. Nasty people who have no idea on your life journey but feel the need to comment and be cruel.
Black coffee and cream
Beef and butter
Fish and mixed veg
Would have eaten an avocado but still rock hard!


Type of diabetes
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Yesterday was an odd day, foodwise. Was going to have my first brussels sprouts of the year with a burger. :hungry:
But just as I was about to eat my first meal of the day, early afternoon, I got a long phonecall from my cousin that my aunt had been admitted to a hospital in France, while on holiday. She has a double lung embolism but my cousing knew nothing more at the time so we spoke for a long time, being worried.
Sufficiently killed my appetite too, so breakfast was postponed until 4:30.
Which meant I wasn't hungry again until 10 pm, and by then i didn't feel like cooking anymore so I had a slice of bread with cheese, tomato and mayo, and a slice with filet amèricain, which I don't think is a thing in the UK. It's raw minced beef with mayo, ketchup and spices I think (not sure, I've never dared to look at the ingredients :hilarious:).

So hopefully I'll have my brussels sprouts today! :)

My aunt is doing much better, thankfully, although she'll have to stay in the hospital in France for a bit. No flying until the blood clots still in her legs have dissolved.
Sorry to hear about your Aunt, Antje. That's very worrying for you and all of your family. Does she have another family member with her, or a friend? Awful to be in hospital, far from home and nobody with you to keep track of what is happening. Horrible too, to be far away from her and not really knowing what is happening. Hug for you and her and hoping she recovers and gets home soon.
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Both types of sausage were good. The ones with hard cheese (Caerphilly) were very tasty but not at all cheesey. The ones with riccotta were a bit wetter but still good. Again, no cheesey taste but still tasty but pretty soft.

The bulk of the sausages are now in the freezer. Once they are used up, I will make more, but might use a stronger cheese - I did consider using a pretty strong cheddar, but thought it might be too strong. That's for the next experiment.

For some reason BG dropped this morning to 3.4 so I had another slice of wholemeal bread with some butter and ham. But then again, it dropped to 3.8 a little while ago. Had a cup of tea and that brought it up to 4.1 so then I decided to cook my sausages. That should do it for tonight. I hope.


Retired Moderator
Type of diabetes
I reversed my Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Breakfast: my usual low carb coconut ‘porridge’ with strawberries washed down with a black coffee.
Late morning: black coffee and a phd bar.
Skipped lunch.
Mid afternoon: black coffee and an Aldi high protein bar.
Dinner: Chinese take away: crispy duck, 3 small pancakes, a smidge of sauce and veggies followed by SF blackcurrant jelly and cream.



Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
I also found some small tubs of ice cream in Waitrose which aren’t too bad carb-wise. The ingredients were certainly ’better’ (perhaps less bad is a more accurate phrase) than the Oppo
The coffee latte one I like from Morrisons is only milk, cream , coffee and sugar (not in that order), nothing nasty at all, and only £2.99 per 500ml