What have you eaten today? (Low carb forum)


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I Love Manchego, a tasty nutty flavour & lately Tesco has had it in their Clubcard £6 for 2, as opposed to £4. I hope you enjoy yours, Annb, as that is pricey. I hope you get over your infection speedily, at least you'll have a treat to look forward to.

Planned dinner is stuffed mushrooms today, followed by, funnily enough, some Manchego & Ossau Iraty, my 2 for £6!!
Just checked the price of Ossau Iraty online. A bit better priced than the manchego at £8.66 for 200g. Postage to be added, of course. I could ask Neil to look for that in Tesco as well. The price you got it for seems to be a bargain.


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Just checked the price of Ossau Iraty online. A bit better priced than the manchego at £8.66 for 200g. Postage to be added, of course. I could ask Neil to look for that in Tesco as well. The price you got it for seems to be a bargain.
Still pricey, but if it's the only way you can get it....
I think the 2 for £6 saves £1.50 on the usual cost of buying separately, so it is a good deal. Hopefully Neil finds some for you, as it's always nice to try something different.


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Diet only
Hi All still MIA
So back to Friday’s supper which was salmon fillets baked in oven with chopped mushrooms and pak choi with good dash Teriyaki sauce served with cauli rice.
Sat usual brekkie of slice LC toast, copious tea. @maglil55 LOVED that blue octopus mug though sizewise would need 3 mugs to be copious. I use Royal Doulton pastels which are bigger than average!! But thanks for thinking of me!
Lunch was prawn & avo cocktail, why can I not love avos, I occasionally buy one but even if its the right firmness I can’t feel good about them.
Supper was h/m chicken curry and green veg.
Sunday usual brekkie.
Lunch was a half Scotch egg and two slices corned beef scrapped together from fridge a bit late because more importantly I had my 3 month old grandson to feed and read to…total bliss.
Supper was Chinese t/a Prawn with ginger and spring onion accompanied by Pak Choi, preceded by one sticky rib.
Today usual brekkie.
Lunch chicken soup accompanied by buttered slice of wholemeal bloomer bought for Mr P but too tempting. I really have to watch for carb creep. When I put some peanuts in the crisp and snack area I have a big paper sign that says “These things are BAD for you” to keep me clear of crisps, chip sticks and whatever Mr P’s haul is.
@Antje77 I can’t tell you how much I enjoy hearing about your exciting adventures noctunal or otherwise and the way you relay them you should write a book, with illustrations.


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Still pricey, but if it's the only way you can get it....
I think the 2 for £6 saves £1.50 on the usual cost of buying separately, so it is a good deal. Hopefully Neil finds some for you, as it's always nice to try something different.
Ossau Iraty works out at 5p short of £67 for a kilo - including postage. Shan't be buying that. If Tesco can sell it for so much less, I can't see why it should be so expensive online. I'll get Neil and Alistair to keep an eye out for it in Tesco.


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Spicy food which is too hot. Nasty people who have no idea on your life journey but feel the need to comment and be cruel.
Coffee and cream x 2
Coffee and whipped cream
Cottage cheese and tomatoes
Beef strips and mixed veg stir fry in coconut oil.


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I reversed my Type 2
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Diet only
Breakfast kefir then two boiled eggs with LC roll
Lunchtime a few frozen berries mixed with some hm bifido yoghurt then a few squares of 100% chocolate
Dinner remainder of yesterday's slow cooked beef served with cauliflower mash then LC coffee and walnut cake with decaffeinated coffee.
Interesting article today in Guardian about fermented foods edit just saw @ianpspurs also linked already in the kefir thread


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Hello all - I pushed out for a 24 hour fast today, made it to 23, which I'm perfectly happy with!

Sparkling mineral water
Matcha green tea


2 chaffles
100g minced beef with cauliflower rice, red pepper, onion, roasted aubergine and courgette
Beef was 20% fat, cauli rice was tossed in butter, and the aubergine and courgette were roasted in coconut oil
glass of kefir
strong black coffee

I was so eager to eat I forgot to have some veggies first!!


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Morning all, hope everyone well,had one of those hungry days yesterday so added in almonds and a chunk of cheese,resisted the call of hubby’s biscuits, hurray!
B Yog, seeds,raspberries
L Smoked salmon,avocado,salad
D Roast duck leg,roast celeriac,cabbage and broccoli
Well done @sueh21 for keeping to real food and resisting those biscuits.


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Evening all


B: Two poached eggs topped with a knob of butter, avocado and four tiger prawns, seasoned with a good grinding of black pepper.
Water to swallow tablet.

L: Espinacas con garbanzos using spinach, kale, chick peas, Padrón chillies, almonds, pistachios, Greek yoghurt, tomato purée, garlic, paprika, cumin seeds, olive oil and touch of red wine vinegar.(omitting the traditional toasted bread cubes from mine).
Marinated carrots cut on the diagonal with garlic, ground cumin, paprika, oregano and apple cider vinegar.
Steamed French beans and mangetout smothered with butter.
Skipped pud.
Water to drink.

D: Seafood salad made with brown shrimps, mussels, finely shredded red cabbage, apple peel, celery, baby plum tomatoes and mustard cress with a dollop of aioli for dipping, topped with parsley and toasted macadamias.
Water to swallow tablets.


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Diet only
After too much alcohol and food last evening, I had a very bad nights sleep and felt nauseous and headachy most of the day.
I did get to exercise class but went straight home after ( usually coffee after with friends is a highlight of my week.
Fell asleep in a chair for nearly 2 hours.
Finally broke fast at 2pm with 2 scrambled eggs and some lc chocolate and avocado mousse

D: a bit of ham, cheese and coleslaw

Even hubby didn't feel good all day, maybe it is just a combination of eating late and having more alcohol than usual. Am sure our neighbours didn't intentionally set out to make us ill!


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For tea tonight I cooked a sirloin steak, mushrooms and (proper) broccoli.



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I first saw and tasted tartiflette at a Continental Market which used to come to Stornoway a good few years ago now. One of the stallholders was making it on a hotplate, chopping everything together as it all cooked. The potatoes were pre cooked then onion, bacon and, lastly, cheese added. The smell was delicious and quite irresistable. That was my first taste and I made it in much the same way after that. Until potato went off the menu. Tried with celeriac but it just wasn't the same - not that I seem to be able to get celeriac here any more. Cauliflower is out for me and I really don't fancy the idea of swede or turnip. Could just do bacon, onion and cheese, I suppose, but it wouldn't be tartiflette.
I just had the same meal as yesterday and the day before (cauliflower, bacon, raclette cheese) but added a fried onion, thanks to your post @Annb .
Very good addition. :joyful:

Dosing for it is a bit of a puzzle. I'd say it would need at least 3 units, but for some unknown reason I'm in the low 4's. I would still dose for it, but my friend and I are supposed to go for a late night swim, depending on her 12 year old who is having some trouble. So no dosing for now, I won't need it if we do go skinny dipping (eh, it's dark, no-one will see us so no need to get our bathing suits wet), but I hope it won't mess up my BG too much if we don't.
@Antje77 I can’t tell you how much I enjoy hearing about your exciting adventures noctunal or otherwise and the way you relay them you should write a book, with illustrations.
Thank you!
I'm always struggling to keep mostly on topic on this thread, it's just too friendly in here.



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Very odd day. I didn't eat until about 1400. BG had risen after 1st cup of tea, but then dropped into the 5's and it has stayed there all day. Had my chicken and mushrooms and the cabbage and chorizo on the side. Took a low dose of bolus before that because BG was already low. It stayed in the 5's. Felt a bit hungry about 1800 so had one of Em's biscuits with another cup of tea. No effect on BG. Really dropped my guard then and had one of Em's ice creams and later again, some mashed potato with butter. Still in the 5's. Very odd.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Breakfast kefir then two boiled eggs with LC roll
Lunchtime a few frozen berries mixed with some hm bifido yoghurt then a few squares of 100% chocolate
Dinner remainder of yesterday's slow cooked beef served with cauliflower mash then LC coffee and walnut cake with decaffeinated coffee.
Interesting article today in Guardian about fermented foods edit just saw @ianpspurs also linked already in the kefir thread

Thanks for the link. (I hadn’t realised there was a kefir thread! )


Type of diabetes
Type 2
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Diet only
@PenguinMum what a wonderful lunchtime with your grandson. What did you read to him?
I laughed at your ‘BAD for you’ sign to yourself, I think I might copy that idea.
2 meals for me today, late-ish breakfast of h/m yoghurt raspberries and seeds.
Late lunch/early dinner of salad which was nice enough but as I’d been cold all day it didn’t help. Followed by a couple of squares Montezuma’s Absolute black.
Out to the cinema to see the Bob Marley film, took a diet cola and pack of Cheesies.


Well-Known Member
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I Love Manchego, a tasty nutty flavour & lately Tesco has had it in their Clubcard £6 for 2, as opposed to £4. I hope you enjoy yours, Annb, as that is pricey. I hope you get over your infection speedily, at least you'll have a treat to look forward to.

Planned dinner is stuffed mushrooms today, followed by, funnily enough, some Manchego & Ossau Iraty, my 2 for £6!!
Evening @Annb and @jessj

I like Manchego too, but it is expensive. We were fond of Berkswell, another ewe's milk cheese, less oily than Manchego, made in the West Midlands, but sadly its creators shut up shop just before Christmas. Another cheesemaker now cares for the herd, so you never know what might emerge.


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Ossau Iraty works out at 5p short of £67 for a kilo - including postage. Shan't be buying that. If Tesco can sell it for so much less, I can't see why it should be so expensive online. I'll get Neil and Alistair to keep an eye out for it in Tesco.
:eek: That's a rip off or extra special!
If you can't find any there, let me know & I'll happily send you up a cheesy care package, not a problem.

ETA: Sorry @LivingLightly, I replied to AnnB & only just caught up & seen your post. It's a shame that Berkswell isn't made any more, not heard of it, but would have tried it. Here's to them passing over their product notes & it or something very similar is made.
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I can't recall if I replied, but if not, of course I don't object. The exact sentiment was "Happy 39th anniversary of your 41st birthday, and still just as fabulous!"

Thanks, pinched! as I have an 80th coming up soon and it's perfect, although they might need it explaining to them which could kill the wit somewhat, but I'll give it a go anyway.

Yes, to save quoting again, my dad used to do ghost stories which we all used to enjoy. Scary maggie sounds fun.

Food been on and off last few days not had the desire for anything but one meal a day and picking a few bits here and there

Better half is home now and well, sleep patterns have been quite peculiar recently so not been on.

Egg and bacon today, rolled up some chorizo in Emmental stood at the fridge earlier. Square of 85% choc.

Going to search or walk the thread backwards to find a thing that I saw on here about ricotta soufflé/pancake type things, looked lovely but don't recall the details.

Edit: found it, thanks for posting <3
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