What have you eaten today? (Low carb forum)


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okra. Cigarette smoke, old, new, and permeating a room, wafting from a balcony, etc etc. That I have so many chronic diseases. That I take so very many meds. Being cold. Anything too loud, but specifically non-classical music and the television.
@maglil55 I am sitting at your feet learning how to be a gramma! Hoping that #1+dil will have better luck this next try... We also have this type of garbage disposal. I remember when we got our first one, 1982 it was! They were the best thing since sliced bread - you didn’t have to get up before dawn to get the bags out (can’t leave out, even in the city the raccoons would get them...)
@Charis1213 your menu looked delicious!


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Isn't the human body range amazing?
I was 5 foot 7 inches by my 11th birthday (and then stopped growing upwards).
And even at that age and not overweight, I took size 12-14 clothes. Breadth of shoulders and pelvic bones made it a necessity.
I can't envisage ever getting down to that size again, but if I did, there wouldn't be much flesh over the bones, at all. I think my skeleton would be a size 10 :hilarious:
The body fascinates me!! I spent some time working in Uganda when I left school and when I came home I was the thinnest and lightest I’ve ever been as an adult and looked a little ill. Yet still needed a size 10 as my hips were always wide. But then now I am back in a size 10 and yet am a lot heavier than I was all those years ago. My body must have found some internal storage solutions for the extra weight! (Now envisaging my insides looking like a fitted wardrobes advert where they make the most of the space :D)


Type of diabetes
I reversed my Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
The body fascinates me!! I spent some time working in Uganda when I left school and when I came home I was the thinnest and lightest I’ve ever been as an adult and looked a little ill. Yet still needed a size 10 as my hips were always wide. But then now I am back in a size 10 and yet am a lot heavier than I was all those years ago. My body must have found some internal storage solutions for the extra weight! (Now envisaging my insides looking like a fitted wardrobes advert where they make the most of the space :D)
I must admit that I think sizes have gone up in capacity! Often in charity shops if they have old m and s clothes often labelled st michaels I find the 10s fit but a bit snug whereas now need to get 8 and sometimes 6 in m and s. Could also be that the fabrics are more stretchy and forgiving. Who knows - makes me feel very thin though even though I’m not really skinny. Need some new clothes for gym so going to work out what age child’s clothes I can fit into also gather shoes and trainers for kids now go up to 7 so as I’m a 5 should be fine!


Type of diabetes
I reversed my Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Hope good Monday had by all. I had an interesting morning as had a free trial pass to local gym and pool and really enjoyed it especially the relaxing bits the jacuzzi, sauna and steam room. So OH and I are giving it a few days of thought but may well join on one of their offers. I need to build up some upper body strength as I’m now struggling to open jars and tins etc! Pm lots of jobs and sorting as off very early in am to York’s and mums for a couple of days.
No breakfast as rushed out to gym and pool
Lunch cheese omelette and slice lc lemon cake
Dinner chicken, salad, celeriac and butternut squash chips with dollop of mayo followed by more LC lemon cake with yoghurt.
This version of lc lemon cake has a highish proportion of psyllium husk so it’s very high fibre and very filling!


Retired Moderator
Type of diabetes
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Diet only
Hi all. Bit late posting as changed my routine - planned gym after dinner but arrived home not feeling hungry so reversed and worked out before eating. For the first time ever gym workout resulted in BG going down. Will be interested in FBG after a much later meal though.

Lunch was a heated up portion of a minced beef, bacon and cheesey thing I made a while back. Didn’t quite HTS so bought a bag of M&S (seems to be retailer of the day) pork crackling while on my post lunch walk: lovely sunny day here too, @Chook

Dinner was a Diet Doctor breakfast sandwich followed by a new version of lazy mousse. Melted 2 Hotel Chocolat 100% batons in a ramekin and added 30g extra thick Jersey cream.


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Another day at the Eye Hospital with Mr B for his injections. It's always tiring and very stressful, although the staff are always lovely. 4 weeks always come around so quickly. :( The good news is that the macular oedema is still stable, but they aren't wanting to move to 8 week intervals yet. So, we're back there again in 4 weeks. Food today has been about treats, to keep the spirits up.
Brunch at a local café: Mr B had a cooked breakfast without the carbs. I had smoked salmon and scrambled eggs. Americanos with cream
Dinner: Grazing plate of olives, spiced nuts, Comté, mature Gouda, sliced turkey, cucumber. Followed by a very indulgent hot chocolate made with Willies Cacao Venezuelan Black Rio Caribe 100%, Almond milk and cream.


Retired Moderator
Type of diabetes
I reversed my Type 2
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Tablets (oral)
Breakfast: my usual low carb coconut ‘porridge’ with strawberries and cream washed down with a black coffee.
Lunch: left over gammon with cauliflower and broccoli salad followed by Greek yoghurt and raspberries.
Mid afternoon: peach chia pudding and black coffee.
Dinner: salmon fillets with creamy peppercorn sauce and mixed veg. followed by SF jelly, cream and LC chocolate granola


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okra. Cigarette smoke, old, new, and permeating a room, wafting from a balcony, etc etc. That I have so many chronic diseases. That I take so very many meds. Being cold. Anything too loud, but specifically non-classical music and the television.
@Brunneria I used to love chocolate halva! I see some innnteresting recipes out there.
@SlimLizzy oh how devastating re sale that fell through. That is very stressful, so sorry!
@Tipetoo I’m in Virginia USA, where we do have 4 seasons, and the grill is often too big/heavy to move. We have been known to set up a small party canopy on the deck in the snow/rain if there was something that had to go on the grill and nowhere else.


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Evening all. What a Monday - I should be home from work at 5.30. I instead finally got home half an hour ago thanks to anything and everything going wrong so needing to stay to resolve issues. In that long day I only found time to consume coffee and tea. Needless to say the chip shop was almost shouting my name on the drive home so a tray of kebab meat it was - and can’t lie, it was a large tray too as I was absolutely starving! Although in the grand scheme of today I’m actually pretty proud of myself for not caving in completely and having chips too :angelic: and just about made it home in time for my princess’s bedtime - so lots of nice cuddles and the world is a happy place once more :)


Retired Moderator
Type of diabetes
Type 2
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Diet only
Evenin’ All,

B: low carb hot choc n cream
L: 2 spiced crackers (2.9g carbs ea) with cheese and butter, followed by a chunk of sugar free halva
D: diced lamb with oomi noodles and (cough) garlic pickle

Told you it was a new addiction.


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
Evenin’ All,

B: low carb hot choc n cream
L: 2 spiced crackers (2.9g carbs ea) with cheese and butter, followed by a chunk of sugar free halva
D: diced lamb with oomi noodles and (cough) garlic pickle

Told you it was a new addiction.

Have you stopped your carnivore diet?


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Diet only
football, both the game and the culture.

Woke up in the night feeling very strange. Hot and sweaty. Thirsty. Guess all those excess carbs got their revenge. Although test result was not hugely high.
2.50am BG 6.4 Glass of water, back to bed.

7.06 before breakfast BG 5.6
No breakfast: Not even tea, glass of water only. Leaving early to go the body shop. Will be glad when all the work is finished.
Phone call from estate agent, we have a good offer:woot:
12.28pm before lunch 5.6
Lunch: piece of toast, 50g cheddar cheese, cup of tea
2.39 After lunch 5.7
6.50pm before dinner 5.4
Dinner: roast beef, 2 tiny roast potatoes, cauliflower cheese, fried leeks and sprouts. Glass of wine, not a large one.
I did eat that creme caramel. But mindful of the carbs later went into the garden and did 100 skips. Hoping that will help.
9.22pm after dinner 5.4 Somehow missed the 2 hours.
Apart from skips no exercise, still packing must count for something? It does not however add to the steps for day total.
A measly 3424
Still missing 540 calories. Thats why breakfast is a must. Its almost impossible to get enough without it. After last night dont want to eat a lot more today. Maybe just a cup of tea.

edited for typo
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Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Evening all
I’ve eaten a lot more than I intended to today, and expect bgs will be up tomorrow to serve me right.

Substantial breakfast (DD breakfast sandwich) and lunch ( leftover chicken casserole) as Monday is yoga night and so I dont normally have dinner.

Then middle daughter phoned to say she’d got her 1st year mental health nursing exam results and she’d done so well (98%) that we decided to go out to celebrate this evening.
Had a ribeye steak and salad which was delicious, then back home for a scoop of choc and hazelnut Oppo.

I’d like to think I will eat less tomorrow to make up for today but I will probably wake up hungry - often happens after a big evening meal.

@BibaBee it doesn’t seem 4 weeks since you were last at the eye hosp, I’m so glad it’s still good news for Mr B.

@Emma_369 I’m glad you got back home in time for bedtime stories and cuddles, makes everything worthwhile doesn’t it?

@shelley262 have a good trip back up to Yorks tomorrow, have you packed some nice low carb treats for your mum? I remember she loved your new herby crackers. Glad you enjoyed the gym, I’m also trying to improve my upper body strength.

@DCUKMod am smiling at the thought of you in a Frozen sweatshirt such as my granddaughter wears.


Well-Known Member
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Diet only
football, both the game and the culture.
@SlimLizzy oh how devastating re sale that fell through. That is very stressful, so sorry!
Thanks for your suppport. We had four viewings and today have accepted a slightly higher offer than previous one. Silver linings and all that. Did wonder if stress contributed to my funny turn in the night?


Well-Known Member
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Tablets (oral)
Evening all
I’ve eaten a lot more than I intended to today, and expect bgs will be up tomorrow to serve me right.

Substantial breakfast (DD breakfast sandwich) and lunch ( leftover chicken casserole) as Monday is yoga night and so I dont normally have dinner.

Then middle daughter phoned to say she’d got her 1st year mental health nursing exam results and she’d done so well (98%) that we decided to go out to celebrate this evening.
Had a ribeye steak and salad which was delicious, then back home for a scoop of choc and hazelnut Oppo.

I’d like to think I will eat less tomorrow to make up for today but I will probably wake up hungry - often happens after a big evening meal.

@BibaBee it doesn’t seem 4 weeks since you were last at the eye hosp, I’m so glad it’s still good news for Mr B.

@Emma_369 I’m glad you got back home in time for bedtime stories and cuddles, makes everything worthwhile doesn’t it?

@shelley262 have a good trip back up to Yorks tomorrow, have you packed some nice low carb treats for your mum? I remember she loved your new herby crackers. Glad you enjoyed the gym, I’m also trying to improve my upper body strength.

@DCUKMod am smiling at the thought of you in a Frozen sweatshirt such as my granddaughter wears.
It's actually only been about 3 weeks since we were there to see the consultant, but 4 since the last injections. It goes so fast! Congratulations...you must be so chuffed for your daughter! I'm craving ribeye steak now!