What have you eaten today? (Low carb forum)


Type of diabetes
I reversed my Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Breakfast: my usual low carb coconut ‘porridge’ with strawberries and cream washed down with a black coffee.
Lunch: left over carbonara made from Explore Cuisine edamame spaghetti followed by Greek yoghurt and raspberries.
Mid afternoon: raspberry chia pudding and black coffee.
Dinner: gammon steak, fried egg and roasted Mediterranean veggies followed by SF jelly, cream and LC chocolate granola and a small piece of Montezuma with orange and cacao nibs :hungry:
What did you think of the orange montezumas? I’m a bit addicted to it


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Just dinner today breaking 30hr fast trying to get bg down a bit. Lots of CWC through the day.
Waitrose beef brisket with spinach and roast broccoli then raspberries and extra thick cream. Then more CWC and my stop button seemed broken so continued with some chocolate nut squares.
@ianpspurs great news about the new addition to your family, many congratulations to all.
@dunelm those horrible flavourless half tomatoes get everywhere - what is the point of them. Glad the coffee was good.


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
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Tablets (oral)
Congratulations @ianpspurs on the new arrival!

Quick post from me tonight, as stuff to get ready for a work trip up to the north east tomorrow. Low carb lasagne made for Mr B for tomorrow night. I'm a bit worried about leaving him on his own tbh, as he is quite low at the moment. His vision isn't great again (improvements have tailed off), but we have an eye hospital appointment this Friday, so we should find out what is going on.

B: Orange and lemon chia. Black coffee.
Mid morning: Almond Milk Cappuccino w/ splash of cream
L: Cold roast beef on DD rolls
D: Jalapeño and Gouda stuffed Frankfurters with hm coleslaw and DD roll. SF Jelly and cream. Decaf coffee with cream. Small chunk 85% choc


Staff Member
Type of diabetes
I reversed my Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Congratulations @ianpspurs on the new arrival!

Quick post from me tonight, as stuff to get ready for a work trip up to the north east tomorrow. Low carb lasagne made for Mr B for tomorrow night. I'm a bit worried about leaving him on his own tbh, as he is quite low at the moment. His vision isn't great again (improvements have tailed off), but we have an eye hospital appointment this Friday, so we should find out what is going on.

B: Orange and lemon chia. Black coffee.
Mid morning: Almond Milk Cappuccino w/ splash of cream
L: Cold roast beef on DD rolls
D: Jalapeño and Gouda stuffed Frankfurters with hm coleslaw and DD roll. SF Jelly and cream. Decaf coffee with cream. Small chunk 85% choc

Aaaaawww. It's a shame MrBibaBee isn't a member here. We could keep him company.


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
Congratulations @ianpspurs on the new arrival!

Quick post from me tonight, as stuff to get ready for a work trip up to the north east tomorrow. Low carb lasagne made for Mr B for tomorrow night. I'm a bit worried about leaving him on his own tbh, as he is quite low at the moment. His vision isn't great again (improvements have tailed off), but we have an eye hospital appointment this Friday, so we should find out what is going on.

B: Orange and lemon chia. Black coffee.
Mid morning: Almond Milk Cappuccino w/ splash of cream
L: Cold roast beef on DD rolls
D: Jalapeño and Gouda stuffed Frankfurters with hm coleslaw and DD roll. SF Jelly and cream. Decaf coffee with cream. Small chunk 85% choc
Hug for Mr B not the food. Best wishes for Friday.


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
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Diet only
okra. Cigarette smoke, old, new, and permeating a room, wafting from a balcony, etc etc. That I have so many chronic diseases. That I take so very many meds. Being cold. Anything too loud, but specifically non-classical music and the television.
@DCUKMod oh the memories your recipe brings back! When I was a kid, not yet a teen, we used to make strawberry jam out of what were at the time very flavorful, sweet, small, redredred berries (haven't seen that kind in forever; it's all about transportability and size now, even local berry farms). The smell was so happy-making! Mom generally used added pectin and a fraction the sugar: better for our growing teeth! And cheaper. I came to hate that annual task of hulling the dang berries one by one by one by one.... they were very small....
@ianpspurs "a frig" implies more, as with other appliances. @DCUKMod and @Tipetoo how do y'all stand on that one?
And Ian so so happy for little Fifi's mama and daddy and the gparents etc. Safe journey, and carry our congratulations with you!
@BibaBee sympathy to MrB re the vision and consequent blues. Ugh. I second the notion that he should come here while you're gadding about.


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
@DCUKMod oh the memories your recipe brings back! When I was a kid, not yet a teen, we used to make strawberry jam out of what were at the time very flavorful, sweet, small, redredred berries (haven't seen that kind in forever; it's all about transportability and size now, even local berry farms). The smell was so happy-making! Mom generally used added pectin and a fraction the sugar: better for our growmerican fridge freezersing teeth! And cheaper. I came to hate that annual task of hulling the dang berries one by one by one by one.... they were very small....
@ianpspurs "a frig" implies more, as with other appliances. @DCUKMod and @Tipetoo how do y'all stand on that one?
And Ian so so happy for little Fifi's mama and daddy and the gparents etc. Safe journey, and carry our congratulations with you!
@BibaBee sympathy to MrB re the vision and consequent blues. Ugh. I second the notion that he should come here while you're gadding about.
The fridge where cheese abides is 50% of our capacity. They are what we call American fridge freezers. At times such as Christmas/clan gathering there is not enough space in these. Fifi Trixabelle is my nightmare name for her but I will pass on the love.
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Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
People who think they know everything.
Yes, I also use the word 'fridge" as an abbreviation for refrigerator. I think that sometimes 'frig' is used in place of the naughty F word by young people when they know they can't swear?


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
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Diet only
okra. Cigarette smoke, old, new, and permeating a room, wafting from a balcony, etc etc. That I have so many chronic diseases. That I take so very many meds. Being cold. Anything too loud, but specifically non-classical music and the television.
@Chook @Tipetoo another fine mess all my fault! I use the abbreviation bc many years ago the most popular icebox (back when they really were iceboxes!) was made by... Frigidaire! I have this niggling sense that all Americans used to spell the abbreviation as I have been, and I am now a lonely modern holdout. So for here I'll "clean out my fridge". Also, our "fri**in' " morphed into "fri-double K-in' " mostly. The first sounds very 70's to me.
Sittin' (safe word?) in my car after barre class slowly eating a marvelous second-supper concoction of hm brown bread, olive oil, 3 whole Spanish olives (ate one don't want the rest), a slice of smoked gouda which won't get finished, and a dab of really fancy eggplant dip. Very tasty, pity my tum is too full of water to finish. Off home now I guess!


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
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Diet only
okra. Cigarette smoke, old, new, and permeating a room, wafting from a balcony, etc etc. That I have so many chronic diseases. That I take so very many meds. Being cold. Anything too loud, but specifically non-classical music and the television.
The brand name Frigidaire is pronounced with a hard g ie Fri j idaire here in Australia, probabley the same in the UK, i cannot remember tho',

How odd to my ear! So when the weather is very cold out, you might say it is frigid-with-a-hard-G? Language is so much fun!!! (I'm serious)


Well-Known Member
Congratulations on the new granddaughter @ianpspurs
@Tipetoo glad to hear that you are ironing board free. I have not used one in years. Might have to soon though - one of the downsides of weight loss is that clothes no longer have to stretch and creases are now more visible
Meals today B was coffee with cream
L keto muffins and salad
D steak and roast veg
Just sat down with a coffee before rounding up the dogs for a good brush, they are shedding hair in great piles at the moment.

Congratulations on newest family addition.
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Retired Moderator
Type of diabetes
Type 2
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Diet only
Morning all. Attempting a quick catch up - got distracted by Ikea last night. Just bits and bobs but managed the spend over 2 hours there.

Got back on track yesterday.

Lunch was smoked salmon and cream cheese and a leftover portion of almonds from the PHC conference.

Dinner was bone-in sirloin steak with halloumi chips: just plain sliced halloumi fried alongside the steak. Delicious. Then a small portion of extra thick double cream with almond butter to finish the jar off.

@ianpspurs congratulations on the new granddaughter.

Not a lot of ironing going on here either.


Staff Member
Type of diabetes
I reversed my Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Morning all. Attempting a quick catch up - got distracted by Ikea last night. Just bits and bobs but managed the spend over 2 hours there.

Got back on track yesterday.

Lunch was smoked salmon and cream cheese and a leftover portion of almonds from the PHC conference.

Dinner was bone-in sirloin steak with halloumi chips: just plain sliced halloumi fried alongside the steak. Delicious. Then a small portion of extra thick double cream with almond butter to finish the jar off.

@ianpspurs congratulations on the new granddaughter.

Not a lot of ironing going on here either.

I "did" IKEA last week and still didn't buy enough Kilneresque jars! They're taking over!

If you need to go round a bit faster, you need to borrow my OH. I swear when we go together everything is a blur and I get home with whiplash from trying to look at things at speed. He'll be in north London on Friday (which in itself - London on a Friday - is bonkers). :)


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
People who think they know everything.
Another boring food day... I think I'm brewing up one of my periodic needs to shake it up a bit, just don't know how yet! :hilarious:

Breakfast: usual 2 egg and Hellmanns mayo on crackerbread

Lunch: houmous wrapped in romaine leaves

Dinner: Chicken, red and yellow peppers, aubergine and garlic traybake with Moroccan style spices - hot today and cold tomorrow

Dessert: baked spicy rhubarb with Greek yoghurt (ran out of the Turkish)