What have you eaten today? (Low carb forum)


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Cat disagrees. He'll have to make do with meatballs again, poor thing!
It went even worse for the cat. No crab, no meatballs, only sharing the licking of the empty soup bowl with the dogs.
Looks like I'm starting to feel better, I smelled the soup when I went to the kitchen and had no trouble at all finishing my bowl. :)

I did make it up with the dogs and cats with a slice of liverwurst though. :cat:


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Haha I can imagine! And I don’t blame her - my avatar is a constant lovely reminder of the joys of a big Brazilian meat meal.

And a very happy memory!

To stay on topic, food today was hotel breakfast of omelette and bacon.
Then an early Xmas with my Dad. I cooked lamb shoulder, sprouts, cabbage and carnivore stuffing, plus potatoes for him. Dessert was a no-bake cheesecake with a base of crushed nuts (I hadn’t figured out how to use his ancient food processor by then, so a rolling pin it was) mixed with butter and a topping of mascarpone, whipped creamy cheese and double cream. Raspberries and extra thick double cream on the side.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
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Tablets (oral)
Saturday 4 December - Bed 6 4 FBG 8. No idea what's going on with BGs.
@Annb - he's made another sparkling snowman for their classroom assistant who is off for an operation. He wrote a nice card for her too.

@Mrs T 123 & DJC3 - Glad your DGF arrived from the holiday resort in Peterborough.

B. TAG and a slice of SLC toast with egg mayo. No jujitsu as instructor Ill.
L. Got Hubby to football then had to rush back for grocery delivery.
D. Cold cuts. Ham, roast beef, ox tongue, mini German sausage, santini tomatoes, mozzarella, 1/2 avocado, coleslaw. Blackberries and brandy cream.

Sunday 5 December - Bed & FBG both 7.9

B. TAG and 2 slices of SLC toast with coronation chicken.

L. Started on the tree as swimming cancelled due to what I recall the Aussies calling a "brown alert" at the pool! Extensive sanitising needed!

D. Mussels and celeriac chips. Usual campari and soda. DGF Christmas pie with brandy cream.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Monday 6 December - Bed 8 FBG 7.5

The tree dressing and window lights continue amid school runs and home schooling.

B. TAG and 2 slices of SLC toast with egg mayo.

L. Nothing - tree finished though.

D. Leftover cold cuts. Ham, roast beef, ox tongue, mortadella, mini German sausage, 1/2 avocado, santini tomatoes, coleslaw, mozzarella. Blackberries and brandy cream.

Tuesday 7 December - Bed 7.6 FBG 7.2 Signs of BGs returning to more normal levels.

B. TAG and 2 slices of SLC toast with egg mayo.

L. Nothing.

D. Courgetti carbonara. DGF gingerbread with blackberries and brandy cream.

Christmas shopping continues apace but Arrrggh! Hotter called while I was out to say the Gortex boots I'd bought for Hubby's Christmas were in store now. Who took the call?? Hubby!!
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Leftover steak and eggs for breakfast.
Tub of greek yoghurt, lemon cordial osmolax mix for smoko.
Pork loin chops, mixed salad for lunch.
Cheese on low carb toast, tub of green jelly for supper at six.

Yaayyyyyyyyyyyy for Verstappen's win at the F1. :D


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Has Covid crossed your mind?
Of course!
But with two negative tests with 3 days in between testing (first test on the second day I felt off, second test a couple of days later) I'm pretty sure it's just a nasty cold. :)


Type of diabetes
Type 2
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Diet only
A.m. walk with a friend, finishing at the local farm shop to buy a chicken. 3 times the price of supermarket. Also priced some of their cheese, again 3 times the supermarket price. My favourite brie with truffle works out at £49.50 a kilo! It's £16 in Morrisons.

L: final bits of leftover fritatta, with added Blacksticks blue. One square of lc coffee cake with brandy cream

Grand prix watching then another quick walk .

D: roast chicken (nice but not 3x as nice as ordinary supermarket one) carrots, cabbage and homegrown chard. One glass white. 2 sqa 85%
2 hours later still hungry so 4 seedy crackers with blue cheese.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Wednesday 8 December - Bed 7.3 FBG 7.4.

B. TAG and 2 slices of SLC toast with whipped cheese.
L. Nothing
D. One of the Iceland shrimp things with chilli and tomato. Added cauliflower rice, spinach and mushrooms. Ate the last of the Oppo choc chip to clear a bit more of the freezer (that's my excuse!).

Thursday 9 December - Bed 7 FBG 7.4

B. TAG - no time for anything else. School run, DIL to work then straight to shops as boys here for dinner tonight.
L. 2 slices of SLC toast with coronation chicken.

D. Boys were on large plates of broth and crusty bread. I had poached salmon, prawns and Marie Rose, mozzarella, tomato and 1/2 avocado.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Ooooh. The brandy cream sounds delish. Was it shop bought (if so, which), or was it a little something you pulled together yourself?

(I'm working my way through a batch of home made clotted cream - also addictive!)
I've been getting brandy cream in Sainsburys but most of the supermarkets will have it in now for Christmas. Sainsburys have compounded the issue - I got an expresso martini cream this week


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I reversed my Type 2
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Tablets (oral)
Breakfast: my usual low carb coconut ‘porridge’ with strawberries washed down with a black coffee.
Late morning: black coffee and an Atkins bar.
Skipped lunch.
Mid afternoon: black coffee and a phd bar
Dinner: Half a LC Company margherita pizza with added seafood and mushrooms accompanied by leafy salad , tomato and cucumber followed by SF blackcurrant jelly and cream.



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When I took an onion out of the cupboard earlier, to go with my pork chop, I found a bunch of uncooked beetroot in the basket. I remember asking Neil to get them for a specific recipe I wanted to try but I can't remember what it was. I have absolutely no idea what to do with them. I've never liked beetroot so haven't bought it in years. Until this week.

I keep doing this sort of thing - I decide to make a recipe, ask Neil to get ingredients and then can't remember what I'd intended to make, so I just have to make something else. But with beetroot, it's not so easy.


Well-Known Member
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I found a bunch of uncooked beetroot in the basket. I remember asking Neil to get them for a specific recipe I wanted to try but I can't remember what it was. I have absolutely no idea what to do with them.
Make borscht with the beetroot, plenty of recipes on the net for it.

Cooking them whole as a veggie is good as well.
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hypos and forum bugs
It's summer in NZ and our courgettes/zucchini are growing fantastically in the garden.

So for lunch I had the remnants of a green salad and some of an awesome courgette/walnut/tomato/chilli. yoghurt /lemon juice/garlic salad that my husband made 2 days ago and is still lasting (will probably finish it tomorrow.). For dinner we had the first courgetti spaghetti of the season (bolognaise with spiralised fried courgettes as pasta, topped with cheese). I'm not totally convinced by cauliflower rice but courgetti spaghetti is simply the best (better than all the rest :)).


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Make borscht with the beetroot, plenty of recipes on the net for it.

Cooking them whole as a veggie is good as well.

The trouble is, I just don't like beetroot - ever since, at the age of 4 I was forced to sit and eat it, along with undressed lettuce and Spam when I had to stay for school lunch one day when my brother was in hospital with polio. Couldn't swallow it then and never tried again. Buying these this time was for a recipe which I presumably thought would be an improvement on just beetroot, so it would be an experiment to see if I could eat it. I don't think borscht is going to be the way for me. Might cook them with some onion and lemon, and maybe some apple to disguise the taste a bit.

So far, I've had some more smoked salmon salad with the last of the Marie Rose sauce.

Later it will be fish again - I have some haddock which Neil bought for me and which I will need to use up, so I'll shallow fry that in butter and have some salad with that.
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The trouble is, I just don't like beetroot
Then don't eat it and give it away, or feed to someones chickens/guinea pigs.
You have enough of a hard time eating as it is, choose foods you do like and forget about the beetroot!


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Then don't eat it and give it away, or feed to someones chickens/guinea pigs.
You have enough of a hard time eating as it is, choose foods you do like and forget about the beetroot!

The thing is, I'm trying to grow up and face up to my phobias. Beetroot is one of them. Never having eaten it in the last 72 years, who knows? I might feel able to add it to my diet. It didn't work with the tinned crab, of course and I haven't managed to face the idea of prawns or lobster yet. There seem to be quite a few foods that I turn my nose up at without ever really having tried them, which does restrict me a bit.

I'll give the beetroot one try - just cook it and eat it and it will either be a no no or a yes yes.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
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Diet only
I believe, that in the Uk alcoholic drinks don't have to displays ingredients or nutrition information and many of them have huge amounts of added sugars, mulled wine being one of them.

On a slight tangent on Saturday kitchen yesterday they were making variations on hot chocolate one of which was a mulled wine hot chocolate. Turns out, when I found the recipe on line , there is 400g (weight) of sugar added to a bottle of wine with spices to make the mulled wine, then 500g (weight) of dark chocolate stirred into it. No wonder it was the tasters favourite!
Thanks to you and @DJC3 for the replies. I watched Saturday Kitchen too but wow that is a LOT of sugar. Maybe a version with a little spice bag and some Diet Lemonade added to a mug of wine might be the way to go after all. Will report back after experiments.