What have you eaten today? (Low carb forum)


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Monday 31 July - bed 6.9 FBG 7.9. The vertigo is easing, so I decided I'd give my aqua class a go. The instructor told me to keep my head forward - not easy to do! I made it through, but I took it a lot easier.

B. TAG and 2 slices of SRSLY toast with ox tongue and a cheese triangle. Benecol dairy free.

L. A bit of crustless quiche. Later, 1/2 a fulfil bar.

D. Crispy squid with salad. That's the last of my freezer batch. Coating was a bit thicker than I usually do it. At least I remembered to photograph it this time. CC little chocolate pot. Moretti Zero.

Today Tuesday 1 August - bed 7 FBG 7.9. Made another trip to recycling with Hubby this time before the car changeover on Thursday. Otherwise, remained home as it is raining continually.

B. TAG and 2 slices of SRSLY toast with Ploughman's Pate. Benecol dairy free.

L. A bit of crustless quiche. Another TAG.

D. SRSLY hot dog day, with salad. CC little chocolate pot.

Glad to say that vertigo has gone.

View attachment 62363View attachment 62364
Glad to hear that the vertigo seems to have gone. It is such a strain when things hang on like that.

Just had breakfast of fried eggs (2) on toasted, buttered crumpets (2). They were bought for Em but she hasn't been in very much during the holiday and they needed to be used up. Bit indigestible. Bit carby as well, but I think I've dosed sufficiently for that.

Later some time I will have some more of the chicken tagine from a couple of days ago.

Having an easy day after a strenuous day yesterday. My legs have gone on strike for a bit - they don't like the working conditions and are demanding a reduction in standing hours.


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
Monday 31 July - bed 6.9 FBG 7.9. The vertigo is easing, so I decided I'd give my aqua class a go. The instructor told me to keep my head forward - not easy to do! I made it through, but I took it a lot easier.

B. TAG and 2 slices of SRSLY toast with ox tongue and a cheese triangle. Benecol dairy free.

L. A bit of crustless quiche. Later, 1/2 a fulfil bar.

D. Crispy squid with salad. That's the last of my freezer batch. Coating was a bit thicker than I usually do it. At least I remembered to photograph it this time. CC little chocolate pot. Moretti Zero.

Today Tuesday 1 August - bed 7 FBG 7.9. Made another trip to recycling with Hubby this time before the car changeover on Thursday. Otherwise, remained home as it is raining continually.

B. TAG and 2 slices of SRSLY toast with Ploughman's Pate. Benecol dairy free.

L. A bit of crustless quiche. Another TAG.

D. SRSLY hot dog day, with salad. CC little chocolate pot.

Glad to say that vertigo has gone.

View attachment 62363View attachment 62364
Looks great. Try wholemeal bread instead. Stearing away from what flour Product.


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Spicy food which is too hot. Nasty people who have no idea on your life journey but feel the need to comment and be cruel.
Coffee and cream x 2
Unsweetened almond milk coffee
Raspberries and cream (last of the fruit)!!
Cheese Omlette with mushroom
Ham Coleslaw and tomato


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Evening all


B: Two poached eggs topped with a knob of butter, slices of avocado seasoned with black pepper and a wedge of Caerphilly.
Water to swallow tablets

L: Salmon fillets baked with broccoli, mushrooms and cream.
Steamed asparagus spears with a generous knob of butter.
Green salad made with sweet cicely, chicory, celery, green peppers, salad onions and flat leaf parsley, dressed with olive oil, garlic and a touch of lemon juice, topped with toasted almonds.
Skipped pud.
Water to drink.

D Seafood salad using king prawns, mussels, lettuce, cherry tomatoes, celery, Romano peppers, chervil, Kalamata olives and salad onions with a dollop of homemade aioli for dipping and topped with toasted pistachios.
Water to swallow tablets.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
B: full fat greek yoghurt with milled seeds and blackcurrants

L: cheese crusted ham omelette, 1 sq hm lc cinnamon cake. Half a luscious perfectly ripe fig from the tree outside my back door. The tree has been there about 20 years and has only fruited once before. This year it has 2 ready now, and hopefully a second crop late September (if we ever see the sun again). I know it's carby but it was such a special occasion. Hubby had the other half.

D: 2 95% sausages braised with cabbage and courgette. Added spices and splash of cream to make it less plain!.


Retired Moderator
Type of diabetes
I reversed my Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Breakfast: my usual low carb coconut ‘porridge’ with strawberries washed down with a black coffee.
Late morning: black coffee and a Food dr bar.
Skipped lunch.
Mid afternoon: black coffee and a carb killa bar.
Dinner: kedgeree made with cauliflower rice.
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Type of diabetes
I reversed my Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
@MrsA2 winner for your home grown figs my raspberries are still doing well I love eating home grown fruit and vegetables my tomatoes and green beans are all still I think about two weeks away from harvest. Lots of tomatoes to come but need some good ripening sunshine. Out in local forest today and blackberries not ripe yet - found and picked and ate a couple- but most unripe still.
Out first thing picking up our granddog miniature poodle Cooper - see avatar. Our youngest son and wife away at a wedding with best man duties but it's a short doggie sleepover they are picking him up on way back on my birthday on Saturday.
When back about 2 ish first meal was some garden raspberries and yoghurt
then long forest walk with Cooper, forest very quiet and saw a huge buzzard perching in forest and looking for prey.
5ish slow cooked pork shoulder with salads and kimchi with LC wrap and glass of red wine followed by LC cake and decaffeinated coffee - off out for another longish list dinner doggie walk in a few mins.
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Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
Two coffee with cream mid morningish. Chicken breast stuffed with cream cheese and mushroom and kale stir fried in butter for lunch followed by Greek yogurt. This evening I had two poached eggs with smashed avocado and SLC toast. I made a low carb rhubarb cake this afternoon so had a slice of that with a dollop of clotted cream as well. It was really yummy.


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Two coffee with cream mid morningish. Chicken breast stuffed with cream cheese and mushroom and kale stir fried in butter for lunch followed by Greek yogurt. This evening I had two poached eggs with smashed avocado and SLC toast. I made a low carb rhubarb cake this afternoon so had a slice of that with a dollop of clotted cream as well. It was really yummy.View attachment 62386View attachment 62387
Your rhubarb cake looks fantastic. Can I ask how you make it? Looks suspiciously like almond to me. If it is, could it be made with a different nut?


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
I’ve had my granddaughters and their ancient incontinent Great Dane staying with me this week so I’ve not had much time to post meals.
The girls have done a lot of baking and although I haven’t eaten any of the sweet stuff my BGs have been high. Maybe because of the sugar laden air or maybe because of the stress of cooking with a large incontinent dog on the premises.
Todays breakfast was eggs and cheese on a DGF roti.
L-tinned tuna salad. DGF cookie
D- Monkfish in a Thermidor style sauce with cauli rice and spinach. White wine to drink.
Starter was felafel and tzatziki that I made with the girls for their tea. Very nice, I only allowed myself one but it did cause a little spike (7,4 at 1 hr)


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
Your rhubarb cake looks fantastic. Can I ask how you make it? Looks suspiciously like almond to me. If it is, could it be made with a different nut?
Sure. I‘ve been using rhubarb from the garden. I’ve stew a fair bit for the freezer and made a couple of LC crumbles but fancied making something different so I had a look online and found this recipe. I used ground almonds as I didn’t have almond flour. I also didn’t have the amount of cream cheese it asked for but just went with what I’d got and I used soya milk rather than almond as I didn’t have that either. It turned out okay though. I also added a few flaked almonds and a little keto granola to the topping.



Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Sure. I‘ve been using rhubarb from the garden. I’ve stew a fair bit for the freezer and made a couple of LC crumbles but fancied making something different so I had a look online and found this recipe. I used ground almonds as I didn’t have almond flour. I also didn’t have the amount of cream cheese it asked for but just went with what I’d got and I used soya milk rather than almond as I didn’t have that either. It turned out okay though. I also added a few flaked almonds and a little keto granola to the topping.

Thanks for that. I'll try to make it with hazelnuts - I have a problem with almonds.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
cold weather
Morning all. Pensioners lunch was fish, chips and mushy peas! Then trifle. Wish I could say it was too sweet and I didn't eat, it but I can't. Today I have bacon and egg with grilled tomatoes. No idea what's for tea. Have a good day folks :)
I can’t see your type of diabetes but that’s not a diet for low carb group! You don’t need a tea - already had plenty to eat. Unless still under 25 I suppose!


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
I can’t see your type of diabetes but that’s not a diet for low carb group! You don’t need a tea - already had plenty to eat. Unless still under 25 I suppose!
People fall by the wayside from time to time - I know I do, but the next day is a new start. Rosemary actually does amazingly well most of the time and makes her own decisions about what to do or eat. I would avoid making judgements about anyone's choices even if I knew the circumstances.


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Just back from getting my legs rebandaged so now I can think about food. Since it's so late (12.20) I think I'll just go ahead with the main meal for today, which is more of the chicken tagine. I will add some tomato puree to it. I didn't realise when I made it that I had run out but Neil bought some for me today so it will be better with a little bit of extra tomato flavour. I have to use it up because the freezer needs to be defrosted so I can't put anything extra into it. It'll do this meal and one other. It should still be OK tomorrow.

This might just be an OMAD day.


Retired Moderator
Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Something went wrong with changing my livery from Mod to Retired Moderator (and oracle no less! :hilarious:) and I lost access to the forum for a bit. Glad to be back but lots of catching up to do!

I forgot who shared the recipe for cauliflower with feta, olives and cherry tomatoes but I made it yesterday and can recommend, tasty and very easy to make, and I didn't need insulin for it. :)
I didn't follow the recipe exactly as couldn't be bothered to look up all the conversions for cups, oz, and oven temperature to units I actually understand but the result proves it worked out well. :hungry:
Oh, and I also used Gouda on top instead of grated mozzarella, I have no idea how one could grate mozzarella, it's a soft wet ball. They must have a different kind of mozzarella in other parts of the world.

a tuna melt/bread thingy made by mixing a tin of tuna with 3 tablespoons ground almonds and seeds, a bit of baking powder and 2 eggs all blitzed together. Made 2 good filling slices.
That just made it to my CMT account as the most minimalistic recipe so far. :joyful:
I definitely want to try this.
I'm guessing a couple of minutes in the microwave?


Looks great. Try wholemeal bread instead. Stearing away from what flour Product.
No worries, no wheat flour in her toast! :)
Many of us have found that wholemeal raises us just as much as white bread, although perhaps a tad slower.
SRSLY is a brand making low carb breads.