What have you eaten today? (Low carb forum)


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Breakfast: cheese slices, butter, fresh tomatoes (was too lazy for anything else) and unsweetened almond milk cappuccino

Decaf coconut milk cappuccino in .... Lounge (small spike)

Lunch: Grilled lamb steak and salad

Snack: Low carb plum crumble cake made with 1/3 of the erythritol in the recipe

Dinner: Chicken leg with small amount of spring beans

I am pregnant, so I am having more snacks and treats than before


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Breakfast was some streaky bacon chopped into chunks, hard fried until almost crisp, broken up mushrooms added and once cooked, eggs broken into the pan and topped with crispy fried onion.

2nd meal will be some of the lamb tagine that I made a day or so ago.

Pretty sore today after my efforts yesterday so will have to have a light day. Even my knuckles are very sore - that must be after making roses for Em's cake. I used to make lots of them (they were my "trademark" element for wedding cakes) but I had to give up because my hands became too sore. Didn't think 3 little roses would make that much difference though.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
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Diet only
Breakfast: cheese slices, butter, fresh tomatoes (was too lazy for anything else) and unsweetened almond milk cappuccino

Decaf coconut milk cappuccino in .... Lounge (small spike)

Lunch: Grilled lamb steak and salad

Snack: Low carb plum crumble cake made with 1/3 of the erythritol in the recipe

Dinner: Chicken leg with small amount of spring beans

I am pregnant, so I am having more snacks and treats than before View attachment 62854

Your plum crumble cake looks delicious. Please could you post the recipe? I always use a lot less erythritol too, I find I need very little sweetness these days ( plus I don’t like the taste of erythritol)


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Brunch today was 3 egg cheese omelette with chilli&ginger sauerkraut.
Dinner- pork stroganoff with sautéed Swiss chard, green beans and savoy cabbage. The stroganoff was super hot as I’d liberally sprinkled in cayenne chilli mistaking it for paprika! Luckily granddaughters were having sausages so it didn’t matter. Few glasses of wine, probably too many.

I’ve decided with my daughter we will go ‘sober for October’ and also try a zero carb, carnivore month. ( me to try to reset my BGs and her to try and help her debilitating psoriasis which started after a stressful event last year)
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Retired Moderator
Type of diabetes
I reversed my Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Breakfast: my usual low carb coconut ‘porridge’ with strawberries washed down with a black coffee.
Late morning: black coffee and a food dr bar.
Skipped lunch.
Mid afternoon: black coffee and a carb killa bar.
Tea at ILs: cold meat, cheese and salad buffet followed by one Jaffa cake! (Actually got a pic of my meal when MIL was out in the kitchen, she’d think I was bonkers taking a picture of my food!)



Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
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Tablets (oral)
Evening all

More often than not, lunch is our main meal of the day. We find we sleep better at night following a light supper. Today's menu included our favourite Sunday lunch-for-two whenever there is only my husband and myself to consider; baked whole sea bass, belly stuffed with garden herbs and garlic, drizzled with olive oil, accompanied by vegetables in season.

B: Two eggs scrambled in butter with a generous dollop of double cream, sautéed chestnut mushrooms and a tomato, garnished with flat-leaf parsley and seasoned with black pepper.
Water to swallow tablets

L: Aperitif: dry white wine
Baked whole sea bass, belly stuffed with sprigs of French tarragon and garlic and drizzled with olive oil.
Steamed asparagus spears with butter and a medley of baked broccoli, leeks, and red peppers with garlic.
Water to drink.
Raspberries and Greek full-fat yoghurt.
Two squares, Montezuma's Absolute Black 100% chocolate.

D: Salad made with anchovy fillets, eggs, avocado, Padrón chillies, Welsh onions, thyme leaves and a touch of lemon juice, with a dollop of aioli for dipping, topped with walnut halves.


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Diet only
@Grace04 I love Nando’s we used to live quite near one but we live in Cornwall now and there isn’t a branch in the whole county. It’s a very good restaurant for us low carbers!
Em’s birthday cake sounds wonderful @Annb I’m sure she’ll love it.
Looks like super crispy skin on your sea bass again @maglil55 - time I had another go.
Todays food
B- feta and spinach omelette with chilli sauerkraut.
L- packet of Cheesies and some Montezuma’s absolute black chocolate.
D- mixed grill: air fried pork chop ( rind cut off at the end and given an extra zap in the hot airfryer, thanks for the tip @AndBreathe )and chipolatas, Fried hogget liver and onions. Wilted spinach. 2 glasses red. More 100% choc with clotted cream.
I bought 1/2 a hogget from this organic Welsh hill farm: https://www.dolwenlambandbeef.co.uk this week and was happy to see they’d given me the organ meat too. I don’t fancy the heart much though so it’s been chopped up for dog treats - they love it. View attachment 62830
We don’t have one near us either but we have a few days in Liverpool planed so I’ll check to see if there’s one near where we’re going to be staying. I’m looking forward to trying them :)


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Tonight I am starting an experiment. I know that oats makes my BG spike, so I avoid it but Alistair read that if porridge is cooked and left in the fridge overnight, much of the starch is converted to cellulose and so it is much less harmful to BG levels. So I'm going to try it. I have made a small bowl of porridge and it is in the fridge. In the morning I will test BG, take insulin, have porridge and test again over the next 3 or 4 hours. I will report back around lunch time tomorrow.

My brother tells me that he has read that bread is the same and I know from experience that frozen potatoes do not adversely affect BG. Interesting, although I doubt it would be a good thing to rely on that and eat those starches willy nilly.

The tagine was all ready to go for my 2nd meal today and it would have been no effort at all to heat it, but when it came to it, I just wasn't ready to face food, so it's still in the fridge. Suppose I'd better have it tomorrow.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Hi All
firstly @Munkki congrats on your pregnancy, hope you are well. That plum crumble looks fab!
@Annb hope you are better, happy birthday to Em and if possible please post a pic of the cake you lovingly made.
Yesterday was usual brekkie of slice LC toast, copious tea.
At 11.40 had brunch of two meaty sausages and two fried eggs. Then took Mr P to a beer festival at a local micro brewery. We stayed more than 3 hours and had a lovely time chatting to a super young couple we shared a picnic table with. There were 68 beers and Mr P enjoyed trying a selection. I had one bottle of fizzy water but enjoyed the vibe and the company. No food was required there.
Supper was stirfried Thai chicken from the farm shop with slivers of red and yellow peppers added by me and small amount of noodles mixed in.


Well-Known Member
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Type 2
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Tablets (oral)
Tonight I am starting an experiment. I know that oats makes my BG spike, so I avoid it but Alistair read that if porridge is cooked and left in the fridge overnight, much of the starch is converted to cellulose and so it is much less harmful to BG levels. So I'm going to try it. I have made a small bowl of porridge and it is in the fridge. In the morning I will test BG, take insulin, have porridge and test again over the next 3 or 4 hours. I will report back around lunch time tomorrow.

My brother tells me that he has read that bread is the same and I know from experience that frozen potatoes do not adversely affect BG. Interesting, although I doubt it would be a good thing to rely on that and eat those starches willy nilly.

The tagine was all ready to go for my 2nd meal today and it would have been no effort at all to heat it, but when it came to it, I just wasn't ready to face food, so it's still in the fridge. Suppose I'd better have it tomorrow.
I did the ‘starch resistant’ experiment with rice but it didn’t work for me :arghh: My BG still spiked over 4 mmol/l after 2 and 3 hour testing and then started very slowly coming down, can’t remember the exact figures. I didn’t try it with pasta or potatoes as I’m thinking it would be the same result for those too! Hope it works for you, good luck;):)


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Sunday 27 August - bed 5.7 FBG 5.8. Swimming lesson day. At least I'll manage the walk from the car park to the lesson more easily this week than last!

B. TAG and LC granola with sugar-free coconut milk and 4 blackberries. Benecol dairy free.

L. After swimming, 1 slice of SRSLY toast with a cheese triangle.

D. I had a weak campari and soda since this is the last day of the teeny pills. Rib eye steak, 2 onion rings, spinach/mushroom/tomato combo I am fond of, peas, pepper sauce. CC Little chocolate pot and 2 strawberries.

It's lovely to have mostly shaken off the queasy feeling.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Tonight I am starting an experiment. I know that oats makes my BG spike, so I avoid it but Alistair read that if porridge is cooked and left in the fridge overnight, much of the starch is converted to cellulose and so it is much less harmful to BG levels. So I'm going to try it. I have made a small bowl of porridge and it is in the fridge. In the morning I will test BG, take insulin, have porridge and test again over the next 3 or 4 hours. I will report back around lunch time tomorrow.

My brother tells me that he has read that bread is the same and I know from experience that frozen potatoes do not adversely affect BG. Interesting, although I doubt it would be a good thing to rely on that and eat those starches willy nilly.

The tagine was all ready to go for my 2nd meal today and it would have been no effort at all to heat it, but when it came to it, I just wasn't ready to face food, so it's still in the fridge. Suppose I'd better have it tomorrow.

I’ll be interested to see the results of your porridge experiment. I’d assumed the carby food had to be frozen after cooking to turn it into resistant starch, but I hope that’s not the case and you can enjoy a bowl of porridge again as the weather turns cooler.
I hope Em is delighted with her birthday cake. Like @PenguinMum I’d love to see a photo if poss.


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Took my insulin at 9 am and had my porridge (reheated in the microwave) at 9.15.
BG before eating was 10.5.
1 hour in: 10.7.
2 hours in: 7.7.
3 hours in: 6.9.

I was hoping that BG would remain stable around the 10 mark - that is, no detrimental effect but it is dropping (still). I did take a fairly large dose of insulin (20mg). Large, that is in recent weeks - 4 months ago that would have been a small dose. It is what I would take with, say, RyVita or half a slice of home made wholemeal bread.

It was a small bowl of porridge, with no added milk or cream and would not, normally, constitute a proper breakfast. Result - I 'm starving and will probably have to have a main meal plus a snack later to compensate. To be honest - not worth the bother although I did enjoy the porridge.

I think, though, for those not on a particularly low carb diet but interested in the Glyceamic Index, it could be a good way to have a breakfast cereal.

Soon I will heat up the tagine I promised myself. Having the main meal this early might be a good idea anyway since I often don't feel like eating later in the day.


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I’ll be interested to see the results of your porridge experiment. I’d assumed the carby food had to be frozen after cooking to turn it into resistant starch, but I hope that’s not the case and you can enjoy a bowl of porridge again as the weather turns cooler.
I hope Em is delighted with her birthday cake. Like @PenguinMum I’d love to see a photo if poss.
Sorry @DJC3 and @PenguinMum, I don't have a camera any more since my old one broke (it was a very early digital one and not really much good in modern terms, but it did take pics. Not any more though - even Neil couldn't get it to work).
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Hi Emma. Good to see you here. This is about eating low carb but that means something different for everybody - because no one size fits all.

For me - low carb means no cereals, no potatoes, no starchy veg, no wheat. I did, this morning experiment with oats which had been cooked and left overnight to try to turn the starch to undigestible cellulose. It did work, and I believe that freezing cooked potato and bread has the same effect but for me, it isn't worth it very often (maybe I would do it once in a couple or three months, just for a change) . Other people wouldn't do it at all and yet others don't need to cut carbs quite as far as I seem to need to.

What it comes down to is testing blood glucose levels before and after eating to see what works for you. However, being pre-diabetic, you may not have access to a blood glucose monitor, so that might not be an option for you. In which case, perhaps you could replace some of the carbs in your diet with other food groups so that you don't lose so much weight but also reduce glucose levels to some extent. Do you have access to medical support for your diet? Perhaps you could consult them to make sure your nutrient requirements are being met. Even here the dietician and diabetes professionals have heard of low carb diets although most don't approve.

It may just be a matter of trial and error for you to find out what does make a difference. You will certainly find plenty of ideas from people on this thread that you could try. But getting rid of the carbs isn't all that easy, especially when you don't know the immediate effects of what you are doing and especially when, like most of us, you have been living with the idea that carbs are an essential part of meals or treats.

Best of luck and I hope you will find a way to drop those glucose levels.