What have you eaten today? (Low carb forum)


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Breakfast: my usual low carb coconut ‘porridge’ with strawberries washed down with a black coffee.
Late morning: black coffee and a carb H&B protein bar.
Skipped lunch.
Mid afternoon: black coffee and another carb killa bar.
Dinner: same as yesterday but I did take a new pic!

View attachment 66877
That pizza looks lovely!


Well-Known Member
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Tablets (oral)
Beautiful spring day and my tulips are putting on a good show so decided on a new tulip avatar.
Love your new avatar @shelley. My tulips still have some way to go, but snowflakes have taken over from the various crocus and snowdrop species, new Narcissus spp, are coming into flower and my lawns and paths are carpeted with anemones, celandines and hardy cyclamen; all self-sown.
When the weather's kind, it's a lovely time of year.


Well-Known Member
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Love your new avatar @shelley. My tulips still have some way to go, but snowflakes have taken over from the various crocus and snowdrop species, new Narcissus spp, are coming into flower and my lawns and paths are carpeted with anemones, celandines and hardy cyclamen; all self-sown.
When the weather's kind, it's a lovely time of year.
Keep on topic, please! ;)


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
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Tablets (oral)
Evening all


B: Two poached eggs and scallops, asparagus spears smothered with butter, all seasoned with a good grinding of black pepper.
Water to swallow tablet.

L: Aperitif: dry white wine.
Tuna steaks rolled in finely chopped celery and flat-leaf parsley, baked with sweet red peppers and mushrooms, moistened with double cream and topped with extra mature Cheddar cheese.
Steamed French beans and mangetout with a knob of butter and toasted pine nuts.
Water to drink.
Skipped pud.
Four squares, Montezuma's Absolute Black 100% cocoa chocolate.

D: Seafood salad made with king prawns and brown shrimps, avocado, baby plum tomatoes, salad onions and Kalamata olives with home-made aioli for dipping and topped with roasted macadamia nuts.
Water to wash down tablets.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
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Diet only
Hi All so back to Friday….usual brekkie of slice LC toast, butter, copious tea.
Lunch was easy pack of Xerrano han & Manchego rollitos after running different errands.
Supper was two small lamb steaks panfried with a handful of chopped mushrooms.
Yesterday same usual brekkie.
Lunch was h/m two egg mayo with leaves. Tea.
Supper was Chicken Shaslik from Waitrose with additional broccoli.
Today same brekkie.
Lunch likely to be cheese selection to move it along.
Supper will be Bolognese with a twirl of spaghetti and left over broccoli.
Busy day preparing for new bathroom refit starting tomo. Three weeks of mayhem!


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Breakfast: Bacon, egg and mushrooms. That might be all I need for the day - not sure.

I will make lamb tagine with the lamb I intended to have yesterday, but may not eat it today.

Experimenting making my own Lorne style sausage, using just beef mince but not using any breadcrumbs or rusk. Fat content of the meat was only 5% so I decided to add fat in the form of grated cheese (some leftover bits and pieces) and discovered that I seem to have mislaid my jar of nutmegs so, instead of nutmeg and mace I used cumin and oregano. Just fried off a little of the mixture and it tastes just fine so I will go ahead and chill it down ready for slicing and freezing.
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Today, I fancied something resembling a Sunday dinner. So I cooked a sirloin steak with steamed hispi cabbage, a carrot, and a new potato that I found in the fridge. I realise that this may not qualify for this thread, but the potato was rendered starch resistant, and I ate it last!



Well-Known Member
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Tablets (oral)
Hello all, I've been getting stricter with low carb the last few days and it is showing in my numbers, so I'm very happy. But my bread addiction refuses to die and is sending me hallucinations! (Not really, don't worry!) I have to steer clear of low carb bread options for now as I'm worried they'd be a trigger so in-your-face bread addiction, it's cold turkey for you!

Small glass kefir, small bowl of olives with some oil
Harissa pork mince with full fat soft cheese
2 x pork puffs
Another small glass of kefir

Evening meal will be lamb steak with greek salad


Type of diabetes
I reversed my Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Breakfast kefir then fried one slice of bacon, one egg and slice of LC bread
Lunch kimchi and a few pieces of cheese and six LC seeded crackers followed by rhubarb and hm yoghurt plus last half of a lc small chocolate egg
Dinner steak with mushrooms, onion and tomatoes with glass of claret
IMG_20240324_164544 (2024-03-24T18_13_23.000)_kindlephoto-1460934896.jpg

Then LC brownie.
@jpscloud I gave you a winner today for sticking at stricter low carb despite your bread addiction - it is tough and important for you to come up with a solution that works for you - well done .


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
B: 90 second bread with marmite
2 hour walk, with every type of weather! Did spot a very large herd of deer, very large for this time of year.
L: lettuce wraps of cream cheese and kimchi. Only had romaine lettuce so they were very long narrow wraps, think cigars! But tasty
Mid afternoon lc hot chocolate
D: chicken breast, carrots and a small spoon ready made chilli sauce. Cho coated ice cream with yoghurt

Heading away for 2 weeks tomorrow, so libre on but not activated yet. I must use the time as a break from the bad carb habits I've got in to after winter and various upsets. No more excuses!


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Today, Sunday, 24 March - bed 7.9 FBG 6.7. The youngest grandson has another viral infection. Slapped cheek - it is doing the rounds in the schools. Rash has appeared on his cheeks, so he's not contagious now, but he's probably been spreading it last week when he was OK apart from a cough. Apparently, it is often mistaken for scarlet fever. No swimming, though, so I got lots done today.

B. TAG and 2 slices of SRSLY toast with deli pork and egg mayo. Benecol dairy free.

L. Nothing

D. Seems to be a steak day. Rib eye steak, onion, mushrooms, 4 santini tomatoes, peas, mustard. Campari and soda. Not had Halo Top yet, but it may follow later with raspberries.

4 days to the holidays....


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Hello all, I've been getting stricter with low carb the last few days and it is showing in my numbers, so I'm very happy. But my bread addiction refuses to die and is sending me hallucinations! (Not really, don't worry!) I have to steer clear of low carb bread options for now as I'm worried they'd be a trigger so in-your-face bread addiction, it's cold turkey for you!

Small glass kefir, small bowl of olives with some oil
Harissa pork mince with full fat soft cheese
2 x pork puffs
Another small glass of kefir

Evening meal will be lamb steak with greek salad
I know how you feel. Despite everything, I still struggle with not having bread, or potatoes, or any other carb rich food. Pretty sure that in my case, as with many others, bread and other baked products are an addiction. Can't have low carb products because the ingredients bring on my food intolerances.

Met up with a friend I hadn't seen for a long time yesterday and she is looking so good - about half the size she used to be and much healthier. She told me that she first went low carb and then completely carnivore and is much happier and healthier than she's been for years. Quite an inspiration.