What was your fasting blood glucose? (full on chat)


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
@ianpspurs unfortunately Archie had allergies and we couldn't find his special food in Bury St Edmonds.
His dog food was added to the packing list for all subsequent trips away.

I was wondering whether to add an inflatable dinghy to my packing list as we are experiencing thunderstorms and torrential rain at the moment :)
Understandable that you couldn't find Archie's pet food in Bury St Edmunds although it has improved in recent years. Waitrose now do sashimi and there is a drive thru Starbucks :D

No problem just don't tell me the result of the IPL final. :D
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Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
football, both the game and the culture.
What an awful day, @SlimLizzy. My sympathy for you and for your daughter and friend. Hope you can all recover quickly from such a shocking day. Sounds as though Kiki had a pretty awful time as well - special stroke and cuddle for her.
It was an awful day.
Kiki had not been previously frightened of thunder before the storm, but on Monday a single rumble of thunder had her racing for home and hiding under the bed.

Lamont D

Type of diabetes
Reactive hypoglycemia
Treatment type
I do not have diabetes
Understandable that you couldn't find Archie's pet food in Bury St Edmunds although it has improved in recent years. Waitrose now do sashimi and there is a drive thru Starbucks :D
View attachment 67867
No problem just don't tell me the result of the IPL final. :D
It was the winners, not the losers.
are you looking forward to the razmataz of the WC in the States and WI?


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Another delightful wildlife video and a beautiful illustration @gennepher.

Breaking news this morning
Mr Robin seen feeding Mrs R with mealworms; the bird equivalent of chocs and flowers, a sure sign that she is preparing to lay.

Sunday's FBG, 4.5 mmol/L on waking at 6.00 am.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Another delightful wildlife video and a beautiful illustration @gennepher.

Breaking news this morning
Mr Robin seen feeding Mrs R with mealworms; the bird equivalent of chocs and flowers, a sure sign that she is preparing to lay.

Sunday's FBG, 4.5 mmol/L on waking at 6.00 am.
Thank you @LivingLightly

Good news on the Robins....


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Fbg 6.7

Phone video of Bluetit
Bluetit taking food back to its nest.

Creative...one line sketch of a woman in a long skirt, outside Poundland.

Now, I am confused. A few days ago, someone on Ancestry contacted me, because there was a connection in our DNA's. Further communication ensued. We are connected on the father's side, and she is first cousin 1x removed.

Some years ago, when I attended my Aunt's funeral, in church, my cousin, her son, tells me that my Aunt is my birth mother, and that he has placed my cat paintings that my Aunt loved in the coffin and had dressed her in a favourite jumper I had knitted her, and that he was in fact my brother. And he squeezed my hand tightly. I will never forget. My cousin/brother died shortly after, he had cancer.

But this DNA test connecting me with this person who lives in Arizona, then shows neither my father who brought me up, nor my Uncle who my Aunt (my birth mother) was married to were in fact my birth fathers.

So, currently I am looking at the possible few candidates in the family tree. To my knowledge I have never seen nor met any of them.

My head is spinning and tinnitus is screaming non stop at me. I have known I was the family secret since my father that brought me up, married my evil stepmother, because she nagged and nagged me over why I was the family secret, but I did not have a clue then how I could be a family secret...

I need something stronger than a cup of tea this morning...although I shall start with a cup of tea...

Have your best day

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Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
Fbg 6.7

Phone video of Bluetit
Bluetit taking food back to its nest.

Creative...one line sketch of a woman in a long skirt, outside Poundland.

Now, I am confused. A few days ago, someone on Ancestry contacted me, because there was a connection in our DNA's. Further communication ensued. We are connected on the father's side, and she is first cousin 1x removed.

Some years ago, when I attended my Aunt's funeral, in church, my cousin, her son, tells me that my Aunt is my birth mother, and that he has placed my cat paintings that my Aunt loved in the coffin and had dressed her in a favourite jumper I had knitted her, and that he was in fact my brother. And he squeezed my hand tightly. I will never forget. My cousin/brother died shortly after, he had cancer.

But this DNA test connecting me with this person who lives in Arizona, then shows neither my father who brought me up, nor my Uncle who my Aunt (my birth mother) was married to were in fact my birth fathers.

So, currently I am looking at the possible few candidates in the family tree. To my knowledge I have never seen nor met any of them.

My head is spinning and tinnitus is screaming non stop at me. I have known I was the family secret since my father that brought me up, married my evil stepmother, because she nagged and nagged me over why I was the family secret, but I did not have a clue then how I could be a family secret...

I need something stronger than a cup of tea this morning...although I shall start with a cup of tea...

Have your best day

View attachment 67880
Hug for the confusion caused by the family secret but thanks for the video and creative. I hope you manage to find some time of peace today.


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
People that point out my spelling mistakes
Good Afternoon Ladies and Gentlemen and those who are living in interesting times. Blood sugars this morning were 6.1

Here in Tilehurst Towers we had our first political canvasser at our door yesterday afternoon. I answered the door with a plastic scythe in my hand, then proceeded to show him the skeleton part buried in Mrs J’s front weed patch, blast the spit chequer kicked in just then, I meant to write garden. He left very quickly. I wonder what party he represented.

Last Thursday night Mrs J was duty driver for a group her old friends at a 60th birthday party, unfortunately Mrs J fell and broke her wrist. We finally got home at 5:30am on Friday morning with Mrs J’s wrist in plaster. Such is Mrs J’s disposition, Mrs J organised for her passengers to get a lift home as well. The party was 10 miles away.
Interesting times pah….

Now it is time to go and complete Mrs J’s list of tasks specifically written for me, me’s and myself to lose.

Have a good day, stay safe all.
Yes dear, coming

Mrs J broke her wrist on Friday night, not Thursday and we got home at 5:30am on Saturday morning.

Plot lost big time.


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
Good Afternoon Ladies and Gentlemen and those who are living in interesting times. Blood sugars this morning were 6.1

Here in Tilehurst Towers we had our first political canvasser at our door yesterday afternoon. I answered the door with a plastic scythe in my hand, then proceeded to show him the skeleton part buried in Mrs J’s front weed patch, blast the spit chequer kicked in just then, I meant to write garden. He left very quickly. I wonder what party he represented.

Last Thursday night Mrs J was duty driver for a group her old friends at a 60th birthday party, unfortunately Mrs J fell and broke her wrist. We finally got home at 5:30am on Friday morning with Mrs J’s wrist in plaster. Such is Mrs J’s disposition, Mrs J organised for her passengers to get a lift home as well. The party was 10 miles away.
Interesting times pah….

Now it is time to go and complete Mrs J’s list of tasks specifically written for me, me’s and myself to lose.

Have a good day, stay safe all.
Yes dear, coming

Mrs J broke her wrist on Friday night, not Thursday and we got home at 5:30am on Saturday morning.

Plot lost big time.
Big hugs, sympathy and best wishes for Mrs A J. I hope the wrist is not too painful and heals as soon as possible. Take good care of her she is a diamond. Remember the flowers, chocolates, tea, sympathy and obligatory grapes. If you are nurse, chief cook and bottle washer I am imagining a classic sitcom but I'm sure a group of men of your calibre will rise to the challenge.
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Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Good Afternoon Ladies and Gentlemen and those who are living in interesting times. Blood sugars this morning were 6.1

Here in Tilehurst Towers we had our first political canvasser at our door yesterday afternoon. I answered the door with a plastic scythe in my hand, then proceeded to show him the skeleton part buried in Mrs J’s front weed patch, blast the spit chequer kicked in just then, I meant to write garden. He left very quickly. I wonder what party he represented.

Last Thursday night Mrs J was duty driver for a group her old friends at a 60th birthday party, unfortunately Mrs J fell and broke her wrist. We finally got home at 5:30am on Friday morning with Mrs J’s wrist in plaster. Such is Mrs J’s disposition, Mrs J organised for her passengers to get a lift home as well. The party was 10 miles away.
Interesting times pah….

Now it is time to go and complete Mrs J’s list of tasks specifically written for me, me’s and myself to lose.

Have a good day, stay safe all.
Yes dear, coming

Mrs J broke her wrist on Friday night, not Thursday and we got home at 5:30am on Saturday morning.

Plot lost big time.
Hug for Mrs J. Broken wrist is no fun at all and requires much sympathy and TLC. Sympathy from me - TLC from her ever-loving YOU, youse and yourselves.
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Lamont D

Type of diabetes
Reactive hypoglycemia
Treatment type
I do not have diabetes
Never go shopping at Poundland!
My respect and your street cred is diminishing. Ha!
I went there the other day with a pound and filled a basket, for some reason, I didn't have enough on me.
I had to use my debit card.
And some items were much more than a pound!!!!
surely this is rip off Britain at its worst!

another holiday for the banks. How do they get away with it?
you would think that there is a better option being forced to have time off!
where is the pride and loyalty to the market?
I bet our mini pm, would have a plan about getting our kids to do volunteer work or maybe an new version of scouts, cadets, that would make our teenagers better citizens, I mean subjects.
Forced to do skills that should be a part of the education system.
Wonder if university students are included?
Wonder if this includes rishis progeny?
Won't work, not the kind of modern army we need.
As the war in Ukraine has shown. It is a remote and technological war, with drones and missiles. Infantry is secondary. Why do we need an army of cannon fodder?
The capacity for this crazy idea would take years. The trainers, the camps, the logistics are enormous and very costly.
I do believe, clutching at straws is an apt description of getting our age group of old codgers to address the gangs of tearaways destroying our towns and citys.
Well, that is what you get when the funding for youth and education is reduced to almost nothing.
A government policy.
Rant over.

6.6 this holiday for wbankers.
#7 & #8 have come round to help me get tired.

Weather wise, typically wet and windy, just like some wbankers I know.
Have a wonderful Monday, you lot deserve it, putting up with the likes of me.
My best wishes to each and every one of you lot.


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
BG at 04.20 was 4.6 and it has stayed there, or thereabouts, since then.

Did hours of genealogy mining yesterday, following a rich vein but then discovered that it was the wrong family - possibly related and from the same area but the link I thought I had was wrong. *!*!*!*

Welsh records are good but they tend to be a bit obscure when you get back to the 13th century. Doesn't help that I can't even pronounce some of those older names, never mind compare them accurately. I was following a line on a lady called Catrin Holland - no indication of her father but Holland was her first husband and I found that I was tracking a lady who was born Catrin Holland. Either that or she married a very close relation indeed.

My brother can't understand why I get so wrapped up in the search but then, I can't understand how he can cope with the frustration of jigsaw puzzles. Family history is my version of jigsaws.