What was your fasting blood glucose? (full on chat)


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Congratulations. You just named the entire new UK cabinet - amazing knowledge.



Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
I couldn't find a T.S. Eliot emoji but in my head the last two smileys were quoting from "Little Gidding" --
And all shall be well and
All manner of thing shall be well.
Little and Great Gidding are very close to my hovel.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
This lot are in a league of their own far, far worse than we have ever known.

People have been saying the same thing of Trump for a while now but the sun is still in the sky and the sky is still blue and the leaves on the hardwoods are turning again and babies are still being conceived and born, perambulating and strolling, and growing up to have shoes to fight over or to send to their sisters and brothers who have none.

I just wish there were more honeybees still around to avoid stepping on if today's children are allowed to go barefoot in the clover as we did when we were children.


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
6.2 today, post holiday so that's to be expected. What wasnt expected was when I got on my scales (by the way @jjraak these scales are amazing) I hadn't put one lb on! Still 10 stone 7 after eating so much on holiday. Far more than usual. But I made good choices. 99% of the time! And walked a lot. So I'm one very happy bunny.

So missing the thread! Feet haven't touched the ground since getting home last night. Hope everyone is ok as still haven't had time to catch up.

I have some good news.

I've been approached to join Holly Willoughby and Philip Schofield on their programme this Wednesday! With Dr Zoe as they talk about diabetes! I joked on here way back in July 2018 about joining them on the sofa to spread the word. I wasnt really joking, I love them and wanted as many of us as possible to be on that sofa with our our big pants and great hba1c results. But it's just me. And I'm so nervous. Way out of my comfort zone. But I will give it my best shot!!! Its a great opportunity to tell others what I learned on this amazing forum....carbs turn to sugar. I didnt have a clue. That's why I ended up in this boat!

Its Wednesday 11.15 on This Morning. Wish me luck.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
I've been approached to join Holly Willoughby and Philip Schofield on their programme this Wednesday! With Dr Zoe as they talk about diabetes! I joked on here way back in July 2018 about joining them on the sofa to spread the word. I wasnt really joking, I love them and wanted as many of us as possible to be on that sofa with our our big pants and great hba1c results. But it's just me. And I'm so nervous. Way out of my comfort zone. But I will give it my best shot!!! Its a great opportunity to tell others what I learned on this amazing forum....carbs turn to sugar. I didnt have a clue. That's why I ended up in this boat!

Its Wednesday 11.15 on This Morning. Wish me luck.
That is amazing @Debandez
Brilliant news
Go get 'em girl!!!


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Fbg 6.9

I only had the one meal yesterday, the breakfast in the Italian restaurant I mentioned yesterday.

I bought some of that chocolate yesterday when I went in that shop in the photo, but they will sit in that bag until I deserve a very special treat. So I have no idea what it tastes like yet.

Sun is out. Blue skies are out. No time for breakfast. I have about an hour in the garden before cloud cover comes over for the rest of the day. And I have more blood tests later today. So will be visiting the vampire lady...

Better put a vibrating timer in my pocket so I don’t get too absorbed in the garden and forget...

Have a good Tuesday!!!!


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
good morning all :)

4.2 today

definitely cooler in the mornings now for the last few days here with lots of heavy showers and periods of rain, yesterday mr. gee went outside to fill a plant pot with compost whilst it was dry out and before he could get back inside we had a downpour and he got soaked just in the time it took to walk around the side of the house, he had to change into dry clothes :sorry:

Mum wants to go to the bank today and her bank is now a couple of small towns away so we will go over there first. After that we'll have a potter round the shops and eat lunch together before mr gee drops me off at the local HC in time for my appointment with the DN (in the nearest small town), he'll take his mum home and then come collect me ;) Well that's the plan so far anyway :angelic:

Hope your day treats you well :)


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
6.2 today, post holiday so that's to be expected. What wasnt expected was when I got on my scales (by the way @jjraak these scales are amazing) I hadn't put one lb on! Still 10 stone 7 after eating so much on holiday. Far more than usual. But I made good choices. 99% of the time! And walked a lot. So I'm one very happy bunny.

So missing the thread! Feet haven't touched the ground since getting home last night. Hope everyone is ok as still haven't had time to catch up.

I have some good news.

I've been approached to join Holly Willoughby and Philip Schofield on their programme this Wednesday! With Dr Zoe as they talk about diabetes! I joked on here way back in July 2018 about joining them on the sofa to spread the word. I wasnt really joking, I love them and wanted as many of us as possible to be on that sofa with our our big pants and great hba1c results. But it's just me. And I'm so nervous. Way out of my comfort zone. But I will give it my best shot!!! Its a great opportunity to tell others what I learned on this amazing forum....carbs turn to sugar. I didnt have a clue. That's why I ended up in this boat!

Its Wednesday 11.15 on This Morning. Wish me luck.

Wonderful news - I had to google the programme as I don’t know what it is - I wonder if I can record it?
Hope it goes well for you.


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
Good morning campers. Another night survived, another day for adventures, merriment, angst, and associated ambivalent yet bellicose feelings to the world at large and my lower back in particular.

The wonder wheel of hindsight and “told you so” reluctantly and with lots of tutting, issued a middling 5.6 this morning.

Eye clinic this afternoon - Roy Orbison time. I’m hurtin’, running scared but it’s too soon to know.

Have a great day if you can big hugs, especially to @Cumberland - take care with those hypos.