What was your fasting blood glucose? (full on chat)


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Housework - hate housework with a passion - and rude people.
6.2 this sunny morning. Farmer's market is on the green today so I will wander up to view the delicacies on display and pick up some organic meats. They also do some fab cheeses which will undoubtedly find their way home with the meats.

I begin my 66th year on planet Earth today. The month of May is totally organised for me, it houses the birthdays of my children, wife, and myself, plus my two close friends and my wedding anniversary. A very elegant solution for diary keeping :)

Hope you all have a great weekend ;)
Oh, hapy birthday! I'm a 1954 baby and looking forward to my 66th in January. Enjoy your day x x x


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
6.2 this sunny morning. Farmer's market is on the green today so I will wander up to view the delicacies on display and pick up some organic meats. They also do some fab cheeses which will undoubtedly find their way home with the meats.

I begin my 66th year on planet Earth today. The month of May is totally organised for me, it houses the birthdays of my children, wife, and myself, plus my two close friends and my wedding anniversary. A very elegant solution for diary keeping :)

Hope you all have a great weekend ;)

Happy birthday dear Harrison


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Morning...happy birthday @HarrisonK what a stroke of luck all the important birthdays in the same month...hope Mrs J is resting and being spoilt by you @jjraak all that tugging & digging for roots OUCH!...went to bed so late (02:30) spent a hour or so reliving my youth with BBC Four...blues parties...rave parties...nights at the pub/club...how on earth did I manage to stay out most nights then home for a quick pit stop & straight out to work....I find just the thought exhausting nowadays...managed to do some gardening yesterday before the rains arrived...hoping to do more today the grass seed to 'de-Harry' the lawn is waiting to do its magic...woke to a 6.0


Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type
6.2 this sunny morning. Farmer's market is on the green today so I will wander up to view the delicacies on display and pick up some organic meats. They also do some fab cheeses which will undoubtedly find their way home with the meats.

I begin my 66th year on planet Earth today. The month of May is totally organised for me, it houses the birthdays of my children, wife, and myself, plus my two close friends and my wedding anniversary. A very elegant solution for diary keeping :)

Hope you all have a great weekend ;)


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Morning All. 5.2 at 0800 despite walk about at 04.30 so very happy.
@HarrisonK happy birthday, have a lovely day.
@Freema I love the idea you are the original “material girl” move over Madge!
@LindsayJane there is no rhyme or reason for FBG most of the time IMO so dont let it ruin your day.
I will be pottering in the garden, bit of laundry, out for coffee with eldest son, viewing a house in the next village later.
Have a great Saturday everyone. Stay well, stay safe


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
3.1 on the little testery box this morning. Im perplexed.. tge only difference is that I had 2 bedtime Cuppa’s. I don’t usually get any hypo effects until I’m below 3 so I better find my sweets. Volunteering today so I’m a busy little kimbo. hi ho hi ho to find jelly babies I go...


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Wishing you a very happy birthday @HarrisonK enjoy.

6.2 for me today. Not bad considering I had a girls night out last night! Meal and wine, more than 1 glass. Dont know how many as my so called friend just kept topping glass up :) Anyway a good night was had by all. Late night. Tired today. Unsettled night. Alcohol has a lot to answer to!

Painting clothes on today. Emulsion on the cards (and walls hopefully but knowing the standard of my painting I'm not so sure... one thing is certain, my black t shirt and trousers will have a lovely white speckled design by the end of the day). But not worried as emulsion washes out thankfully.

Weather report. Cloudy and grey on the north west coast. Could be worse.

Have a lovely weekend everyone whatever you are doing.


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Housework - hate housework with a passion - and rude people.
Morning All. 5.2 at 0800 despite walk about at 04.30 so very happy.
@HarrisonK happy birthday, have a lovely day.
@Freema I love the idea you are the original “material girl” move over Madge!
@LindsayJane there is no rhyme or reason for FBG most of the time IMO so dont let it ruin your day.
I will be pottering in the garden, bit of laundry, out for coffee with eldest son, viewing a house in the next village later.
Have a great Saturday everyone. Stay well, stay safe
Thank you x I'm off to our local beach for a dog-walk, carboot sale and beach bar-b-que. That should be relaxing enough!


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
6.2 this sunny morning. Farmer's market is on the green today so I will wander up to view the delicacies on display and pick up some organic meats. They also do some fab cheeses which will undoubtedly find their way home with the meats.

I begin my 66th year on planet Earth today. The month of May is totally organised for me, it houses the birthdays of my children, wife, and myself, plus my two close friends and my wedding anniversary. A very elegant solution for diary keeping :)

Hope you all have a great weekend ;)

Happy birthday Harrison, hope you have a lovely day.


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
good morning all :)

4.9 today

spent virtually all day indoors yesterday at the charity shop so hopefully will get some time outdoors today :)

mr gee lopped some more tree bits whilst I was out so now we need to chop up the bits so we can dispose of them ;)

@HarrisonK Many Happy Returns :happy:

@ianpspurs I'm quite interested in the higher protein idea you are looking at as I found that upping my protein did seem to help me feel better than upping my fats when I was trying to rebalance from weight loss mode. I'll go and watch a couple of vids as you mentioned ;)

Hope your day treats you well everyone :)
Last edited:


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
6.2 this sunny morning. Farmer's market is on the green today so I will wander up to view the delicacies on display and pick up some organic meats. They also do some fab cheeses which will undoubtedly find their way home with the meats.

I begin my 66th year on planet Earth today. The month of May is totally organised for me, it houses the birthdays of my children, wife, and myself, plus my two close friends and my wedding anniversary. A very elegant solution for diary keeping :)

Hope you all have a great weekend ;)
Happy birthday and enjoy the farmer's market and all the celebrations May has in store for you.


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Unfairness/ use of offensive language.
6.2 this sunny morning. Farmer's market is on the green today so I will wander up to view the delicacies on display and pick up some organic meats. They also do some fab cheeses which will undoubtedly find their way home with the meats.

I begin my 66th year on planet Earth today. The month of May is totally organised for me, it houses the birthdays of my children, wife, and myself, plus my two close friends and my wedding anniversary. A very elegant solution for diary keeping :)

Hope you all have a great weekend ;)
Happy birthday. Enjoy!:)


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
okra. Cigarette smoke, old, new, and permeating a room, wafting from a balcony, etc etc. That I have so many chronic diseases. That I take so very many meds. Being cold. Anything too loud, but specifically non-classical music and the television.
@zauberflote I have just heard the word Furminator before. What is it? I have a brush and a comb and a sort of cat curry comb. The KittenCat LOVES to be groomed. ^. .^


It's a comb, but a super comb that gets right down to the depths of the undercoat and brings as much fur as your cat will stand for out into your hand. That is a promo pic, not my cat. My one who desperately needs it doesn't like it. The one who did like it had a thin fine meezer type coat, but enjoyed having her bony spine skritched by its metal teeth. Amazon has them.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
View attachment 32855
It's a comb, but a super comb that gets right down to the depths of the undercoat and brings as much fur as your cat will stand for out into your hand. That is a promo pic, not my cat. My one who desperately needs it doesn't like it. The one who did like it had a thin fine meezer type coat, but enjoyed having her bony spine skritched by its metal teeth. Amazon has them.

I had a long haired cat years ago which I used a very fine metal comb on. The hair went into bucket. When the bucket was full I stopped that session of combing. And cat looked no different. Still had same amount of fur on its body...never ending...



Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
People that point out my spelling mistakes
Good Afteringnoon Ladies and Gentlemen and all who are listening to light opera at the moment. A late get up and important motorbike things to perform this morning hence late reporting in.
Happy birthday to you know who, I shall play the birfday song for you later today. Be grateful you can't hear it, I always play an h# instead of a bflat.

A young 5.6 greeted me this morning, broke wind and ran out of the back door. I must get my meter looked at.......

Well pet lovers, sorry I don't have any pets to write about, but I do have a Mrs J, she is an evil fire breathing dragon, has had a kill at a glance chip installed and is extremely violent. Mrs J has kept tropical fish in the past. They reminded me of whitebait.
Have a good afternoon folks.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Good gracious @zauberflote thats more like sheep sheering. We have a lovely tv programme called Countryfile every Sun evening and last week they had sheep farmed on salt marsh. They dont take all their fleece off so they can survive the tough conditions. At low tide they let them out to feast on sea grasses and sea herbs and it only took 3 weeks to train them to return to the yard when the tide turned.