What was your fasting blood glucose? (full on chat)


Well-Known Member
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Diet only
Yesterday 6.1 after a day of higher than usual carbs
6.6 today after a day of being back to normal! Very low carb. Maybe the 2 glasses of prosecco before seeing late night movie. Film started 10.30pm! Last Christmas. Absolutely loved it.

We have granddaughter today. Watching her building a house with her mega blocks for the umpteenth time. Frozen in the background.....for the umpteenth time! Love it. Looking forward to soon having 2 grandchildren to dote on. Shouldn't be long now fingers crossed.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Morning All. 6.3 today which wouldnt normally be pleasing but today it is after the highs of the last three days. It means I’m coming down.
@jjraak loving the travel bulletins and pics, seems a very chilled place. @HarryBeau glad you have had a good week and the furries are keeping you busy. @DJC3 nice for you and Dennis to have a nice quiet day together. I have a quiet day to myself tomo as all the boys off to the football. Our boys go on Monday and then we have two quiet days just me and Mr PM. It can all get a bit much all this feasting. No 1 son is getting tetchy now “coming down” from Christmas.
I hope you all have a good weekend. Stay well, stay safe.

I agree it can get a bit much, I’m always a bit relieved to have some quiet time afterwards although I loved the happy chaotic Christmas we had.
This morning’s walk was along the cliff top from Carlyon bay to Charlestown. Really blew the cobwebs away and my step counter says I’ve climbed 19 floors which explains why I was a bit puffed sometimes. Here’s a ( not particularly good) photo I took along the way


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
They've learned so much in the last two weeks DJC...unfortunately none of it particularly useful...on Christmas morning friends & their children arrived for tea presents & mince pies...we always take the china out of the cabinet the full works tea pot milk jug & sugar bowl plates etc...as I saw them out I must have been out of the room for around two to three minutes only... I came back into the room to find Charlie & Lola with their faces stuck right into the milk jug lapping away for England...I am so lucky they didn't break any...so are they

Just a bit of quality control I expect. They wanted to make sure the milk was nice and fresh for you all!


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
Yesterday 6.1 after a day of higher than usual carbs
6.6 today after a day of being back to normal! Very low carb. Maybe the 2 glasses of prosecco before seeing late night movie. Film started 10.30pm! Last Christmas. Absolutely loved it.

We have granddaughter today. Watching her building a house with her mega blocks for the umpteenth time. Frozen in the background.....for the umpteenth time! Love it. Looking forward to soon having 2 grandchildren to dote on. Shouldn't be long now fingers crossed.
Hope all goes well for your daughter and your dotage:angelic: is happily doubled. Inside out and Moana (every morning) with maracas brandished by a 7 month old and on demand top up of blueberries appears to be the Suffolk way. Enjoy it all - quite magical.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
@DJC3 thanks for the pic of glorious Cornwall. Just picked up from the doormat the Watergate Bay brochure....I think they might struggle (with their prices) now that Fifteen has closed. So sorry for all the Cornish youngsters who will lose out to train there. It would be good if Rick Stein took it on, he’s my favourite, we loved his bistro at Portleven this year.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Fbg 6.1 @ 4.00 ish on this Feast of the Holy Innocents - Coventry Carol anyone? @jjraak standard of your travelogues is maintained as the market leader on here and Lauren of Arabia looks suitably chilled and chic. The force giving a month long bruising that my ego has needed shows no signs of having finished with me as that fbg, early waking, constipation and subtle hints of gout testify. Timely reminder of the frailty of human flesh and the limits of any plans for managing diabetes. Hopefully, December has been the grit that makes a pearl. I do get a strong feeling that Psalm 146 vs 2-3 are hinting at something I really need to learn whilst staying focused on to vvs 7-10. Yes Joni, I am aware of my weakness, love your songs but you are so sub Feuerbach: lesson in survival, spinning out on turns that keep you tough, Guru books the bible only a reminder that you're just not good enough. (I am open to the possibility) Have a great day.

Thank you for the reminder of this fourth day of Christmas not really being about calling or collie or canary birds ... :)
As Ms Mitchell says, "you need to believe in something" -- well, I don't know much about "guru books," having read only Yogananda's autobiography and I Me Mine and a little Ram Dass, but I have read more of the Bible, and you know John 3:16. :)


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
7.1 this morning followed by a delightful trip down memory lane with other typists of my generation. :) I learned to type on something like this:

and at my first office job used one of these


which we thought was as far as typewriters would ever need to go. Then when IBM came out with the correcting typewriter, and correction tape, that was all we thought we'd ever need!


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
I also learnt to type to music - The William Tell Overture. I remember when electric typewriters were introduced at work - it felt like we were on the cutting edge of technology.
Yes - William Tell Overture was amongst them. We had to be able to type script, cypher and also take transcription - receiving morse code and typing it out. My typing speed has dropped over the years and all those new fangled buttons to their right of the P,L and M keys are a nuisance. My morse though is not too bad.


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
7.1 this morning followed by a delightful trip down memory lane with other typists of my generation. :) I learned to type on something like this:

and at my first office job used one of these


which we thought was as far as typewriters would ever need to go. Then when IBM came out with the correcting typewriter, and correction tape, that was all we thought we'd ever need!
I found that from a manual to an electronic one required pressure re-training on the fingers - the imperials needed a lot of bashing as @PenguinMum indicated. The electronic ones used to print whole lines of single letters if you were not light enough.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
I agree it can get a bit much, I’m always a bit relieved to have some quiet time afterwards although I loved the happy chaotic Christmas we had.
This morning’s walk was along the cliff top from Carlyon bay to Charlestown. Really blew the cobwebs away and my step counter says I’ve climbed 19 floors which explains why I was a bit puffed sometimes. Here’s a ( not particularly good) photo I took along the way View attachment 37454

How lovely! It looks so welcoming and peaceful.
Is it pasture and do the animals get turned out to eat from the round bales? Or are the bales waiting to be delivered to the animals?
It reminds me of one New Year's that I spent helping to herd horses out of the way while our barn manager unloaded round bales from the trailer she'd rented. Lovely cold muddy day up to my knees in hay and wellies! :)
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Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
I found that from a manual to an electronic one required pressure re-training on the fingers - the imperials needed a lot of bashing as @PenguinMum indicated. The electronic ones used to print whole lines of single letters if you were not light enough.

Yes ... I had forgotten they did that! :)


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Yes...thats the one in my first office job also! I think they were either light grey or dark grey. I dont remember the correcting tape though so maybe we didnt have those.

I think that came out later. I first used a Selectric like the black one in 1972-3, and I think the one that had the correction tape was a later model. I think I was still using carbon paper in 1978, at a different job, and the correction tape wouldn't have helped much with all the carbon copies! As you said, whiteout fluid, and erasers! :)
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Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
How lovely! It looks so welcoming and peaceful.
Is it pasture and do the animals get turned out to eat from the round bales? Or are the bales waiting to be delivered to the animals?
It reminds me of one New Year's that I spent helping to herd horses out of the way while our barn manager unloaded round bales from the trailer she'd rented. Lovely cold muddy day up to my knees in hay and wellies! :)

It’s arable land I think - it’s quite a steep drop to the sea below but there are sheep in the field behind the path where I was standing. It’s a nice walk, sometimes woodland, sometimes open fields and lots of beautiful views of the sea.
I love the sound of your previous New Year’s Day: cold and muddy, and up to your knees in hay and wellies. The sort of day that treasured memories are made from.


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
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Diet only
Hope all goes well for your daughter and your dotage:angelic: is happily doubled. Inside out and Moana (every morning) with maracas brandished by a 7 month old and on demand top up of blueberries appears to be the Suffolk way. Enjoy it all - quite magical.
Thank you.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
I think that came out later. I first used a Selectric like the black one in 1972-3, and I think the one that had the correction tape was a later model. I think I was still using carbon paper in 1978, at a different job, and the correction tape wouldn't have helped much with all the carbon copies! As you said, whiteout fluid, and erasers! :)
We also had a strange thing called a telecopier for sending pages of documents which whirled around a cone at breakneck speed, it was the used before the fax machine came in. Another big thing was the Telex machine where what you typed was printed out in little holes on white tape which would be fed back in to send electronically to another company. I spent a lot of time on that and got quite good at it. I never came accross either of these machines again. I moved to England and it was much more tech advanced I think.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
We also had a strange thing called a telecopier for sending pages of documents which whirled around a cone at breakneck speed, it was the used before the fax machine came in. Another big thing was the Telex machine where what you typed was printed out in little holes on white tape which would be fed back in to send electronically to another company. I spent a lot of time on that and got quite good at it. I never came accross either of these machines again. I moved to England and it was much more tech advanced I think.

I've seen teletype machines in movies but I don't think I've ever seen a telecopier. It sounds fascinating!
I loved the mimeograph/duplicating machines like the one in the picture I posted. They used purple ink and the sheets of paper always came off the roller still damp and with a wonderful smell of ink.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
I've seen teletype machines in movies but I don't think I've ever seen a telecopier. It sounds fascinating!
I loved the mimeograph/duplicating machines like the one in the picture I posted. They used purple ink and the sheets of paper always came off the roller still damp and with a wonderful smell of ink.

I used to operate that duplicating machine @SaskiaKC at school in the secretary's office. Cranking the handle. I was about 12 yrs old.
It wouldn't be allowed if the machine were around now. Because I think some form of alcohol was used. It might have been Methanol & Isopropyl alcohol mix for the purple ink.
I do recall the door to outside being open when I was using it. So I presume ventilation was needed...
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