What was your fasting blood glucose? (with some chat)


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
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Diet only
5.0 today. Happy as Larry whoever he is!!! Yet to meet the happy chappy!

Now that I've reached my goal weight I'm slowly introducing more carbs into my diet to see how my IR copes. Also cutting down on fats as cholesterol has crept up. Not overly concerned after being reassured this is quite usual with LCHF diet. And my readings are not bad either.
Yesterday I had a piece (small) of Warburtons bread toasted for breakfast. Topped with leerdammer cheese. Then i had 2 thirds of a can if lentil and bacon soup (about 16g carbs) for lunch as I was peckish and BS didn't spike. Chicken salad for dinner with a glass of merlot and a few salted nuts after and again BS stayed in the 5s. So all in all a very sunny day all round! Have a good day everyone. It's cracking the flags here!


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Mooli and wasabi salad for lunch. Eat well and prosper everyone

Great number Sue
Funny you should mention mooli - my daughter sent me a photo of some she’d received in her veg box yesterday, she didn’t know what they were or what to do with them.
At the risk of going off topic how do you make your salad?


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Morning all 8.9 this morning, up again :arghh:. Although did test 2 hours later than normal! There may be a trend here. will give it a few more days then do a post. I'm still grateful its single figures, lot better than 16.6 at start. Have a good day all. :)


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type
Stupid people
******!!!! 2.9 this morning. Looked on my Libre and was hypo all night. I think i miscalculated supper (WOOPS)

Edited to add: Lowering my HBA1c thou :D :) :D


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
good afternoon everyone :)

was 4.6 this morning

have been making the most of the sun today and doing some bush and hedge trimming in mum's garden. It's amazing that such a dark and chilly start to the day weather wise turned out so warm and sunny :)


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
I disagree it’s a hypo number - well it is for me at 3.1 I’d be getting some carbs fast
when being a type 2 not on any insuline affecting medication , then it is not dangerous to be at a level of 3 mmol, it might be uncomfortable but it is many times not really dangerous, it all depends on the person having the low number, som get ill from being that low but not all people do feel ill , some even feel okay while being a little under 3 mmol..

but if type 1 it is totally dangerous and can also lead to a lifethreatening condition.
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Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type
Foodwise Nuts & Mushrooms (Vomit)
when being a type 2 not on any insuline affecting medication , then it is not dangerous to be at a level of 3 mmol, it might be uncomfortable but it is many times not really dangerous, it all depends on the person having the low number, som get ill from being that low but not all people do feel ill , some even feel okay while being a little under 3 mmol..

but if type 1 it is totally dangerous and can also lead to a lifethreatening condition.

Sorry I should have made it clear I’m type 1


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type
cold weather
Great number Sue
Funny you should mention mooli - my daughter sent me a photo of some she’d received in her veg box yesterday, she didn’t know what they were or what to do with them.
At the risk of going off topic how do you make your salad?
Spiralised the mooli. The dressing is sesame oil, mixed with cider vinegar and wasabe paste. Quantities fr these are very much a matter of taste and also how much mooli's been grated. Goes with anything, fish, meat how or cold