What was your fasting blood glucose? (with some chat)


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Good morning All. 6.8 again after not eating since lunchtime yesterday. Felt under par all day and protein in my urine at hospital so brewing a little UTI possibly. Very sobering news yesterday with the Endocrynologist (if interested my thread Endocrynologist Consultation). Next HBA1c 48 or more I am being put on insulin. Its anazing to me that I have been asking the question of all my HCPs since diagnosis and they all shrugged their shoulders. The Endo told me I was a very smart lady which made me laugh. Have been milking that one at home!!
@Ziggy2017 sorry you are having a rough time so good you have a lovely mum. Gope you turn the corner very soon!
@ianpspurs never did get to rake the leaves in my woody area, no time or energy. Lol


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
People that point out my spelling mistakes
Morning everyone not very good this morning one minute I’m roasting the next I’m freezing I’ve had a temperature on and off all day yesterday this morning my temperature is 38.3 so my mum thinks I need to start my antibiotics I’m just gonna take it easy today and hopefully by the time my antibiotics are finished I’ll feel better blood sugar is 5.0 this morning

Question, did you do what your transplant hospital told you to do ? Another question are the antibiotics compatible with you anti rejection drugs ? Sorry about the questions . I have been told that when you are ill your blood sugars go haywire.
Get well soon.
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Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 1
Morning everyone not very good this morning one minute I’m roasting the next I’m freezing I’ve had a temperature on and off all day yesterday this morning my temperature is 38.3 so my mum thinks I need to start my antibiotics I’m just gonna take it easy today and hopefully by the time my antibiotics are finished I’ll feel better blood sugar is 5.0 this morning
Hope you feel better soon.
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Type of diabetes
I reversed my Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Morning everyone not very good this morning one minute I’m roasting the next I’m freezing I’ve had a temperature on and off all day yesterday this morning my temperature is 38.3 so my mum thinks I need to start my antibiotics I’m just gonna take it easy today and hopefully by the time my antibiotics are finished I’ll feel better blood sugar is 5.0 this morning
Take care lots of rest and plenty of fluids be very kind to yourself
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Type of diabetes
I reversed my Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Good morning All. 6.8 again after not eating since lunchtime yesterday. Felt under par all day and protein in my urine at hospital so brewing a little UTI possibly. Very sobering news yesterday with the Endocrynologist (if interested my thread Endocrynologist Consultation). Next HBA1c 48 or more I am being put on insulin. Its anazing to me that I have been asking the question of all my HCPs since diagnosis and they all shrugged their shoulders. The Endo told me I was a very smart lady which made me laugh. Have been milking that one at home!!
@Ziggy2017 sorry you are having a rough time so good you have a lovely mum. Gope you turn the corner very soon!
@ianpspurs never did get to rake the leaves in my woody area, no time or energy. Lol
Lots of fluids rest and being kind to yourself sounds as if should be order of day for you too - you need to follow @ianpspurs massive pints of tea example to wash out any infections!
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Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 3
Treatment type
Diabetes and injections
Question, did you do what your transplant hospital told you to do ? Another question are the antibiotics compatible with you anti rejection drugs ? Sorry about the questions . I have been told that when you are ill your blood sugars go haywire.
Get well soon.
@alf_Josiah they told my mum not to give me the antibiotics and to send a spit sample to the GP but my mum said as I’ve been having temperatures all day yesterday and today that it’s probably an infection and yes I think my antibiotic is compatible as the drs have used it on me multiple times
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Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
People that point out my spelling mistakes
Good Morening Ladies and Gentlemen and all who have committed aviation in some form other, falling off ladders does not count.

A 6.1 for me this morning.

Well today folks I don't know what you are doing, but try to enjoy it whatever it is.


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
@ianpspurs never did get to rake the leaves in my woody area, no time or energy. Lol
@PenguinMum sorry to hear about your higher number and potential UTI. Where are you that you ( and others) get to see Endos? I am, and always have been, basically left to my own devices even though my GP practice is rated in top 10 in county. As for raking your woody area our DIL in Soton is a public school girl from that area and apparently that sort of thing was compulsory:angelic:
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Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
@PenguinMum sorry to hear about your higher number and potential UTI. where are you that you ( and others) get to see Endos? I am basically left to my own devices even though my GP practice is rated in top 10 in county. As for raking your woody area our DIL in Soton is a public school girl and apparently that sort of thing was compulsory:angelic:
@ianpspurs I was actually referred consultant to consultant so thats the best route. I am in the Portsmouth Hosp system though I had my pancretectomy at the Spire in Southampton in 2012. That was in the good old days of private insurance.