What was your fasting blood glucose? (with some chat)


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
4.8mmol/L this wonderful Saturday morning.

Data since November;
Average glucose = 5.1mmol/L (91mg/dl)
Estimated HbA1c = 29mmol/mol (4.8%)

Considering where I was not much more than a year ago - crying in pain at night and worrying that I was going blind in my right eye - I’m pretty happy with all that. Really feel like I’ve beaten it now and can happily and enthusiastically sustain this lifestyle for as long as I have air in my lungs. In your face diabetes, you’ll have to try harder than that! :stop:

Wishing you all similar positivity when staring-out your meters this morning :cool:

What a turnaround Jim. Well done you!


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 1
4.8mmol/L this wonderful Saturday morning.

Data since November;
Average glucose = 5.1mmol/L (91mg/dl)
Estimated HbA1c = 29mmol/mol (4.8%)

Considering where I was not much more than a year ago - crying in pain at night and worrying that I was going blind in my right eye - I’m pretty happy with all that. Really feel like I’ve beaten it now and can happily and enthusiastically sustain this lifestyle for as long as I have air in my lungs. In your face diabetes, you’ll have to try harder than that! :stop:

Wishing you all similar positivity when staring-out your meters this morning :cool:
Well done


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
Morning all. Rudely awoken by my first leg cramps in a while, but at least BG was behaving - 4.8. Walking football awaits.

@ianpspurs interesting about the weekend theory. I definitely eat less at the weekends as I find fasting so much easier when I’m out and about all day and there’s no time for the endless cups of tea with cream that punctuate the working day.

Have a great weekend all.
I have no doubt it could be any day according to culture/lifestyle/myth. Just read that, and it worked for me/us. For years we were probably only all 5 in the house to eat at Christmas - at least 1 boy, me or both would be playing sport. However many were there together we would have roasts on Sunday. latterly with my dad and/or taking 2 portions to mum and dad. I think the main point is to keep to the same day, time if possible and type of clothing (mine is as I came into the world) Weekends seem pretty much only times our boys can assemble their full tribes.
Edited to be fair to my wife: For years Julie would work/be out of the house up to 16 hrs a day weekdays.
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Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Morning all a 6.2 greeted me today, Gabe the Fossie dog was successfully delivered to his new Family on Thursday evening and it went well, until he tried to follow us out of the door!! Cue tears from my wife and I had a bit of "dust" in mine!! But the reports are that he's settling in well.

Take care everyone.
I wondered how it went john.


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
4.8mmol/L this wonderful Saturday morning.

Data since November;
Average glucose = 5.1mmol/L (91mg/dl)
Estimated HbA1c = 29mmol/mol (4.8%)

Considering where I was not much more than a year ago - crying in pain at night and worrying that I was going blind in my right eye - I’m pretty happy with all that. Really feel like I’ve beaten it now and can happily and enthusiastically sustain this lifestyle for as long as I have air in my lungs. In your face diabetes, you’ll have to try harder than that! :stop:

Wishing you all similar positivity when staring-out your meters this morning :cool:
Excellent. Congratulations on your achievement.
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Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Morning...finally a good nights sleep...it's been an up & down week...blood pressure seems to be coming down cold on the wane...thankful for that & of course if it BP stays stable I can cancel my appointment with Dr Dreadful...exhausting when you have to 'fight' with those who are charged with our care to get what you need...not a great dynamic...woke to a 5.7


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Treatment type
12.1 this morning, which is higher than usual. I’m so annoyed by this as last night I increased my insulin after my conversation with the DSN!

So frustrated!!! But I’m going to have a nice long walk this morning to burn it off. Then a full day of studying.....

Have a nice weekend everyone.


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
4.8mmol/L this wonderful Saturday morning.

Data since November;
Average glucose = 5.1mmol/L (91mg/dl)
Estimated HbA1c = 29mmol/mol (4.8%)

Considering where I was not much more than a year ago - crying in pain at night and worrying that I was going blind in my right eye - I’m pretty happy with all that. Really feel like I’ve beaten it now and can happily and enthusiastically sustain this lifestyle for as long as I have air in my lungs. In your face diabetes, you’ll have to try harder than that! :stop:

Wishing you all similar positivity when staring-out your meters this morning :cool:
Fantastic summary of your journey in a short time Jim you should be ecstatic. I think LC works big time for a few people. For others it is still better than anything else. Don't think there is any way of predicting. Huge "shout out" to you. For newer members if you don't see the rapid change Jim has that is not a sign of failure. Quite a few of us have way more humdrum tales. Hope this is ok by you @Jim Lahey
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Fantastic summary of your journey in a short time Jim you should be ecstatic. I think LC works big time for a few people. For others it is still better than anything else. Don't think there is any way of predicting. Huge "shout out" to you. For newer members if you don't see the rapid change Jim has that is not a sign of failure. Quite a few of us have way more humdrum tales. Hope this is ok by you @Jim Lahey

Absolutely. It’s never my intention to make anyone else feel deflated. All we can do is share our own experiences and hope that they add to the pool of knowledge.

Also not everyone has the motivation that I had. I’m sure I don’t need to expand further on that :)
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