What was your fasting blood glucose? (with some chat)


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type
I wondered how it went john.
It went well the introduction with the resident Bulldog went well, Gabe is such a good dog he just wants everyone to like him. Just when it came time to go it broke our hearts as he wanted to come with us!! But his new family are wonderful people and Gabe will fit in well.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
feel like I’ve beaten it now and can happily and enthusiastically sustain this lifestyle for as long as I have air in my lungs.

In your face diabetes,
you’ll have to try harder than that! :stop:


I've read your posts from day one,

a big fan of your no nonsense writing style., Always seems to hit the spot for me between informational AND inspirational.

(Must be honest, and admit I don't do the fat like you do, but the bacon addiction ;). Did lead me to a better more fulfilling way of eating)

Must be a marvelous feeling to look back and wave two fingers in the style you write above

Inspiring and dogged.
Truly bond worthy...

I imagine you in a savile row suit, Walther ppk 7 65 nestled in its shoulder holster, Dr Blofeld played by diabetes, stroking his cat in menacing disapproval..

revealing his plan for world domination, in the mistaken belief his raygun/laser cutting tool/shark infested tank, has him seen the last of you....

when suddenly you go for the BACON....
and all hell breaks loose.......

cut to the end,

where Dr Bofelds dreams are in tatters,
as you dust off your jacket, and saunter off into the sunset with the beautiful girl (played by Life)..... Magic

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I've read your posts from day one,

a big fan of your no nonsense writing style., Always seems to hit the spot for me between informational AND inspirational.

(Must be honest, and admit I don't do the fat like you do, but the bacon addiction ;). Did lead me to a better more fulfilling way of eating)

Must be a marvelous feeling to look back and wave two fingers in the style you write above

Inspiring and dogged.
Truly bond worthy...

I imagine you in a savile row suit, Walther ppk 7 65 nestled in its shoulder holster, Dr Blofeld played by diabetes, stroking his cat in menacing disapproval..

revealing his plan for world domination, in the mistaken belief his raygun/laser cutting tool/shark infested tank, has him seen the last of you....

when suddenly you go for the BACON....
and all hell breaks loose.......

cut to the end,

where Dr Bofesld dreams are in tatters,
as you dust off your jacket, and saunter off into the sunset with the beautiful girl (played by Life)..... Magic

Ha! Thank you but I wouldn’t go that far. Mostly I just ramble on and spend far too much time on here.

Worth noting with regard to the fat consumption - I’m 63kg with a BMI of 18.6. Think Bruce Lee (yeah right!) as opposed to John Candy. As such, I don’t have a lot of stored fat that my body can turn to for fuel, so I have to consume lots of it in my diet. I’m not one of those mad, fat-bomb, keto fanboys. I eat it because I need it, it makes me feel awesome, and it makes everything taste great :D


Type of diabetes
I reversed my Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Good morning all
4.9 today
Working some of today but also hoping to do some pleasant stuff too!
@johnpol what a superstar bet you’ll miss him
@Debandez tough re the tabs def worth investigating the liquids it’s very hard when some conditions make eating and drinking many things almost impossible for the person because of fear of tastes, appearances and textures even colour but very common across autistic spectrum. I dread the thought of our autistic family member becoming diabetic as he has such a limited amount of food he will eat and much is carbohydrates/beige foods! Take care good bgs though well done
@DJC3 special shout out for your lower sat morning figure.


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
It went well the introduction with the resident Bulldog went well, Gabe is such a good dog he just wants everyone to like him. Just when it came time to go it broke our hearts as he wanted to come with us!! But his new family are wonderful people and Gabe will fit in well.
OOh I have no idea how you & the family do that john...but...thank goodness you do...poor old 'bullys' are often misunderstood...Harry is such a gentle soul who like Gabe wants everyone to like him...well done.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
@Jim Lahey

I think the message I heard

Was "get busy dying OR get up off the canvas and PUNCH back "

I think THAT is what '''Makes"' us.

Male/female..large or small.
That dogged determination, that Grit, that inner STEEL, within us to just NOT lie down and take it.

I see that everyday from so many on here.

I doff my cap in respect and awe to everyone, for ALL the strength I see around me.

And I thank you for the posts that helped ME.

Enjoy your day.
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Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
On a lighter note...made these little babies for breakfast...Hmn Hmn Hmn…

salami cups.JPG


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
Worth noting with regard to the fat consumption - I’m 63kg with a BMI of 18.6
Wow! We are the same height 184 cms? but I would need to be roughly 10 kgs lighter. Am I right that this makes you just under 10 stone avoirdupois? Where did you start out from to get to this point weight wise? Just trying to get a mental picture of your amazing journey and extrapolate.
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Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)

(What are they...o_O:D)
So easy to make jjraak...a few of slices of salami/chirizo moulded into a cup cake tray as a base (I use a silicone one to make they come out easily)...some well seasoned beaten eggs...pour the eggs into the salami base...top with some grated cheese of your choice...bake in the oven for twenty minutes...they were delicious...I haven't worked out the carbs yet...but very low.

ps. just worked out the carbs...roughly about 2 carbs per portion.
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Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Even worse today did a lot of exercise yesterday and my number seems to become worse the day after anoying as I did not eat more carbs than usual , I did Waite for my daughter to come home from kind of prom at her school so was awake till 3 o’clock and was waken up at 4 as well

So this morning a disappointing 7.2 at 11:00


Wow! We are the same height 184 cms? but I would need to be roughly 10 kgs lighter. Am I right that this makes you just under 10 stone avoirdupois? Where did you start out from to get to this point weight wise? Just trying to get a mental picture of your amazing journey and extrapolate.

I’m 183cm in my socks :D

I have always been very slim and have found it difficult to put on weight my whole life. I just don’t have the fat cells. This most likely made it very easy for me to become diabetic relatively quickly. Dietary ketosis made me gain weight after diagnosis but lose more of what little abdominal fat I had...or rather could see...I imagine my pancreas and liver were totally engorged with the stuff on the inside. Only very recently has my insulin sensitivity returned to something resembling normal, but I intend to keep it that way so will continue with what I’m doing so long as I’m still lapping the Sun once a year :D


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
I’m 183cm in my socks :D

I have always been very slim and have found it difficult to put on weight my whole life. I just don’t have the fat cells. This most likely made it very easy for me to become diabetic relatively quickly. Dietary ketosis made me gain weight after diagnosis but lose more of what little abdominal fat I had...or rather could see...I imagine my pancreas and liver were totally engorged with the stuff on the inside. Only very recently has my insulin sensitivity returned to something resembling normal, but I intend to keep it that way so will continue with what I’m doing so long as I’m still lapping the Sun once a year :D
Ok, thanks for that Jim. You would totally give the lie to the idea that T2 was all about obesity and very much fit TOFI trope. My probing was all friendly. Loving what your regime has done for you and your A1C while thinking about what it would look and feel like for me. My avatar matches my size/shape for first 35-40 years of my life. I regularly wear a coat I had made to measure in my early 20s. Not sure where I would like to shift 10kgs from.
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Ok, thanks for that Jim. You would totally give the lie to the idea that T2 was all about obesity and very much fit TOFI trope. My probing was all friendly. Loving what your regime has done for you and your A1C while thinking about what it would look and feel like for me. Not sure where I would like to shift 10kgs from.

I’m way too skinny really but at least I’m allegedly on the lower BMI limit, if anyone should care about such a metric. Fat is just a measure of stored energy. In and of itself it isn’t unhealthy to be carrying stored energy around. It’s exactly how we are designed to operate. The issue arises when your body starts running out of places to put it. Weight alone is not a marker of metabolic health and it would help if the media didn’t keep perpetuating the myth that fat people get diabetes.

Anyway that’s enough rambling and I’m kind of derailing. The sun has just come out and I’m off out for a walk in the fresh air :D
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