What was your fasting blood glucose? (with some chat)


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Just out of curiousity, what do you take to eat on that kind of expedition? I similarly find it difficult to find suitable non carby food when on the hoof, so ideas of alternatives would be useful. I have resorted to knawing on chicken legs (cooked!) before now as they’re easy to stick in tinfoil, but other options welcome.
I took some cheese and left over boiled ham nuts tomatoes and a pear. It worked out fine as there were only sausage rolls, pasties & cake available. I have in the past asked for a meal without the rice / chips / bread and with extra salad beans etc.


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
FBG of 6.3 at 7am this morning. Same dinner as Sat night (leftover roast lamb & cabbage heated up) minus the Hagen Das, SF jelly back on the menu. Other variable was exercise, of which there was little yesterday. Duly noted.

Have a super Monday!


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
What's today?!?! - MY BIRTHDAY! Yay for me . . . Oh yeah, 6.3, that's my BG, not my age . . It'll be bigger tomorrow, my BG will be, but my age will still be the same. Why? Because today is - MY BIRTHDAY!
Labor day today as it was all those years ago for your mum but with an added u. Happy birthday and many more.


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
What's today?!?! - MY BIRTHDAY! Yay for me . . . Oh yeah, 6.3, that's my BG, not my age . . It'll be bigger tomorrow, my BG will be, but my age will still be the same. Why? Because today is - MY BIRTHDAY!
Hey, we're birthday twins! It's my birthday today too - and my actual, born five minutes before me, twin's birthday too*! As I always say, HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO US!

*Having the same birthday... or even birth month...is not guaranteed even if you are twins, as my great grandmother Julia and her twin sister Augusta could attest to!


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
Hey, we're birthday twins! It's my birthday today too - and my actual, born five minutes before me, twin's birthday too*! As I always say, HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO US!

*Having the same birthday... or even birth month...is not guaranteed even if you are twins, as my great grandmother Julia and her twin sister Augusta could attest to!
Happy birthday. By coincidence my mum May and her twin sister June were the same. Oh, 4.9 fbg here.


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Hey, we're birthday twins! It's my birthday today too - and my actual, born five minutes before me, twin's birthday too*! As I always say, HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO US!

*Having the same birthday... or even birth month...is not guaranteed even if you are twins, as my great grandmother Julia and her twin sister Augusta could attest to!
Happy Birthday :coldfeet: Hope you’re having a good day