What was your fasting blood glucose? (full on chat)


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I think I like that the most of all your work so far. Very evocative and makes me quite nostaligic/"homesick" I used to really like walking our dogs just as light was fading. Enjoy the dinner - I've never "got" aubergine or cottage cheese (I swear Dr Bernstein fulminates against cottage cheese) but the onion, garlic and tomatoes are everything good. best wishes for A1c later this week you'll be fine.
I am not a fan of cream or cottage cheese but happy to grate parmesan into the Greek yogurt...as Mr PM would say you always deviate from the plan.

Muddy Cyclist

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I've never "got" aubergine or cottage cheese (I swear Dr Bernstein fulminates against cottage cheese
Hmm, I learn something new each and every day. I really thought high fat cottage cheese was fine, luckily I don't eat it regularly probably only when cooking Aubergine Bake, but food for thought, thanks for pointing it out to me. Portion sizes are well monitored by Mrs MC and I so that maybe helps with this dish which normally does two meals. Complicated this LC life and I'm still struggling to maintain weight let alone muscle.


Type of diabetes
I reversed my Type 2
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Diet only
Hmm, I learn something new each and every day. I really thought high fat cottage cheese was fine, luckily I don't eat it regularly probably only when cooking Aubergine Bake, but food for thought, thanks for pointing it out to me. Portion sizes are well monitored by Mrs MC and I so that maybe helps with this dish which normally does two meals. Complicated this LC life and I'm still struggling to maintain weight let alone muscle.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Good HbA1c result, I know what you mean about pressing for a number I have same issue. My HbA1c blood gathering is Tuesday afternoon so probably have results on Thursday, I hope it goes down to the 30's but I have been having quite a lot of readings in the 6 range so a little concerned.

I hope you will get a good result tomorrow.
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Type of diabetes
Type 2
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Tablets (oral)
I was wondering if since St Patrick’s Day is March 17 and you havent been there long if the wreath was still up from last year or is displayed early for this year. Seems bonkers to me but some say (Mr PM often) I am a bit bonkers.

To agree with you that the St Patrick's Day wreath is bonkers.

To disagree with Mr PM that you are
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Type of diabetes
Type 2
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Tablets (oral)
The last of the light and aquick dog walk past some pollarded trees by a stream tried to capture them on my return witha dashed off watercolour before I cook dinner A4 20 minutes.

View attachment 38903

Dinner tonight will be Aubergine Bake, Sliced Aubergine griddled, Diced onion and garlic fried, tin tomatoes, black pepper, full fat Yogurt Greek, Full fat Cottage Cheese. LAyered in baking dish, cheese grated on top and sprinkled with paprika. Baked for 20 minutes, gorgeous! Mrs MC as it with rice I have some depending on my pre meal BG reading.

Out of interest it's blowing a gale and the chimney is roaring but fire took an age to get going tonight, think I must have chopped some Oak Kindling.

Lovely colors. :)


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Wear em down they are supposed to be there for us!
However I don't hold out much hope, I sent hundreds regarding the treatment of my poor old mom and the stock replies were always 'Sorry you are not happy with our care' then all sorts of information that improved nothing. I even had one letter which said 'Sorry you are not happy with the care given to your husband' really it was my mom. NO hope I'm afraid.

Always remember the pair of slippers bought by the Hospital for someone staying in for Christmas (nice thought) trouble was the patient was an amputee. No feet!

And for legal reasons I am not allowed to detail what happened to my mum when she went into hospital for a chest infection and they messed up her other medication. She certainly didn't come out the same person as she went in.. I may or may not have mentioned my mum was an insulin dependent type 2.
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Good HbA1c result, I know what you mean about pressing for a number I have same issue. My HbA1c blood gathering is Tuesday afternoon so probably have results on Thursday, I hope it goes down to the 30's but I have been having quite a lot of readings in the 6 range so a little concerned.

Same here, I have to worm the number out of them. Then you go to see the DN to be told why are you here your bloods are normal I then respond because I am a DIABETIC! Thank the Lord for this forum. That said, I am a little bit like you in that I am seeing my bloods lift higher than I am used to so need to take myself in hand to find out why!
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Muddy Cyclist

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Ouch that's worrying. I used to have insurance when I was coaching mountain biking but I stopped doing that a couple of years back, I think I will be making calls tomorrow, more expense, more worry. Still the number of switched off people I pass either plugged in to ear phones, texting mobiles or oblivious dog walking I need to get that sorted. Thanks for the nod.
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The last of the light and aquick dog walk past some pollarded trees by a stream tried to capture them on my return witha dashed off watercolour before I cook dinner A4 20 minutes.

View attachment 38903

Dinner tonight will be Aubergine Bake, Sliced Aubergine griddled, Diced onion and garlic fried, tin tomatoes, black pepper, full fat Yogurt Greek, Full fat Cottage Cheese. LAyered in baking dish, cheese grated on top and sprinkled with paprika. Baked for 20 minutes, gorgeous! Mrs MC as it with rice I have some depending on my pre meal BG reading.

Out of interest it's blowing a gale and the chimney is roaring but fire took an age to get going tonight, think I must have chopped some Oak Kindling.
Lovely colours, lovely picture. Though for some reason pollarded trees always upset me. Its like witnessing tree abuse.

EDITED to say, woke up to a beautiful sky similar colours to this painting.
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Muddy Cyclist

Well-Known Member
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Same here, I have to worm the number out of them. Then you go to see the DN to be told why are you here your bloods are normal I then respond because I am a DIABETIC! Thank the Lord for this forum. That said, I am a little bit like you in that I am seeing my bloods lift higher than I am used to so need to take myself in hand to find out why!
It's not easy, I thought I had started to understand, then an email from this website states 40% of T2D have Kidney Disease Issues and that Metformin the drug I refused helps reduce this percentage. My Health professional constantly harangues me to take the drug even though my last HbA1c was 42, is he right? I have also now been pointed to Doc Bernstein's dietary suggestions by @ianpspurs and yes there is a lot there I already knew but equally more questions arise. The learning curve goes on and on it's not an easy ride. Before my T2D diagnosis I used to blame my Fibromyalgia for all my ailments, aches and pains, tiredness, sore feet, balance, circulation, eye focus fluctuation, now I worry that It may be my diabetes causing them which is a much more serious issue.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Ouch that's worrying. I used to have insurance when I was coaching mountain biking but I stopped doing that a couple of years back, I think I will be making calls tomorrow, more expense, more worry. Still the number of switched off people I pass either plugged in to ear phones, texting mobiles or oblivious dog walking I need to get that sorted. Thanks for the nod.

i think if it's clear the person paid no attention to their own safety, then the best they get is a Darwin nomination.
when did we become SUCH children that we expect others to look after us constantly, like we are too stupid to see the dangers in every day life.

The amount who simply march out on to a pedestrian crossing safe in the knowledge, that despite not seeing me,
that they KNOW, that on a greasy rain soaked crossing, i'm going to always be able brake a 447 lbs of metal, at a moments notice as they dash into the roadway, that would literally smash their bones, legs.arms. heads and bodies to pieces confounds me...., because one day they WILL be SO wrong,

and all because they thought a text while crossing the road, without even looking seemed like a GOOD thing to do...

i would liken it to putting your hands into the lions cage at the zoo.
TOUGH ..next case.


Well-Known Member
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It's not easy, I thought I had started to understand, then an email from this website states 40% of T2D have Kidney Disease Issues and that Metformin the drug I refused helps reduce this percentage. My Health professional constantly harangues me to take the drug even though my last HbA1c was 42, is he right? I have also now been pointed to Doc Bernstein's dietary suggestions by @ianpspurs and yes there is a lot there I already knew but equally more questions arise. The learning curve goes on and on it's not an easy ride. Before my T2D diagnosis I used to blame my Fibromyalgia for all my ailments, aches and pains, tiredness, sore feet, balance, circulation, eye focus fluctuation, now I worry that It may be my diabetes causing them which is a much more serious issue.
I wasn't given a choice to take drugs, just go and sort this by diet. That said at the time I would have refused the drugs however I now sometimes think if I was taking metformin it may have benefits, the other side of that is that my brother has to have injections for B12 deficiency one of the issues Metformin can throw up.

I too have eye fluctuations which I get when my blood sugars hit the mid 4s or lower. I am like a pinball wizard - I have rubbish hearing, rubbish eyes and hubby wishes I would stop talking ;)
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i think if it's clear the person paid no attention to their own safety, then the best they get is a Darwin nomination.
when did we become SUCH children that we expect others to look after us constantly, like we are too stupid to see the dangers in every day life.

The amount who simply march out on to a pedestrian crossing safe in the knowledge, that despite not seeing me,
that they KNOW, that on a greasy rain soaked crossing, i'm going to always be able brake a 447 lbs of metal, at a moments notice as they dash into the roadway, that would literally smash their bones, legs.arms. heads and bodies to pieces confounds me...., because one day they WILL be SO wrong,

and all because they thought a text while crossing the road, without even looking seemed like a GOOD thing to do...

i would liken it to putting your hands into the lions cage at the zoo.
TOUGH ..next case.
I have the other issue - don't know if it is because I live on a main road but on numerous occasions I have gone to cross at the crossing, waited for the green man only to have some car whiz past me, running the red light. Grrr...

Muddy Cyclist

Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
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Diet only
I have the other issue - don't know if it is because I live on a main road but on numerous occasions I have gone to cross at the crossing, waited for the green man only to have some car whiz past me, running the red light. Grrr...
i think if it's clear the person paid no attention to their own safety, then the best they get is a Darwin nomination.
when did we become SUCH children that we expect others to look after us constantly, like we are too stupid to see the dangers in every day life.

The amount who simply march out on to a pedestrian crossing safe in the knowledge, that despite not seeing me,
that they KNOW, that on a greasy rain soaked crossing, i'm going to always be able brake a 447 lbs of metal, at a moments notice as they dash into the roadway, that would literally smash their bones, legs.arms. heads and bodies to pieces confounds me...., because one day they WILL be SO wrong,

and all because they thought a text while crossing the road, without even looking seemed like a GOOD thing to do...

i would liken it to putting your hands into the lions cage at the zoo.
TOUGH ..next case.
Sadly you are both correct and it comes down to a) A world lacking in common sense, b) an attitude of it's my right and or I'm invincible c) the curse of modern communication at its worst.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Not a fan of cod. OK with Tilapia but the tinned mackerel in OO is my real fave. The wreaths make me wonder just when Thanksgiving and Christmas will start to our left. @PenguinMum we had been to this house a few times since October and the St Pat's sign only appeared early Feb 2020. There was one house round here with a Happy Fall sign most of the year.

I think I used to have mackerel sometimes when my family would go out to lunch after church some Sundays. Broiled mackerel, I think.

As to Thanksgiving and Christmas, I suspect the Thanksgiving wreath (if any) will appear on All Saints Day, or as soon as they take down their Hallowe'en wreath. Then the Christmas wreath will go up the day the Christmas tree goes up, either Thanksgiving afternoon or over Thanksgiving weekend, which they will probably observe even though if no stores or other businesses will be closed. Unless of course y'all have Black Friday sales, in which case the decorations will change as soon as they get home from the sales and recover from their exhaustion.
And the Hallowe'en wreath may go up on the first day of October, as if Hallowe'en were a season, not one night.
And they probably won't know what All Saints Day is.
Perhaps you could put up a wreath of daffodils and leeks on March 1st? Then when they ask about it you could teach them about Dewi Sant? Or would that not be appropriate in Suffolk?