What’s happened to the forum?


Retired Moderator
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Forum colour scheme - We're aware people don't like the red theme and will be offering an alternative to choose from! We'll let you know when this is ready.
I love the red colour scheme on UI.X format - it’s much clearer than the ‘default’ which has red text. The black text in UI.X format is a better contrast.

Thanks for all you’re doing to get things sorted.
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Retired Moderator
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Sorry, sorry, sorry!
But the thing is, I went away for a while as the wife, the dog and the grandkids were ravenous. I digress again. I just don't like short posts on this new thingymyjig.
Anyway, I fire trucking had to log in!
I didn't log out!
Again my first attempt was unsuccessful, however I used my auto filler in thingymyjig on my pad.
That worked.
I'm frustrated!
And still no-one has answered the red hot fire trucking question?
Where are the blogs?
I have posted over 90 blogs for members to read.
They may be boring and some stupid, obviously not everybody likes footie or sport.
But there are a number of observations from somebody who has fought and battled against medical incompetence, misdiagnosis and obesity. Amongst other things.
I would be very remiss with whoever has changed the format.
So many on here are not conducive with the sudden change in format. A large number are elderly and have had to learn how to use digital platforms, we are not of the computer generation. We need guidance and informed special treatment to navigate the terms and what this button does, what happens if you click on this or double click on the wrong place or wary of deleting stuff or posts.
Anything new, should be easy or compatible to the older platforms.
Too much is liable to put posters off! Don't forget, it is beyond a lot of elderly to even join the forums!
Enough! Well yes it is! I like a rant!
Maybe too far!
Why can't I see the fire trucking blogs button?
It would get your goat too!
Please @Giverny, @Administrator. Let me know!

Lamont, as someone who has been accountable for large IT projects, I can appreciate how it can take a while to get all these things right. As someone without that (very frustrating) experience, I feel your pain.

There is a Blogs area, but it like like the coding string has slipped it's knot right now. https://www.diabetes.co.uk/forum/blogs/

I doubt very, VERY much the intent was ever to degrade anyone's experience.
I don't know what background changes are in this build, but sometimes laws, like Data Protection, or card payment systems (not applicable here, obviously), or other legislative changes drive change that nobody particularly wants.

In IT, testing programmes can test until they are at a point of exhaustion, but the harsh reality is there will ALWAYS be aspects that can't credibly be tested within testing timeframes, or if they are tested, some members of the user groups (like us) will use the system differently, throwing up different, and frustrating results.

The DCUK staff work very hard, and provide this forum to us free of charge. The forum is a small, but very important slice of the DCUK pie. It costs money to maintain it, but brings in zero revenue, and of course, DCUK will be under the same commercial pressures as other businesses in these troubling times.

Lets just try to give informative and civil feedback, so that @Administrator, @Giverny and the other techster magicians can address our collective concerns as efficiently as possible.


Retired Moderator
Friesland (the Netherlands)
Type of diabetes
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my apologies to you @Antje77,
Apologies accepted, no problem!
At least you had the decency to reply after two hours!!!!
Erm, we're people, not bots, and so are the tech team.
Don't expect the impossible from us.

The mod team consists of volunteers with a life outside the forum.
I, for instance, have been working for 12 hours on saturday, and 8 hours on sunday, and have tried to find some time after that to check on the forum because of those sudden changes, on my phone because my work required me to stay overnight. I'm not very good on my phone because I usually use a pc, and I would have taken the weekend off from the forum if it weren't for those changes.

You must have noticed the tech team has worked throughout the weekend as well, as minor things kept changing and improving over the past few days.
Would you prefer the tech team to spend their time replying to this thread after hours on top of all the overtime they already did during the weekend, and instead of doing more tech work?

Giverny's post (https://www.diabetes.co.uk/forum/threads/what’s-happened-to-the-forum.190760/post-2540462) made it clear that the admins are following this thread, so they are aware of all issues that are mentioned and working hard to solve them.
However, they are not obliged to work throughout the night after spending the weekend working as well.

@Giverny and tech team, thank you very much for constantly putting in all this work to improve the forum!

Let's keep this thread useful to the tech team with information about what we need, and let's help eachother out where we have trouble with the new format, but let's try not to fill this thread with rants, this will only make it harder for the tech team to find the information they need.

Lamont D

Type of diabetes
Reactive hypoglycemia
Treatment type
I do not have diabetes
I will await their response.
I will do as is recommended by you @Antje77
I have said sorry!
I am your obedient servant and I do try to obey forum rules.
But if I hadn't raised the issue, or others hadn't done as such, where would the techies get the feedback?

I still had to log in again!

Marie 2

Well-Known Member
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Lol..............I have no arrows anywhere either..........as a few have also mentioned. I would check more easily who it was, but it now requires scrolling up to look and back down to where I am typing. Where before I could stay where I was typing and scroll all the previous posts on each page of the thread and the post I was working on stayed nicely on screen at the bottom.

It just feels like the new format was not tested on people that actually used the forum? Maybe on people that just went in and said that looks good and works, categories are there, new posts are there, good to go, but it wasn't tested with actual users? Because users would have spotted most of the obvious issues right away.


Well-Known Member
Wide Bay
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@Giverny and tech team, thank you very much for constantly putting in all this work to improve the forum!
They fixed my problem with the green text in the new XI 1 Dark theme, members names are in red now, I can see if the mods are on line now they are still in green. So my thanks for that.

I hope when they get around to it a nice modern logo will appear that will set the theme off. ;)


Staff Member
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I am neither moaning or groaning or being negative. The main function of this forum is to share appropriate information and give support. If there is no way of knowing what type of diabetes someone has, or their meds, the main function of this forum doesn't work.

Before switching, with zero warning, it would have been good to get this main function sorted. The look of the site and like-type buttons are just details I am happy to wait for.

Inappropriate help due to lack of basic information, or the frustration of several posts with questions before being able to help, is not a minor point. It could be dangerous.

Rolling these changes out, on a Friday, with no warning or ways to find basic information about questioners is not, in my opinion, helpful.

My son is a programmer, btw. I know how these things should be done. What testing was done, behind the scenes, before roll out?
Totally agree there needs to be access to basic info as to type and meds, advice can be dangerous e.g. telling a T2 who is on insulin to cut carbs right down. Having to go looking/keep asking was bad enough before, now it’s a nightmare to find the info, I’m finding the forum a lot less busy with new posts and new members, new threads are not getting many answers, I’m also noticing that a lot of members who usually participate in threads with help and knowledge seem to be quieter too.if it wasn’t for the 2 threads on the forum changes and the one on money saving hacks and the usual daily what’s your number threads there would be hardly any activity and I’ve always found this place pretty fast paced for a forum.


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Tablets (oral)
Too many to list here . . .
What about giving them a bit of time?
Indeed. Amongst other things/jobs I’ve been an End-User, BETA tester, for over twenty years. What engineers like to read is a systematic approach to bug-squishing. Something along the lines of:

1 - This is what I used to do, and now I can’t.

2 - This is what I want. Can it be done?

3 - I like the new …… this saves me time.

We’re not going anywhere soon. Neither are the Websters. And do yah know what, reading the “passion” with which has emerged through these WebDevs gives the Webster a sense of “purpose” and acknowledgement that they're needed. Look, this is a great, functioning resource for us all. Here’s our chance to pull together in one direction, and, for the most part, that direction is combating and living with Diabetes and being survivors.


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Not sure I want to type this, don’t want to be judged
Apart from having trouble logging in on Friday & having to change my password I’m finding it a lot easier to log & see what I want to see, the text seems to be a lot clearer too
Job well done techies
Have to add use iPhone for this site & use a computer all day at work


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Totally agree there needs to be access to basic info as to type and meds, advice can be dangerous e.g. telling a T2 who is on insulin to cut carbs right down. Having to go looking/keep asking was bad enough before, now it’s a nightmare to find the info, I’m finding the forum a lot less busy with new posts and new members, new threads are not getting many answers, I’m also noticing that a lot of members who usually participate in threads with help and knowledge seem to be quieter too.if it wasn’t for the 2 threads on the forum changes and the one on money saving hacks and the usual daily what’s your number threads there would be hardly any activity and I’ve always found this place pretty fast paced for a forum.
This lack of the basic data is pivotal to the forum. Without that data it becomes a forum for swapping recipes and not much else. I find myself unable to respond to questions raised recently, although I saw them all I could do is respond by saying - go back to your health provider I am unable to assist you any further.


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It would be helpful if we could have some instructions listed instead of having to post "How do we.." or "Where is" for those of us who are not techies (but are highly competent in our own worlds). My question of the morning is: I've found the responses to my posts little bell thingy, I've found I can click on something that marks them as read, but I haven't found how to delete the ones I've marked as read, nor have I found if there is a symbol that indicates they have been read. I am remarkably good at following instructions but need ones that can be found easily in the first place rather than having. to ask all the time. Would be less work for the techies too. It's no good putting little symbols if we don't have a key so we know what they mean. Probably perfectly obvious to techies but not to me.

Thank you.
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Type of diabetes
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Tablets (oral)
Not sure I want to type this, don’t want to be judged
Apart from having trouble logging in on Friday & having to change my password I’m finding it a lot easier to log & see what I want to see, the text seems to be a lot clearer too
Job well done techies
Have to add use iPhone for this site & use a computer all day at work
No judging here, @DEBBIESCOTT .

I think it's a basic principle of any change that people (myself included ) dislike it

Let's face it, it's like a comfy pair of shoes, they fit like a glove, even if they are a bit worse for wear....
But we buy a new pair for Sunday best...
Which we eventually wear more daily, because they fit like a glove, even when they look a little worse for wear ...etc, etc.

People, I think, are politely pointing out what they miss or don't like.

It is almost our HOME on the web.

I use other sites, motorcycles, social, Twitter, but none of them saved my life

A slight exaggeration, but I thinks it's not too far off the truth.
Certainly saved my sanity, with all the doom, gloom & worry of those early days.

So this site & it's members holds a special place in my heart, and many others I dare say, for just those very reasons.

So I think they're right to be passionate that the forum is as good as can be, within practical reason.

Many things we'd like, please....
Web magicians ...is the plea.

Pretty sure, given time we'll get most.

Some might be beyond even their abilities.

Just for the reasons this forum IS so special,... we'll avoid the more usual, 'us' V 'them' of other forums.

Complaints are heartfelt and with merit

But let's also not ignore improvements when they come.

Nothing more disheartening, for anyone trying to improve a situation, then the feeling 'Why Bother ? ...nothing we do gets noticed ."

Is it perfect ....no.
But are some issues being improved...most definitely.

We are a merry band of very mixed individuals
Illnesses, backgrounds & politics.

Some will be eager early adopters,
And for some it's a case of wait & see .

Me..i fall between two stools.

Wish we didn't have to change, but see why
And despite my 'moans' or ' feedback as I like to call it ;)

I do find some things easier to do now

So yeah...
Let's say when the web god's get things right, as well as saying...".....you know what this site really needs...."

If I wasn't clear....
FULLY agree with you.

Some thing's have improved.
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Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
It would be helpful if we could have some instructions listed instead of having to post "How do we.." or "Where is" for those of us who are not techies (but are highly competent in our own worlds). My question of the morning is: I've found the responses to my posts little bell thingy, I've found I can click on something that marks them as read, but I haven't found how to delete the ones I've marked as read, nor have I found if there is a symbol that indicates they have been read. I am remarkably good at following instructions but need ones that can be found easily in the first place rather than having. to ask all the time. Would be less work for the techies too. It's no good putting little symbols if we don't have a key so we know what they mean. Probably perfectly obvious to techies but not to me.

Thank you.
Liking the Question of the Day

If it helps, I found on DARK my alerts, have a solid ring and a slight background highlight when unread.

Once read the ring is empty and highlighted background is now clear.

I think one of the difficulties I have found is the array of tech we use to view forum.
And also whether by app or web.
And the theme used.

God knows how the webmasters cope with all the coding & protocols required across so many browsers and machine types :woot:

I've looked less then helpful when I advise,
" do 'X'.."
Because that worked for me, on my android phone using the WEB, and the DARK theme.

Only to be told . "no it doesn't, because on .."
*insert machine of choice*
*insert access means*
*insert one of the three themes*

You see my point ...:(

Been there & done similar stuff of a "how to" for work, be reluctant to do it alone, very happy for others to take that on...:happy:

But however, willing to be part of a group, building such a tool , if web god's, admins, aren't already on the case, AND no one else is going alone sorting it .

If others feel they could help in a similar way, I'd be happy to contribute .
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Found a new bug. I was in Recent Posts (sorry - Whats up Doc?XXXX NEW!) and I often use the preview screen to have a quick gander without opening the item up. In the Old incarnation I could scroll in the popup window, and when I closed it it would go back to the same place in the Whats New. Now, it seems both screens scroll so when I exit preview, I end up with a completely different display. Not a show stopper, but an annoying #improvement#
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Diet only
There are two issues.

1) the look and layout of the new site

2) being able to use information on the new site to help others and ourselves - its main function.

It's possible to like 1 and express frustration and ask questions about 2 at the same time.

1) is not essential to the continuation of the main function of the forum. 2) is.


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Suffolk, UK
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Diet drinks - the artificial sweeteners taste vile.
Having to forswear foods I have loved all my life.
Trying to find low carb meals when eating out.
Been away for a bit so this is all a surprise.
It is looking usable, but I would like the Agree, Informative, Hug etc. reactions back.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
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Tablets (oral)
I recently used the WOW button on someone's comment, because I thought it was powerful and said what I was feeling too. The other person was upset because they thought it meant I was disapproving and they complained. So the new gizmo;s are not useful at all. I have already pointed out that the LOVE button could be construed as grooming. Also SAD can be used as a derogatory term and as a personal insult.

Lobsang Tsultim

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We now appear to have type and medication information under avatars, THANK YOU!
The display seems to have changed again slightly with greys used for menu headers. They seem a bit light for me - perhaps a little darker shade?
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Type of diabetes
Type 2
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Tablets (oral)
We now appear to have type and medication information under avatars, THANK YOU!
The display seems to have changed again slightly with greys used for menu headers. They seem a bit light for me - perhaps a little darker shade?
Yes. Thats more like it. I think the information is possibly more than what we need, i.e treatment tablets(... is better than nothing, but is truncated, The medication is more useful, and again is truncated. I think at Avatar level all we need is type. and the rest could be in the profile info.