
  1. I

    Stress/Anxiety impacting blood sugar readings? A1C v OGTT?

    TLDR: I have two questions please: 1) Can stress and anxiety cause higher blood sugar readings? 2) Is HBA1C as accurate as an OGTT? (I am scared to do an OGTT because of how stressed I get) Some background, I am 5 weeks post partum, I had gestational diabetes and was put on 1,500mg of...
  2. N

    Artificial Sweeteners and diabetic

    Do low-carb sweeteners like Stevia or Erythritol contribute to or worsen diabetes in individuals who consume them regularly? Can it cause diabetes in someone who does not have it at all?
  3. S

    Results and update below

    Hello, not sure if I am diabetic yet I went to hospital Wednesday they did a hba1c I rang my doctors they not got the results yet so I rang the diabetic team at the hospital and they said the level was 69 so I said am I diabetic then and she said she was not allowed to say either way, the...
  4. Debandez


    I will be forever grateful to all the forum members on here who guided me back to good health. Too many to mention and I don't want to leave anyone out so will just say a MASSIVE THANK YOU to everyone. You know who you are. You do such an amazing job of helping and supporting.....and so much...
  5. Pancreas_Betrayed_me

    Blood Sugar is always low.

    I've been diagnosed with diabetes type 2 for around 3 months now, I also have anxiety (unfortunate combo) when I was diagnosed I was told to take 3 pills of 500 grams metformin per day because my blood sugar was really high, thanks to diet and exercise, nowadays I take only 1, my blood sugar...
  6. K

    Some questions about food nutrition labels

    Hi guys, First I would like to start off with saying that although I am posting on this forum I dont have diabetes however I try to ensure that I'm frugal with my sugar intake, especially after my weight loss journey I'm trying to ensure I know what I'm putting in my body. I am however...
  7. B

    Tingling after eating sugar?

    Hi guys, For the last year or more, I've been having mild tingling, numbness and burning sensations after eating sugary foods, mostly in my arms and legs but sometimes elsewhere. My diet is pretty bad so I was quite worried. Went to the doctors for blood tests and everything came back normal...
  8. M

    Does fresh fruit sugar increase blood sugar

    Dear all, I got confusing information about fresh fruits. I heard that fresh fruits juice or fruits doesn't increase blood sugar or doesn't herm diabetes penitent. Even diabetes penitent can drink sugarcane juice without increasing blood sugar. I don’t know how authentic is this information...
  9. B

    Good news for those with type 2 diabetes: Healthy lifestyle matters

    By Alyson Kelley-Hedgepeth, MD Type 2 diabetes (T2D) is a metabolic disorder of insulin resistance — reduced sensitivity to the action of insulin — which leads to high blood sugar, or hyperglycemia. Approximately 12% of American adults have T2D, and more than one-third of Americans have...
  10. I

    How to beat Covid19 and Metabolic Syndrome

    This is an extremely relevant interview between Dr Robert Lustig and Dr Aseem Malhotra. Towards the end it even briefly covers the science as to why 'you can't our-run a bad diet'.
  11. rubypops

    Glucose and Saccharose in antibiotics

    Good evening I have been prescribed two sachets of an antibiotic (Fosfomycin) in powder which have to be dissolved in water and drunk. I have seen that the second ingredient is saccharose and the third is glucose. Is this a sachet of sugar? There is no further information apart from this...
  12. D

    Body acts like Pre-diabetes my whole life?

    I'm confused about my condition, but it's been with me since as long as I can remember. I believe it's something which runs in the family (on one side, like my father) but so far I can't nail what it might be. I've been a health nut my whole life. I was brought up by health addicts. Since my...
  13. rebowe1308

    Confused by fruit

    hi I was diagnosed t2d near 4 weeks ago. I have been losing weight for the past 12 months calorie counting with my fitness pal. Since diagnosed, I am conscious of absolutely every thing I am eating and amazed by the amount of carbs in absolutely everything, even lettuce !! Anyway, I always have...
  14. R

    Type 1 What is the cause for blood spikes in evenings?

    Hello, my name is Rob and I'm 24, average build. Thanks for taking the time to read this. My blood sugar levels are usually 9-10mmol and that's normal for me as less than that tends to makes me feel low. My fast acting insulin is novarapid, 10 carbs per 1 unit. My long acting insulin is...
  15. T

    Prediabetes Eating vs drinking (coffee) sugar, which is worse?

    I am borderline prediabetic so I don't want that to progress any further. I feel I've improved my diet as far as refined carbs and all that, but my quandary is with treats. I prefer drinking sugar (half-sweet lattes, iced teas or, currently, iced pumpkin chai lattes) rather than eating it...
  16. pdmjoker

    Dr David Unwin on why N=1 really matters

    Just seen this super video of a talk by Dr David Unwin: At 35 mins 55s in he describes why N=1 really matters, and explains it in the context of the hypothesis "All swans are white". Enjoy!
  17. Ryann1990

    Is this peripheral neuropathy

    I have pains and burning in my palms and aching in my wrists and shoulders as well as pains in my arms. I’m 28 and feel a little young for these types of pains. My diabetes control hasn’t been the best I admit but I saw the diabetic nurse two days before the pain began and she said my feet were...
  18. M

    Is it possible to have diabetes without sugar in urine?

    Sorry if this is not on the right forum but I need help. I am 13 and female. I have coeliac disease diagnosed by a gastroentoroligist and I get all the usual symptoms for that but over the last couple of days I have developed a new set of symptoms that I have never had before with my coeliac...
  19. C

    Carbs + Sugar Confusion

    Hi, I have some questions and wondered if anybody would be kind enough to clarify a few things for me as looking online is just adding to my confusion! I was diagnosed last September with a HbA1c of 51. They were not completely sure what type I have, thinking it is genetic, possibly affected by...
  20. Coopsy91

    Sweeteners..... Curbing That Sweet Tooth One Chemical At A Time

    What are everyone's opinions of artificial sweeteners? Ive never been a big sugar eater, i was always the kid actively avoiding fizzy drinks etc but now since my Type 1 diagnosis ive turned to sweeteners in my time of a sweet need. Usually i have two cups of tea per day, each with 2x sweetex...