Hi diagnosed Type 2 about a month ago


Hi I am Jeanette from Glasgow. I went mad on sweet stuff over lockdown. I blame that for my diagnosis. I was overweight for a few years and felt my weight was out of control. For some reason it stopped bothering me! I’m 71 now and in the past I was always weight conscious! Just before my diagnosis I looked in the mirror and didn’t like what I seen. I decided to do an online slimming programme! When I was told I’d lost 8 1/2 pounds. I’ve now lost 17 1/2 lbs. I’ve cut out sweet things mostly but had a few setbacks! I can’t be trusted with sweet things! Someone told me to buy jelly babies for a hypo. I could take 4 without damaging my diet. Guess what? I ate the packet despite telling myself they were for a hypo. I don’t know really what a hypo is. I know it’s low glucose. I’ve bought a glucose monitor and don’t know if I’m doing it right.
I put the strip in the meter, then I prick my finger to get the blood and put it on the strip in the meter. It starts at 9 then quickly goes down to Lo . I don’t know if I’m doing it right. It has C and D on it? I had just eaten an orange and it was still going to Lo I would appreciate help with this.
I’ve stopped the visible sweet things. Like choc and sweets. I’m now tackling things like no added sugar bread, no added sugar beans. I still like potatoes and boiled rice but not too often. If my glucose really is Lo do I increase glucose?
Am I better to do a Keto diet? I did the fast 800 diet for 4 days and lost 6 lbs. I was so cold I had to stop it.
I think as long as I lose weight I’m doing ok. Is that right or do I have to do more? I can’t do much exercise because of spinal problems.
Forgot to say! I’m getting my eyes tested on Tuesday morning at the hospital. Fingers crossed!
Thanks for reading
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Welcome to the forums.

Have you put on any medication by your doctor and what was your initial hba1c.?

I don’t know really what a hypo is. I know it’s low glucose. I’ve bought a glucose monitor and don’t know if I’m doing it right.
I put the strip in the meter, then I prick my finger to get the blood and put it on the strip in the meter. It starts at 9 then quickly goes down to Lo . I don’t know if I’m doing it right. It has C and D on it? I had just eaten an orange and it was still going to Lo I would appreciate help with this.

Normal blood sugars for non diabetics range between 4 and 7.8 most of the time. Hypos are when you go below 4, though some non diabetics can go down to 3.7 or even 3.5. Hypos should only be an issue if you go lower than that (you risk confusion and unconsciousness once you go below 3) but this just shouldn't happen for people not on glucose lowering medication. (There are some very rare conditions where this isn't true, but they are very very unlikely to apply to you.) A meter reading of LO usually means under about 2, and I doubt you'd be conscious at that level, so it's likely there is something wrong with your meter. (Are your strips out of date?)

Realistically, you aren't going to get hypos without medication. Go on whatever diet you can keep to, but I strongly recommend reducing your carbs, as they are what give T2s issues (and weight gain). Here is my favourite link to T2 and low carb, @JoKalsbeek 's excellent blog.

JoKalsbeek's blog | Diabetes Forum • The Global Diabetes Community

If you are on certain meds (eg gliclazide or insulin) you could go hypo but that reading of lo is almost certainly an error.

The eye test is completely normal for new diabetics so please don't worry about it.
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The term “new normal “
Hi I am Jeanette from Glasgow. I went mad on sweet stuff over lockdown. I blame that for my diagnosis. I was overweight for a few years and felt my weight was out of control. For some reason it stopped bothering me! I’m 71 now and in the past I was always weight conscious! Just before my diagnosis I looked in the mirror and didn’t like what I seen. I decided to do an online slimming programme! When I was told I’d lost 8 1/2 pounds. I’ve now lost 17 1/2 lbs. I’ve cut out sweet things mostly but had a few setbacks! I can’t be trusted with sweet things! Someone told me to buy jelly babies for a hypo. I could take 4 without damaging my diet. Guess what? I ate the packet despite telling myself they were for a hypo. I don’t know really what a hypo is. I know it’s low glucose. I’ve bought a glucose monitor and don’t know if I’m doing it right.
I put the strip in the meter, then I prick my finger to get the blood and put it on the strip in the meter. It starts at 9 then quickly goes down to Lo . I don’t know if I’m doing it right. It has C and D on it? I had just eaten an orange and it was still going to Lo I would appreciate help with this.
I’ve stopped the visible sweet things. Like choc and sweets. I’m now tackling things like no added sugar bread, no added sugar beans. I still like potatoes and boiled rice but not too often. If my glucose really is Lo do I increase glucose?
Am I better to do a Keto diet? I did the fast 800 diet for 4 days and lost 6 lbs. I was so cold I had to stop it.
I think as long as I lose weight I’m doing ok. Is that right or do I have to do more? I can’t do much exercise because of spinal problems.
Forgot to say! I’m getting my eyes tested on Tuesday morning at the hospital. Fingers crossed!
Thanks for reading

There’s a saying, “you can’t outrun a bad diet" , so if your diet is awesome, that’s 80% of the battle.
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Hi. Yes, without meds you are unlikely to go below 4 or even near it so do use the meter to check but I suspect you don't need to worry. Just keep all carbs down and see how you go. Many T2s are started on the tablet Metformin which helps a bit but won't cause you to go below 4.


Hi. Yes, without meds you are unlikely to go below 4 or even near it so do use the meter to check but I suspect you don't need to worry. Just keep all carbs down and see how you go. Many T2s are started on the tablet Metformin which helps a bit but won't cause you to go below 4.

Ty I don’t get medication


Ty I don’t get medication

Ellie M I can’t reply directly as you’ve put a link in and my reply is bing rejected. I don’t get any medication. Diet only. I’ve been told to eat anything in moderation. I’m doing sw. weight is falling off which I’m happy about. I don’t know glucose levels from Dr test he just said I was well into type 2 diabetes. I’ve tried the glucose monitor again 3 times and not getting any reading. It’s a sino care accu view I’m going to return it to Amazon. Thank you for your reply


Hi. Yes, without meds you are unlikely to go below 4 or even near it so do use the meter to check but I suspect you don't need to worry. Just keep all carbs down and see how you go. Many T2s are started on the tablet Metformin which helps a bit but won't cause you to go below 4.

Thank you. I dint get meds only diet


Well-Known Member
Be careful with slimming world as it can be a very carb heavy diet. Just be aware that bread, potatoes, rice, pasta is all likely to increase your blood sugar, even wholemeal versions.

great idea to get a meter then you will be able to see for yourself which foods are increasing blood sugar. Has anyone shown you how to use one? I don’t have the same meter, but usually you prick your finger to get the bubble of blood, then just put the tip of the testing strip to the bubble. The strip then sucks the blood in. You don’t need to actually put blood on the strip if you see what I mean. Try that before returning the meter.
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Hi again. I'm afraid your GP was wrong in saying you can eat anything. Diabetes is the result of glucose intolerance so you do need to keep the carbs down. I agree with the post about SW. Whilst it has obviously helped SW can be heavy on the carbs and worry about low-fat. You don't need to worry about fats or proteins as they keep you feeling full and contribute little to blood sugar gain but all carbs turn to glucose in the stomach and that's our problem.


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I’ve tried the glucose monitor again 3 times and not getting any reading. It’s a sino care accu view I’m going to return it to Amazon. Thank you for your reply

I'm tagging @Rachox for her current UK recommendations on meters. The main cost is the strips, as GPs generally won't subscribe them. As you're not on meds then you really don't need to worry about hypos.


Hi again. I'm afraid your GP was wrong in saying you can eat anything. Diabetes is the result of glucose intolerance so you do need to keep the carbs down. I agree with the post about SW. Whilst it has obviously helped SW can be heavy on the carbs and worry about low-fat. You don't need to worry about fats or proteins as they keep you feeling full and contribute little to blood sugar gain but all carbs turn to glucose in the stomach and that's our problem.

It’s not my GP he said to lose weight it’s all they can do. Diabetes website and diabetes uk say eat anything but in moderation


I'm tagging @Rachox for her current UK recommendations on meters. The main cost is the strips, as GPs generally won't subscribe them. As you're not on meds then you really don't need to worry about hypos.

Had amazing luck today. I returned both meters to Amazon. I seen the monitor on a girls arm today and I spoke to her. She said she has a spare meter that definitely works and is bringing it to my house . She will make sure I’m using it properly. What a kind young woman! I will keep you up to date. The same thing. GPS don’t want to provide strips


Be careful with slimming world as it can be a very carb heavy diet. Just be aware that bread, potatoes, rice, pasta is all likely to increase your blood sugar, even wholemeal versions.

great idea to get a meter then you will be able to see for yourself which foods are increasing blood sugar. Has anyone shown you how to use one? I don’t have the same meter, but usually you prick your finger to get the bubble of blood, then just put the tip of the testing strip to the bubble. The strip then sucks the blood in. You don’t need to actually put blood on the strip if you see what I mean. Try that before returning the meter.

I’m not doing many carbs tbh. I’m eating weetabix for breakfast with flax and chai seed. Today I had the seeds , strawberries and yogurt. No weetabix. Wasn’t really to my taste. I had the small ham and egg salad from m and s then tonight I had homemade lentil and butterbean soup. A small bit of lamb and some tangerines as they’re low gi. How’s that?


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Hi @JeanetteM1 and thanks for the tag @EllieM

In case your friend doesn’t give you a meter, here’s some info on UK meters, and to be clear I have no commercial connections with any of the companies mentioned.

HOME HEALTH have the Gluco Navii, which is a fairly new model and seems to be getting good reviews, links to the strips and the meter:


There are also discount codes for when you come to buy more strips - "navii5" and "navii10" will give you 20% off purchases of 5 packs of strips and 25% off 10 packs of strips respectively.

Then they sell the older SD Code Free, details to be found here!


Discount codes for the Code Free strips (which I have used in the past but I don’t know if they still work)

5 packs 264086

10 packs 975833

SPIRIT HEALTHCARE have a meter called the Tee2 + found here:


with the strips found here:


Some members have got a free Tee2+ by phoning up to order, with a large order of strips they often throw the meter in for free:

Phone number 0800 8815423

With more expensive strips is their Caresens Dual, this one has the advantage of glucose and ketone testing in one machine, it’s to be found here:


If there is a choice of units of measurement then ‘mmol/L’ are the standard units in the UK, ‘mg/dl’ in the US, other countries may vary.

Don’t forget to check the box if you have pre diabetes or diabetes so you can buy VAT free. (for all meters and strips)
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Hi @JeanetteM1 and thanks for the tag @EllieM

In case your friend doesn’t give you a meter, here’s some info on UK meters, and to be clear I have no commercial connections with any of the companies mentioned.

HOME HEALTH have the Gluco Navii, which is a fairly new model and seems to be getting good reviews, links to the strips and the meter:


There are also discount codes for when you come to buy more strips - "navii5" and "navii10" will give you 20% off purchases of 5 packs of strips and 25% off 10 packs of strips respectively.

Then they sell the older SD Code Free, details to be found here!


Discount codes for the Code Free strips (which I have used in the past but I don’t know if they still work)

5 packs 264086

10 packs 975833

SPIRIT HEALTHCARE have a meter called the Tee2 + found here:


with the strips found here:


Some members have got a free Tee2+ by phoning up to order, with a large order of strips they often throw the meter in for free:

Phone number 0800 8815423

With more expensive strips is their Caresens Dual, this one has the advantage of glucose and ketone testing in one machine, it’s to be found here:


If there is a choice of units of measurement then ‘mmol/L’ are the standard units in the UK, ‘mg/dl’ in the US, other countries may vary.

Don’t forget to check the box if you have pre diabetes or diabetes so you can buy VAT free. (for all meters and strips)

I think my post should go through now as I’ve posted more than 3. Thank you so much for all your help. A friend doesn’t use a meter and doesn’t do much in way of diet. Been diagnosed a long time. Legs are very bad with inflammation , dry skin and sores. Their doc said it could be the medication for his diabetes. I’m going to try and do the best for myself as I can as I have long term health problems and don’t need more. Age is catching up with me. In last few years, diverticulitis, cataracts, the diabetes something else I can’t remember on top of everything else. All could be attributed to my great age of 71. Only positive is my hair has turned a nice shade of white and don’t have to colour it anymore! Lol looking on the bright side. Thank you once again…when it asks what kind of meter I want I don’t know what to choose!
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I’m not doing many carbs tbh. I’m eating weetabix for breakfast with flax and chai seed. Today I had the seeds , strawberries and yogurt. No weetabix. Wasn’t really to my taste. I had the small ham and egg salad from m and s then tonight I had homemade lentil and butterbean soup. A small bit of lamb and some tangerines as they’re low gi. How’s that?

You do know that SW has changed the plans and the they have had for quite a while now the SP option meaning speed and protein? It’s more difficult but I can see the value of it now with having diabetes.


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I’m not doing many carbs tbh. I’m eating weetabix for breakfast with flax and chai seed. Today I had the seeds , strawberries and yogurt. No weetabix. Wasn’t really to my taste. I had the small ham and egg salad from m and s then tonight I had homemade lentil and butterbean soup. A small bit of lamb and some tangerines as they’re low gi. How’s that?
That would be way too many carbs for me, but then I'm on about 20g/day. Weetabix is a definite no-no, and I would skip bought/prepared supermarket salad (unless I was very sure of it) as some of the dressings and additions have a lot of sugar. Equally, I wouldn't be eating tangerines as they are high in fructose.

You won't find out the answer to your question until you test before eating and then two hours after. In one sense it doesn't matter what anyone else thinks. What's important is what your food does to you (which you find out by testing), and not what it does or might do to other people. I know I would find a significant and unacceptable rise in BG after weetabix, for example, but it's possible you might not.
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I had just eaten an orange and it was still going to Lo
I'm wondering if you realise that it is vital to wash and dry your hands before testing? If you had some residue from the orange on your finger, that could mess up your reading.


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When I first started using a meter I got 'Lo' a few times. Then I worked out that you need to dip the end of the strip into the blood droplet rather than putting it on top of the strip.

If you dip the end of the strip into the blood (on my meter/strips anyway) you see the blood fill the little channel at the tip. If you don't get enough blood in that way then the meter registers there's *something* there, but there's not enough to get a proper reading. In the instructions with my meter this is not very clear.

It might be worth experimenting with your system to see if it has the same issue.
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