Weekly weigh in - Fridays


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69.15kg (10st 12lb) which is down about 2lb over the course of last week and down about 18kg (about 3 stone) since I was diagnosed in March this year. BMI is now 22.4 - down from 28.4 when I was diagnosed.
Wow, well done, that is fabulous!
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Well-Known Member
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Diet only
Not Friday, but the first of the month, and I’ve decided to only weigh myself once a month. 75kg, which is down three kgs since May and 9kg over the last year. Goal is getting back down to 70kg over the next year.


Well-Known Member
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Type 2
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Not Friday, but the first of the month, and I’ve decided to only weigh myself once a month. 75kg, which is down three kgs since May and 9kg over the last year. Goal is getting back down to 70kg over the next year.
Once a month is a good idea, it is less stressful that way. You have done really well and that must feel so good! I am sure you will manage your goal next year. :)
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Spicy food which is too hot. Nasty people who have no idea on your life journey but feel the need to comment and be cruel.
Not so good. Up again but by 5oz. 215.4 Not doing so well and trying not to overeat.


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I had a really tough week and my stress levels have been through the roof, but I still managed to lose 1.5lbs this week and I didn't resort to my usual coping mechanisms, which are sweet things and bread, so I am very pleased.


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285.1lb, down 3lb. Was 326lb beginning of January,it's coming down really slowly and inconsistently ,sometimes I think I've had a great week and lose 1lb, this week didn't think was so good and lost 3lb.still it's going in right direction though not as quick as I'd like.
Wow, that is great progress and yes, our bodies are funny things when it comes to weight loss - always full of surprises! :)


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Not so good. Up again but by 5oz. 215.4 Not doing so well and trying not to overeat.
I see your food postings on the other thread, doesn't seem hardly any carbs. Are you perhaps undereating and your body has gone into survival mode and is hanging on to whatever it can get?
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Well-Known Member
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Spicy food which is too hot. Nasty people who have no idea on your life journey but feel the need to comment and be cruel.
I see your food postings on the other thread, doesn't seem hardly any carbs. Are you perhaps undereating and your body has gone into survival mode and is hanging on to whatever it can get?
Trouble is after my knee replacement I hoped I would be more active. So that and trying not to overeat for me. I know I am not undereating. I really don't need too much to eat to lose weight. It is very frustrating. I track everything. I am only 5ft 2.5 as it is. Did so well for quite a while. Thanks for the thought.


Well-Known Member
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Type 2
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Tablets (oral)
I see your food postings on the other thread, doesn't seem hardly any carbs. Are you perhaps undereating and your body has gone into survival mode and is hanging on to whatever it can get?
How are you doing MrsA2?


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But you didn't put any on! :cool:

I didn't post as I only lost 1lb. Still haven't achieved that elusive 2 stone weight loss yet. But I'm a little less impatient now.
I always reckon that slow weight loss is more sustainable? (That's my story and I'm sticking to it. :) )