What have you eaten today? (Low carb forum)


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
@MAC73 try diet doctor - there are loads of veggie and dairy free recipes. I’m sure you’ll find plenty there which will fit into yours and your partner’s lifestyle and preferences. https://www.dietdoctor.com/search?s=vegetarian meals&t=recipes

Todays food:
Black coffee +++
Brunch- leftovers: cold stamppot/bubbke&squeak with extra grated cheese and some leftover roast pork.
Dinner - venison steak, fried mushrooms and broccoli. Followed by cheese and red wine while watching football.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Sunday 20 November bed 6.7 FBG 7.2. No swimm8ng lessons today but Hubby was going to some football hospitality event so I was the taxi service there and back. In-between times I hit the Fort and pretty much concluded my Christmas shopping. It's now Hubby's turn to start wrapping.

B. TAG and 2 slices of SLC toast with egg mayo.

L. Nothing

D. Just me as Hubby had a meal at his event.I treated myself to a rack of lamb, wilted spinach and asparagus with hollandaise. Didn't finish all the veg but I did eat all the lamb!

I did feel really bad last night. Why is it you get worse at night? Another 2 steam inhalations, paracetamol and a good coating of Vicks. Even then it took ages to get to sleep.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Today Monday 21 November - bed 7.3 FBG 6.7. Back on the school runs as youngest has recovered from croup and has returned to school. I am feeling much better. I had my doubts about going to Aqua this morning but I'm glad I did as the humid atmosphere has really helped my "crackly" chest.

B. TAG and 2 slices of SLC toast with egg mayo.

L. CC Little chocolate pot

D. Remains of the cold cuts. Ham, roast beef, pork & egg, ox tongue, chicken and coleslaw. DGF Christmas pie with cream and 4 blackberries.

The last of my Christmas presents order arrived in M&S today so I collected it on the way back from swimming. I even got my crackers today! Shopping is booked at Sainsbury's and I'll take the order to the butcher tomorrow. The upcoming eye operation has really focused the mind.


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Bacon and two egg and cheese omelette, tomatoes, mushrooms, two slices toast and vegimite for breakfast.
Shoulder pork chops and veggies done in the oven, gravy, five mandarin segments with L/L sorbet for lunch.
Toasted ham and cheese sandwiches for supper at six.

Glass of single malt before bedtime.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Was hungry on waking but managed to skip breakfast by having a cwc.
Exercise class followed by coffee with friends (herbal tea for me)
L: 2 scrambled eggs with 2 slices decent ham and half an avocado.
I've started buying the packs of 3 baby avocado from Lidl. They do look tiny but the stone is much smaller than the mediums ones so I reckon you end up with the same flesh, and there don't seem to be as many bad ones
Mid afternoon. Rather too many hm lc digestive style biscuits. Tried a new to me recipe which worked well, but rather too tempting.
7:30 (much later than my usual 6pm) out with friends at pub. Burger with cheese and bacon, no bun, swapped the chips for salad. Had mint tea while rest had puddings. 1 small white wine with a huge amount of soda. 2 sqs 85% when home again.


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
I asked Neil to buy me some crumpets when shopping yesterday. I thought I would try one and see what effect it would have on my BG. He came back with Scottish crumpets - not what I was picturing at all. Should have been more specific about what kind of crumpets I wanted. Anyway, I had one this morning with a couple of slices of ham. Hasn't bothered my BG at all, so far.

I just reheated some of the chicken chasseur for my 2nd meal yesterday and left the fish, but I will have the fish for today's 2nd meal. It's smoked haddock so I'll poach it in ff milk and butter. I'll also have a few peas and spring onions with it, I think.

3rd, if I can be bothered, will be something with egg.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Hi All
Yesterday Made some good soup with stock from chicken carcus and shallot, leek and broccoli, thinner than I like but really comforting. Supper yesterday was lamb steak and chopped and fried Portobello mushrooms x 2.
Today got back very late for lunch so for speed rolled some cold chicken n a well buttered slice LC bread and finished up two thin slices pastrami also.
Supper tonight will be my stirfried chicken, chorizo, red pepper and paprika thing with cauli rice. Mr PM now likes his half to be stirred through rice so I do the dance of putting my half in my bowl while I fold rice through the other half on the pan, serve that, then stir my bowlful through cauli rice and heat on the pan. @Annb good news re the crumpet, how does a Scottish crumpet differ from any other?
PS. All brekkies slice LC toast, lots of tea, but then you knew that.


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Hi All
Yesterday Made some good soup with stock from chicken carcus and shallot, leek and broccoli, thinner than I like but really comforting. Supper yesterday was lamb steak and chopped and fried Portobello mushrooms x 2.
Today got back very late for lunch so for speed rolled some cold chicken n a well buttered slice LC bread and finished up two thin slices pastrami also.
Supper tonight will be my stirfried chicken, chorizo, red pepper and paprika thing with cauli rice. Mr PM now likes his half to be stirred through rice so I do the dance of putting my half in my bowl while I fold rice through the other half on the pan, serve that, then stir my bowlful through cauli rice and heat on the pan. @Annb good news re the crumpet, how does a Scottish crumpet differ from any other?
PS. All brekkies slice LC toast, lots of tea, but then you knew that.
A Scottish crumpet is a thinish batter of flour, egg, sugar and some butter. It is like a dropped scone (Scottish pancake) but bigger and thinner. What I wanted, of course, was the English crumpet which has a texture all of its own, is a yeast mixture, thicker but smaller and not sweet. It has to be heated through, usually by toasting, as I'm sure you will know.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Sunday 20 November bed 6.7 FBG 7.2. No swimm8ng lessons today but Hubby was going to some football hospitality event so I was the taxi service there and back. In-between times I hit the Fort and pretty much concluded my Christmas shopping. It's now Hubby's turn to start wrapping.

B. TAG and 2 slices of SLC toast with egg mayo.

L. Nothing

D. Just me as Hubby had a meal at his event.I treated myself to a rack of lamb, wilted spinach and asparagus with hollandaise. Didn't finish all the veg but I did eat all the lamb!

I did feel really bad last night. Why is it you get worse at night? Another 2 steam inhalations, paracetamol and a good coating of Vicks. Even then it took ages to get to sleep. View attachment 57648

Heaven on a plate!
Sorry you felt so bad in the evening though.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Having a few days away in a beautiful cottage in Devon.
B-smoked salmon, scrambled eggs and avocado. Black coffee
L- SLC roll filled with beef and tomato
D- H/m bacon cheeseburger on a bed of fried onions, mushrooms and spinach. Red wine.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
B: ff hm yoghurt with berries and seeds
Dance class
Cwc and 3 hm lc biscuits, which proved so filling that
L: 2 slices edam made into crisps, 30g cold chicken
Dance class 2
D: slow cooked gammon with carrots, onion and caulifower. Thickened the stock with arrowroot. Boys had theirs on couscous, I had added stilton. 1 sq hm lc brownie.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
@DJC3 I love a rack of lamb (Hubby doesn't!). I had a better night last night. The humidity at the pool really helped. Fuzzy head was back today but I suspect it was lack of breakfast. It's weird, it's like vertigo but not quite as bad. It seems to be the tail end of whatever bug we had as SIL, DIL and myself are all suffering with this fuzzy head which is knocking our balance off. I'm OK at the moment but I've had a rest.

B. TAG and 2 slices of SLC toast with scrambled egg.

L. Nothing

D. M&S wagu burger with lettuce, tomato, avocado, coleslaw and SLC pickle. It's odds on I'll have a CC little chocolate pot.

I'm glad to say my dentist gave me the details I need about why he changes my local anesthetic, what meds I'm allergic to and he's looking to find out what I need to stop taking while I'm on antibiotic. I still cannot believe the doctor couldn't give me this information on "confidentiality" ground! They're my allergies for goodness sake.


Retired Moderator
Type of diabetes
I reversed my Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Got a lot on my plate at the mo so not getting round to posting much, but here’s todays grub!
Breakfast: my usual low carb coconut ‘porridge’ with strawberries washed down with a black coffee.
Late morning: black coffee and a food dr bar.
Skipped lunch.
Mid afternoon: black coffee and a Phd bar.
Dinner: chilli con carne with cauliflower rice followed by SF cherry jelly and cream.



Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
Early: 3 poached eggs on toasted flaxseed bread. Walnuts.
Evening: Lamb chops, asparagus, hm yogurt and berries.

Early: HF Sheep's cheddar, hardboiled eggs, bacon, broccoli sprouts, macadamias.
Later: Making pizza for my family, so I will make a lc version for me on the last of my flaxseed bread.


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Fried egg and tomato toasted sandwiches (fingerlickingood) for breakfast.
Sausages and mashed spuds, pumpkin and diced up small raw onion mixed in, gravy for lunch.
Heat and eat chicken wings, half a small calypso mango, L/L sorbet for supper at six.

Small glass of single malt before bed.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Morning all. First... the confession! I had the pudding yesterday, it was bread and butter pudding, probably the worst kind for me but couldn't resist. So didn't make the huge sacrifice after all. Had bacon and egg for tea. Today I'm having sausage, egg and tomatoes. For tea I have Avocado with prawns and a Keto Ranch dressing. Bg's same as yesterday so am fairly happy about that. I can't use the treadmill yet so am doing other exercises that seem to be helping.
@Annb, did you make the tomato soup? It sounds delicious because I love tomatoes.
@RosemaryJackson I'd be interested to know what the other exercises are that you've found helped other than the treadmill? I need to try various types of exercise having tested before & after but a heads up would be handy thanks
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Well-Known Member
Morning all. What a grey day! Bg's fairly steady atm. My menu today is airfried chicken plus cauli and broccoli. Snack 70% choc with raspberry bits in. Ham and boiled eggs for tea. @LauraGM, hello. I'm 84 and overweight so am not capable of too much but I jog (in my fashion which is more bouncing on my toes and raising my heels) and swinging my arms. I have a 2 and a half kilo kettlebell which I swing and I do push-ups against the wall. There are some seated exercise videos on Youtube that I occasionally do. Atm, I'm trying kneeling push-ups but not getting on very well. Good luck.