What have you eaten today? (Low carb forum)


Well-Known Member
Morning all. I'm a bit more organised this morning! Coffee with cream for bf. Pork chop with broccoli and cauli for dinner and smoked trout, cole slaw, plum tomatoes and celery for tea. I've bought a bottle of Baileys from Tesco (£8 off) so on the odd morning I can have a tablespoonful in my coffee. Makes me feel decadent!! Have a good day everyone. At least it's not raining.


Retired Moderator
Type of diabetes
I reversed my Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
@DJC3 I love a rack of lamb (Hubby doesn't!). I had a better night last night. The humidity at the pool really helped. Fuzzy head was back today but I suspect it was lack of breakfast. It's weird, it's like vertigo but not quite as bad. It seems to be the tail end of whatever bug we had as SIL, DIL and myself are all suffering with this fuzzy head which is knocking our balance off. I'm OK at the moment but I've had a rest.

B. TAG and 2 slices of SLC toast with scrambled egg.

L. Nothing

D. M&S wagu burger with lettuce, tomato, avocado, coleslaw and SLC pickle. It's odds on I'll have a CC little chocolate pot.

I'm glad to say my dentist gave me the details I need about why he changes my local anesthetic, what meds I'm allergic to and he's looking to find out what I need to stop taking while I'm on antibiotic. I still cannot believe the doctor couldn't give me this information on "confidentiality" ground! They're my allergies for goodness sake. View attachment 57658
@maglil55 - Have you tried engaging with a pharmacist on your allergies, meds and antibiotics. I take something that really restricts what I can have in terms of both painkillers and antibiotics. Oh boy, does the specialist pharmacist get on it! She rules with a rod of iron!

There's nothing worse than taking something that makes another worse.

Oh, and breakfast has just been kefir, followed by Greek yoghurt and a few pomegranate seeds.

Friday's are always a very compressed eating window, due to golf arrangements. :)


Type of diabetes
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I grabbed a pot of "something" out of the freezer last night for today's meal - the label had rubbed off, of course. Turns out to be more chicken. It's a small portion of chicken stew so for tonight's meal I'll add some spring onions, some peas and any other veggie things I can find that I think I can cope with and make it up into some kind of meal.

Breakfast was scrambled eggs.

I bought a big pot of beef bouillon and another of chicken bouillon from Amazon for making drinks etc and Neil came home yesterday with a small pot of vegetable bouillon which he couldn't find for the last 2 weeks. So I'm well set up now for not-tea-hot-drinks.

Em is spending the day with me - both parents working and today is a long weekend at the school (Thanksgiving?). She's just polished off a fried egg for her lunch and I daresay we'll do some baking later. At the moment she's in thrall to my tablet playing some game or other. She'll probably be here tomorrow as well, and maybe Monday.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Thursday, went to stay with a friend. This one gets lc!
Lunch was cold sausage, cold gammon, hard boiled egg and a selection of cheeses!
Dinner was lamb with cauliflower cheese and spinach
Rather too much red wine (but that was my fault rather than hers :) )
Breakfast was smoked salmon and scrambled eggs.
There was double cream for my coffee (just one a day)

I've invited myself back just before Christmas!:cat:


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Packing up for home after our few days away in Devon so breakfast was just black coffee.

Stopped in at Plymouth to attend to some business and took the opportunity for lunch at Nando’s. I do miss it! 4 chicken thighs, Halloumi and broccoli.
Dinner at home - smallish rump steak, few fried onions with cherry toms and spinach swirled through at the end. Glass of red.
Had the best, rapturous welcome from Dennis who’s been staying with my daughter.


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
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Diet only
Spicy food which is too hot. Nasty people who have no idea on your life journey but feel the need to comment and be cruel.
Thursday, went to stay with a friend. This one gets lc!
Lunch was cold sausage, cold gammon, hard boiled egg and a selection of cheeses!
Dinner was lamb with cauliflower cheese and spinach
Rather too much red wine (but that was my fault rather than hers :) )
Breakfast was smoked salmon and scrambled eggs.
There was double cream for my coffee (just one a day)

I've invited myself back just before Christmas
Think I might come too :cool:


Retired Moderator
Type of diabetes
I reversed my Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Breakfast: my usual low carb coconut ‘porridge’ with strawberries washed down with a black coffee.
Late morning: black coffee and a carb killa bar.
Skipped lunch.
Mid afternoon: black coffee and a food dr bar.
Dinner: coronation chicken on a low carb roll with baby tomatoes and coleslaw followed by DGF chocolate brownie and cream.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Forgot to say
Found the HiLo bread today in the big Sainsburys just off the M4 at Reading. It was on the lowest shelf, and at the end of an aisle.
Haven't seen any locally for months, maybe I've not been looking low enough, it was very difficult to see.
2 loaves now safely in the freezer


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
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Diet only
Bacon and eggs, fried romatoes, two slices toast and vegimite for breakfast.
Rib steak, mixed salad, homemade coleslaw with some kimchi mixed in, for lunch
Three cold chicken drummies, handful of cherry tomatoes for supper at six.

Glass of single malt before a early night.

As the temperature is starting to warm up in to the mid 30°, I am allowed to increase my fluid intake to 2 ltrs a day from 1.5 ltrs. The low sugar jelly factory witll be going in to production this weekend. :joyful:


Well-Known Member
Hi all. Late posting today. I've really gone off the boil. Have eaten everything that I shouldn't today. I know I will suffer tummy-wise later, so why do I do it??? It's pointless posting what I've eaten so I won't. Better news tomorrow hopefully.


Staff Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Well my intention to be more disciplined about recording what I have eaten didn’t go so well. So here I am, being stern with myself for making a “piecrust promise” (I think that is from Mary Poppins?)
Yesterday I ate brunch of Greek full fat yogurt with walnuts and seeds, black coffee
Dinner: salmon with lemon , pepper , mushrooms and scrambled egg, mineral water.
supper Pepsi max with a slug of rum, a plum and four Brazil nuts.
Black coffee and water throughout the day.
raspberries with Greek full fat yogurt, black coffee, for late breakfast
no lunch, just water and black coffee.
dinner: chicken stroganoff with cauliflower rice, mineral water.


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Spicy food which is too hot. Nasty people who have no idea on your life journey but feel the need to comment and be cruel.
Coffee and cream x 2
Beef and tomato
Smoked salmon More avocado


Retired Moderator
Type of diabetes
I reversed my Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Breakfast: my usual low carb coconut ‘porridge’ with strawberries washed down with a black coffee.
Late morning: black coffee and a carb killa bar.
Skipped lunch.
Mid afternoon: black coffee and a food dr bar.
Dinner: egg mayo on a LC roll with coleslaw followed by DGF brownie and cream.



Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
B- steak and eggs. (Breakfast of kings.)
L- 2 air fried chicken wings. Making a chicken pie for tomorrows lunch but saved the wings.
D- roast beef and sauerkraut in SLC roll. Few glasses of wine

Question for IP experts Hope I’m not derailing. ( @maglil55 and @AndBreathe Looking at you ) I cooked the whole chicken as usual on the trivet with 1 cup water for 6mins/lb) and although it got up to pressure and counted down, the valve was in the ‘down’position, just jiggling about. I tried tapping it gently in case it was stuck but it wasn’t. Chicken cooked ( I checked temp) ok but there was much less fluid left than usual. If I’d cooked much longer it would have all evaporated I think. No idea why the valve didn’t pop up - any ideas? I’m a bit worried about using it now. It is properly cleaned and washed each time.


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Had the last of the mixed veg and chicken with a fried egg on top for breakfast. Quite a few drinks but that's it.

Em was here and developed a painful eye which turned out to look like some kind of burst ulcer under her eyelid. For a while she couldn't see, the "skin" had dropped down over her pupil and she was seriously panicked. Her dad finished his round early (very little mail in because of the strike) and took her to the optician/optomotrist - luckily open on Saturday afternoon - who diagnosed a bacterial infection, possibly after the virus she recently had. So she now has ointment to put in her eyes and is calmer.

Edited to fix (yet another) typo.
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Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Bacon, two egg and cheese omelette, two slices toast and vegimite for breakfast.
Steak and mixed salad for lunch.
Buffalo wings for supper at six.

I had a lunp of xmas cake given me last monday, it's been calling out for me to try, but have so far resisted till tonight. It would hve to be one of the richesh fruit cake I have eaten. My mother used to make a rich one which was the dogs dangly bits in my book. The Lion's xmas cake is another good rich cake as well, we have one of them in the fridge as well..

The icing on this cake was unusual, and have not struck it before instead of being rock hard, this one has a slightly chewy texture, yummmmmy. Dunno what the carbs were, but I think i rang the bell on my daily quota of them on the slice i ate.

Usual glass of single malt before I went to bed.
