What have you eaten today? (Low carb forum)


Type of diabetes
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Breakfast: bacon and egg. That will be in a short while. I do seem to be eating quite a lot of bacon these days. That was something I have tried to avoid in the past because it is a highly processed food and not the best of choices. I asked Neil to buy me a small beef roasting joint yesterday. I'll slice it very thinly later today and use that instead.

2nd meal: was going to be pork belly with cabbage and any other veg I could rustle up to go with it. The plan has changed because, when I went to the fridge I found a pack of chicken thighs right on their use by date. So it's chicken stew in some form - maybe spicy with coconut milk. Then I can try a new dish to go with it - coconut and shredded Brussels sprouts.

BG a bit higher than I would like this morning. That's because I reduced my basal dose yesterday, in line with what the diabetes nurse suggested. It gave figures that she wanted to see this morning (8-10) but not what I wanted to see (<7). I put it back up a bit this morning and I'll see what that does.
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Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Spicy food which is too hot. Nasty people who have no idea on your life journey but feel the need to comment and be cruel.
Coffee and cream x 2
Coffee and unsweetened almond milk.
Smoked salmon
Beef, baby plum tomatoes.
Hallumi (yuck went in bin) What made me buy that I don't know. Now no cheese
Chicken roast baby plum tomatoes
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Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Hi All
Missed a few days so yesterday was
Brekkie: usual slice LC toast and copious tea.
Lunch: small plate chopped salad with two slices ham.
Supper: chunky cod fingers with cauli cheese.

today same brekkie.
Lunch: same except Emmenthal instead of ham.
Supper: Scampi (not great choice after Fish Fingers but am lazily catering for 1) broccoli.


Type of diabetes
I reversed my Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Before yoga a few spoons of kefir with my daily supplements
1ish two boiled eggs and one slice of LC toast then Apple peel from one Apple and a couple of squares of 100% chocolate
Mid pm got a bit stressed setting up a new PC system ( my very very old one had unfortunately stopped working and although don't use it for a lot I find it essential for certain jobs) so treated myself to a piece of LC coffee and walnut cake. pc all set up and running now thankfully - I'm sure the cake helped !
5ish salmon in lemon butter with English asparagus and glass of dry white wine then pudding of a LC rhubarb crumble with yoghurt.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Hi All
Missed a few days so yesterday was
Brekkie: usual slice LC toast and copious tea.
Lunch: small plate chopped salad with two slices ham.
Supper: chunky cod fingers with cauli cheese.

today same brekkie.
Lunch: same except Emmenthal instead of ham.
Supper: Scampi (not great choice after Fish Fingers but am lazily catering for 1) broccoli.
It's that Octopus tea again!


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Wednesday 29 March bed 7 FBG 7.3 @Annb - good news on the weight loss as well. Whatever you are doing it is working. Boys here for dinner today.

B. TAG and a bit crustless quiche

L. Handful of almonds

D. Sausage casserole for everyone. Loads of veggies but the others had mash too.

Thursday 30 March bed 7.2 FBG 7.4. Busy morning. Youngest has a rugby tournament so I have to get him and his Mum to the rugby club, still get eldest to school and replace some lunch things I've run out off as one of eldest's pals is coming for lunch too!

B. Just TAG

L. Early! Last bit of crustless quiche

D. I had the sea bass with the spinach/mushroom/tomato mix again. CC little chocolate pot.

Last day for the mega number of eye drops! Back to 3 drops a day from tomorrow!


Retired Moderator
Type of diabetes
I reversed my Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Breakfast: my usual low carb coconut ‘porridge’ with strawberries washed down with a black coffee.
Late morning: black coffee and food dr bar.
Skipped lunch.
Mid afternoon: black coffee and a carb killa bar.
Dinner: egg mayo on a low carb bun with coleslaw and baby tomatoes followed by DGF lemon drizzle cake and clotted cream.



Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Want bacon and eggs for tea but can’t figure out if it doing the right thing as blood pressure and cholesterol was high enough for the doc to say if it doesn’t come down in the next 6 months you might want to consider medication.

Damned if you do damned if you don’t


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Friday 31 March - bed 6.7 FBG 7.2. Half day, Friday, and the start of Easter break! My arms are a bit achy but I suspect it is coming from my legs which have been off recently. Eldest is excited as he's coming with me to choose the new lease car. I need to get the order in as the suppy is a bit iffy still.

B. Just TAG. Gardeners arrived so I was busy with bacon rolls for them & Hubby.

L. Before getting grandsons, 6 almonds and a slice of ox tongue.

D. SRSLY seeded roll cheeseburger, with lettuce, tomato, and burger slaw. Peroni 00. I may have a CC little chocolate pot after.

New car duely ordered (under instruction from grandson!). The sales staff at Toyota are great with him. They even shook his hand and congratulated him on his new car! I get a feeling my cars are getting closer and closer to a security vehicle. He rather excitedly informed everyone, "It's black! The wheels are black/chrome, and the seats are black! We can't get it until September, but that's good because it will be the new plate." Obviously, he listened. He did examine the 3 models I was looking at but decided the one he picked was best for my needs. He also helped me clean the car as he could get into corners I can't.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Want bacon and eggs for tea but can’t figure out if it doing the right thing as blood pressure and cholesterol was high enough for the doc to say if it doesn’t come down in the next 6 months you might want to consider medication.

Damned if you do damned if you don’t
I had to go on BP pills, but as my weight and BG came down, so did the BP. Eventually, it went too low, and they halved the meds. It crept up a little when I went for my ops recently, but they put it down to "white coat" syndrome.


Retired Moderator
Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Ran out of wraps, good thing you can eat shawarma, onion and bok choy with a spicy garlic sauce without the wrap as well. :hungry:

I also had the best night of sleep in months, thanks to my new best friend ibuprofen!
Have been taking it at night for 3 days now and did think it helped yesterday but wasn't completely convinced yet.
But last night I slept for almost 8 hours without waking up from pain, and I could actually move easily after getting up, what an amazing difference after having woken up from back pain after 6 hours of sleep every night! :happy:



Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
I had to go on BP pills, but as my weight and BG came down, so did the BP. Eventually, it went too low, and they halved the meds. It crept up a little when I went for my ops recently, but they put it down to "white coat" syndrome.

Mine used to be like that, but even with an at home reading these days it’s borderline.

Rather not take any tablets I don’t have to

Balance between what’s the most important I guess but at the same time so much conflict.

Still losing weight and having in control bs, I feel loads better than I did last year.
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Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Woke early in a panic that I had left some sausages in the air fryer since last night. Luckily hubby had put them in the fridge, so
B: 2 cold sausages 1 cwc
L: 2 cold sausages, small chunk cheese
Out to yoga special session. Had 3 of the dates snack like last week that hardly nudged my bg. This time sent me straight up over 10 :banghead:
Late D: mince, guacamole and coleslaw (all from a packet mix sent as an extra with the Asda delivery. Could taste has processed and synthetic it was). 1 small ice cream. 1 small white wine.

Finally feeling human again for first time in a week. Still coughing but not all the time.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Glad to hear of your good night’s sleep @Antje77 and that you are also feeling better @MrsA2

We’ve come away to Portsmouth for the weekend. A long grotty journey but happy to be here now.
Food consisted of Black coffee all morning, then packed lunch en route- smoked salmon and cream cheese in HiLo bread sandwich with h/b egg and Babybell cheese. Coconut bites to follow.
Dinner at Nando’s ( yay!) chicken, broccoli, rainbow slaw, Halloumi and red wine.
@maglil55 those coconut bars originally came from @ziggy_w I think. Recipe on my CMT but I used much less chocolate than suggested - it got too messy trying to coat the whole thing.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
this abbr has been bugging me since before I signed up here doing the lurkedy lurk. kept forgetting to ask

only just come to the realisation what it is :D

Decided to have the bacon, egg, black pudding & tinned tomatoes for tea
TAG = Tassimo Americano Grande (Black coffee) CWC = Coffee With Cream. There used to be quite a lot of fun with abbreviations!


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Halloumi is best grilled or fried, with some kind of coating on. Needs eating quickly once cooked or it goes rubbery
I’m with @filly re Halloumi. Years ago I turned up to a friend’s for a casual lunch and she had done fried Halloumi with salad. I tried it but literally gagged. Not sure which of us was more embarrassed. Don’t like Paneer either.
I knew the scampi was a (albeit nice) mistake last night. Oh well moving on!
Today brekkie usual slice LC toast, copious tea.
Lunch will be “safe” scrambled eggs.
Supper will be Chicken Shaslik from Waitrose with added broccoli. Dining solo again.
@DJC3 you have to have a Nandos when you can I find. Note to self! There is a flag ship (excuse pun) Loch Fyne at Gunwharf Quay and a good pint for your OH at The Custom House opposite.


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Ran out of wraps, good thing you can eat shawarma, onion and bok choy with a spicy garlic sauce without the wrap as well. :hungry:

I also had the best night of sleep in months, thanks to my new best friend ibuprofen!
Have been taking it at night for 3 days now and did think it helped yesterday but wasn't completely convinced yet.
But last night I slept for almost 8 hours without waking up from pain, and I could actually move easily after getting up, what an amazing difference after having woken up from back pain after 6 hours of sleep every night! :happy:

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Who needs a wrap when the filling looks that good?

Glad you are feeling better with the help of Ibuprofen and that you were able to get a good night's sleep. Losing sleep because of pain is not only sore, it's debilitating. I'm sure you'll feel a lot better in yourself with the help of the medication and sleep.