What have you eaten today? (Low carb forum)


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
B: ff greek yoghurt with seeds and 6 blackberries
Early lunch of cheddar cheese and seed crackers. 1 lc hm cherry muffin
D: steak with cauliflower and carrots, seasoned with paremesan and pepper.
I small glass white wine.
3 sqs 85% chocolate


Retired Moderator
Type of diabetes
I reversed my Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Third day of holibobs!
Indian restaurant tonight.

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Retired Moderator
Type of diabetes
Treatment type
@Antje77 I've long loved your slight quirkiness. Now I know you are full blown crazy !!! (In a lovely way ) :D
This is one of the best compliments I ever received!
It made me literally laugh out loud, (alarming the dogs :hilarious: ), but it also somehow made my eyes leak, I love being loved for quirkiness, be it slight or full blown!
Thank you! :joyful:

On topic: I finally remembered to buy chocolate again after having to do without for weeks because I only remembered right before sleeping at chocolate time. So my regular chicory and hummus midnight snack will be followed by a piece of 85% chocolate.


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Wow, @Antje77 mad,mad,mad! @Rachox your holiday dinners are looking good,@maglil55 the DD dinners sound delish as well,lots of inspiration.
B Yog,raspberries,seeds
L On train to London to go to Palladium panto. H& B bagel with cream cheese,lettuce and cucumber
D At Dishoom, Mushroom malai, really delish broccoli salad with pumpkin,sunflowers seeds,chilli and lime, chargrilled corn on the cob, then it went a bit pear shaped, pistachio kulfi and shared a dark chocolate chai. BG 7.4 at home 3hrs after so luckily not too bad.


Well-Known Member
Morning all. Forgot to post food yesterday so here it is. Had a fishy day. Baked cod for lunch and tinned salmon with mayo for tea. Snacks... 2 squares of 70% salted caramel chocolate and 2 cheddar crackers with cream cheese on. Nothing after 5.30 but level was 8.1 this morning. Oh well, will keep trying. Have a good day folks. :depressed:


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Home made sliced pork sausage in the pan, frying. Bacon waiting to join it. That will be followed by 2 eggs. It's cold today and I have to go out (regular leg appointment) so I am fortifying myself instead of going hungry, as is usually the case. At least I've lost another 1.1 kg, so it's probably worth it.

2nd meal will be chicken thighs, probably in an onion and tomato sauce (if I can be bothered to make it). Now that BGs are staying pretty well within range, I can afford a few veggies (6.5 this morning and never higher than 7.5 yesterday).


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Wow, @Antje77 mad,mad,mad! @Rachox your holiday dinners are looking good,@maglil55 the DD dinners sound delish as well,lots of inspiration.
B Yog,raspberries,seeds
L On train to London to go to Palladium panto. H& B bagel with cream cheese,lettuce and cucumber
D At Dishoom, Mushroom malai, really delish broccoli salad with pumpkin,sunflowers seeds,chilli and lime, chargrilled corn on the cob, then it went a bit pear shaped, pistachio kulfi and shared a dark chocolate chai. BG 7.4 at home 3hrs after so luckily not too bad.
The DD meals are pretty delicious, but I do have a habit of "adapting" them a little. Usually with extra veggies. They also have a tendency to be very creamy, so much as I like creamy sauces, I tend to reduce the cream content.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Nice one, Nana @maglil55 & well done to your grandson for listening & putting it into action, good lad. :cool:

To make up for last evening, for dinner, I just had cold meat & cheese. :angelic:
He was quite pleased with himself. I hope he's finally come to the conclusion that not reacting is the way to go and just demonstrate how wrong they are. He never uttered a word to her afterwards. To be fair, he didn't need to, and I suspect she won't be claiming she'll always be better than him again!


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
Break fast - cauliflower rice porridge, silken tofu salad, 1 egg white, mix veg curry. 2 cups of almond milk coffee
Lunch - 90grams salted almonds. Almond milk coffee.
Snack - almond milk coffee
Dinner - cauliflower rice porridge, egg whties, capcicum fry, silken tofu salad, green tomato chutney.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
My slow cooked onion and beef stew turned out very well!
I was going to have it on cauliflower puree, but didn't feel like making it after coming back from the gym and a short cold dip, so I simply ladled it over a slice of low carb bread. :)

View attachment 65454

Preliminary work for our swim was quite impressive, just trying out something to see if I can show you, no idea if this will work:
I had to send that to my wild swimming DIL. She has been known to have ice baths in their inflatable pool, but I'm not sure her swimming group would do this! Definitely full-blown nuts (maybe dedicated).


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Spicy food which is too hot. Nasty people who have no idea on your life journey but feel the need to comment and be cruel.
Coffee and cream x 2
Coffee and unsweetened almond milk
Porchetta and tomatoes
Corned beef
Sardines in tomato
Smoked salmon


Type of diabetes
I reversed my Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
My slow cooked onion and beef stew turned out very well!
I was going to have it on cauliflower puree, but didn't feel like making it after coming back from the gym and a short cold dip, so I simply ladled it over a slice of low carb bread. :)

View attachment 65454

Preliminary work for our swim was quite impressive, just trying out something to see if I can show you, no idea if this will work:
Gosh incredibly brave to smash the ice I'm impressed by your commitment to wild swimming regardless of conditions. Definitely full blown quirkiness hope it's helping your health, as cold water swimming gets such a good write up 're the health benefits. I'm in awe of you and your wild swimming buddies.


Type of diabetes
I reversed my Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Morning all. Forgot to post food yesterday so here it is. Had a fishy day. Baked cod for lunch and tinned salmon with mayo for tea. Snacks... 2 squares of 70% salted caramel chocolate and 2 cheddar crackers with cream cheese on. Nothing after 5.30 but level was 8.1 this morning. Oh well, will keep trying. Have a good day folks. :depressed:
So pleased that you are planning on keeping going managing your carbs. It is really disappointing when you put the effort in but don't get the results. Trouble is so many other factors can affect our blood sugars including, pain, stress, illness, viruses brewing, fear and lack of sleep to name just a few! Worth remembering though that when bgs are going up due to a non food reason that not managing our carbs would probably mean they'd be even higher and more likely to be damaging. Keep going it's tough but I'm sure you are helping to stop your blood sugars going even higher than otherwise.


Type of diabetes
I reversed my Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Home made sliced pork sausage in the pan, frying. Bacon waiting to join it. That will be followed by 2 eggs. It's cold today and I have to go out (regular leg appointment) so I am fortifying myself instead of going hungry, as is usually the case. At least I've lost another 1.1 kg, so it's probably worth it.

2nd meal will be chicken thighs, probably in an onion and tomato sauce (if I can be bothered to make it). Now that BGs are staying pretty well within range, I can afford a few veggies (6.5 this morning and never higher than 7.5 yesterday).
Well done Annb looks like you've been making some great progress I'm so impressed by how you keep working away at managing your health despite lots of challenges definitely deserve a winner badge this week


Type of diabetes
I reversed my Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Today's food three meals for a change
Mid morning kefir with supplements then two boiled eggs and low carb roll
1ish small bowl of hm LC veggie soup
5ish slow cooked beef casserole with cabbage then LC Blondie warmed and served with yoghurt edit to add a few squares of Montezuma 100% chocolate with coffee just now.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
@Antje77 I agree with all the above. You are absolutely wonderfully bonkers!
Today started with a few cups of black coffee this morning. Took delivery of half a lamb from a jolly nice lady who has a small holding in the village. Offal was free so the liver was sliced and portioned for the freezer. Heart sliced and dehydrated for tasty treats for Dennis. Paul will have the kidneys with his weekend fry up.
Lunch was soft ‘boiled’ ( air fried) eggs with Edam crisp/crackers and a DGF Crimbo Crumble.
D- very slow roast lamb breast. The fat rendered off and the meat fell away from the bones. Mixed with sauteed cabbage and hot sauce. Pud was frozen blueberries and cream. ( and black tea - still hanging on in there)


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Made a stir fry with the cubes of cooked pork plus the one remaining spring onion and some roasted tomato left from last time I had tomatoes, stirred in an egg and some soy sauce. Went down well.

That leaves the fish - it's haddock fillets. Probably poach them in milk.
My husband suggested dusting our haddock fillets in mild curry powder for a change. Actually really nice!


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Was in back to back meetings until 12, so only had time for coffee this morning. Lunch was mushroom and spring greens omelette with a tiny bit grated cheese and dinner was chilli con carne made with pork mince, plenty of beans, tomatoes and peppers served with cauliflower rice. Really would like a smidge of the red stuff, but want to hang in there on the no alcohol for a wee while longer