What have you eaten today? (Low carb forum)


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Hi All
So yesterday had usual brekkie of slice LC toast, butter, copious tea.
Lunch was two fried eggs on slice LC toast.
Supper was Thai chicken stir fry with mixed pepper matchsticks.
Today same usual Brekkie.
Lunch chunks of Emmenthal and Red Storm cheeses, one ryvita. Tea.
Supper will be h/m chilli beef with cauli rice.
@DJC3 your celebration meal for Mr DJC’s birthday sounded lovely as did that cheddar & broccoli soup which I will put on my list. Didnt get above 2 degrees here today and Mr PM has chest infection so am giving him a wide berth.
@maglil55 sorry to hear of repeat Norovirus, once is bad enough!!
@Annb as usual you are being very stoic about your challenges.
@Antje77 your meals always sound so convivial with your furry friends.
@PocketRocket welcome and it does take time to figure it all out. Things I found useful were the info graphics for different categories of food on Diet Doctor and keeping a food diary to record safe and trusted meals and don’t forget swaps if cooking for others eg. Cauli rice instead of rice and green beans or courgetti instead of pasta.
Thank you, I tried the cauliflower rice tonight following your recommendation.
And I was going to ask @maglil55 what DD is, but looking at your post it's Diet Doctor?
Thanks for everyone on here being so welcoming, helpful and willing to share. It's so encouraging for someone like me who is new to all this.


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Evening @Antje77. I agree with all of the above. I hope these cold water swims in icy conditions are helping your health and general well-being.

Apparently, it's traditional in Russia where there's ample opportunity in Winter. Popular in Finland as well, where taking the plunge when the water has frozen over is believed to bring down inflammation.

The nearest I've ever come was when our boiler packed up mid-Winter and I decided to take a cold water shower!


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Evening all


B: Two poached eggs topped with a knob of butter, avocado and three crevettes seasoned with a good grinding of black pepper.
Water to swallow tablet.

L: Walnut and mushroom nut roast made with onions, eggs and flax 'egg', garlic, stock and rosemary.
Roasted Brussels sprouts with lemon zest and parmesan cheese..
Carrots, onions and apple peel sautéed in butter.
Water to drink.
Skipped pud.

D: Seafood salad made with king prawns and brown shrimps, lettuce, Romano peppers, celery, baby plum tomatoes, Kalamata olives, lemon verbena and salad onions, with a dollop of home-made aioli for dipping, topped with roasted macadamia nuts..
Water to swallow tablet.


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
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Diet only
The nearest I've ever come was when our boiler packed up mid-Winter and I decided to take a cold water shower!
I have done it once, many years ago when on a birthday holiday to Majorca in November. The frost was so heavy, the grass broke when you stepped on it. I had taken my bathers, planning to use the pool thinking warmer temps, but decided to go for it anyway. I dived in & my body froze literally, as the shock stopped me physically swimming, thankfully the dive took me to the side. I came up slowly to a round of applause from people on their balconies, so embarrassing. Thoughtfully, my dear friend had a hot bath waiting for me. Did enjoy a few free drinks that evening in the bar too. Never again!

DInner tonight was a really tasty steak with cavolo & creamed leeks.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Fasting bg was 7.8 which is high for me, yesterday's was up there too.

2 scrambled eggs about 10ish
Dance class.
L: Packet shop bought cold cooked chicken (which proved to be only 80% chicken, 16% water and various starches and preservatives). An avocado

3/4 bar 52% dark chocolate with hazelnuts (forgotten this was in cupboard. Suppose its slightly better then the whole packet of biscuits I was heading for)

D: pork chop with cream and mushrooms served on cabbage. Small icecream
1 spiced rum

Struggling with feeling ill, stressed and grief. Unattended cremation tomorrow


Retired Moderator
Type of diabetes
I reversed my Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
4th evening of holibobs :) I left the tomatoes!

2024-01-11 19.03.55.jpeg


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
oh my @Rachox !!! that looks like I need more of it in my life!

@Antje77 , hahaha you nutter, re: going at the lake!

Lots of love to @MrsA2 sounds like a harsh time at the moment for sure.

So far, for me - some celery and crunchy cheddar left over from Christmas before I slept, in the day (on the 'night shift' atm)

fbg was 5.7 though after making my decision, far better than the 12/14mmol been getting on waking recently.

2 Bacon
2 Eggs
3 Sautéed Garlic & herb Chestnut Mushrooms
2 Black pudding (I know this isn't that low carb, in fact it's around 20g of carb for both, testing atm to see what can handle per meal/daily, and bringing myself down slowly, will test again at 23:15 to see what's up.)

[11:15pm edit - 5.8, negligible, isn't it - from 5.7 before, and this is why I feel testing is a useful metric. More of that please.]

Probably wont each much for a good while now, maybe have some veg and cheese later .
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Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
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Diet only
Sorry I've not been on the forum since Christmas, but I'm now back on this horse after falling off. Think it's the first time I've come a cropper since 1st June. Now I've got about 25+ forum pages to catch up on.

Midday had 2 back bacon rashers, sauteed mushrooms, half a beefsteak tomato fried, and a fried egg. Creamy coffee.

Early dinner of a 1/4 of a very small rotisserie chicken. Sauteed cauli rice.

About 50ml of double cream mixed with ethrytol and cocoa. Makes a rather nice chocolate mousse.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Hi All despite NY resolution have been MIA again so back to Wednesday…
Brekkie usual slice LC toast, cooled and good butter, copious tea.
Lunch was cheese plate with two slices ham, all chopped up. Tea.
Supper was Teriyaki chicken skewers from the butcher (not my farm shop) but neither of us liked them so a one off. Accompanied by big pan of fried mushrooms.
Yesterday same usual brekkie.
Then made big pot of unthickened broccoli & leek soup, more broth, to comfort me when I am hungry. Two mugs for lunch with a small bit of each Emmenthal and Red Storm.
Supper was chunky cod fingers with cauli cheese. Ultimate comfort food.
@DJC3 that lamb looked stunning. @Antje77 that is pure dedication to your sport but bonkers. Good on you. @MrsA2 sorry for the hard time you are going through. Don’t know about anyone else but this cold weather is making me so hungry.


Well-Known Member
Morning all. Went out with my granddaughter for brunch after my Osteopath appointment. Had sausage, bacon, eggs, mushrooms, tinned tomatoes and a slice of normal toast. For tea, my favourite, tin pink salmon with mayo. But fbg was high again so I'm taking @aylalake's path and getting some bouillon cubes and having a good, old-fashioned fast! See what that does. Have a good day folks.


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Sorry I've not been on the forum since Christmas, but I'm now back on this horse after falling off. Think it's the first time I've come a cropper since 1st June. Now I've got about 25+ forum pages to catch up on.

Midday had 2 back bacon rashers, sauteed mushrooms, half a beefsteak tomato fried, and a fried egg. Creamy coffee.

Early dinner of a 1/4 of a very small rotisserie chicken. Sauteed cauli rice.

About 50ml of double cream mixed with ethrytol and cocoa. Makes a rather nice chocolate mousse.
I find that cocoa and double cream whipped together make a very acceptable (to me) chocolate mousse without any sweetener.


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Breakfast: home made pork sliced sausage, bacon and eggs again today.

2nd meal will be salmon mayo and maybe some salady things. I didn't bother prepping vegetables yesterday - too tired and sore after my excursion to town; just threw the chicken thighs in the oven and roasted them. Might not bother with the salads today either.

BG is remaining stable between 4.1 and 6.9. All to the good. Not sure if it will last, but we shall see.


Type of diabetes
I reversed my Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Sorry I've not been on the forum since Christmas, but I'm now back on this horse after falling off. Think it's the first time I've come a cropper since 1st June. Now I've got about 25+ forum pages to catch up on.

Midday had 2 back bacon rashers, sauteed mushrooms, half a beefsteak tomato fried, and a fried egg. Creamy coffee.

Early dinner of a 1/4 of a very small rotisserie chicken. Sauteed cauli rice.

About 50ml of double cream mixed with ethrytol and cocoa. Makes a rather nice chocolate mousse.
Welcome back its a New Year great time to get back on the horse and well done on todays food. Youve been missed I have wondered if you were doing okay so pleased to see you back and posting,


Type of diabetes
I reversed my Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Morning all. Went out with my granddaughter for brunch after my Osteopath appointment. Had sausage, bacon, eggs, mushrooms, tinned tomatoes and a slice of normal toast. For tea, my favourite, tin pink salmon with mayo. But fbg was high again so I'm taking @aylalake's path and getting some bouillon cubes and having a good, old-fashioned fast! See what that does. Have a good day folks.
Fasting is a good way to manage blood sugars over time but just a little heads up that it can also raise bgs short term so dont be suprised if you get an initial raise - it does pass but think it is because the body can feel stressed.. I do the eating window approach each day which for me is most days eating during 6 hours and sometimes longer but never over 8 hours. I just tend to drink black coffee or tea or water during my fasts. When first going low carb over 7 years ago I did a whole month of fasting for 23 hours and eating in one hour and for me that brought my bgs and weight down but it is very much doing as you are doing - experimenting to find out what works best for you and your body.


Type of diabetes
I reversed my Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Mid morning small kefir and supplements
Lunch Small bowl of hm veggie soup then kefir and four lc seeded crackers
Dinner salmon and green beans with a couple of hm chips made from par boiled then frozen new potatoes cut into chip shapes. As it is Friday large glass of dry white wine followed by LC Blondie warmed and served with yoghurt. Plus just had my evening decaffeinated coffee - yes sticking to black still - with two squares of 90% chocolate I found in cupboard! ( @DJC3 well done on maintaining your black tea habit I think I'm now at nearly a week of black. OH still asking me though do I want milk with it - I've banned tempting cream while adjust. Today I said no I'm a black coffee drinker now don't ask me! Think will need to keep going a while longer to make it a permanent habit but I'm determined.)
@MrsA2 sorry you are still having a tough time but you're doing well with many of your choices take care.I
@ravensmitten keep going - you're doing really well getting back to it
@PenguinMum I'm also struggling with my hunger in the cold weather it's tough when trying to restrict food timing when feeling hungry. I've also started an - albeit first level - at home weight training routine. I'm doing it with OH to try and improve our strength but again it's making me more peckish! Youngest son bought us weights and hand grippers for Christmas and set us a series of exercises with instructions. He does major weight training himself. We've managed 3 times a week to date but it's early days.......... It is making me feel good though if only because I'm sticking with it for now.....