What have you eaten today? (Low carb forum)


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
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Diet only
Breakfast - winter melon juice, salted almonds 90grams, almond milk coffee
Lunch - coffee with cow milk, cashews -100grams
Dinner - salad, beans fry, greens fry, egg whites, mushroom fry.


Type of diabetes
I reversed my Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Breakfast kefir with supplements then two boiled eggs and LC roll - @DJC3 I had a delivery of rolls from the low carb company last week and have to say they are best ones so far in my opinion.I hope you enjoy yours. I can see why you stick with them @Rachox and were disappointed when it looked like they may not keep going. I'm sure I'll go for a subscription to lower the costs once worked out how many I'd use.
Lunch kimchi some cheese - comte and Stilton - and four LC seeded crackers
Dinner Hm chilli and LC garlic bread then pudding of a few berries and yoghurt and a couple of squares of 90% chocolate with decaffeinated coffee.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
2nd meal will be Cullen Skink, without any thickening potato, just lots of leeks, smoked haddock and milk/cream mixture. Again, if I can, with no insulin.

That is the perfect food for this weather. If I can bring myself to go shopping tomorrow I’ll get some smoked haddock. Yellow weather warning here too, but it must be so difficult for you relying on supplies getting across to you.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
@MrsA2, so sorry, you've really had an awful couple of months, thoughts are with you. {{Hugs}} right back at ya.
BTW, Alexa really does get it in the neck from me sometimes (the smart dumb tv too!!), you ought to hear me when she replies "Mmm I don't know that!". ;) She's also handy for appt reminders!

I decided on carnivore this evening, a ribeye & a duck breast. Ok, with 3 grape tomatoes on the side to break up the richness.
What gets me is when the voice search on the TV declares, "I'm sorry, I haven't learnt that yet." Also, an advert we get (probably only in Scotland - be grateful) for the Scotto. It's really annoying!


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Kefir, supplements and a handful of nuts for breakfast, then later, Aquafit class. Had to pop to the shop afterwards with still wet hair so I was quite cold by the time I got home at lunch.
Time for soup and sandwich - h/m mushroom soup and a cheese sandwich made with lc co bread. Followed by chocolate chia pud. @shelley262 I liked the bread, I also received some DGF rolls today ( forgotten I’d ordered them)
Mid aft DGF cookie and lots of tea - still feeling the cold.
Dinner- 2 lamb chops from the 1/2 lamb I bought last week. 1 chop was huge, but a lot of fat, the other quite small. Served with a mix of veg coated in olive oil and airfried, stirred a handful of spinach through at the end. Just had another DGF cake. Way too many lc bakes today


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
What gets me is when the voice search on the TV declares, "I'm sorry, I haven't learnt that yet." Also, an advert we get (probably only in Scotland - be grateful) for the Scotto. It's really annoying!
Oh yes, it does it often & 9 minutes before, it understood! :arghh: Don't know that ad, so, I am grateful, it could be just there, although, I actually watch mainly recordings so I can skip them all.

Dinner tonight was a crispy cheese, bacon & tomato omelette.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
17 January - bed 7.3 FBG 7.5 @DJC3 that is a hunk of lamb. I tried to get cutlets at the butchers yesterday, but they are not coming in until Thursday. I got rolled lamb instead.

B. TAG and an amended DD breakfast. I didn't want to make mug bread, so I toasted 2 slices of SRSLY (the small end slices), which were then topped with wafer thin ham, poached egg, and a little hollandaise. Benecol dairy free.

L. 3 M&S cheese crackers with the last bit of port salut and wensleydale.

D. Boys were here, so I made the Hairy Bikers featherblade steak again - 4 hours in the "slow" oven in the new range. Boys had it with mash and broccoli. I had some of the carrots cooked with it and more broccoli. Gin & soda. No doubt, CC little chocolate pot later.

I got a bargain a few months back for heated throws. I got these ones at £58, less than half price. I bought 2, which was less than the RRP for one. They are Dreamland throws. There are more than a few offers on them in different stores at the moment. Best I can find the one we have currently is £99. They are worth it, though, in thus cold weather. It appears it costs around 37p to use it for 8 hours.

Meant to add, if your car lock is frozen, spray some kitchen oil on it.
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Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Evening all


B: Two poached eggs topped with a knob of butter, avocado and four tiger prawns, all seasoned with a good grinding of black pepper.
Water to swallow tablets.

L: Melanzane alla parmigiana, (aka aubergine parmigiana) using aubergine without breading or flour, passata, mozzarella, parmesan, olive oil, oregano, garlic and basil.
I tossed some breadcrumbs with a little olive oil plus grated parmesan and sprinkled on top before baking. (That way, I could serve the topping to those who can handle breadcrumbs, but omit it from my own portion and finish with extra parmesan instead.)
Braised cavolo nero with garlic and toasted almonds.
Skipped pud.
Water to drink.

D: Seafood salad made with crevettes, brown shrimps, lettuce, baby plum toms, celery and salad onions dressed with olive oil and a squeeze of lemon juice, thyme and garlic, scattered with toasted sunflower and pumpkin seeds.
Water to swallow tablets.


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Haven't posted meals for last few days, as had a bit of a dicky tum + bladder (dropping a sample to the gp in the morning). But been quite run of the mill fry ups in the mornings and meat and veg in the evenings as need to use stuff up and my ten year old has become quite a picky eater so of course wants something different. I was a vegetarian for years so sometimes I feel I'm eating too much meat.

That said made some kind of fake soya protein shawarma thing that was on clearance (less than 3g carbs for the pack), with some tomato and onion this evening and whipped up a bit of cream with dried mint, mixed herbs, garlic and onion powder. was surprisingly okay.


Retired Moderator
Type of diabetes
I reversed my Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Breakfast: my usual low carb coconut ‘porridge’ with strawberries washed down with a black coffee.
Late morning: black coffee and a carb killa bar.
Skipped lunch.
Mid afternoon: black coffee and a H&B protein bar.
Dinner: liver in onion gravy with runner beans and cauliflower.

2024-01-17 19.26.35.jpeg


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Haven't posted meals for last few days, as had a bit of a dicky tum + bladder (dropping a sample to the gp in the morning). But been quite run of the mill fry ups in the mornings and meat and veg in the evenings as need to use stuff up and my ten year old has become quite a picky eater so of course wants something different. I was a vegetarian for years so sometimes I feel I'm eating too much meat.

That said made some kind of fake soya protein shawarma thing that was on clearance (less than 3g carbs for the pack), with some tomato and onion this evening and whipped up a bit of cream with dried mint, mixed herbs, garlic and onion powder. was surprisingly okay.
Evening @ravensmitten. We were vegetarian for some thirty years. Unfortunately, once diagnosed with type 2 and issued with a glucometer, I found it nigh on impossible to control my blood glucose levels solely on veggie meals, many of which relied heavily on beans, lentils and peas for protein. My solution was to introduce fish and other seafoods to my repertoire. We still enjoy some vegetarian meals in between.


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Breakfast: my usual low carb coconut ‘porridge’ with strawberries washed down with a black coffee.
Late morning: black coffee and a carb killa bar.
Skipped lunch.
Mid afternoon: black coffee and a H&B protein bar.
Dinner: liver in onion gravy with runner beans and cauliflower.

View attachment 65621
I haven't had liver in years! I used to like it. I must rectify that soon.


Retired Moderator
Type of diabetes
Treatment type
After reading about those household 'smart' devices I'm quite happy there is exactly nothing in my house that will listen to me if I talk to it, not even my dogs.
That said made some kind of fake soya protein shawarma thing that was on clearance (less than 3g carbs for the pack), with some tomato and onion this evening and whipped up a bit of cream with dried mint, mixed herbs, garlic and onion powder. was surprisingly okay.
I have good experiences with vegetarian shoarma as well. :)
That said, I used the real stuff today.

I called off the gym, couldn't face the thought of people and loud music, but I did go for groceries and even managed to cook! :joyful:
My friend suggested told me to make tomato soup with pieces of jalapeno burger by way of small meatballs in the soup when I complained about having no idea what to cook. She knows me well, and also knows it usually works well if she tells me what to do if my brain gets stuck on making choices.

Burgers were sold out, but I spotted a pack of shawarma. Shawarma meat in a lazy tomato soup made with tinned tomatoes turns out to taste amazingly good. :hungry: And enough left for tomorrow.

I also bought endive for the guinea pigs so I'll buy a pack of low carb wraps on friday to make wraps with shawarma meat, endive, onion and garlic sauce, so I should be good until the end of the weekend, :)


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Evening @ravensmitten. We were vegetarian for some thirty years. Unfortunately, once diagnosed with type 2 and issued with a glucometer, I found it nigh on impossible to control my blood glucose levels solely on veggie meals, many of which relied heavily on beans, lentils and peas for protein. My solution was to introduce fish and other seafoods to my repertoire. We still enjoy some vegetarian meals in between.
60 years ago, I started eating a vegetarian diet because I was marrying a man who was committed to vegetarianism. Food consisted of nuts, legumes, vegetables, fruit and grains with some cheese, butter, eggs and milk. 58 years ago I was pregnant with my first son and I, apparently, developed gestational diabetes which was not diagnosed and which did not go away. Eventually, we decided that a vegetarian diet was not suitable for our son (we eventually - 20 years later - discovered that he was allergic to many of the foods we had offered to him, including the fruits and vegetables our vegetarian allowed but also including the animal proteins we had thought were more suitable). Nevertheless, I still had the symptoms of diabetes (unrecognised) and a fairly high carbohydrate content in my diet. I think it may have been that early vegetarian diet that exacerbated my latent T2 - just because it was so carb dependent; and continuing with plenty of carbs in my diet until about 2 or 3 years ago. Currently having to cut out all but the bare minimum of carbs to keep BG under control.

NOTE: I did say earlier that I would avoid the spiced nuts but they taste so good. I've eaten far too many nuts this afternoon and evening. They just taste too good. Shouldn't have eaten them. I wasn't hungry - just greedy.


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
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Diet only
Was scheduled to bake John's sourdough loaf this morning after it had been in the fridge overnight. I've been reading a lot about Einkorn wheat flour, how it's packed with nutrients and is said to be lower on Glycaemic Index (not that it's a guarantee it won't spike BS so much).


A few days ago I bought 1kg bag of Einkorn flour, using the same recipe as my normal one to compare, also using Einkorn to feed the starter, I made a loaf of einkorn sourdough bread.

To try it out I had 2 slices (65g) sandwiched together with 2 rashers of bacon for breakfast. Can certainly recommend the taste, and it was rather filling. BG started off at 6.2, an hour and half after the bread BG was 9.2, three hours after eating the bread BG had gone back to 6.6. Obviously there's a lot of room for improvement with the recipe so I'm planning to experiment when baking the next one substituting some of the flour with low carb ingredients, there're lots to choose from such as vital wheat gluten, oat fibre, almond, coconut and lupin flours. There's also a new one that I've just ordered, sunflower seed flour. Plus I can add seeds to bulk the bread further and hopefully lower the carbs per slice. I'm nothing but determined. Aiming to make my diet sustainable and not be hankering over things that cause chaos with my BS.

Didn't have dinner, just grazed on different cheeses with a G&T.

Einkorn on the left, normal strong white flour on the right - same recipe but different flours.

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Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
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Diet only
NOTE: I did say earlier that I would avoid the spiced nuts but they taste so good. I've eaten far too many nuts this afternoon and evening. They just taste too good. Shouldn't have eaten them. I wasn't hungry - just greedy.
I got the munchies earlier & attacked some macadamia with a grind of salt, my willpower faltered & I had a few more than I should have. They were good though!

@Antje77, the Echo Dot does have it's uses, would prefer a dog or three though. Today I found out how easy it is to make a call through it. My nephew did an impromptu visit this morning, which was very nice. I think, istigated by my sister, as it turned out she had been calling & messaging, with no answer from me. My phone battery has been having moments of drop off, 100% - 0% every now & then, that's what had happened, was as dead as a dodo. Chris said call through Alexa, it worked! No peace now though! ;)


Retired Moderator
Type of diabetes
I reversed my Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Kefir, supplements and a handful of nuts for breakfast, then later, Aquafit class. Had to pop to the shop afterwards with still wet hair so I was quite cold by the time I got home at lunch.
Time for soup and sandwich - h/m mushroom soup and a cheese sandwich made with lc co bread. Followed by chocolate chia pud. @shelley262 I liked the bread, I also received some DGF rolls today ( forgotten I’d ordered them)
Mid aft DGF cookie and lots of tea - still feeling the cold.
Dinner- 2 lamb chops from the 1/2 lamb I bought last week. 1 chop was huge, but a lot of fat, the other quite small. Served with a mix of veg coated in olive oil and airfried, stirred a handful of spinach through at the end. Just had another DGF cake. Way too many lc bakes todayView attachment 65618
I've just had breakfast here, but those chops look FAB!