What have you eaten today? (Low carb forum)


Type of diabetes
Type 2
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Diet only
B: ff greek with seeds and 8 blackberries
But above doesn't seem as sustaining as it used to be
90 minutes dancing and I was very hungry again
Early lunch. Tried a version of my 90 second tuna melt thing, but swapped tin of sardines for the tuna. Was OK and edible, especially toasted with cheese on top, but might have been better plain with the sardines and cheese added after.
Did hit the "something warm and comforting spot" though. 4 sqs 70% caramel chocolate. 20g carbs total.

Mid afternoon, lc hot chocolate but with Baileys in. Just heard of another death. This time of a lovely , good genuine, brilliant friend only in her 50s :arghh::arghh::arghh::arghh::arghh:
Very low mood all afternoon.
D: hubby cooked lamb mince with broccoli and cabbage. He did well.
2 glasses red.

Did get my urgent eye appointment sorted though!


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Hi, was just looking to see if anyone else has mentioned the new DD Hava app. I've been recording my meals on it since 4th Jan. Think I'm getting the hang of it now but find I have to plan meals carefully if I'm to hit the protein target. In fact I've had to get some protein shake powder as was constantly failing to meet their target. I must have been eating insufficient protein for years. I'm also doing Dry January so hopefully if the satiety is working its helping me not to snack instead of drink :happy:. Are you using Hava and how you finding it?

Hope its OK to post this here.
I did get the Hava app and signed up for the free trial but I found it quite cumbersome to search and log everything I eat. I cook from scratch and usually have a fair few ingredients There seemed to be a lot of different branded food to wade through and American names for basic foodstuff - different cuts of meat etc so I didn’t know which to pick.
I’ve used Ted Naiman’s PE ratio tool in the past and found it a lot simpler, I notice he’s a big influence in the app. But at the moment I’m using Chronometer to try to get a handle on which vitamins and minerals to focus on. I got a bit bogged down with trying to do that as well as figuring satiety.
Well done for sticking with it ( and also for dry January, I know exactly what you mean about the snacking)
A post about it on the general forum might give you more of a response, sorry not to be more help.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Been feeling cold all day having been scared into turning the heating down by the smart meter display. It’s probably why I was hungry this morning so had 2 eggs and a rasher of bacon.
L- few nuts. Mushroom soup made with h/m chicken stock, a dollop of sour cream on top. Chocolate chia pud to follow.
D- Pork Saag done in IP with courgetti as I didn’t have cauliflower. DGF Crimbo crumble.
@Rachox I’m glad to see your foot is finally starting to heal, but sorry for the time it’s taking. It must be very frustrating. Thanks for the Low Carb food bread recommendation. My order arrived today. The loaf looks great and I’m really looking forward to trying the pizza bases.


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
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Tablets (oral)
Back on the wagon as from yesterday though my low carb (wagon ) will probably higher than most on here , aim for around 100 g a day .
FBG this morning was 10.1 YESTERDAY'S meals were
Breakfast .... fried egg, mushrooms and 2 grilled bacon slices , good so far now for the carbs 1 and half slices of toast with butter and cup of tea (45 carbs )
Lunch was large mixed salad with fresh herbs and cheese dab of salad cream and a whole meal roll ( 30 carbs )
Mid afternoon half a banana tbsp of natural probiotic yoghurt a few blueberries and a spoonful of double cream (20 carbs )
Wasn't very hungry in the evening which is very unusual for me so just had an apple some cheese and some almonds ( 16 carbs ). Total carbs about 110 . Did go for a 3 mile walk in the afternoon .


Retired Moderator
Type of diabetes
I reversed my Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Breakfast: my usual low carb coconut ‘porridge’ with strawberries washed down with a black coffee.
Late morning: black coffee and a carb killa bar.
Skipped lunch.
Mid afternoon: black coffee and a H&B protein bar.
Dinner quick meal required as out early evening so: scrambled eggs on Marmite on LC toast.

Edited for clarity.

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Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Good morning,
My daily breakfast is one Avocado juice , one cup oats with milk and one coffee I am a type two diabetes my morning blood sugar was 169 I don't know what is going with me any advise please ..?
I noticed someone has already mentioned the oats. Most of us find that oats put our BGS through the roof (much as I used to enjoy them). Dairy milk can be an issue too. I use no added sugar coconut milk and I'm rather fond now of the Paleo Food Co Berry granola on occasion. It helps if you test to find out what foods put your BGs up too high. Eventually, you will get to know what's OK. Meantime, this is a good thread to see what people eat.


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Evening all

The Orkney organic salmon fillets I usually buy were not available this week, so decided to try Alaskan wild salmon. Apart from its striking red colour, the flavour and texture made an instant impression. Yes, I could definitely get used to Alaskan wild salmon!


B: Two poached eggs with a knob of butter and avocado, seasoned with black pepper plus a wedge of Époisses.
Water to swallow tablet.

L: Salmon fillets baked with broccoli, mushrooms, double cream and lemon verbena.
Steamed carrot batons and French beans smothered with butter.
Water to drink.
Skipped pud.

D Seafood salad using tiger prawns, brown shrimps, lettuce, baby plum tomatoes, celery, Romano peppers, Kalamata olives and salad onions, dressed with an olive oil, balsamic and garlic vinaigrette, topped with roasted macadamia nuts.
Water to swallow tablets.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Tuesday 16 January - bed 7.9 FBG 7. @MrsA2 - so sorry. You are really going through it at the moment xx

B TAG and 2 slices of SRSLY toast with coronation chicken. Benecol dairy free.

L. Nothing. Guys were here removing old range and fitting nice, shiny new one!

D. DD smash burger with guacamole, beetroot, portobello mushroom, and stir fried cabbage. Cabbage got a bit overdone. Gas burners are a lot more powerful. CC little chocolate pot and 4 raspberries.
Gin and soda.

It's absolutely bitter here and very sleety. @Annb - is your food supply improving yet on the island?


Well-Known Member
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Diet only
First bite to eat was at lunchtime with a small slice of left over sourdough bread heavily buttered, it was no more than a couple of mouthfuls.

Not really hungry, but did enjoy a salmon steak (albeit over cooked :banghead:) with prawns added to hm ricotta cheese made into a sauce with added cream. Didn't feel like any veg.




Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
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Diet only
@MrsA2, so sorry, you've really had an awful couple of months, thoughts are with you. {{Hugs}} right back at ya.
BTW, Alexa really does get it in the neck from me sometimes (the smart dumb tv too!!), you ought to hear me when she replies "Mmm I don't know that!". ;) She's also handy for appt reminders!

I decided on carnivore this evening, a ribeye & a duck breast. Ok, with 3 grape tomatoes on the side to break up the richness.


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Tuesday 16 January - bed 7.9 FBG 7. @MrsA2 - so sorry. You are really going through it at the moment xx

B TAG and 2 slices of SRSLY toast with coronation chicken. Benecol dairy free.

L. Nothing. Guys were here removing old range and fitting nice, shiny new one!

D. DD smash burger with guacamole, beetroot, portobello mushroom, and stir fried cabbage. Cabbage got a bit overdone. Gas burners are a lot more powerful. CC little chocolate pot and 4 raspberries.
Gin and soda.

It's absolutely bitter here and very sleety. @Annb - is your food supply improving yet on the island? View attachment 65583
Food supplies are erratic here in the winter. Sometimes the ferries don't run because of the weather, or they've broken down; sometimes the lorries don't make it to Ullapool to get on the ferry because of the weather. Other times it's fine. We get used to it. The big problem is when word goes around that there is, or will be, a shortage of some foodstuff (or toilet rolls). Then, those who can afford to, buy up everything in the shops and everyone else gets left with nothing. It's a matter of "devil take the hindmost".

No idea why but my BG has been dropping low today. I had my intended 2 meals (which included 15g carbs). Took a smaller amount of insulin than normal with both meals but BG kept on dropping to the low 3's and I had to keep on topping up with 1) an extra RyVita (7.5 g carbs), 2) 3 dates (no idea how many carbs, but sweet), 3) 2 pieces of fudge (sugary,carby), 4) one more slice of Ryvita and quite a lot of spiced nuts which I had made to use as snacks in the future - very good mixture of walnuts, Brazils, pecans, hazelnuts and cranberries in spiced butter. Still plenty left though but BG is still only 4.1.

It may be better to not have the RyVita and not to have the insulin. That's do-able but it does mean stirring myself and cooking breakfast, which doesn't go down well these cold mornings.


Retired Moderator
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Mood has improved a bit, and only having cauliflower cheese yesterday meant that I still had the other half of the 'fish fillet a la bordelaise' from the day before. I love meals that only need plating and popping in the microwave. :joyful:
Ate at a much more sensible time too, and my dogs and neighbour dog very much approved of me plating too large a portion. :)



Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Evening all

The Orkney organic salmon fillets I usually buy were not available this week, so decided to try Alaskan wild salmon. Apart from its striking red colour, the flavour and texture made an instant impression. Yes, I could definitely get used to Alaskan wild salmon!


B: Two poached eggs with a knob of butter and avocado, seasoned with black pepper plus a wedge of Époisses.
Water to swallow tablet.

L: Salmon fillets baked with broccoli, mushrooms, double cream and lemon verbena.
Steamed carrot batons and French beans smothered with butter.
Water to drink.
Skipped pud.

D Seafood salad using tiger prawns, brown shrimps, lettuce, baby plum tomatoes, celery, Romano peppers, Kalamata olives and salad onions, dressed with an olive oil, balsamic and garlic vinaigrette, topped with roasted macadamia nuts.
Water to swallow tablets.
I had to look up Epoisses :)


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
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Tablets (oral)
FBG this morning an improvement with 9.3 .
Yesterday meals were
Breakfast 2 eggs fried 2 small bacon rashers I toast and coffee (32 carbs )
Going out in the afternoon for meal so only had a snack at lunch time ..an apple and a piece of cheese ( 14 carbs )
Carvery stuck mainly to the veg ( meat was gammon and beef ) did have small roastie and half a yorkshire pud bit of gravy no idea what carb content was but I ate far less that I would " normally " do .:angelic:.
Little snack at 7pm mainly to take tablets ( almonds and small piece of cheese ).Don't know total carbs because of the meal out but my FBG was better this morning than of late .


Type of diabetes
I reversed my Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
FBG this morning an improvement with 9.3 .
Yesterday meals were
Breakfast 2 eggs fried 2 small bacon rashers I toast and coffee (32 carbs )
Going out in the afternoon for meal so only had a snack at lunch time ..an apple and a piece of cheese ( 14 carbs )
Carvery stuck mainly to the veg ( meat was gammon and beef ) did have small roastie and half a yorkshire pud bit of gravy no idea what carb content was but I ate far less that I would " normally " do .:angelic:.
Little snack at 7pm mainly to take tablets ( almonds and small piece of cheese ).Don't know total carbs because of the meal out but my FBG was better this morning than of late .
Winner for sticking with it as much as you could while out. Eating out especially in a carvery situation which has all you can get on your plate for a set price is always a huge temptation. I do what you did and fill plate as much as possible with meat and lower carb veg so less room on the plate for temptations!


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Hi All so back to Sunday. I know brekkie was usual slice LC toast, tea.
Can’t remember lunch but likely was cheese or eggs.
Supper Spag Bol and I’ve turned against courgetti so I had a small amount (50g) spag with lots of meat and lots of parmesan.
Monday usual brekkie.
Lunch was tapas selection at Giggling Squid, ignored the rice.
Evening three meaty sausages, fried mushroom & tomato.
Tuesday usual brekkie.
Lunch was Chicken Parfait with 3 small Carrs water biscuits (2.5g) each. Tea.
Supper was lightly spiced chicken breast and cauli cheese.
Then had horrible night of upset tum likely due to the pate being too much fat. Still had much better FBG than usual, theres no understanding this Diabetes lark.
@Annb my favourite soup to make is Leek & Broccoli doesn’t need to be more than a broth its just so tasty.
Today just had usual brekkie.
Lunch will be scrambled eggs (2) with a bit of grated Parmesan.
Supper will be stirfried chicken, chorizo & red pepper, hint of smoked paprika and cauli rice.


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Breakfast: 2 pork sausages, 2 rashers streaky bacon and 2 eggs scrambled. No Ryvita, no insulin. BG after an hour up from 5.4 to 6.0, Now 7.9 but will keep an eye on it in case it does go far too high. Had a few spiced nuts while wating.

2nd meal will be Cullen Skink, without any thickening potato, just lots of leeks, smoked haddock and milk/cream mixture. Again, if I can, with no insulin.

Other than that, plenty of tea and water (nurse phoned to say I have an infection and need antibiotics when I can get to the pharmacy to pick up the prescription but meantime keep up the fluids).

Edit: this took an awful long time to upload. There seems to be another wifi appearing on the menu list every so often and when that happens, it interferes with access to the internet. Must be a neighbour's but I don't know why it seems to be able to get into my laptop, or our wifi. Maybe ours does the same to them.

Edit 2: BG started to rise too far, so took a small dose of insulin to try to stop the rise. Still edging up though. Next steps: make soup, take insulin, eat/sup soup. Hope to get it down again. Try to avoid eating spiced nuts.
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