What have you eaten today? (Low carb forum)


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[Stupid image should be here, won't load. :( )
Here it is! :)



Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
There is an annual BIG market in these parts for a week or so, starting today, so we went for a Quick Look around it. Lots of nice, fabulous and also tatty things as you might expect at such an event, but very similar to past years.

They have alll manner of fast food and drinks available, including belly pork with amazing cracking.

i mean, isn’t this what street food should look like?

Lots of animals for petting, including baby goats, Guinea pigs and a couple,of giant tortoises. Thinking of you there @Antje77 , although with your track record, you want to buy them, rather than pet them.

Stunning crackling!


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Kefir, coffee etc first thing. Then unexpectedly had to go and babysit granddaughters for the day. Remembered to take lunch for us all - airfried low carb sausages stuffed lengthwise with cheese and wrapped in smoked streaky bacon. 1 Hotel Chocolat 85% baton.
I did manage to get some smoked haddock today, (I’m still craving Cullen skink @Annb ) but by the time I got home I couldn’t be bothered to cook it. Found beef stroganoff in the freezer so we had that with cauli rice sauteed with mushrooms, onions, red peppers and spinach. Glass of red. Chocolate chia pudding to follow.


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Just had an e-mail. Most of my guests today have gone down with a fluey kind of bug so today is off. Now have to find space in the freezer for all the stuff I made for them to eat - none of it suitable for me. Daresay it will do for another time. I expect Alistair will ease the situation by taking the baking home when he comes in on his delivery round. He might even take the macaroni cheese, who knows? I can have some of the soup but it has quite a lot of root vegetables in it so will have to go a bit easy on that. In any case, I still have at least one, possibly 2 helpings of the chicken "tagine" to use up.

Breakfast, shortly, will be sausage, bacon and egg. Just drinking hot water so far. I was having it with a slice of lemon in it, but that has started burning my throat, even more than just water does. Nurse says to drink decaffeinated tea, which makes my head ache. Yesterday I had very weak black tea all day but feel that it isn't cutting far enough back on the caffeine, so, I'm stuck with water and a sore throat. Not feeling sorry for myself though, at least it's hot and warms me up a bit in this (still) cold weather.


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Oh thats a shame @Annb after all your work, mm macaroni cheese, that’s one of the things I really miss, used to be my go to comfort food.
B Coconut porridge, raspberries
L HM mackeral pate, hard boiled egg,salad
D Chicken florentine, celeriac mash, broccoli


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Kefir black coffee and supplements to start the day.
Eggs on toasted LivLife toast late morning.
Early aft: the last of the chocolate chia pud and some nuts. I always make the chia pud with a 400g tin of coconut cream, I find I don’t need to add sweeteners then, even with the cocoa powder, but it does mean I have 4 or 5 portions to eat over the next few days.
D- finally the Cullen skink! Not a traditional recipe. I used h/m chicken stock, leeks garlic and cauliflower. Liquidised half of it to give a nice thick creamy texture then poached the fish in it and added cream. The remaining cauliflower florets took the place of spuds. LC roll and butter with it and a glass of dry white.


Retired Moderator
Type of diabetes
I reversed my Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Breakfast: my usual low carb coconut ‘porridge’ with strawberries washed down with a black coffee.
Late morning: black coffee and a phd bar.
Skipped lunch.
Mid afternoon: black coffee and a carb killa bar.
Dinner: egg mayo on a LC roll with salad.

2024-01-20 18.19.22.jpeg


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Just had an e-mail. Most of my guests today have gone down with a fluey kind of bug so today is off. Now have to find space in the freezer for all the stuff I made for them to eat - none of it suitable for me. Daresay it will do for another time. I expect Alistair will ease the situation by taking the baking home when he comes in on his delivery round. He might even take the macaroni cheese, who knows? I can have some of the soup but it has quite a lot of root vegetables in it so will have to go a bit easy on that. In any case, I still have at least one, possibly 2 helpings of the chicken "tagine" to use up.
Good evening @Annb. What a shame. All that extra cooking and shopping. None of us can help illness, but they could have given you a little more notice. Still, it's as well they pulled out. You don't want their flu, that's for sure; those types of infection are so contagious.


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Evening all


B: Two poached eggs and scallops, asparagus spears smothered with butter, all seasoned with a good grinding of black pepper.
Water to swallow tablet.

L: Aperitif: dry white wine.
Tuna steaks rolled in finely chopped celery and thyme, baked with red peppers and mushrooms, moistened with double cream and topped with extra mature Cheddar cheese.
Steamed French beans with a knob of butter.
Water to drink.
Skipped pud.
Four squares, Montezuma's Absolute Black 100% cocoa chocolate.

D: Seafood salad made with king prawns and brown shrimps, avocado, baby plum tomatoes, salad onions and Kalamata olives with home-made aioli for dipping and topped with roasted macadamia nuts.
Water to swallow tablets.


Retired Moderator
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Todays evening meal was a similar shawarma wrap as yesterday with a few differences.
I Preheated the plate, this time (much better). I preheated the wrap in the microwave, which kept the chewy texture, and added a smear of tomato puree on top. I left out the onions and bell pepper and only added some raw endive by way of veggies. And I added much more mayo based spicy garlic sauce.

This resulted in a wrap I could eat without cutlery, messy and dripping (happy dogs), with strong vibes of bad fastfood. :hungry:

Exactly what I craved after trying out a new swimming spot only 5 minutes from my house. I hadn't been swimming in over a week so it was a bit chilly, but it felt wonderful all the same. :joyful:

Sometimes you don't need healthy food and vitamins, sometimes you need shawarma dripping with sauce! At least I do, as long as it doesn't mess with diabetes, and this didn't. :)




Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
First a rant/success story.
Went to Morrisons today (usually do Lidl). Omg, prices have risen even since last week.
We have guests tomorrow so looking for a joint to feed 7. Half a leg of lamb £28, small rib roast £28. Guests are older so didn't what to do pork and crackling, or chicken. Various bits of topside rolled into nets where you never know what's actually inside.
Ended up £31 for a 1.9kg rib roast, hope it does 7, looks like it will be very thin slices.
Pointers on cooking it welcome please ? Can't afford to ruin it:nailbiting:
Scoured the yellow stickers and got 800g tender forced rhubarb £2 and 2 salmon fillets £2 and 2 smoked haddock £2. And a beef silverside joint for £7.50. Can't believe the full prices would have been over £35.

Made 4 portions of fish pie, ate 2 froze 2. Froze the silverside to slow cook at a later date

Made 2 lc rhubarb and ginger cakes, now safely frozen, but found after I'd started making them I was short of ground almonds so had to use milled seeds instead. Added extra baking powder. Turned out OK, not sponge like but a good winter tray bake.

The other 400g rhubarb was lightly stewed then added to a no sugar strawberry jelly. Will be offered as one pud for tomorrow. The other will be apple and blackberry crumble (full sugar traditional version)

My food was :
Skipped breakfast and went to early yoga.
Then shopping
Lunch was shredded white cabbage and shredded celeriac mixed with mayo and yoghurt and crumbled Stilton and a few green olives. Very tasty. Thanks for the reminder about raw celeriac @Antje77
Too many tastes of rhubarb cake
D: fish pie with celeriac mash topping.
2 glasses white


Type of diabetes
I reversed my Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
@Antje77 well done on getting back to swimming and also successfully making a low carb treat that tastes naughty.
@Annb you work so hard to look after your friends I feel for you your get together being cancelled but as others have said it's probably a good thing if there's a nasty virus going round - last thing you need to deal with.
Very busy day and lots of dog walks but ended up eating a bit more than usual had a poor nights sleep last night and that often makes me hungrier - good job it doesn't happen often!
Breakfast kefir and supplements then two boiled eggs and LC roll
Lunch some cheese and LC seeded crackers
Dinner steak, mushrooms, onions and mushrooms with large glass of red wine followed by more cheese. Then felt need for something sweet so ended up eating four squares of 90% chocolate ( end of the bar it had to be tidied up!)


Retired Moderator
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Guests are older so didn't what to do pork and crackling, or chicken.
Just wondering if this is a thing in the UK, or if I'm just missing something obvious. How are pork and crackling/chicken related to age of guests?
@Antje77 well done on getting back to swimming and also successfully making a low carb treat that tastes naughty.
Thanks! And yes, happy with the swim, and very happy with making my low carb food taste like something you'd order at 2 AM after rolling out the pub on your way home. It definitely satisfied a craving!


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Oh thats a shame @Annb after all your work, mm macaroni cheese, that’s one of the things I really miss, used to be my go to comfort food.
It's more of a shame for my sick friends. And they were thoughtful enough to avoid bringing their lurgi to me.
Alistair came in on his post round and went away with a huge tray of macaroni cheese and all of the cakes. The cheeses and salad will keep for a bit. Just one tray of macaroni in tomato sauce to find space for in the freezer, so all's well.


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type
First a rant/success story.
Went to Morrisons today (usually do Lidl). Omg, prices have risen even since last week.
We have guests tomorrow so looking for a joint to feed 7. Half a leg of lamb £28, small rib roast £28. Guests are older so didn't what to do pork and crackling, or chicken. Various bits of topside rolled into nets where you never know what's actually inside.
Ended up £31 for a 1.9kg rib roast, hope it does 7, looks like it will be very thin slices.
Pointers on cooking it welcome please ? Can't afford to ruin it:nailbiting:
Scoured the yellow stickers and got 800g tender forced rhubarb £2 and 2 salmon fillets £2 and 2 smoked haddock £2. And a beef silverside joint for £7.50. Can't believe the full prices would have been over £35.

Made 4 portions of fish pie, ate 2 froze 2. Froze the silverside to slow cook at a later date

Made 2 lc rhubarb and ginger cakes, now safely frozen, but found after I'd started making them I was short of ground almonds so had to use milled seeds instead. Added extra baking powder. Turned out OK, not sponge like but a good winter tray bake.

The other 400g rhubarb was lightly stewed then added to a no sugar strawberry jelly. Will be offered as one pud for tomorrow. The other will be apple and blackberry crumble (full sugar traditional version)

My food was :
Skipped breakfast and went to early yoga.
Then shopping
Lunch was shredded white cabbage and shredded celeriac mixed with mayo and yoghurt and crumbled Stilton and a few green olives. Very tasty. Thanks for the reminder about raw celeriac @Antje77
Too many tastes of rhubarb cake
D: fish pie with celeriac mash topping.
2 glasses white
Not a low carb cooking site but I’ve always been very pleased with recipes from Recipetineats. She has a recipe for rib roast.