What have you eaten today? (Low carb forum)


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Definitely on the mend. Bed 4.9 FBG 6.1. Still off so makes figures more remarkable.
B. Hovis lower carb seeded with lurpack, 2 turkey rashers and a fried egg. Tassimo Americano grande with a dash of cream.
L. Bowl of that adapted curried squash/Sweet potato soup. Worked well - at 30 mins no change. 1 hr up by 0.1. 1 hr 30 mins no change. 2 hrs down 0.2 and 3 hrs back to where I started. Delighted with that as it was really tasty.
D. Roast chicken and tablespoon of pork , sage , onion and parsley stuffing. Best ever cauliflower mash, broccoli and 1/2 A mini cob. A wee prosecco.
Enough chicken and cauli left for tomorrow.

I cannot get 'when Santa was stuck up the chimney' out of my head. The wee grandson is practising non stop for the nativity and this is his current favourite.
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Retired Moderator
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only


Retired Moderator
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Evening. Kind of a fasting day, but succumbed to a mid afternoon snack:

No breakfast or lunch.

Was very hungry this afternoon so had a snack of a bag of pork crunch around 3.30.

Dinner was a bit of a cream fest. Diet Doctor salmon zoodles followed by sugar free jelly and cream (I mix double cream into the jelly as I make it, to bring the sweetness down a notch and make it more filling) with extra thick double cream on top.


Well-Known Member
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I've found that sweet potato is far too high in carbs for soups as it's about the same if not a bit higher in carbs than a normal spud and spikes my BG.
I like butternut squash and peanut butter soup with a dash of chilli, ginger and a garlic clove. Very low carb and goes down with a 'zing'.



Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
I've found that sweet potato is far too high in carbs for soups as it's about the same if not a bit higher in carbs than a normal spud and spikes my BG.
I like butternut squash and peanut butter soup with a dash of chilli, ginger and a garlic clove. Very low carb and goes down with a 'zing'.

You'll see I dropped the sweet potato content considerably. The original recipe was 50/50 and knowing the carb content I upped the squash and dropped to sweet potato to 150g over 4 portions. As You'll see from the earlier post it had next to no effect on me and that was testing over a 3 hr period. Wasn't sure until I did the testing. Maybe I was just lucky.
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Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
I make brined chicken - a variant of this recipe (minus the sugar and other carby bits and using cream instead of buttermilk).


The chicken skins also come out very crispy and are delicious.

Edited to put in the link I missed off!
My son brined a turkey last week and he said it was amazing. He cooked it sou vide afterwards and finished off in the oven. He was suggesting to me to do the same.


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
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Tablets (oral)
B- Aldi paleo muesli with coconut milk keffir
L- handful of mixed nuts
D - Home meda chicken, mushroom and apinach curry
S - tsp peanut butter, 3/4 of a large Sharon fruit
Drinks - fruit teas, sparkling water

So nearly 2 weeks into excluding the foods I was dagnosed as intolerant to some 30++ years ago (dairy, egg tea, coffee,tomatoes, aubergines & peppers) - my sinuses have responded well - so nice not to have constant gunk in them - but so it appears have my sugars. Before I started, the app I use (mysugar) was predicting an Hba1c of 47 based on 3-4 weeks of readings, now its predicting 41.6. My Bms certainly seem much flatter, although carbs have been slightly higher than my normal 35-50g.
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Retired Moderator
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only


Breakfast - none
Lunch - bag of pork crunch, small bar Co-op 85% chocolate.
Dinner - pan fried sea bass fillet with sautéed courgette, onion and broccoli followed by sugar free jelly with cream. And then off to the gym for my first session with a new personal trainer - trying to build some muscle mass and shift the remaining fat from around my middle. Totally knackered by the end of it!


Retired Moderator
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
B- Aldi paleo muesli with coconut milk keffir
L- handful of mixed nuts
D - Home meda chicken, mushroom and apinach curry
S - tsp peanut butter, 3/4 of a large Sharon fruit
Drinks - fruit teas, sparkling water

So nearly 2 weeks into excluding the foods I was dagnosed as intolerant to some 30 years ago (dairy, egg tea, coffee,tomatoes, aubergines & peppers) - my sinuses have responded well - so nice not to have constant gunk in them - but so it appears have my sugars. Before I started, the app I use (mysugar) was predicting an Hba1c of 47 based on 3-4 weeks of readings, now its predicting 41.6. My Bms certainly seem much flatter, although carbs have been slightly higher than my normal 35-50g.

I got a v similar result (evening out and general lowering of bgs) when i went gluten free last year. Took me a while to work out what was happening, because it only takes a tiny amount of gluten (a mouthful of toast or a smear of gravy) to affect my bgs for more than a week. Plus, for that week+ my bgs are erratic with ANY carbs. It is as though the gluten screws up my insulin response, or my insulin resistance. Or both.

Fortunately this doesn't seem to happen with dairy (which i am currently testing), i get a stuffed up nose, but bgs are not affected.

Recent food has been:
Coffeesubstitute and coconut cream for breakfast. :(
No lunch most days (except for that fab bunless and chipless burger at the Peterborough services. Ordered from an excellent GF menu and had guacamole and bacon with it. Delish. Definitely stopping there on the way home!
Dinner has been roast lamb or grilled chicken with lots of veg, followed by berriesncocnutcream :( or the dairy free, gluten free, low carb apple cinnamon crumble cake I baked.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Yikes - I keep running behind with everything that is going on, only 20 sleeps to Santa and I don't have one present yet! Anyway,
Bed 6.3 FBG 7.1
B. 2 rashers of smoked turkey rashers and a fried egg. Tassimo Americano grande with a dash of cream.
L. Another helping of that curried butternut soup. Same as yesterday - next to no effect on BGs. Went up 0.2 after 1 hr but had dropped by 0.4 at 1 hr 30 mins.
D. Remains of yesterday's chicken and stuffing with the remains of the best every cauliflower mash.
Strawberry chia pudding with raspberries.
Today - Tuesday

Bed 5.8 FBG 6.0
B. Nothing - busy morning
L. Lidl high protein roll with coronation chicken.
D. Made a beef Wellington. Ate the meat/pate / mushroom and gave in to 2 mouthfuls of the pastry. Actually preferred my veg which was a whole bag of spinach.
Will have the last of the chia pudding with raspberries.
Also had a whey hay chocolate ice cream earlier as my throat was sore again. Still have a tickly cough.

Need to get on tomorrow regardless of how I feel.
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Active Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
B. 0%fat Greek yoghurt
L. Chicken salad box and a apple
D. Home made chicken casserole lots a veggies
Snacks cashew nuts, dark choc and nut bar.

2 and half months since diagnosis t2 down 11kg and bloods average 6.5 so slowly getting hang of it definitely miss haribos


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Yikes - I keep running behind with everything that is going on, only 20 sleeps to Santa and I don't have one present yet! Anyway,
Bed 6.3 FBG 7.1
B. 2 rashers of smoked turkey rashers and a fried egg. Tassimo Americano grande with a dash of cream.
L. Another helping of that curried butternut soup. Same as yesterday - next to no effect on BGs. Went up 0.2 after 1 hr but had dropped by 0.4 at 1 hr 30 mins.
D. Remains of yesterday's chicken and stuffing with the remains of the best every cauliflower mash.
Strawberry chia pudding with raspberries.
Today - Tuesday

Bed 5.8 FBG 6.0
B. Nothing - busy morning
L. Lidl high protein roll with coronation chicken.
D. Made a beef Wellington. Ate the meat/pate / mushroom and gave in to 2 mouthfuls of the pastry. Actually preferred my veg which was a whole bag of spinach.
Will have the last of the chia pudding with raspberries.
Also had a whey hay chocolate ice cream earlier as my throat was sore again. Still have a tickly cough.

Need to get on tomorrow regardless of how I feel.
OK - won't be having 2 mouthfuls of pastry again. Went from 5 to 7.7 in 1 hr 30 mins. It's on the way down but can't see it getting much below 7 at the 2 hr mark. Not fatal I know but I didn't even enjoy it that much so pastry is off the menu now.


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
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Tablets (oral)
B - Aldi paleo muesli with unsweetened almond milk
L - made a mug of cocoa with a mix of unsweetened almond and coconut milks - I thought it was lovely but my blood sugars begged to differ and punished me with a 2.3 rise ☹️
D - second portion of chicken mushroom and spinach curry with mushroom and chilli fried cauliflower rice
Snacks - handful ( about 25g) of mixed nuts, 12g Moctezuma dark choc with chilli
Drinks - various fruit teas, sparkling water with sugar free squash


Retired Moderator
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Hi. Catching up on yesterday.

Breakfast - none
Lunch - Nando’s. 3 plain wings, plain chicken leg with salad and mayo. Small bar of Co-op 85% chocolate.
Dinner - another odd combination. Away at the weekend so eating up what is in the fridge. Sugar free jelly with cream and a bag of pork crunch!!

Today I’ll be winging it. Had it all planned out, but my boss wants me to meet her for most of the day and I have no idea what lunch options will be available. I then have to go to a meeting before getting to my gym appointment and it’s not clear whether dinner will fit in before or after that. Going to be an interesting one.


Retired Moderator
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Hi all.

Breakfast - unusually for me, Imate some as very hungry by around 9.30 am, Had 25g almonds.
Lunch - prepared by my boss! Corned beef salad with mayonnaise.
Dinner - salami and cheese followed by sugar free jelly with cream.

Off to the gym shortly.


Well-Known Member
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Tablets (oral)
Ive been experimenting a bit today - Im the designated cook at Xmas in a family where no one likes christmas food and our traditional Xmas dinner is crispy deep fried tofu with stir fried veg - so I made up 2 new dishes using what was in the fridge

B - normal one of Paleo muesli with almond milk
L - leek, mushroom and sweet potato soup
D - Thai style roasted pumpkin and coconut milk red curry
S- 4 pecan halves, 4 olives ( not together!)
Drinks - fruit teas and sparkling water
The curry is a definate keeper, the soup is v promising but still needs a bit of a tweak

So far 685 cals and 42g carbs so Ill maybe have some more nuts later, but not currently hungry. Sugars have behaved themselves.

Edit - topped up with couple of tsp sugar free peanut butter and 10g dark chocolate.The scores on the doors are now 940 cals and 48g carbs - that’ll do nicely
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Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Bed 7.2 FBG 6.6. Gone backwards today with this cold. Really chesty and feel horrible out in the wind.
B. Nothing just water
L. Took a portion of that squash soup out of the freezer. Curry was even more intense.
D. Veal burger on a Portobello mushroom with slice of red Leicester and wilted spinach.
Loads of water. Also gave a Bailey's and drambuie a quick blast in the microwave. Won't cure me but it was quite warming and at least my cough has gone for now.


Active Member
Type of diabetes
Type 1
Around 1000: a small avocado sliced and roast cauliflower and delicata squash. Diet Pepsi.

Supper: grilled salmon filet, salad and steamed broccoli. Water.
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Well-Known Member
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Tablets (oral)
Interesting day
B - paleo muesli ( think Im addicted) with homemade coconut yogurt and raspberries
L - had another portion of the leek and sweet potato soup I made yesterday but revised my opinion of it downward and binned the rest
Mid afternoon experiment - tested 40g this product which I had lurking in the cupboard - Id tested it before with equivocal results and forgotten about it https://www.ocado.com/webshop/produ...gclsrc=aw.ds&dclid=CMvhjYT3-NcCFecS0wodd1YMhw
D - more of the thai pumpkin curry this time combined with cod loin, broccoli and beansprouts to make a kind of laksa
Snacks - 10g dark chocolate with chilli
Significantly more carbs than usual at 64g for the day but intersting because
1) The fettuccini produced a minus 0.7 mmol postprandial response at 1.75 hrs
2) my sugars have virtually flat lined all day despite 6 readings including pre and post meals - highest 6.5 and lowest 5.7. Staerted the day at 6.1 and finished it on 6.3
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Retired Moderator
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Interesting day for me too yesterday, @Boo1979

Breakfast - none
Lunch - Pret A Manger Tuna Niçoise salad minus olives and with my own mayonnaise instead of their dressing. 0.3 mmol rise from 4.1 to 4.3
Dinner - Nando’s. 3 plain wings, plain chicken leg with salad. 20g Hema 85% chocolate. 0.5 mmol rise.
Snack on train - 2 small pieces of cheese. Ignored the biscuits and chutney but decided to try the very small chocolate that came with it. Bit into the chocolate but couldn’t finish it. Tasted soooo sweet! Satisfied my curiosity and means I will no longer look longingly at the milk chocolate I used to love. No rise in BG at all.
At hotel managed to devour the remains of the Hema 85% chocolate (so 100g consumed in total). 1mmol rise.

So despite all that food, only 25g carbs (I am usually below 20g) and no real impact on blood sugars. Won’t be getting carried away, but shows that I can be a bit more relaxed so long as I stick to low carb. Just finished a hotel breakfast - another treat as I usually skip, but plenty of low carb foods on offer.