What have you eaten today? (Low carb forum)


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Hi all wonderful day weather wise again here in Worcestershire I’ve just been gardening and watering now heat of day gone. Still sat out in garden writing this! You seem to be stuck with all the UKs rain @jayney27 sending you a hug - hope it improves tomorrow.
Breakfast one slice of LC bread and boiled egg
Lunch tin of mackerel in olive oil mixed with an advocado served with celery sticks and three LC seeded crispbreads followed by LC lemon cake with fage yoghurt
Dinner pork ribs with broccoli and cauliflower florets on a bed of mushrooms fried in coconut oil followed by the last proper crop of strawberries with fage yoghurt.
Interesting how now stress def has biggest impact on my bg - my bg before dinner after a stressful caring related incident mid afternoon was my first 6.0 in ages but 2 hours after my dinner had gone down 1.5 ! Shows how complex this diabetes can be..... a bit more mindfulness for me before bed and tomorrow.
Thank you for the hug, yes we do seem to have all the poor weather, but it’s set to change tomorrow, fingers crossed.
Enjoy your mindfulness, as you say it’s amazing how being in a stressful situation seems to impact as much if not more than naughty food, I will have an extra 10 minutes on my Pranamat tonight to fully discharge today’s slight stress delivering a difficult training session today
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Retired Moderator
Type of diabetes
I reversed my Type 2
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Tablets (oral)
Breakfast: my usual low carb coconut ‘porridge’ with strawberries and cream washed down with a black coffee.
Lunch: cold roast chicken with cauliflower and broccoli salad followed by Greek yoghurt and blueberries.
Mid afternoon: lemon chia pudding and black coffee.
Dinner: salmon fillets with creamy peppercorn sauce, cauliflower and peas followed by strawberries and chocolate hazelnut Oppo.


Sorry been MIA a few days but all going well - have dropped 8lbs and 2 inches off my waist in the last 3 weeks so it’s working!

B -3 home made low carb savoury biscuits ( Tom Kerridge again - basically ground linseeds, ground almonds and egg white) - quite substantial and tasty and about 0.5 g carb per biscuit, with butter and cheese
L- salad leaves- smoked salmon, cream cheese and lemon
Snack - choc olive cake, raspberries and thick cream. So my first attempt and not bad but it did sink a lot out of the oven, and the ethyritol gave it a slightly odd texture and cool sensation ( a bit like icing sugar and sugar free mints if that makes sense). Kept it in the fridge and it seemed to improve as the days went on, and better with raspberries and cream, on its own it was a bit sweet. Never thought I’d see that day!
Late home so didn’t bother with dinner but had 3 more biscuits with cheese and butter
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What a quotidian life I must have led erewhile never to have had a fluffy omlette - thank you ladies. Full details in menu post later but I really liked that - will need tweaks to become mine but with 9 eggs per day we can experiment to our hearts content. @Geranium72 great work on the weight and shrinkage and thanks for reminding me to look again at Kerridge book sitting their forlornly blasting out "well why buy me then?" vibes :banghead:
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Type of diabetes
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Diet only
Yes, mine does that too.
I have put it away in a cupboard to reduce the vibe intensity.
Is there a reason such as carbs too high or just too many other recipes to select from as lots of his recipes look very tempting?


Retired Moderator
Type of diabetes
Type 2
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Diet only
Is there a reason such as carbs too high or just too many other recipes to select from as lots of his recipes look very tempting?

Its because he is a cheffy chef and I simply can't be bothered to cook like that.
I watch them on the telly cooking with 3 frying pans and sieves and strainers and different bowls and I feel sorry for the poor work experience person in the background who has to do the washing up.

I've taken quite a few of his ideas (lamb with anchovy and garlic is a prime example) and used those flavours together - and loved it. But the ingredient lists are like reading War and Peace, and I won't ever cook a meal that uses 50 different bowls and utensils - just can't face the washing up.

However, he is the man who introduced me to celeriac, so I will be forever grateful. lol. Mr B loves it too, so that is a double win.

Edited to change War and Piece to War and Peace! Haha!
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Its because he is a cheffy chef and I simply can't be bothered to cook like that. I watch them on the telly cooking with 3 frying pans and sieves and strainers and different bowls and I feel sorry for the poor work experience person in the background who has to do the washing up.
OK, I respect your reasons and as long as the basic LC ethos of his recipes holds good the dishwasher can take the strain. He and Hemsleys suit my tastes best but the Hs are higher carb mostly. Their Pablo's chicken with celeriac chips is up there with the best LC meals I eat.
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Type of diabetes
Type 2
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Being overweight, dieting
Thank you shelley262 and ianspurs for your encouragement, I will do it, tried writing everything down which was ok for 2 days but it was such a chore!! Found 2 sites who's carb values disagreed drastically; I would like an easy site whereby I can log what I eat without having to cope with contradictions. Ianspurs I love cauliflower and know what celeriac is but never used it, does it taste like celery and how do you cook it please?


Type of diabetes
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Diet only
Thank you shelley262 and ianspurs for your encouragement, I will do it, tried writing everything down which was ok for 2 days but it was such a chore!! Found 2 sites who's carb values disagreed drastically; I would like an easy site whereby I can log what I eat without having to cope with contradictions. Ianspurs I love cauliflower and know what celeriac is but never used it, does it taste like celery and how do you cook it please?
@gil2625 5 You could try using the values from supermarket websites most have them under product details nutrition. If you have a smartphone there are apps which will deal with analysis but I find they are less reliable than supermarket or packet labels.
As regards celeriac it is very versatile. Roast it as per roast potato; boil and mash as per sausage and mash or as a topping for shepherds/cottage pie cheese and celeriac pie; people use it for celeriac dauphinoise or boulengere; celeriac chips are a forum staple. Basically adapt potato recipes. The taste is much more subtle than celery itself. Hope this helps and well done for keeping on keeping on:) Hopefully, some of the real ninjas on here will add more than my effort.


Type of diabetes
I reversed my Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Thank you shelley262 and ianspurs for your encouragement, I will do it, tried writing everything down which was ok for 2 days but it was such a chore!! Found 2 sites who's carb values disagreed drastically; I would like an easy site whereby I can log what I eat without having to cope with contradictions. Ianspurs I love cauliflower and know what celeriac is but never used it, does it taste like celery and how do you cook it please?
Agree with @ianpspurs i use supermarket sites for nutrition and also cooking celeriac which I love very similar to spuds but not in terms of bgs.
if you use recipes from
their recipes come with full carb breakdown so good place to start.
They also have great carb charts showing carb contents well worth a visit.
You can also list here and get some advice too
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Type of diabetes
Type 2
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Diet only
Being overweight, dieting
Love this site already, thank you all for helpful info, will try celeriac soon. What's peoples opinions on lower carb and high fat diet with a good mix of protein, sounds too good to be true. Have just indulged in rhubarb, strawberries and thick cream yum!! So, I guess calories will be higher, I am very confused but started being careful from Monday lost 5lb yesterday and gained 1/2lb today so maybe I am on the right track. Absolutely shocked though as to the amount of carbs in a large jaffa orange.


Type of diabetes
I reversed my Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Love this site already, thank you all for helpful info, will try celeriac soon. What's peoples opinions on lower carb and high fat diet with a good mix of protein, sounds too good to be true. Have just indulged in rhubarb, strawberries and thick cream yum!! So, I guess calories will be higher, I am very confused but started being careful from Monday lost 5lb yesterday and gained 1/2lb today so maybe I am on the right track. Absolutely shocked though as to the amount of carbs in a large jaffa orange.
You need to be a bit careful re quantities of any fruit even lower carb ones like rhubarb and strawberries whereas the cream no worries re bgs - although if trying to lose weight you may need to be careful again re quantity as you need to get your body to use your own body fat to power it. So it’s just enough to feel full but don’t go mad on it! You need to keep experimenting
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Diet only
Love this site already, thank you all for helpful info, will try celeriac soon.
@gil2625 A very simple rule of thumb is eat veggies that grow above ground and .5 to 1 gm of protein per kg of body weight or about size of your palm each meal. Healthy fats to fill you - eggs, avocado, lean meat. chicken. cheese with some caution as very calorific. Not perfect but nice and easy. Nuts are good but similar to cheese 28 gms a time (1 oz) would be a good guide. Just my take on things but I am no expert. Also, if your digestive system can stand it lots of fibre perhaps discover flaxseed and chia sees. Drink lots of water. Hope this helps and other forum members please correct any errors I may have made.


Type of diabetes
I reversed my Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Thank you shelley262 and ianspurs for your encouragement, I will do it, tried writing everything down which was ok for 2 days but it was such a chore!! Found 2 sites who's carb values disagreed drastically; I would like an easy site whereby I can log what I eat without having to cope with contradictions. Ianspurs I love cauliflower and know what celeriac is but never used it, does it taste like celery and how do you cook it please?
Another idea re counting I found I just needed to add up the carb count so kept a written record but only worried about carbs. I kept my carbs to lower than 20 per day to go keto and achieve my results. Currently on maintenance and keep below 30g of carb but still in ketosis. Others go for slightly higher carbs per day you could always experiment at higher end test your bgs and reduce until your bgs reduce. A few people also use apps to record. I used Cronometer app for a while it’s free but found it more of a chore for me I liked a written record but it’s personal choice.
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Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Catch up again. Yesterday - Wednesday bed 6.8 FBG 6.3.
Aqua fit and grandson free!
Despite being Grandson free was still rushing about with deliveries and keeping the painters on track in nieces house.
B. Tassimo Americano grande with a dash of cream.
L. Late on Morrison's salmon, cod and prawn koftas, lettuce, mini plum tomatoes, spoonful of M&S whipped cream cheese, 3 walnuts.
D. Prawn cocktail, 1/2 avocado, 3 mini plum tomatoes, last of the fresh anchovies (going to buy more today) , mini mozzarella pearls (too hot for anything else).
Succumbed to Halo Top and 6 raspberries.

Today - Thursday bed 5.7 FBG 7.1. BGs are staying within range but yo yoing up and down within range.
B. Tassimo Americano grande with a dash of cream then off to Aqua fit again.
L. Lo dough finally arrived so I made a ham and cheese toastie with it and really enjoyed it.
Collected the boys and headed to the beach (still really warm but nice breeze at the beach and they have an enclosed beach park). Black coffee from the van at the beach while the boys had slushies.
D. Will be another salad, tuna, prawns , anchovies, lettuce, mini mozzarella pearls, mini plum tomatoes and a boiled egg.

Even persuaded the boys to walk along the beach collecting shells so I don't feel suicidal tonight and they have some colour about them - car full of sand though.
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Type of diabetes
I reversed my Type 2
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Diet only
Hi all lovely day again but more watering needed later when sun goes down a bit.
Breakfast just coffee with inulin - rushing out and ran out of time!
Mid am more coffee with cream to fill the gap!
Lunch smallish pieces of Shropshire blue and Stilton cheese with celery and low carb seeded crispbreads
Afternoon pot of green tea with mint followed by pot of black tea no milk.
Dinner trout on bed of mashed cauliflower with lemon butter poured on with glass of red wine followed by lemon and lime mousse with spoon of fage yoghurt.