What have you eaten today? (Low carb forum)


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So, um, when did I fall so rapturously in love with the garden?
It has kind of sneaked up on me, and now I am totally infatuated. It is the highpoint of my day.
Is it the lovely weather?
The stir crazy effect of lockdown?
Old age?

All I can say is that I am loving it!

B: eggs, bacon and sausage
L: 70%choc (4 squares)
D: Pad Thai beef with Lidl protein noodles.
May have greek yog and peanut butter later.

Took No1 to park in car, while Nos2&3 were flogged there on the streets, by Mr B.
We all met up, went for a pack walk, then No1 got chauffeured home by me, while the others made the long trek home.

it was lovely and cool except for the last 10 mins, so they didn’t overheat.

No1’s back is obviously sore (he can’t go to the chiropractor at the moment, and he NEEDS an appt, hence the transport. No2 is pleasantly wiped. No3 could do it all again. And again.

do you think I will ever be brave enough to use the clippers on them?

Same odd effect here with the garden. I think there will be a lot of new gardeners after this year.
No2 daughter has today shaved off MrC’s beard and hair - not out of filial duty but because she wants to practice as tomorrow she is going to use his clippers on Dennis! ( Mr C not overly impressed but can’t buy dog clippers for love nor money atm)
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Type of diabetes
I reversed my Type 2
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Diet only
Cooper has been sheared too - he’s very streamlined! Very little hair left on the photo I saw!
No breakfast lots of rushing around.
Lunch mushroom and cheese omelette
Before dinner handful of almonds with gin and soda
Dinner hm beef curry with chaffle followed by oppo ice cream
About to hAve hc choc with decaff.
Decking oil and fence paint eventually arrived - ordered three weeks ago - so this afternoon spent oiling decking and starting painting fence but will be doing for a few days yet especially as mixed with caring stuff. When sun outthough this sort of job is almost therapeutic.


Retired Moderator
Type of diabetes
I reversed my Type 2
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Tablets (oral)
Breakfast: my usual low carb coconut ‘porridge’ with strawberries and cream washed down with a black coffee.
Late morning: I was served coffee and cream and white choc phd bar, in our very own coffee shop, created in our living room by my daughter as I had mentioned I was missing our coffee shop visits!
Late Lunch: Cheese cubes and piri piri snacks followed by Greek yoghurt, coffee chia pudding and LC chocolate granola.
Dinner: Cold roast chicken, leafy salad, coleslaw and a small pkt of Cheesies followed by SF jelly, cream and macadamia and coconut keto granola.



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football, both the game and the culture.
Breakfast: nut granola, 2x CWC, confit chicken livers.
Lunch: ham with garden salad. Cauliflower coleslaw. Was hungry yesterday pm after similar lunch so added some of our walnuts. Water and tea.
Tea in the afternoon. Couple of mugs.
Dinner. 20 Wholemeal Penne pasta. Different brand. Looked different, more like white pasta and seemed smaller. But tasted the same. Red pesto , carrots and brocolli.
It was more Pesto than pasta. Took BG before 4.4 ( astonishingly low) and after an hour 5 6. Then forgot the vital two hours. :lurking:
Never mind. Can do it tomorrow. Dinner will be the same, but probably different type of day. It's Sunday so not really socially acceptable to be making a racket with hedge trimmer for hours. Besides which my elbows are complaining and the blasted thing is only half done.
@Chook no bin collections here at all.
Can understand MrC needing a project. My MrSlim, put off retirement for two years, he was so afraid of being bored. The French house is the project.
@Brunneria some houses are like that. Not sure why. Am looking forward to pics of spectacular flowers later.


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Type 2
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Tablets (oral)
Yesterday bed 6.3 and weirdly FBG was also 6.3 but at least that's lower than the day before. @Chook - if we're going to decorate etc. Hubby always looks suspiciously at all my bits of paper/paint testers on the walls which are gradually removed until I get what I want. He eventually admits my thought process works out right! @SlimLizzy - well done with the cycling. @DJC3 - we have hair clippers arriving tomorrow. I've been having a look at online tutorials although I'm not sure Hubby was oozing confidence at the one which told me to think of it like "mowing a lawn".
B. TAG and a couple of Dairylea triangles.
L. Nothing
D. Ended up with a tuna and egg salad with avocado, tomato but no lettuce left. 2 squares Lidl 85%.

I too need to do a freezer audit. Contents are going down but I haven't done a butcher order this week as I want to reduce the freezer contents. I have a supermarket delivery in place for Tuesday so hopefully I can replenish salad and vegetable supplies.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Evenin’ All,

B: sausages
L: goatsmilk yog and peanut butter
D: stir fried beef mince with pad thai spices and Lidl protein noodles

also some 70% cocoa solid choc :D

no work today. Bliss. Got my begonias and dahlias out of the shed where they have been sitting in their spent compost since last autumn. I was very doubtful they would be OK, but it turns out they are doing fabulously. The begonias are just starting to sprout their frilly little leaves, and the corms are twice the size they were last year. The dahlias tubers are plump and have doubled in number from 12 months ago. And hopefully this year will be even better.

This is all a steep learning curve for me. Last year was first time for dahlias, and I had 2 (!) ppl stopping on the street complementing me on them! Was surprised and v v chuffed. So of course I have to try and do better this year. My ego demands it! Lol

I ‘m always in awe of houses fronted by healthy, happy, well fed and watered colour - I can only aspire... but I'm gonna try! (There is something about this house that just demands flower tubs. Totally different from anywhere else I have lived)
I love dahlias. We have lots of them but some disappeared last year. I'm putting it down to that ruddy squirrel that keeps digging my bulbs up. I've got a few shrubs arriving on 5 May and, since B&Q has reopened I think I will take a trip on Wednesday to see if I can get some bedding plants as the hanging baskets look very sad this year.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
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Tablets (oral)
FBG 14.7! I'm not the screaming type, otherwise I would.
Took a higher than usual dose of insulin and then a banana with a couple of cups of tea. That's breakfast.
I do have a very tasty pot of broth ready for lunch - finished last night.
I think I'll make a lamb tagine with the extra lamb from the shank but should really put it in the freezer, or at least keep it for tomorrow. Tonight will be smoked mackerel but no salad to go with it - there was none available at the shops yesterday so might make it into kedgeree with cauliflower rice.
The old trunk is currently sitting on my kitchen table - Neil relined the base part last night and has left it there to dry. The lid has to be done this morning. I reminded Neil last night that there is another, even older trunk in the loft which has been waiting to be repaired/renovated for many years now. Hubby's trunk was bought when he went to sea as a cadet in 1951 but the one in the loft is something over a hundred years old and is somewhat worse than shabby.
Hugs for that FBG - it's so frustrating. Your home however sounds like an annex of The Repair Shop with the very talented Neil.
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Yesterday bed 6.3 and weirdly FBG was also 6.3 but at least that's lower than the day before. @Chook - if we're going to decorate etc. Hubby always looks suspiciously at all my bits of paper/paint testers on the walls which are gradually removed until I get what I want. He eventually admits my thought process works out right! @SlimLizzy - well done with the cycling. @DJC3 - we have hair clippers arriving tomorrow. I've been having a look at online tutorials although I'm not sure Hubby was oozing confidence at the one which told me to think of it like "mowing a lawn".
B. TAG and a couple of Dairylea triangles.
L. Nothing
D. Ended up with a tuna and egg salad with avocado, tomato but no lettuce left. 2 squares Lidl 85%.

I too need to do a freezer audit. Contents are going down but I haven't done a butcher order this week as I want to reduce the freezer contents. I have a supermarket delivery in place for Tuesday so hopefully I can replenish salad and vegetable supplies.

I have been cutting MrB's hair for years. It started when we would spend months at a stretch in the Tropics where hair and barbering is starkly different, and I made him less nervous than the local barber, but trust me, that's all relative.

In the early days, the poor man had some cuts I'd be horrified by these days, but it gets easier.

I am in dire need of a haircut myself, and whilst MrB has offered to return the favour, there's more chance that I'll walk on water than accept his offer.

T'was the glint in his eye that did it. :bag:
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Type 2
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Tablets (oral)
Bed 6 FBG 6.2. @DJC3 I'm amused by the practice on Dad before tackling Dennis.I'm still looking at instructional videos! @SlimLizzy - wow you are certainly keeping busy. I've had an industrious day. Washed all the upstairs windows inside and out and finished off the bathrooms by cleaning out the showers and giving the shower screens a really deep clean. Moved onto more ironing. I have charity bags mounting up!
B. TAG and bacon & a fried egg.
L. Dairylea triangle.
D. Carbonara made with Lidl protein noodles. 2 squares Lidl 85%.

I love my garden. Took a while to sort it after the extension was built but there us nothing nicer than sitting out to have a coffee on a warm summer morning, surrounded by colour and scent.


Retired Moderator
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Diet only

I made a rapid hair appt when it looked like lockdown was on its way.
Asked her to take it far shorter than usual.
Should be ok til xmas, with a few fringe trims using the dog grooming scissors.

hit the booze this evening.
Will sleep well. :happy:

Deleted member 308541

I made a rapid hair appt when it looked like lockdown was on its way.
Still off topic but...

The hairdresser that cuts our hair here at home, took three months stress leave before the shut out happened.

I think she maybe clairvoyant as well...:D
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I saw something on Facebook, or Twitter a couple of weeks ago predicting that in about 6 weeks, 80% of all blondes would dispappear.

I'm sure we'll have a period of shocker colouring and cutting whoopsies soon enough.

I deliberately grew my hair a bit before going away so that a pony tail was practical. Who knew how long it'd have to be practical for!

Anyway, in the spirit of the thread, we had a delicious chicken jalfrezi, but today's highlight is going to be a leglet of lamb. I say leglet as even we can't chow our way through a whole leg between the two of us.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
People who think they know everything.
Yesterday bed 6.3 and weirdly FBG was also 6.3 but at least that's lower than the day before. @Chook - if we're going to decorate etc. Hubby always looks suspiciously at all my bits of paper/paint testers on the walls which are gradually removed until I get what I want. He eventually admits my thought process works out right! @SlimLizzy - well done with the cycling. @DJC3 - we have hair clippers arriving tomorrow. I've been having a look at online tutorials although I'm not sure Hubby was oozing confidence at the one which told me to think of it like "mowing a lawn".
B. TAG and a couple of Dairylea triangles.
L. Nothing
D. Ended up with a tuna and egg salad with avocado, tomato but no lettuce left. 2 squares Lidl 85%.

I too need to do a freezer audit. Contents are going down but I haven't done a butcher order this week as I want to reduce the freezer contents. I have a supermarket delivery in place for Tuesday so hopefully I can replenish salad and vegetable supplies.

I've used clippers to cut Mr C's hair for the last 25 years (Babyliss set which have lasted all this time). At the beginning I'd never done anything like that before. Pieces of advice... 1. use clippers in opposite direction of hair growth, I start at nape of neck 2. use the clippers VERY slowly otherwise they jam up which hurts to pull out. 3. There is a way to use the clippers to trim round the ears but I find hairdressing scissors to be quicker and easier 4. Start with longest cutting head and work your way down through the shorter cutting heads to find the length you want.

Good luck!!
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Type of diabetes
Type 2
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Diet only
I've used clippers to cut Mr C's hair for the last 25 years (Babyliss set which have lasted all this time). At the beginning I'd never done anything like that before. Pieces of advice... 1. use clippers in opposite direction of hair growth, I start at nape of neck 2. use the clippers VERY slowly otherwise they jam up which hurts to pull out. 3. There is a way to use the clippers to trim round the ears but I find hairdressing scissors to be quicker and easier 4. Start with longest cutting head and work your way down through the shorter cutting heads to find the length you want.

Good luck!!

Good advice for clipping dog fur too I’d imagine. I’m hoping Dennis doesn’t end up bald as a coot like Mr C has after the clipper attack.
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Type of diabetes
Type 2
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Tablets (oral)
People who think they know everything.
My neighbour has been attempting to do her own roots - saving herself £90 a month!! (TBH I thought was her own colour.) And she's clipped her dog for the first time saving another £35!

Breakfast: chaffle, fried eggs, 100g baked beans and mushrooms
Lunch: definitely not
Dinner: Vivera 'steak' roast parsnips and carrots, cauliflower, Brussels and broccoli


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
I saw something on Facebook, or Twitter a couple of weeks ago predicting that in about 6 weeks, 80% of all blondes would dispappear.

I'm sure we'll have a period of shocker colouring and cutting whoopsies soon enough.

I deliberately grew my hair a bit before going away so that a pony tail was practical. Who knew how long it'd have to be practical for!

Anyway, in the spirit of the thread, we had a delicious chicken jalfrezi, but today's highlight is going to be a leglet of lamb. I say leglet as even we can't chow our way through a whole leg between the two of us.
I have discovered that being blonde, and new growth grey, there are no dark roots so it's fine (apart from the fact my hair is a mess and not long enough yet to tie back).


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
I've used clippers to cut Mr C's hair for the last 25 years (Babyliss set which have lasted all this time). At the beginning I'd never done anything like that before. Pieces of advice... 1. use clippers in opposite direction of hair growth, I start at nape of neck 2. use the clippers VERY slowly otherwise they jam up which hurts to pull out. 3. There is a way to use the clippers to trim round the ears but I find hairdressing scissors to be quicker and easier 4. Start with longest cutting head and work your way down through the shorter cutting heads to find the length you want.

Good luck!!
I'll need it!


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My husband taught himself to cut hair while he was at sea and ended up being the barber for officers and crew on just about every ship he sailed on(until he sailed with Middle Eastern companies - it was felt unsuitable for an officer to be cutting the crews' hair) and when he came home he taught me to cut his, and our boys' hair, using comb and scissors. He never had to pay for a haircut again. No 2 son was happy enough for me to cut his hair until he married (DIL does it now but uses clippers) and for the years he lived with us, I also used to cut my Dad's hair. Never did my mother's though and never let anyone cut mine. Neil never wanted his hair cut (very long, curly, dark hair he had) but now cuts his own. My home hairdresser had to cancel my last appointment, just at the start of the lock-down and goodness knows when she'll be able to come again. I shall be very shaggy by then (been having it cut very short in recent months). Maybe I'll ask Neil to have a go at it. He can do just about everything else, so why not?

FBG today was 10.8 after 14.2 last night (I did take extra insulin last night). So I thought "Oh what the heck" and had some more insulin than usual and toast with butter. Now back up to 13.8.

I will be having some more soup for lunch.

Tonight I will have some brisket in gravy out of the freezer with some tomatoes and onions.

I don't fully understand the high BG (toast doesn't help, of course) but I am obviously on one of these spells of highs. Maybe it has something to do with this odd virus, which hasn't quite gone away yet. I don't think I'm eating any more than usual. If it was calories rather than carbs that I am counting, I would understand high amounts due to lots of fats and fatty meat (esp lamb). But the carbs are still pretty low and insulin doses are climbing.

Edited to fix a typo.
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I reversed my Type 2
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I have noticed on outdoor forays, there are many matching hairdos around at the moment. Mainly they look like clipper cuts, but I'm sure some aren't.
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