What have you eaten today? (Low carb forum)


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Another experimenting/checking on changes day. B= 800 mls tea with almond milk - 0 rise at 2 hrs and pleasure to drink as opposed to tea with cream. Lunch was 2 slices skinny bread with avocado (65 gms) and 2 poached eggs. Certain to like it and .1 drop @ 2 hrs. So far ok - probably only blip was semi skimmed milk in tea at church. Evening was a case of however low I set the bar some foods will go lower. Brisket of beef as part of freezer clearing ( thought we had thrown it all away) - dog had most of it neither of us could deal with it. Roast mushrooms, cauliflower and cherry tomatoes - they worked; boulangere celeriac - nah, never happening again - quite a lot in green bin. 2 slices of emmental. Not sure the rise after that meal will matter as 0 chance of ever eating that again. Low carb and cals day.
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Type of diabetes
I reversed my Type 2
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Diet only
Working again today so stuck indoors at computer - needs must!
Breakfast one each of slice bacon, chipolata sausage and egg with half a toasted chaffle
Lunch celery sticks and range of cheese
Dinner chicken curry (last of leftover chicken) with cauliflower rice and a gin and soda. Drinking a second gin and soda now while relaxing when finished will have lc lemon and lime mousse with yoghurt. May also have a couple of squares of absolut black choc with my decaff coffee.


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Happy to eat the Emmental anytime. Luckily all brisket now gone and no more celeriac experiments.
Sorry, your bid for the Emmenthal comes about 6 months too late. As for brisket and celeriac, I take the traditional British stance that I've never tasted them and I don't like them.
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Today: B: 50g Wensleydale cheese, 12 small green olives, 100g cold chicken leg, 100g Slim rice + 1dsp. golden linseed freshly ground + 1 dsp. Erythritol + 5dsp double cream, 1 100% chocolate drop from Hotel Chocolat, 1 cup real coffee + 2 dsp. double cream.
1 mug green tea + 2 dsp. double cream while preparing lunch.
L: frozen wild Alaska salmon, Hellman's Real mayonnaise, <50g broccoli & <50g mushrooms cooked in chicken stock, an egg fried in virgin olive oil, a little green from a spring onion, 50g Brie, 1 chocolate drop
Snack walking home from shops: 50g Edam cheese
D: 100g cold chicken leg with jelly & fat, Maille Dijon mustard, 50g Wensleydale cheese.
1 mug Yogi Classic tea + 2dsp cream.


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Type 2
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Diet only
B: 2 boiled eggs with a few @shelley262 ‘s recipe lc seedy crackers and butter.
L: Leg of lamb -part of 1/2 lamb we bought from the butcher a while ago, we’ve eaten most of the smaller cuts but the leg is v big so we’ve been waiting for the right occasion. 9 of us for lunch so this was it. Cooked a la Jamie Oliver directly on the oven shelf with a tin of spuds underneath to collect the juices and fat. Served with celeriac dauphinois and roast broccoli ( plus roast spuds, carrots and peas for them). Choc olive oil cake, strawberries and clotted cream for pud. Later in the evening cheese and lc seedy crackers.
First time a couple of them had tried celeriac and they were sold, especially when I told them it had a lot fewer carbs than spuds. The chap is a poorly controlled T2 he and his wife would like to make changes to their diet but are a bit confused by all the advice. They really enjoyed the meal ( at least they said so) so I’m really hoping I was able to give them a few ideas to stop it being boring and confusing.
@Alexandra100 I’m very impressed at you stopping at 1 HC chocolate drop. I always have 3 minimum. Usually 5


Retired Moderator
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I reversed my Type 2
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Breakfast: my usual low carb coconut ‘porridge’ with strawberries and cream washed down with a black coffee.
Lunch: chicken chasseur with mixed veggies followed by SF jelly, cream and LC chocolate granola.
Mid afternoon: chocolate brownie carb killa bar and black coffee.
Tea at ILs: cold meat, cheese and salad buffet followed by one Jaffa cake.
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Lunch yesterday: Chicken drumsticks with some Extra Bloody Hot Peri Peri sauce as dippin sauce..
Dinner: Marinated briskets done in the slow cooker for five hours, veggies.
Breakfast: Usual c&m omelette, bacon, tomatoes, reheated spudlite.

Drinks: Black coffee no sugar stuff, water.



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rude people
not able to do as much as I used to do due to health issues
@shelley262 @annabell1
My first chaffles were just egg and cheese and were not as successful as the current ones which have a bit of almond flour in them. The flour gives a more waffle like texture. Less floppy-melted-cheese and more cooked-batter. The almond flour also seems to prevent the cheese fat from separating out too much. Psyllium will absorb the fat too, with that recipe :)

another key thing has been the egg to cheese ratio.

we buy mixed size eggs in a tray of a dozen, and I have learned to use the smallest available egg, then tweak the cheese amount so that the mix isn’t too runny.

so far, I have preferred the savoury chaffles, esp with strong cheddar and added bacon or sausage or tuna or Mattersons. :D
Thanks for the tips


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rude people
not able to do as much as I used to do due to health issues
Bit late for updates of meals so see how my memory goes... Friday B 2 boiled eggs and avocado and black coffee in between I made a small bowl of hummus to take to my mums place.. I drive down to visit my mum and whilst there I popped into the Lebanese shop they sell all things Lebanese and Mediterranean food and the freshest nuts. I brought some mixed nuts a Hungarian goat cheese kashkaval and small bag of Lebanese bread. Lunch my sister made a platter with cheese za'atar man'ouche which is flat bread with herbs the hummus I made, labneh with herbs, tomatoes, biscuits, Lebanese bread, stuffed grape vine leaves that another sister made and walnut cake it was a feast and I ate it all so hard avoid these foods . And my BSL was high we went out for dinner and had grilled barramundi with vegetables and some chips. Oh and more walnut cake. I was given doggie bag of leftovers my sister gave me so Saturdays meals I ate my leftovers. And those few days I had so much flatulence plus my BSL was high carb overload . So Saturday arvo I baked and made some DD bread rolls and a Keto Paleo Low Carb Pumpkin Bread. Dinner I had a DD roll with cheese tomatoes and butter. not sure of the rest but ate my leftovers from my doggie bag so carb i know it was carb overload... Sunday I had a slice of my pumpkin bread with butter. I mowed my lawn and luckily I had tandoori chicken thighs and wings i prepped the night before in the fridge so popped them in the oven to cook. I had it with tzatziki sauce califlower broccoli and eggplant pickles for dinner. Yes I slipped but I'm back to LCHF/PALEO KETO WOE (please give me the strength to stay on it) amazing how easy I do slip though



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That sounds really scary. I presume it happens when you are high rather than low? May I ask, how high? And what action do you take?

Actually that happens when I get really low (that is, under 3 - doesn't happen very often, only when I have had too few calories during the day). When I go high, I don't always realise it. My BG can get to 22+ without any obvious symptoms. Also doesn't happen very often, but more often than I would like. BG a bit on the high side this morning - maybe that was why I fell over outside this morning (I have dodgy legs which give way once in a while). Now a bit grazed and shaky (Neil insisted on putting a plaster on my forehead because I was dripping blood). It shook me, but it also shook the boiler repair man who rushed to try to pick me up. Very kind, but I'm to heavy to let anyone damage their back by lifting me, so I managed by myself.

All this makes me feel like eating - it would obviously be comfort eating, so I may not. But I may!


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All this makes me feel like eating - it would obviously be comfort eating, so I may not. But I may!
We all know comfort eating is not the best, particularly if one wants to lose weight. But there are many worse comforts eg hitting the bottle or rushing out to find a partner for unsafe casual sex!!!


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BG a bit on the high side this morning - maybe that was why I fell over outside this morning
Maybe, but I quite regularly hit the dust without the excuse of unusually high bgs. This happened even when I was a lot younger. Lovely that you have people around you who care for you. I once fell and cut my scalp slightly at the gym and I remember that, because scalp wounds do bleed spectacularly, I was very much the centre of attention for the rest of the session. I had to keep assuring well-wishers that, no, I didn't want to be taken to hospital and, yes, I really did want to continue my training.

I'd like to suggest that you don't let your calories get too low and accept a slower but surer weight loss. Good luck!


Type of diabetes
Type 2
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Diet only
Bit late for updates of meals so see how my memory goes... Friday B 2 boiled eggs and avocado and black coffee in between I made a small bowl of hummus to take to my mums place.. I drive down to visit my mum and whilst there I popped into the Lebanese shop they sell all things Lebanese and Mediterranean food and the freshest nuts. I brought some mixed nuts a Hungarian goat cheese kashkaval and small bag of Lebanese bread. Lunch my sister made a platter with cheese za'atar man'ouche which is flat bread with herbs the hummus I made, labneh with herbs, tomatoes, biscuits, Lebanese bread, stuffed grape vine leaves that another sister made and walnut cake it was a feast and I ate it all so hard avoid these foods . And my BSL was high we went out for dinner and had grilled barramundi with vegetables and some chips. Oh and more walnut cake. I was given doggie bag of leftovers my sister gave me so Saturdays meals I ate my leftovers. And those few days I had so much flatulence plus my BSL was high carb overload . So Saturday arvo I baked and made some DD bread rolls and a Keto Paleo Low Carb Pumpkin Bread. Dinner I had a DD roll with cheese tomatoes and butter. not sure of the rest but ate my leftovers from my doggie bag so carb i know it was carb overload... Sunday I had a slice of my pumpkin bread with butter. I mowed my lawn and luckily I had tandoori chicken thighs and wings i prepped the night before in the fridge so popped them in the oven to cook. I had it with tzatziki sauce califlower broccoli and eggplant pickles for dinner. Yes I slipped but I'm back to LCHF/PALEO KETO WOE (please give me the strength to stay on it) amazing how easy I do slip though

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You can do it Annabell! Ignore the slip ups, don’t dwell and just move on.
Your rilled roll looks fab. My last batch of those were an unappetising purple/ lilac colour as I’d bought a new bag of psilliym husk powder, a different brand. Now I can’t remember what my original brand was.


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We all know comfort eating is not the best, particularly if one wants to lose weight. But there are many worse comforts eg hitting the bottle or rushing out to find a partner for unsafe casual sex!!!

Comfort eating is more my style, but I did manage to leave the biscuit barrel alone and I've just had an early lunch of 4 slices of Parma ham instead. Some tea and my pills (should have taken them earlier but just ignored that) will do me for now.

Ridiculous how shaky I feel right now - falling is not uncommon for me. There was one occasion when I fell in the corridor at work and had to crawl on my hands and knees to find a chair to lever myself up on - I was so glad there were no students around to see me - very embarrassing. Another when, just entering the college with the Principal, one knee gave way but I managed to get the other leg in a good position to push myself back up again, thereby doing a sort of dip in front of the boss. He was alarmed but I said "It's allright, that happens quite often" after which he walked away shaking his head and muttering "happens quite often". Also very embarrassing. I am so good at making a fool of myself! It's one of my few talents.

Dinner will probably be the last of the black pudding and some bacon. A few carbs in the black pudding, but that will be all the carbs today.


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Ridiculous how shaky I feel right now - falling is not uncommon for me
Common or not, falling, especially when it leads to damage and bleeding, is a big shock. Am I right in thinking you have a tendency to be rather hard on yourself?