What was your fasting blood glucose? (full on chat)


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Actually feel human again this morning! 5.0 when I got up at 6am.
Quite happy that I didn't put on any weight at camp and that my BG was reasonably stable. Now just to sort the migraines! Couldn't start the new preventative tablets whilst at camp as side effects and 24 hour days don't mix well!!!
I have still about 40 plastic crates to sort and store and then everything is sorted until next year's camp.
I don't think that I will manage to catch up on the last week's posts, I will draw a line and start from here.
Take care


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A nice ending to the week
Apart from last Monday the weeks been mid 5's

Today a sunshine Sunday 5.7

Off out for a drive, soon....missus wants to go to a Goan fair, Southall way.
Hoping the fresh air helps blow away this :***: feeling.

Have a pleasant Sunday all..:)

Did it help? How are you feeling today? Dont expect miracles though. When you are out of sorts it may take a little time for you to feel like your old self. Steady as you go my friend. You will get there. The good thing is that you haven't lost you amazing sense of humour.


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Diet only
good morning all :)

4.3 today

solid rain here when I got up but still fairly warm and it's looking a bit brighter now :) We went over to mum's earlier than usual yesterday planning a bit of mowing since it was still dry here only to find it had already rained there :sorry: I did manage to trim back some bushes along the path and drive whilst dinner was in the oven so at least we got a bit done ;)

Hope your Monday treats you kindly :)


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Well.. @ianpspurs was kind enough to point me to this TRIG V IR Checker

was some debate about it's veracity that i think came down on the side that it is pretty accurate but NOT perfect.
I tested mine, and unsurprisingly i suppose as my score for lipids improved, the Trigs V IR also lowered.

I do feel i handle more carbs better, but i don't really indulge..(ok on holiday i WAS naughtier then here)
but i pretty much eat similar stuff most days, so it FEELS as if i am improving it, but i can't prove it.

If might be useful for you if you haven't done so, to draw a line in the sand now and then
re-measure in a few months time, to see if its improved in any way.

it does come to my mind, that I NEED a test.
something that is CHEAP, CHEERFUL & EASY to carry out.

I think picking one sunday perhaps,.from fasting FBG, to eat ONE piece of something..(Toast)
and nothing until testing ends
strictly for that, measure at pre/1hr/2hr/3hr windows.
record and repeat say once a month and compare the scores over time.

i THINK that would be a good indicator that my IR or at least something is
improving my abilities to handle carbs.

Be marvelous if a few others did the same..Toasting Sunday has a ring about it. :D
might give us all a little more insight into what IS happening inside of us.?

Sorry for long post.

Good luck, @Krystyna23040
Good thinking re the test but I just wonder if the previous days food choices may impact. What do you think?


Well-Known Member
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Well.. @ianpspurs was kind enough to point me to this TRIG V IR Checker

was some debate about it's veracity that i think came down on the side that it is pretty accurate but NOT perfect.
I tested mine, and unsurprisingly i suppose as my score for lipids improved, the Trigs V IR also lowered.

I do feel i handle more carbs better, but i don't really indulge..(ok on holiday i WAS naughtier then here)
but i pretty much eat similar stuff most days, so it FEELS as if i am improving it, but i can't prove it.

If might be useful for you if you haven't done so, to draw a line in the sand now and then
re-measure in a few months time, to see if its improved in any way.

it does come to my mind, that I NEED a test.
something that is CHEAP, CHEERFUL & EASY to carry out.

I think picking one sunday perhaps,.from fasting FBG, to eat ONE piece of something..(Toast)
and nothing until testing ends
strictly for that, measure at pre/1hr/2hr/3hr windows.
record and repeat say once a month and compare the scores over time.

i THINK that would be a good indicator that my IR or at least something is
improving my abilities to handle carbs.

Be marvelous if a few others did the same..Toasting Sunday has a ring about it. :D
might give us all a little more insight into what IS happening inside of us.?

Sorry for long post.

Good luck, @Krystyna23040
Toasting Sunday is a great idea. Do you thing we should all also try and eat toast with similar amount of carbs in? Those that want to experiment?


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Good morning folks, a straight 6.0 on the dice of disappointment today, off on our jollies today, hopefully remembered to pack everything, the OH has left it to me to sort it all out, she must be losing the plot, the last time that happened we were flying to Knock in the west of Ireland and somehow ended up sitting on a plane to Edinburgh. Had to do a long walk of shame off the plane with our carry on luggage, luckily nothing in the hold.
Happy hols. Where are you going this time? Edinburgh, knock or somewhere you dont even know yet! ;)


Type of diabetes
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Diet only
Morning All from my last morning in Dublin this visit. 5.3 this sunny morning. Walked about 5 miles yesterday. Eventually got down to the coast and boarded the train back two stations further. Really interesting walk around Ballsbridge, popped into son’s local (est 1859 though the staff may have changed) three times yesterday (not always alcohol related) and they seem to have taken him into their bosom and Ma and Pops were greeted like old friends. Everyone is preparing for the famous Horse Show this week, the champagne and oysters are ordered, 20 beers on tap (thats everyday). Flying back this afternoon but wont mind as son back in 2 weeks for the Arsenal game. So relieved to see him so settled and happy. 7 mins walk to work and call in to the pub on the way home for a catch up and a pint of the black stuff.
Hope you are all good. @Bildad welcome home hope you get some rest. @trick60 hope you and Mrs T have a safe journey and a great time. Btw that was the airline’s fault that allowed you on the wrong plane! @gennepher have a lovely gentle day with the butterflies. Have a good Monday everyone. Stay well, stay safe


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good morning all :)

4.3 today

solid rain here when I got up but still fairly warm and it's looking a bit brighter now :) We went over to mum's earlier than usual yesterday planning a bit of mowing since it was still dry here only to find it had already rained there :sorry: I did manage to trim back some bushes along the path and drive whilst dinner was in the oven so at least we got a bit done ;)

Hope your Monday treats you kindly :)

Your fbs always fantastic @geefull . Would you be so kind as to share your typical days food? I think I'm going to be pinching some of your ideas if that's ok Haha. Maybe add to my leaflet.


Well-Known Member
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Tablets (oral)
Morning...feeling a bit flat & tired today can't be bothered with much...work has been frantic the last week or so & lots of changes to get used to...I must make an effort to get back to my walking haven't done much (none really) for the last couple of weeks since 'Plumpy' has left the building...woke to a 6.


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People that point out my spelling mistakes
Good Morening Ladies and Gentlemen and all who like Mondays. The Mondays koffy shop and café.

A gentle 7.7 for me and me's this morning, today's reading climbed out of the meter bowed and disappeared.

Well folks Mrs J is busy organising to have the grandchildren for a couple of days and keeps asking me questions, better start listening rather than nodding otherwise I will get stitched up.
Have a great day.


Type of diabetes
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Diet only
Late on parade but did wake up, again, another wonderful day to appreciate.

The wonder wheel of stuck on LO and a free replacement hooted out a 5.7 this am.

@Fndwheelie - I called up Freestyle on their 0800 170 1177 number this morning and chose option 4 to speak to a human.

They asked questions about the sensor, the make and model of my phone (I don’t use the machine) - all available from within the app. They also asked about finger prick comparisons - they wanted three but I only had one.
A free replacement sensor is on it’s way.

Have a great day if you can, hugs for all, save them in a small bag if you don’t need one straight away.
PPG meeting this afternoon - best get my string vest ironed.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Did it help? How are you feeling today? Dont expect miracles though. When you are out of sorts it may take a little time for you to feel like your old self. Steady as you go my friend. You will get there. The good thing is that you haven't lost you amazing sense of humour.
Aw thanks @Debandez

Yes, it was nice to be out.
The show was a little chaotic in it's organisation.
but nice once inside.
Mostly goans from what i could see, so felt very authentic.

We patrolled the food stalls.
Huge square with entertainment inside and stalls all around the edges.

lauren had.
Chicken lollipops
mackerel, ochre, rice, sauce
delicious she reported.

I'd eaten a tiny amount before just in case nothing suitable,
So not really hungry when we got there.

But i did have 1/4 chicken tikka, with chopped salad.
Pleasant..in fact very tasty just wish i had more of an appetite for it

we were out a couple of hours,
Lauren saw i was flagging so suggested it was home time ..(bless her)

so a nice day and good be out together.

Have a theory or two as to whats might be wrong.

Ran out of meds, ordered when on last tablets thinking i'd pick up new lot next day or so
but lazily thought i'd pick them up a day or two later after all it's only metformin ..right :rolleyes:

Order never went through, so i waited another day or so..about a week in total.
went to chemist to investigate..no meds..gave me emergency supply, so began taking them 2 days back.

as we all know cutting back on the processed foods..we eat less salt..(good thing right )
2 weeks back heatwave, (it was at the end of that i began feeling rough) so i upped my water/fluids intake.
during that hot spell, but if i'm honest my salt intake either flatlined or dipped .
i rarely put salt on any food....:rolleyes:
( yeah, i rationalise that while in foreign climates it's HOT as well..but i relax my foods and eat a lot more foods that are cooked FOR me (aka salt added), then i do here.)..So it MIGHT have been depleted salt in me, because of the heat

lauren suggested rehydration fluid and a pinch of salt on most things.
so both of those in effect, feeling a little better, not there yet, so...

It's either i may have started to sort the issue via 1# or 2#..or whatever it is was has passed.or is passing.

any of that make sense or ring any bells for anyone else
hopefully my woes, may helps someone further down the line.

Starting To feel like i should be in chipperfield circus with all the Juggling T2D seems to require..:hilarious::hilarious::hilarious:

Oh and a 6.0 like my mate @trick60

( caused either by that one late night beer OR
it's making ALL that B**** tea for lauren , that she''s read about on here,
..HE 'helpfully' :rolleyes: ...suggested...:***: )

have a good un all.
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Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Happy hols. Where are you going this time? Edinburgh, knock or somewhere you dont even know yet! ;)

hahah...Cool story @trick60

and as @PenguinMum rightly state it's THEIR mess up.

anyway..have a great trip wherever it is.
enjoy the peace n quiet / noise and parties..(delete as appropriate)

Don't forget us completely.
you know how much we..( ok just me then :hilarious:) love to live vicariously through each others holidays.
Pics not essential...BUT would be Most Nice..:D


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5.5. Happy.

Sorting BIL today, adult social services calling so hopefully things falling into place. So just a quicky.

Today working with surgery (via email) on

1) getting dates for me to have room to see any other that might want to talk about weight loss or control of blood sugars and then offering follow ups for support. This will be from Sept when we get back from our holiday so looking forward to that. Too much going in to consider before hand!

2) working with another pt who helps (just the 2 of us to date) on our joint presentation (18th Sept) on our work in the community. @100 people will be there. I'm wetting myself tbh!! 20 minutes of hell!!! All in a good cause.

Loved yesterday, got so much done.

Bought 2 rolls of wallpaper in sale in my Very catalogue. £15 for both. Transformed my 'music room' which basically is the old kitchen converted into a room that has my piano in!

I love what £15 and 2 hours labour can do!

Happy Monday to all.


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Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Morning...feeling a bit flat & tired today can't be bothered with much...work has been frantic the last week or so & lots of changes to get used to...I must make an effort to get back to my walking haven't done much (none really) for the last couple of weeks since 'Plumpy' has left the building...woke to a 6.

Hugs for the blah feeling
i reckon while we toil away , perhaps loving the work load and being busy etc
it does exact a hidden toll on us , particularly when T2D, and others when dx with ongoing illness.

No one likes changes, and if you've not been walking, maybe anew routine is what you need to start back up.
perhaps hop into town for a mooch leave car behind.
or maybe try something just to measure how well you do.

i mapped out a local route that gave me one kilometre
i figured if i could run it (ok some of it..all right a TINY Portion of it..HAPPY NOW :arghh:)
i could map my couch to 5k runs easier...never lasted Obv, but you get the idea

but i do now walk the route just the once..now and again to keep the walking up.
(walking aimlessly just puts me off..in fact going anywhere aimlessly puts me off..i do feel the NEED
to have a Destination and a reason in mind OR a target time / distance, before i even head out :rolleyes: )

Hope the day/s leave you feeling better real soon.

take care x


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Sorry to read two of my besties under the weather this morning @Bubbsie you seem to work very long hours in a full on job so try and make sometime foryou if you can. @jjraak you sound like you’re turning the corner. Re salt intake we were all having the same convo yesterday and came to same conclusion not eating processed foods means salt needs to be added in and extreme heat whether weather or sickness related does deplete your salt levels. The salt/fluids in and out balance in our body is really important.
Maybe a pint of the black stuff as a tonic...only saying:) Why does it look so velvety over here with distinct black and cream in the glass. OH only drinks it this side of the pond. Take care you g JJ :happy:


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
5.5. Happy.

Sorting BIL today, adult social services calling so hopefully things falling into place. So just a quicky.

Today working with surgery (via email) on

1) getting dates for me to have room to see any other that might want to talk about weight loss or control of blood sugars and then offering follow ups for support. This will be from Sept when we get back from our holiday so looking forward to that. Too much going in to consider before hand!

2) working with another pt who helps (just the 2 of us to date) on our joint presentation (18th Sept) on our work in the community. @100 people will be there. I'm wetting myself tbh!! 20 minutes of hell!!! All in a good cause.

Loved yesterday, got so much done.

Bought 2 rolls of wallpaper in sale in my Very catalogue. £15 for both. Transformed my 'music room' which basically is the old kitchen converted into a room that has my piano in!

I love what £15 and 2 hours labour can do!

Happy Monday to all.

right, the pics.
1) Lovely
2) VERY Nice liking that ..
3).....................................HAHAHAHA..so like my missus..and you now, apparently ..:hilarious:

one of those rare moments when she makes hannibal lecter seem the lesser of two evils.:D
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Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Sorry to read two of my besties under the weather this morning @Bubbsie you seem to work very long hours in a full on job so try and make sometime foryou if you can. @jjraak you sound like you’re turning the corner. Re salt intake we were all having the same convo yesterday and came to same conclusion not eating processed foods means salt needs to be added in and extreme heat whether weather or sickness related does deplete your salt levels. The salt/fluids in and out balance in our body is really important.
Maybe a pint of the black stuff as a tonic...only saying:) Why does it look so velvety over here with distinct black and cream in the glass. OH only drinks it this side of the pond. Take care you g JJ :happy:

Weird, my dad and brother would have it here and moon over how nice it is there.
must get over and taste for myself..(last visit, flares where in and cilla was still singing for a living )
do they still put the shapes on the head..?

will have to have one now my Net Guru has suggested it.
wonder if that will get my Nurse ratchets approval...;)

Enjoy & safe
journey back x


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Weird, my dad and brother would have it here and moon over how nice it is there.
must get over and taste for myself..(last visit, flares where in and cilla was still singing for a living )
do they still put the shapes on the head..?

will have to have one now my Net Guru has suggested it.
wonder if that will get my Nurse ratchets approval...;)

Enjoy & safe
journey back x
Hey thats way too long! You and Lauren would have a great weekend in this city. The food and drink scene is insane...and everyone is friendly and smiley. Tell your nurse lots of iron in it! Not seen any shapes in the head but mostly imbibed in one bar. Thanks for good wishes.