What was your fasting blood glucose? (full on chat)


Type of diabetes
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Diet only
Me too @Lamont D warmth is good. I really feel the cold and find it difficult to do or enjoy anything if I am too cold. It took MrSlim several years to understand that it was no use taking me anywhere in winter without adequate clothing. Boots, hat, scarf, gloves and several layers were actually neccessary and the five minute delay caused by my lack of spontaneity was the better option than having me miserable and wanting to go home, because of inadequate clòthing for the weather.
Yes, I am the same @SlimLizzy.
A few years ago Mr K decided to surprise me with a trip to Vienna in March to see the lippizzaners at the Spanish Riding School which I had always wanted to do

He kept it completely secret by telling me we were visiting friends in Costa Del Sol.

Luckily he told our daughters who were horrified and told him that I would kill him if I arrived in Vienna with clothes suitable for southern Spain.

Thank goodness he did tell me as snow was still on the ground in Vienna.


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
Morning all from a dull and drizzly start to the day in L.A. Two days of Maths based SATS for the youngsters who all seemed a tad frazzled at school pickup Tuesday. Yesterday there was a PC gently moving along those who park up the kerb/onto the pavement. I was by no means the earliest there at 2.00 pm (gates open around 3.20) so probably some overnight stays needed if this continues. Today could be interesting. @dunelm thank you for sharing today's art. Shame the ham and eggs failed to excite the taste buds but a winner for Mrs Miggins' choice. Could you pimp that meal in future? @SlimLizzy wonderful photos of your little piece of heaven and good news about the smoothing of relations with your son. @gennepher amazing ingenuity to re-pot the monster Eucalyptus. @alf_Josiah hug for the latest medical issue but as you say the side effects of treatment for the major issue are a small price to pay. @Krystyna23040 not even your harshest critic could label you lazy. At worst you are the poster gel for active recovery - think NT walks. Enjoy your Wednesday as much as possible..
That is really interesting @ianpspurs. - I hadn't heard of active recovery before. You are right - that is exactly what my NT walks are.


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Fbg 6.7

Nighttime wildlife video
Badgers - Ma & Pa Badger - no babies yet but they were late last year
46 secs

Creative...last one from the car service waiting room. A tow truck driver, his ID said so. I had been watching him for a few minutes with one of the desk bound people in the car showroom. He helped himself to that coffee from the not well maintained coffee machine just after I drew this. It is not quite a one line sketch (well it was drawn as such) but because I often get lost half way through a drawing and I do random squiggles. Unfortunately where I did the random squiggles, in this case, was the top of his trousers...there was no way I could publish that. So I got the eraser to eliminate the offending squiggle...

Time for food...

And a cuppa...

Have your best day...

View attachment 67678
Another captivating video and a superb one line squiggle @gennepher.

I'm still feeding the robins by hand. A devoted father, our resident c o c k robin comes to our back door to ask for mealworms, most of which he ferries to his three fledgelings. Meanwhile, Mrs R has already set about building a new nest.

No sightings of the fox cubs today, but caught a glympse of dad patrolling our garden as the light faded. He left his visiting card.

With any luck, should see some badger cubs before long.

Wednesday's FBG 4.6 mmol on waking at 6.00 am.
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Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Another captivating video and a superb one line squiggle @gennepher.

I'm still feeding the robins by hand. A devoted father, our resident c o c k robin comes to our back door to ask for mealworms, most of which he ferries to his three fledgelings. Meanwhile, Mrs R has already set about building a new nest.

No sightings of the fox cubs today, but caught a glympse of dad patrolling our garden as the light faded. He left his visiting card.

With any luck, should see some badger cubs before long.

Wednesday's FBG 4.6 mmol on waking at 6.00 am.
That is great news about the robins @LivingLightly


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
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Diet only
football, both the game and the culture.
Fingers crossed for your toms. And for courgettes, which are considerably more important now that Kiki is eating about two kilos of them every month. Oh and the beans, strawberries and lettuce - slugs favourite. And the brassicas, vulnerable to slugs, hares and caterpillars. The potatoes are managing to grow despite nightly attacks but the Jerusalem artichokes had to be given every level of protection possible, because they were reduced to slime covered stumps most mornings. All the alliums are doing well. Nice as it is to have home grown onions and potatoes, most of the year these are relatively cheap to buy. My preference is to focus on the vegetables that can be expensive. Such as mangetout. Ridiculously pricey and so easy to grow. Well that's if the slugs and snails don't get them.


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Type 2
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People that point out my spelling mistakes
Good Morening Ladies and Gentlemen and those who delight in seeing the age old national sport ov assassinate or attempt to assassinate your national leader being renewed. Not my view at all, but I can think ov a few good candidates. Remember the words ov Issac Asimov “Violence is the last resort ov the incompetent”

Blood sugars this morning were 4.9

National bin again my how quick these days occur.
In a discussion with an old friend yesterday the subject ov 6 point safety harnesses cropped up, me me’s and myself wondered what on earth would one want one for and where could one buy one from. I shall forgo the pleasure ov googling it.

Now it is time to depart this site and deal with reality in all its glory, if you woke up it must be a good day.
Have a great day all.


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
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Diet only
football, both the game and the culture.
8.45am BG tested 6.8
Had eaten a single Calcichew tablet about 15 mins before test. Was actually after the VitD3 included as am feeling a bit off and it's far too early in the month for that!
Should have read ingredients as well as all the other bumf . Contains both sucralose and sugar. So it's LG tea for me until it drops.
Am distressed that Kiki is turning into a proper killing machine. If it moves she will chase or attack it. Amusing with flies and other insects. Acceptable with rodents.
Birds - complete No No. Fortunately her technique with birds is to see one and charge. So far very poor results. But other creatures - few days ago she caught a slow worm. Traumatised it into shedding its tail - which wriggled and actually coiled around my finger. Ugh! Don't know if the head end trying to hide in the long grass survived. She was very persistent and I had to carry her away. Later I saw Kiki come in through the gate, heading for the kitchen door, when she suddenly diverted to the right. Normally nothing would stop her on the way to dinner, so I went to see what she had found. It was a young grass snake. Must have been sunbathing out on the drive. About 30cm long. First grass snake I have seen here. Putting up a spirited defence. Rearing up and threatening to bite. While slithering desperately for cover. Luckily Kiki was intrigued rather than in full hunting mode, allowed me to intervene, while the snake disappeared between two plant pots. It did disappear, very little cover in there but I couldn't see where it went and didn't want to go poking about and disturb it.
A friend asked to borrow the scaffold.
MrSlim had to unload half a tonne of gravel from the trailer. Then I helped him load the side pieces and the platforms. He took the first two legs from the stack and I was going to get another two when I noticed a nest. So loading was halted. Our friend was notified that scaffold was unavailable for possibly three weeks. He wasn't Impressed. But eventually found one to hire at a reasonable cost.
However the nest is now exposed. No idea how to keep Kiki away once the chicks are making themselves noticable.

And later while Mum went to feed.

A song thrush; I think.
So far the parents have not abandoned the nest and we are both keeping well away.


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
Good morning everyone from the interior of a train somewhere on route to The Old Smoke. Misty - it has been since we left home. We expect to get to Kings Cross at about 1230, down the Northern Line a bit to our hotel and drop our bags off. Hopefully there will be no rain and we can go for a wander. Current idea is The Imperial War Museum which is but a 15 minute walk from the hotel. Must be getting old, I keep transposing letters as I type and have to keep looking at the screen and do corrections. It used to be some red correcting fluid (idiot juice) when typing on duplicator skins for the Gestetner on a four bank Imperial typewriter. Nostalgic nonsense. Art bit - a bit of Paynes Grey on water sprayed paper and then try to make something of it. If you are experiencing bin day, I hope that it goes well. My travel cafetière is nearing empty.


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Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Good morning everyone from the interior of a train somewhere on route to The Old Smoke. Misty - it has been since we left home. We expect to get to Kings Cross at about 1230, down the Northern Line a bit to our hotel and drop our bags off. Hopefully there will be no rain and we can go for a wander. Current idea is The Imperial War Museum which is but a 15 minute walk from the hotel. Must be getting old, I keep transposing letters as I type and have to keep looking at the screen and do corrections. It used to be some red correcting fluid (idiot juice) when typing on duplicator skins for the Gestetner on a four bank Imperial typewriter. Nostalgic nonsense. Art bit - a bit of Paynes Grey on water sprayed paper and then try to make something of it. If you are experiencing bin day, I hope that it goes well. My travel cafetière is nearing empty.
I like this Art bit @dunelm


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
We no longer have a local press. It was bought out by one of those big newspaper groups a few years ago, and then the local office closed down. It is now based somewhere on the mainland. There is a site online called "I love Stornoway" but I don't know how to access it, being not very tech-able these days. Waiting for a reply from Kirsty to see if she would be willing to carry on, if it is possible.
I do hope Kirsty can carry on. A shame that you have no local press anymore.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Afternoon all.

Feeling washed out today ..ho hum

Likely just did too much yesterday.

& Might be I'm stressing a little bit over hospital appointments.

Why am I finding them so hard to keep on top of ?

Had eye op, had it cancelled.

Now have it scheduled for mid June ...yehaw.

But it needs anesthesiologist to sign off I'm fit enough.

Dates been changed 5 times since I had echo done.

Tried several times to get through ..

Latest one is at 10 am while we are in Greece .

Unlikely they'll call me there, but also I'd rather not be tied to waiting for a call when I'm on holiday trying to relax , if at all possible.

So I'll persevere with that one.

Accident: I get quite a few appointments from pals, who send letters & my solicitors check I can attend ..which I have done for each of them.

However one is for the day I'm scheduled for my eye op.

So that one I need to reschedule....mmhh

Letter suggests calling.

The small print suggests it's just corporate stuff.

But i snap a pic just in case, expand & call number.

Arrange to reschedule & in the hope I make a difference to next person, I mention they perhaps should include the number to call and/or email in a clearer font, as we're not all 20 yr olds.

Got the idea "it's ON the letter, ...doh" was in the person's mind I spoke to, but maybe not.

However they will forward the suggestion.

Grumpy old man mode today.
Opinions on letter appreciated.

( By way of pic, 1.8+ MBs down to 264 kbs with a simple screenshot )

pals pic~2.jpg
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Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
Good wet, well here anyhow, afternoon all. Besides echoing Stevie I wanted to thank @dunelm and @gennepher for sharing their talent again today. JKP had her first shingles jab today which she says felt more painful than any other and her arm hurts now. The nurse did warn her it would hurt for a few days and she may wake up tomorrow and for a few days feeling "grotty."


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Actually, you are right - it is an absolutely nightmare job. They have made such a mess of the country.
What, and miss the chance to Emulate 50 Cents and misquote his
"Get Rich(er) while the proles die while you're trying"

Still loads more of them waiting to stick their snout in that trough, until we drag them kicking and screaming out of office....imho.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
8.45am BG tested 6.8
Had eaten a single Calcichew tablet about 15 mins before test. Was actually after the VitD3 included as am feeling a bit off and it's far too early in the month for that!
Should have read ingredients as well as all the other bumf . Contains both sucralose and sugar. So it's LG tea for me until it drops.
Am distressed that Kiki is turning into a proper killing machine. If it moves she will chase or attack it. Amusing with flies and other insects. Acceptable with rodents.
Birds - complete No No. Fortunately her technique with birds is to see one and charge. So far very poor results. But other creatures - few days ago she caught a slow worm. Traumatised it into shedding its tail - which wriggled and actually coiled around my finger. Ugh! Don't know if the head end trying to hide in the long grass survived. She was very persistent and I had to carry her away. Later I saw Kiki come in through the gate, heading for the kitchen door, when she suddenly diverted to the right. Normally nothing would stop her on the way to dinner, so I went to see what she had found. It was a young grass snake. Must have been sunbathing out on the drive. About 30cm long. First grass snake I have seen here. Putting up a spirited defence. Rearing up and threatening to bite. While slithering desperately for cover. Luckily Kiki was intrigued rather than in full hunting mode, allowed me to intervene, while the snake disappeared between two plant pots. It did disappear, very little cover in there but I couldn't see where it went and didn't want to go poking about and disturb it.
A friend asked to borrow the scaffold.
MrSlim had to unload half a tonne of gravel from the trailer. Then I helped him load the side pieces and the platforms. He took the first two legs from the stack and I was going to get another two when I noticed a nest. So loading was halted. Our friend was notified that scaffold was unavailable for possibly three weeks. He wasn't Impressed. But eventually found one to hire at a reasonable cost.
However the nest is now exposed. No idea how to keep Kiki away once the chicks are making themselves noticable.
View attachment 67687
And later while Mum went to feed.
View attachment 67688
A song thrush; I think.
So far the parents have not abandoned the nest and we are both keeping well away.
Kiki doing what cats do, sadly.

Good luck keeping the chicks safe.

Nice pics btw.
Did you resize them ?