What was your fasting blood glucose? (with some chat)


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Gemma, I don't have a formal diagnosis myself. At the end of June, I had a single hb1ac of 7% (53 British) which is in the diabetic range.

In Ontario, Canada, it takes 3 consecutive Hba1cs over 6.5% (48 in the British system) over a period of 18 months to get a formal diagnosis of Diabetes. For Prediabetes, they require 3 consecutive readings over 6% (42 British) but under 6.5% over 18 months.

I consider myself diabetic Type 2 (although hopefully it was caught early). I've implemented changes to get my blood sugar down to better levels rather than waiting 18 months for a formal diagnosis and letting it progress further.

I have my follow up doctor visit at the beginning of October and I should see a lower hba1c because of the efforts I've making to lower my levels.


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
Morning all. Fbg 4.9 @ 4.30 am - approx 1.5 hrs after actually waking. So, I can use willpower to modify food intake and manipulate meter readings. It does make me wonder at what stage "taking control" /eating to your meter crosses over into orthorexia? Low carb OMAD nearly always means very early wake up for me - anyone else?
The irony here is that I have somewhat gamed the meter when I don't much trust it or feel it has much use in telling me what is really happening. "Ave a word with yourself man" :arghh::arghh::arghh:
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Retired Moderator
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Morning all. Very restless night but did manage to eventually get back to sleep after about an hour of tossing and turning around 3am, so up a bit later than usual with a 5.2.

@ianpspurs an interesting perspective but I don’t think you’re ‘gaming’ or ‘manipulating’ anything. BG monitoring isn’t an exact science and each finger prick is just a snapshot at that moment - it’s the most accurate snapshot we’re going to get: my take is that the general patterns at each time of day we test is a reflection of control (or not), but there are so many things that are beyond our direct control.

My own ‘doesn’t compute’ this morning is waking to a reading a full 0.6 mmols higher than I went all day yesterday and having eaten only 3.6g carbs my ketones have dropped but I have also lost some weight for the first time in ages!


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
Morning all. Very restless night but did manage to eventually get back to sleep after about an hour of tossing and turning around 3am, so up a bit later than usual with a 5.2.

@ianpspurs an interesting perspective but I don’t think you’re ‘gaming’ or ‘manipulating’ anything. BG monitoring isn’t an exact science and each finger prick is just a snapshot at that moment - it’s the most accurate snapshot we’re going to get: my take is that the general patterns at each time of day we test is a reflection of control (or not), but there are so many things that are beyond our direct control.

My own ‘doesn’t compute’ this morning is waking to a reading a full 0.0.6 mmols higher than I went all day yesterday and having eaten only 3.6g carbs my ketones have dropped but I have also lost some weight for the first time in ages!
@Goonergal Thanks for that. I think on the sliding scale I am between agnostic and atheist about this WOE and what we learn by testing whereas you are a true believer - and your results seem to support your side:arghh::arghh: I may just be one of the seeds that fell among the weeds or one of potsherds. I need remaking:angelic:
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Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Morning. Busy this morning with two urchins to get ready for football (u9s and u6s - great fun).
I’ll catch up with all the chat here later. Just time to boil an egg and grumble about my FBG (6.5).
Hope you are all fine and dandy.


Type of diabetes
I reversed my Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Good morning all
5.2 for me bgs and 1.3ketones
I’m delighted as out all evening at friends cheese and wine do - stuck to two red wines but did nibble for England all evening various cheeses and low carb crispbreads (made and taken by me)
Have a good day everyone I’ve got some work to do ready for a meeting next week so grey skies a bonus for me if stuck indoors.