Diane Abbott T2

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So, according to the Guardian, Diane Abbott has suffered from T2 for 2 years and this was the reason why she appears to be a complete idiot whenever she is interviewed.
Having followed her 'career' for many years I would like to know why she appeared to be an idiot before she had T2?

Perhaps she is just an idiot?
I read this last night on the BBC News website, I was curious what was wrong with her as I think before she gave the Guardian interview it was announced she was suffering from a serious health condition , and I think within 24 hours she had announced it officially. The BBC website after the article goes on to give info on Diabetes etc and the impression I got is that with Type 2 serious complications can arise if not managed with the assumption that Type 1 does not have the same complications , maybe I interpreted it wrong? Isnt the Prime Minister a wonderful example of how she copes with her type 1 and still wants to put herself as head of the country. I admire her resolve even if I do not necessarily agree with her politics .


There was some sniping on this forum about Theresa May being diabetic.


There was another thread, which I will try to look for.
One point politicians,even PM's should realize and all of us should have learnt by our sixth decade of life is that to the British being hubristic makes us all fair game. However, if we can't carry it off 100% then we get the hard edge of the banter! In some nations it is quite the norm to like ourselves a lot but thankfully it has not been imported here. Some have eye trouble whereas others have I trouble! :)D.
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Personally I wish her all the very best and hope she can get some really great support similar to what I have experienced on this forum. I wonder whether anyone has taken the time to explain LCHF diet to her? Could get her off Insulin and resolve the fasting issues. Might actually help her manage her role in fact by not having carb lows but feeling energetic all of the time.

I do wish that she hadn't used T2 as a shield for her troubles though.


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This explains why she got the figures right on earlier interviews before Nick Ferrari on LBC. I wish her well and will be sending her an email.
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Personally I wish her all the very best and hope she can get some really great support similar to what I have experienced on this forum. I wonder whether anyone has taken the time to explain LCHF diet to her? Could get her off Insulin and resolve the fasting issues. Might actually help her manage her role in fact by not having carb lows but feeling energetic all of the time.

I do wish that she hadn't used T2 as a shield for her troubles though.

Well, you can judge her, but did you ever consider it might actually be a reason, and not an excuse?
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There is no question in my mind that the Diane Abbott answering those questions was not fully compos mentis compared to previous comments from her, regardless of whether I agree with any of them .

There were a number of strands put forward that suggest she has been put pretty quickly onto some very powerful drugs. it maybe of course be that her own particular diagnosis makes that inevitable, however we have all seen how easy it is to be sent don that route. it is precisely what was suggested to me on diagnosis day. It really was more by luck than judgement that I decided to do something different. Hopefully the publicity this has all received will help point her in the direction of LCHF
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There is no question in my mind that the Diane Abbott answering those questions was not fully compos mentis compared to previous comments from her, regardless of whether I agree with any of them .

There were a number of strands put forward that suggest she has been put pretty quickly onto some very powerful drugs. it maybe of course be that her own particular diagnosis makes that inevitable, however we have all seen how easy it is to be sent don that route. it is precisely what was suggested to me on diagnosis day. It really was more by luck than judgement that I decided to do something different. Hopefully the publicity this has all received will help point her in the direction of LCHF

I haven't seen her publish her diet.
What does she eat now?


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Well, you can judge her, but did you ever consider it might actually be a reason, and not an excuse?
I am not judging her at all. She must do what is best for her and I hope she gets the right support. I have no opinion what caused her problems - and quite frankly that is her business.
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I am not judging her at all. She must do what is best for her and I hope she gets the right support. I have no opinion what caused her problems - and quite frankly that is her business.

Good, obviously you don't think she used T2 as a shield for her troubles then.
And to be honest, you don't need an opinion, as she has made public the reason.
As you say, she has done what is right for her, as a type 2 diabetic, and I'm sure this diabetic forum will support her.
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I don't know what she eats now, but there were references to glucose tablets which I assume also means insulin which seems quite unusual for a T2 diabetic diagnosed only two years ago.

Something doesn't seem to quite stack up - the comment on the illness and letting blood sugar get out of control through fasting - for one - fasting goes the other way. So that sounds like a person who has been recommended to eat carbs put on an insulin regime to do so, then having failed to eat carbs by inadvertent fasting whilst busy, suffered incidents of hypoglcaemia having not taken enough glucose tablets to offset the insulin.

My understanding was that for most of us insulin is much more likely to be later in the process and certainly not before diet and metformin have failed which I would expect takes a while to find out ? ?

To be honest, it wouldn't surprise me to find she is getting " special" i.e. accelerated treatment because of her position - if so its just as likely to be making things worse rather than better - I'm no expert but sometimes being treated as special can have its downsides!

I just hope she gets the advice she needs to control it properly.

High profile sufferers have so much potential to pave the way for treatment regimes to change compared to normal mortals because they have a audience.


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Perhaps she is just an idiot?

A bit harsh and uncalled for.

Diabetes aside I just don't think she was cut-out to be a Shadow Home Secretary, she clearly hadn't done her homework before some of those interviews and should have been better prepared, a lesson for her but I'm sure we won't see the last of her in some kind of Cabinet role (either now or in the future).


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I don't know what she eats now, but there were references to glucose tablets which I assume also means insulin which seems quite unusual for a T2 diabetic diagnosed only two years ago.

Something doesn't seem to quite stack up - the comment on the illness and letting blood sugar get out of control through fasting - for one - fasting goes the other way. So that sounds like a person who has been recommended to eat carbs put on an insulin regime to do so, then having failed to eat carbs by inadvertent fasting whilst busy, suffered incidents of hypoglcaemia having not taken enough glucose tablets to offset the insulin.

My understanding was that for most of us insulin is much more likely to be later in the process and certainly not before diet and metformin have failed which I would expect takes a while to find out ? ?

To be honest, it wouldn't surprise me to find she is getting " special" i.e. accelerated treatment because of her position - if so its just as likely to be making things worse rather than better - I'm no expert but sometimes being treated as special can have its downsides!

I just hope she gets the advice she needs to control it properly.

High profile sufferers have so much potential to pave the way for treatment regimes to change compared to normal mortals because they have a audience.

I reversed mine, without LCHF, so no need to worry about control while I work.
I may dare to suggest that treatment would suit someone as busy as her as a better option perhaps?
But as you say, without knowing any single thing about how she is being treated, we can really only make completely blind guesses.

Deleted member 371625

What is the purpose of this post? It appears to be just a nasty rant
Perhaps I could have expressed it better but my initial comment was largely prompted by anger that someone should use T2 as an excuse for behaving in a way that they have been behaving for decades, anger that someone who should know better would speak in this way of the condition.
If the truth is that she had been taking insulin and not eating as has been suggested, this goes way beyond being a little daft


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Perhaps I could have expressed it better but my initial comment was largely prompted by anger that someone should use T2 as an excuse for behaving in a way that they have been behaving for decades, anger that someone who should know better would speak in this way of the condition.
If the truth is that she had been taking insulin and not eating as has been suggested, this goes way beyond being a little daft

Well, she's living with it every day, many on here think that makes her an expert, and I reckon she knows her own condition better than those of us who know nothing at all about her.


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In the end, all of us need help now and again.

We all know many people living with the condition and we all do what we can to try and improve our position- Many, many people report that here they got better advice than they got elsewhere - whether that be LCHF, some other form of diet and / or fasting. I don't think trying to guide anyone to come here and take a look is denigrating them or suggesting they are not doing the very best they can with their own health. I'm just bloody glad I found this place!
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Diane Abbott an idiot no, a fool most certainly. It took a call from her brother to tell her she was not managing her diabetes properly. I freely admit I can’t stand the woman.


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Hypos, rude people, ignorance and grey days.
Personal opinions aside on this - she has gone 'public' now with her status and in doing so is helping raise awareness of the condition which will mean that more people will want to know what type 2 is all about, that is only a good thing as far as I am concerned as too many suffer alone and in silence, best of luck to her.


She it seems like many here for one reason or another allowed her blood sugar levels to get out of control for a while, we all know how that can feel.

Oh and as to her being an idiot I do not think Cambridge have awarded very many degrees to idiots.
you'd be surprised!