What have you eaten today? (Low carb forum)


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
I bought some frozen avocados today, some lower carb ice cream and a load of Yorkshire rhubarb. The rhubarb is partly to keep my system in better order (sparing the graphic detail).

Breakfast : mini full English at Morrisons, with 1 x slice of toasted brown bread. Not sure if the sausages were that great carb wise.
Lunch : Greek yoghurt with rhubarb.
Dinner will be : Grilled chicken breast in lemon and chilli pepper, with cauliflower rice and thai mixed vegetables. Trialling some Halo Top ice cream.

Snacked on various nuts and cheese.

The mini full English is a bit of a weekly sin following a tradition that my wife and I have had on pay day.
Naughty Morrisons! No excuse either because they do sell low carb GF pork chipolatas in their own range. I buy them so you would hope the cafe would use them.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
People who think they know everything.
Talking about aubergine....

Breakfast: Bacon and eggs (bored, bored, bored)

Lunch: Nothing

DInner: Mr C cooked - Roast chicken coated in yoghurt and various spices, aubergine curry, pilau cauliflower rice

Dessert: Strawberries and cream

Drinks: black decaff coffee, still spring water, red wine


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Thanks, @Mr_Pot recommended the eating Court at the Termini so we will be in the vicinity.
Ah Termini food court. The best white pizza with mozzarella and mortadella I have every tasted but that was in my pre diabetic days. It was wonderful - freshly made white pizza (more focaccia like) , split and filled with mozzarella/mortadella and then toasted in a toastie grill. Heaven!
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Type of diabetes
I reversed my Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Hope good day had by all
I swam 46 lengths at local pool first thing as a stress busting exercise fuelled by several mugs of coffee with cream
Lunch tin of sardines in olive oil with half an avocado and several lc seeded crispbreads then three 100% choc buttons
Loads of black tea this pm
Dinner salmon in lemon butter, asparagus and cauliflower cheese followed by lc lemon mousse and yoghurt about to have decaf coffee and may treat self to two 100% choc buttons.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only

I also recall one where you put the 2 avocado halves together again and use a little cream cheese to hold it together long enough to egg/crumb then bake. Or wrap in Parma ham and bake.

Great, thanks for the link I will be trying this soon. I think I’ll make a little foil nest for them to stand in though - they’d be bound to topple sideways as I put them in the oven!


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Managed to reduce eating window today but drank far too much coffee.
Lunch: Fried ham and Camembert sandwich using 90 second bread and thankfully the last of the Camembert as it was stinking the house out. Keep telling myself not to buy it. Low carb Bounty bar afterwards.
Dinner: Nandos 4 chicken thighs, halloumi and avocado.

@Goonergal M&S had more of the whipped creamy cheese so I stocked up.


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
Sounds like an interesting combo too. I might try it. Did you edit to put the poaching first suggestion? Ive been wondering how you did it, then when I looked again, as if by magic it was there! ( or am I going loopy?)
I edited it to add the poached egg and I have done both versions.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Hope good day had by all
I swam 46 lengths at local pool first thing as a stress busting exercise fuelled by several mugs of coffee with cream
Lunch tin of sardines in olive oil with half an avocado and several lc seeded crispbreads then three 100% choc buttons
Loads of black tea this pm
Dinner salmon in lemon butter, asparagus and cauliflower cheese followed by lc lemon mousse and yoghurt about to have decaf coffee and may treat self to two 100% choc buttons.

Hope the swim helped. 46 lengths is quite something.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Sorry things are still not quite right for Mr B, it must be so worrying for you both but glad the nurse was able to reassure you somewhat.

I don’t think Ive ever seen smoked mozzarella.
Waitrose, Tesco and surprisingly ASDA all have it. I'm sure I've seen it on Dobbie's extensive cheese counter too.
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Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
I might try frying avocado slices. Nice idea.
I've used thin slices of avocado on a chicken breast recipe I keep changing about. Batter out the chicken breast to a thin escalope. I then crumb it or not - depends how I feel. My crumb is a mix of almond flour, milled flaxseed, parmesan, sesame seeds, seasoning and sometimes chopped parsley. Pan fry one side, turn then top while the other side is cooking. The common additions are thinly sliced avocado and sliced gouda (they are big slices). Sometimes I put little bits of pineapple under the cheese or a few sliced mushrooms. It's very flexible.


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
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Diet only
Evening all. Off swimming in a bit but managed to be a little more organised today to make sure I’ve eaten a bit better
B: usual peanut & chocolate protein bar with coffee
L: a Subway salad bowl of double scoop of chicken tikka meat, cheese, lettuce, cucumber, onion, gherkins & jalapeños with mayo
No dinner with me swimming but will have my 2 squares of green & blacks mint chocolate ready for my return


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Blimey, it’s everywhere! I probably just haven’t looked, I’d never heard of it.
Its shaped like a little body but no arms or legs! Just a trunk and a head. Slightly brown tinge to it. The process is how it gets its name. They hang them on strings and the weight from hanging forms the head. They do take them down before they are "beheaded" though.


Well-Known Member
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Tablets (oral)
I spent a lot of the late 90’s thinking I was a re-incarnation of the 70’s. Huge flares and glitter stars painted on my cheeks!
That was me in the early nineties.....obsessed with 60s and 70s fashion! I used to spend all my time trawling charity shops for clothes. Not sure about hot avocado......it just feels wrong to me!

Deleted member 308541

The first of several heart starter coffee's pre breakfast.



Retired Moderator
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Evening all. Very behind with the forum and this thread in particular. Only been through the last page or so, so apologies if I’ve missed anything major.

@shelley262 glad you got your swim in.

@DJC3 I’m out of the cream cheese (bit of overindulgence yesterday) so need to stock up again.

Carnivore day today - need to get back on that as a little too off piste with lc treaty things the past few days.

Lunch was smoked salmon and whipped creamy cheese.

Dinner was roast shoulder of lamb with garlic butter and rosemary.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
People who think they know everything.
I was obsessed with Marc Bolan. His music got me through my teens. I was definitely born in the wrong decade!

I saw T Rex live at Lewisham Odeon in (I think) 1970 or 71. I had stuck silver self adhesive stars in my hair to match the silver stars on my huge flares and platforms. (I can very clear remember the absolute agony of getting those stars out of my hair.) Marc Bolan was amazing - i can't really say i heard T Rex actually play because the screaming was so loud.