What have you eaten today? (Low carb forum)


Type of diabetes
I reversed my Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
@maglil55 hope Drs appointment tomorrow is helpful to help you to improve your legs and also alleviate your nausea.
@Antje77 hope your arm issues are improving with rest.
@Annb gosh you really do keep fighting in the face of a range of disabilities I'm in awe of how you keep at it - you have amazing resilience.
@Rachox impressed by your hba1c going down - note that you are changing meds and hope you have one prescribed that works for you to help you carry on managing your bgs as well as you do alongside eating low carb.
Black coffee only until lunch.
1ish two boiled eggs and one slice of LC bread followed by garden berries and yoghurt
5ish slow cooked pork shoulder shredded with salad and LC wrap and glass of white wine followed by LC brownie and decaffeinated coffee.


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
I’ve Not managed to post for a while and the DCUK app I use has stopped sending me notifications ( since 4th Aug) so apologies if anyone’s tagged me anywhere.
I’ve been trying to skip breakfast, mostly with success. Today was just black coffee until around 12:30
L- Feta and spinach omelette with salad and chilli&garlic sauerkraut. DGF cake with clotted cream.
D- https://www.dietdoctor.com/recipes/keto-chicken-caprese-casserole which I make quite often but use chilli pesto which I prefer to the green one. Steamed broccoli and a glass of red.
(Photo of the omelette as I forgot to take a pic of dinner)


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
@maglil55 hope Drs appointment tomorrow is helpful to help you to improve your legs and also alleviate your nausea.
@Antje77 hope your arm issues are improving with rest.
@Annb gosh you really do keep fighting in the face of a range of disabilities I'm in awe of how you keep at it - you have amazing resilience.
@Rachox impressed by your hba1c going down - note that you are changing meds and hope you have one prescribed that works for you to help you carry on managing your bgs as well as you do alongside eating low carb.
Black coffee only until lunch.
1ish two boiled eggs and one slice of LC bread followed by garden berries and yoghurt
5ish slow cooked pork shoulder shredded with salad and LC wrap and glass of white wine followed by LC brownie and decaffeinated coffee.
Nothing to be in awe about in me. I always feel so inadequate when I think of how my mother just carried on, despite everything and how my brother drives himself to recover from really serious conditions. When I think, as well, of all the multiple conditions people on this, and other threads cope with alongside their diabetes. I just get by.

Didn't get my cauliflower cheese until about 2.45 pm - just in time to eat it before Em came in from school. Left me a bit hungry so I've just made a big colntainer of raspberry cream (just mashed raw raspberries and double cream), Having a small bowl now and will make some kind of cheesecake with the rest. Very nice, but I shan't eat too much - there were rather a lot of raspberries to use up so it will have a few carbs in it.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Tuesday 22 August - bed 5.6 FBG 6.1. Legs/feet are still painful and jumpy with the irritated nerves, but at least I got most of the way through the night without waking/getting up multiple times.

B. Hubby is still recovering, so just water. I also got a GP appointment for 9.45, so off to that after the school runs.
Much later, so rather brunch - LC mixed Berry granola, 4 blackberries, sugar-free coconut milk. Benecol dairy free.

L. Nothing. Late afternoon, a cheese triangle (new medication required something on my stomach).

D. Once again, 2 scrambled eggs, 2 slices of Ayrshire Middle bacon, slice of GF Black pudding plus wilted spinach today. 2 slices of SRSLY toast with Benecol spread. CC Little chocolate pot.

Loads of water.

I saw the same young practice registrar today. I do like that, as the young doctors serving their time are so much more diligent and want to make sure they cover everything.

He really did the checks today. He's still confident it's gout so hence the change in meds. I have a list of "if this happens" phone straight away and tell them you've to be seen immediately. " Legs/feet were subjected to a good examination, and he's referred me for a doppler scan "to be on the safe side." He knows my neuropathy is post accident/pre diabetes but he wants to be sure nothing else is lurking. I even got an appointment for next week without the 8am phone in!

BGs are still behaving, and even Hubby has started to eat something again. I've started the new meds, and he did say to expect a quick response, but make sure I finish them (just not all at once!)


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
More protein rolls this evening. Had 2 Espressos at the Italian Icecafe in my town. Just before lunch. Went to the Gym Lunchtime. Had a protein shake after. Did a BGL at 1530, it was 124mg. Dinner as seen at 1800. Just checked BGL again after 2 hours 10 minutes and it is 126. Happy with that. Try putting Tzatziki into Egg Mayonnaise. Bloody amazing.


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Spicy food which is too hot. Nasty people who have no idea on your life journey but feel the need to comment and be cruel.
I think 6 hours on laptop and phone trying to get phone maker to accept phone back has done me in. And they still got my address wrong. So order cancelled.
My food intake for the day has gone spiral.
Coffee and cream
Creme Fresh salmon and tomato
Ham and tomato
I ate the whole tub of creme Fresh!
Calories off the planet and carbs 25.1


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Nothing to be in awe about in me. I always feel so inadequate when I think of how my mother just carried on, despite everything and how my brother drives himself to recover from really serious conditions. When I think, as well, of all the multiple conditions people on this, and other threads cope with alongside their diabetes. I just get by.

Didn't get my cauliflower cheese until about 2.45 pm - just in time to eat it before Em came in from school. Left me a bit hungry so I've just made a big colntainer of raspberry cream (just mashed raw raspberries and double cream), Having a small bowl now and will make some kind of cheesecake with the rest. Very nice, but I shan't eat too much - there were rather a lot of raspberries to use up so it will have a few carbs in it.
Don't underestimate yourself. You have so much to face yourself and do so in good humour.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
I’ve Not managed to post for a while and the DCUK app I use has stopped sending me notifications ( since 4th Aug) so apologies if anyone’s tagged me anywhere.
I’ve been trying to skip breakfast, mostly with success. Today was just black coffee until around 12:30
L- Feta and spinach omelette with salad and chilli&garlic sauerkraut. DGF cake with clotted cream.
D- https://www.dietdoctor.com/recipes/keto-chicken-caprese-casserole which I make quite often but use chilli pesto which I prefer to the green one. Steamed broccoli and a glass of red.
(Photo of the omelette as I forgot to take a pic of dinner)View attachment 62791
Welcome back!


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Evening all


B: Two poached eggs with a knob of butter and avocado slices seasoned with black pepper, plus a wedge of Teifi.
Water to swallow tablets.

L: Salad using salmon fillets poached first thing with black peppercorns, salad onions and lemon juice, then refrigerated.
For lunch, combined with lettuce, watercress, avocado, cherry toms, celery and sweet cicely, dressed with olive oil plus a touch of lemon juice, lemon verbena and garlic, topped with toasted almonds.
Skipped pud.
Water to drink.

D: Seafood salad made with king prawns, mussels, chicory, Romano peppers, Welsh onions, Kalamata olives and mustard cress, with a dollop aioli for dipping, topped with toasted pumpkin seeds.
Water to swallow tablets.


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
It is very good. I've made it more than once and the non low carbers don't realise it's LC.
Deffo on the menu for Sunday. Son and his Fiancé are coming over. Having Traditional Coffee and Cake. Hes fit thank god, but once he saw how I lost weight and was able to build muscle with a transplant and pre-diabetes, It nudges him to more concern in his diet.


Retired Moderator
Type of diabetes
I reversed my Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
@Rachox impressed by your hba1c going down - note that you are changing meds and hope you have one prescribed that works for you to help you carry on managing your bgs as well as you do alongside eating low carb.
Thanks @shelley262! I changed from Metformin to Victoza in the spring to kick start some much needed weight loss. Over my nightmare last three years I put on two stone. I’ve lost over one and my head is in a much better place now. So in view of not being able to get Victoza now, I had a decision to make, go back on Metformin or go drug free. I’m going for drug free!


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
B: ff greek with seeds and the last of the mango puree - thank heavens! I think it might have triggered cravings

Dancing, but sat out the last 2 suddenly very tired.

L: half an avocado and half a tin of salmon on lettuce with mayo. One tomato. About 30g weight of 85% chocolate . Later 1 ice cream lolly.

Not feeling well, headache, nausea and very tired. Oddly the soles of my feet are tingling. Bg is 6.9.
Dozed most of the afternoon except when accident prone hubby cut himself and I had to fix him.

19:30 4 hm seedy crackers with pate, 6 large strawberries with cream.
Legs still very tired. Don't know if last nights yoga session unleashed something or if i have else, a cold maybe? Head is very foggy


Retired Moderator
Type of diabetes
I reversed my Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Breakfast: my usual low carb coconut ‘porridge’ with strawberries washed down with a black coffee.
Late morning: black coffee and a Phd bar.
Skipped lunch.
Mid afternoon: black coffee and a carb killa bar.
Dinner: cheese and mushroom omelette.

2023-08-22 20.26.27.jpeg


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Any particular reason? I love it as it is only 2 Cabs per 100g. The fritters I made were amazing and very tasty.
I'm not all that keen on the taste of cauliflower but it's OK if it has something else to flavour it. However, it dislikes me rather more than I dislike it. Turns me inside out. I keep on trying because it is so easy to use and I keep thinking "maybe next time will be allright." But it isn't. So no more.
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Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
Eating seemed to be 'on the hoof' today, so meals have been fragmented. Had two appointments at the surgery today, the first with the pharmacy nurse, and the second with the diabetes nurse. The first appt could have been handled over the phone, but the 2nd appointment with the diabetic nurse was brilliant. She said I was in remission, music to my ears - Hba1c came in at 42! She asked about my diet, and just said to keep doing what I'm doing.

Had to do some shopping, then spent the afternoon down the hospital with my husband, he needed to have an ultrasound scan and biopsy. We didn't get back home till around 7.

Skipped breakfast, had chunks of corned beef and coleslaw for lunch.

Didn't fancy dinner, but cooked my husband a salmon fillet and veg.

Did have some double cream with a spoonful of cocoa stirred in.... yummy.