What have you eaten today? (Low carb forum)


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Just broke my fast with 2 RyVita sandwiching streaky bacon.

2nd meal today will be half of the fish pie I made yesterday afternoon (smoked haddock, unsmoked haddock and salmon with h/b egg, onion and peas in double cream, and 3 slices of frozen potato on top).

That should keep me within 25 g carbs today.


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
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Diet only
Dinner - raw cabbage salad, ice berg-avocado salad, khol rabi fry, 2 soy-chana dal-vegetable kebab with yogurt & mustard sauce
WhatsApp Image 2023-11-12 at 7.29.16 PM.jpeg


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
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Diet only
Had the end off a newly baked sourdough loaf. the slice was spread with butter. So sorry I did that, but maybe I shouldn't be as I think it's cured me venturing into the evil world of grains. BG shot up to 9.9 after nearly 2 hours, it remained high for quite a while. Luckily prior to tea time BG had normalised to 5.7. It's a voyage of discovery, and I was stretching my luck.

After the bread had a coffee with added cream

Gin and tonic

Dinner was the remains of the roast chicken, with cauliflower cheese, and coleslaw.

May have 2 squares of 90% Lindt chocolate later.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Coffee at home this morning, fed overnight guests then went out to meet friends for more coffee, I had peppermint tea, too much coffee even for me. Observed the 2 min silence in the cafe.
Paul then did all his Christmas shopping in about 45mins in Fatface, Lush and Hotel Chocolat. I’m doing something wrong here.
No 3 daughter came round for lunch this aft: Chicken thighs in creamy garlic, mushroom and parmesan sauce with cavolo nero.
Couple of glasses of wine.
Evening snack of almonds and toasted shredded coconut.


Type of diabetes
I reversed my Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
B small kefir then two boiled eggs
L hm veggie soup plus tried my first slice of keto chef sliced low carb sandwich bread - I separated the slices with a bit of kitchen towel cut into small squares before freezing so could just toast a slice at a time straight from freezer. @ianpspurs thanks again for the recommend this low carb bread is probably the most bread like version I've tried and only 0.6g per slice. Then pudding of a few berries and yoghurt plus two squares of 90% chocolate.
IMG_20231112_131758 (2023-11-12T18_19_31.000)_kindlephoto-85750709.jpg

D steak and roast med veggies - onion, courgette, peppers and a few tomatoes with glass of red wine then LC Bakewell with cream


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
@shelley262 I feel a whole lot better now you have tasted the KC food and approved. @DJC3 45 mins? actually setting foot in a shop is above and beyond. Fatface/Crew Clothing/click and collect at Waitrose for John Lewis - same day on Christmas Eve here, order before 10.00 am - excellent online offerings including wrapping service. :D
Food today:
Usual tea
2 x babybel for tablets around 10.00 am
13.00 hrs to 17.00 Sunday lunch here with #3 son and partner plus 93.8 y,o MIL
CWC , Prawns and avocado; Sharing meal for 2: turkey, beef, pork (loin or leg - I'd swerve that another time), pig in blanket, 1 small roast potato, tiny piece from the centre of one of those stupidly big cardboard Yorkshire puddings - how do people happily eat that?, swede puree, red cabbage, kale, cheesey leeks, 1 glass of red., cheese board but with celery, nuts (they remembered me) and frozen grapes - I had two and gave the others away. Another coffee. Leisurely four hour meal no rush. I drove home as I didn't have the Irish (of course it is) coffee this time, I had that before - the swordfish is excellent- easily a double in there and JKP drove.


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Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Spicy food which is too hot. Nasty people who have no idea on your life journey but feel the need to comment and be cruel.
Coffee and cream x 2
Last piece of Chocolate cake early!
Beef Biltong 30g
Keto Pizza base. With Cheese, too much tomato on the base. Red Pepper.
Half eaten hot at lunch and the other half cold in the evening.
Carbs slightly more than usual 31g


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Evening all


B: Two eggs scrambled in butter with a generous dollop of double cream, sautéed chestnut mushrooms and baby plum tomatoes, sprinkled with flat-leaf parsley and seasoned with black pepper.
Water to swallow tablet.

L: Aperitif: dry white wine
Baked whole sea bass, belly stuffed with sprigs of French tarragon and garlic, drizzled with olive oil.
Steamed asparagus spears smothered with butter.
A medley of baked broccoli, onions, leeks, red and yellow sweet peppers with garlic chestnut mushrooms.
Water to drink.
Raspberries and Greek full-fat yoghurt.
Four squares, Montezuma's Absolute Black 100% chocolate.

S: Tea with a dash of milk (gave me something to do with my hands while OH tucked into refreshments, none of which were diabetic-friendly).

D: Salad made with anchovy fillets, eggs, avocado, lettuce, Padrón chillies, salad onions, lemon verbena and a touch of lemon juice, with a dollop of home-made aioli for dipping, topped with pecan halves.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
B: cwc, 1 hard boiled egg
Managed to time the dog walk to coincide with the Remembrance parade, on top of a hill. So cold most of the Brownies and Cubs ended up in tears! We had dressed for the weather and walk so were warm to start with but were cold by the end. The kids were only in sweat shirts.

L: rump steak with broccoli and mixed veg. Too many tastes of a cinnamon roll.

D: little cheese, sauerkraut and pickled cabbage. Strawberries, walnuts, chopped 85% chocolate and a tablespoon greek yoghurt.
1 glass red


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
B: cwc, 1 hard boiled egg
Managed to time the dog walk to coincide with the Remembrance parade, on top of a hill. So cold most of the Brownies and Cubs ended up in tears! We had dressed for the weather and walk so were warm to start with but were cold by the end. The kids were only in sweat shirts.

L: rump steak with broccoli and mixed veg. Too many tastes of a cinnamon roll.

D: little cheese, sauerkraut and pickled cabbage. Strawberries, walnuts, chopped 85% chocolate and a tablespoon greek yoghurt.
1 glass red
Hug for those kids. All the important folk at the wreath laying ceremony in London were wearing big, heavy coats to keep the cold out. Whoever was organising those children should, perhaps, have thought of that. I know they want to be in uniform but I doubt if those poor kids were thinking very much about the people who had given life and limb for their country.


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Being told “Oh go on, one won’t hurt you!”.
Conversely, the food police.
1 x small mug of boiling water with chicken stock cube dissolved in it and a tablespoon of ACV
1 x small mug of decaf coffee/Options Belgian Chocolate made with water, topped up with cream
Several glasses of water
100ml kefir (thanks @shelley262)
Small handful of mixed nuts (no cashews or peanuts in the mix)
Dinner (supper) piece of haddock fried in lemon butter, with prawns, and purple sprouting broccoli. Just remembered the garlic cloves are still in the squisher thingy waiting to be squished into the butter.
2 tablespoons of plain yoghurt (low fat so added cream) as an experiment to see if it reignited my sweet craving - it didn’t yay.


Well-Known Member
Morning all. It's suddenly turned so dark here I've had to put the light on! I've looked for the Keto Chef website but could only find an American one so what am I doing wrong? Yesterday went out for lunch and had a carvery. I'm eating less so my levels are coming down. For my tea I had a tin of pink salmon with mayo and spring onion. I've also found a peppermint and licorice tea that is very tasty. Pensioners lunch today so taking my 2 crackers and cheese for afters. They don't give me potatoes and no carbs to speak of so I'm quite happy. I feel as if I'm in command! But I bet T2 has the last word! Have a good week folks ;)


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Used 90 second bread coconut flour batter but fried it in some bacon fat left over from yesterday and had it with scrambled egg. Worked quite well as a breakfast, as long as I don't think of it as a substitute for bread.

2nd meal will be some more of the fish pie. Yesterday I had half of it, but it was far too much so today I will have half of the remaining half. Neil isn't feeling up to going shopping today so I'm short on veg so it will be on its own. Still there are a few vegetables in it.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Used 90 second bread coconut flour batter but fried it in some bacon fat left over from yesterday and had it with scrambled egg. Worked quite well as a breakfast, as long as I don't think of it as a substitute for bread.

2nd meal will be some more of the fish pie. Yesterday I had half of it, but it was far too much so today I will have half of the remaining half. Neil isn't feeling up to going shopping today so I'm short on veg so it will be on its own. Still there are a few vegetables in it.

You’ve reminded me, I used to like that 90sec bread made into a cheese sandwich and fried in butter (bacon fat sounds good too) . That’ll be on my lunch list this week, thank you.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Scrambled eggs on SRSLY seedy toast for breakfast.
Nothing until a glass of goats milk kefir around 4pm
Dinner was fish pie using just cheese as a topping. Broccoli 2 ways: steamed florets plus chips made from the peeled stalk cut lengthways, tossed in oo and air fried.
25g Montezuma’s Absolute Black with orange. They have discontinued the mint variety which is disappointing.


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Spicy food which is too hot. Nasty people who have no idea on your life journey but feel the need to comment and be cruel.
Coffee and cream x 2
Coffee and unsweetened almond milk
Beef and butter
Cottage cheese and tomato
Keto roll and smoked salmon.
Felt hungry today and over ate.


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
Lots of tea early on
A babybel to take tablets, especially chemo one, at 10.00 am
Fage 5%, mixed nuts and seeds ( both Foodie Market) + blueberries around 11.00
CWC with the usual additions and a Dr Almond speculoos 13.00
H/m chicken Bretton, veg (celery, celeriac, kale, small sweet potato) and Punjab roasted massala soup. Plenty for another day plus Keto Chefs roll and butter around 3.00 pm after following a video workout
NLCK bœuf Bourguignon and their l/c sedani pasta
30 gms carb.
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Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
B: small handful walnuts and a couple of spoons of ff greek
Dog walk
L: at garden centre offering 2 for 1 lunches. What find, I had basil pesto courgetti with added Salami. One of nicest low carb I've ever had out. Could have had chicken or smoked salmon instead of the salami. Hubby had a pizza style sub, followed by large slice coffee cake. 2 coffees, all for £19

D: dusted basa fish on salad with sauerkraut and pickled cabbage. (Hubby had his fish in a sandwich, and fries)
Pud will be strawberries with yoghurt and chopped 85% chocolate


Type of diabetes
I reversed my Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
B kefir then fried one slice of bacon and egg on slice of KC low carb bread toasted
Busy and out all day but did make sure that the beef ( which I marinated overnight in ACV, seasonings and red wine ) was popped into slow cooker with some veggies so would greet us on return. I did take a few squares of 90% chocolate with me.
D slow cooked beef then pudding of berries and yoghurt.
@DJC3 agree with you it's sad about the mint being discontinued this was one of my favourites but hadn't seen it recently now I know why! I've recently been mainly eating the 90% Lindt as I've found some good offers but ought to bite the bullet cost wise and buy Montezuma s again it's more expensive a bar but I eat a lot less so better for me really and probably cheaper for that reason!