What have you eaten today? (Low carb forum)


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I’ll be interested to see how the onion powder works out. I don’t think my food processor would manage it, I expect you’d need something like a Nutribullet maybe?
Your dinner looks good - how do you make the ricotta? I’d no idea you could make it at home.
When I tried to 'mill' some flaxseed my food processor would hardly grind them, but the liquidiser did a good job.

Yes I was shocked about making a ricotta type cheese, I can't taste the difference between what I made and Boursin.


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I have a recipe on my CMT for ricotta souffle pancakes. I've made them loads of times. I like them for breakfast with streaky bacon and a little of the Skinny Food Co Maple Syrup. They also make a really nice dessert with some berries.

Thank you for the recipe, the pancakes appear really adaptable.


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@MrsA2, maybe your luck is changing? I remember when Tesco and Sainsburys used to sell double yolkers. I had visions of eggs being X Ray'd before being packed.
14 January - bed 7.7 FBG 7.2. I got back just after midnight. I had spent a while along the road with both dogs and 2 of the cats, all trying to sit on me or beside me!

B. TAG and 2 slices of SRSLY toast. One with egg mayo, one with coronation chicken. Benecol dairy free.

L. After returning from grandson's swimming lesson, 3 M&S crackers with wensleydale & port salut.

D. Campari and soda. IP gammon (finished off in oven with a LC glaze), mashed carrot & swede (plenty of black pepper), cauliflower cheese. CC little chocolate pot and a couple of raspberries.

I also managed to give my existing range a clean & sort out the trays I had stored in it. View attachment 65535
Looks lovely .


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Nothing to eat today till an early dinner at 4.30pm.

Moroccan lamb tagline cooked for hours in the slow cooker, served with sauteed cauli rice. Never had this before, it's now going to be favourite.

I might have a chunk of coconut cream block later, but that depends if my teeth get itchy.



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@JenniferM55 your itchy teeth comment made me laugh I'd never heard that expression.
First thing today dealt with the remains of two small organic chickens I roasted yesterday. Stripped all meat off for meals and then put the carcasses into slow cooker with my older fridge veggies including the base of a bunch of celery and small onions and their skins. It will cook until bedtime, cool overnight and then be strained in morning and then frozen in portions to use mainly in hm soups.

Mid morning before heading out - kefir and my supplements and then two boiled eggs with one lc roll - kept back a bit of roll and had two pieces of peel from my home made marmalade wow wonderfully zingy and bitter I loved it. Think will be making more lower sugar marmalade this week if find more Seville oranges. It works out about 25g of carb per 100g of marmalade but I only need a tiny bit to get the flavour and, because it's not that sweet it doesn't trigger my sweet tooth!

Dinner salad and kimchi with leftover roast chicken and one sausage then LC brownie warmed and served with yoghurt.


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Lakeland had cheesemaking kits for ricotta like cheeses. In Italy, a lot of the households make their own cheeses. It's interesting to see, but I'm not sure I'd ever have the time!

And I really don’t have room for another kitchen gadget! I’ll definitely check your CMT later for the ricotta pancakes though, they sound like a nice weekend treat for when my granddaughters stay over.


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Saw my surgeon today, xray shows my foot bones have healed some more, he thinks the residual pain is from general stiffness, so he’s freed my foot from the boot, indoors at least, and prescribed gentle exercises and massage. Further X-rays and review in 6 weeks.
Breakfast: my usual low carb coconut ‘porridge’ with strawberries washed down with a black coffee.
Late morning: black coffee and a carb killa bar.
Skipped lunch.
Mid afternoon: black coffee and a phd bar.
Dinner: bolognese with sliced sautéed courgette.

2024-01-15 19.12.21.jpeg


Type of diabetes
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Diet only
Thanks @JenniferM55 and @Annb for the ricotta recipe. It’s very similar to cottage cheese. I wonder how you’d work out the carbs? I guess most of the lactose would be in the whey so the cheese would be predominantly fat and protein?
@shelley262 I also use veg skins in h/m stock. I did have one of those little coffee grinders but it went rusty ( it’s so damp here ☹️) I’ll be interested to see how you get on whizzing up onion skin.
Today’s food started with brunch: kefir vitamins, fish oil etc. then a tuna melt muffin with a couple of spoons-full of fermented red cabbage. DGF Crimbo Crumble.
Dinner - another chicken pie ( I’d made an extra one for today) didn’t bother to even try the pastry - threw it straight in the bin ( agree with you @maglil55 ) greens sauteed in butter and garlic. Another DGF Crimbo Crumble.


Type of diabetes
I reversed my Type 2
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Diet only
Saw my surgeon today, xray shows my foot bones have healed some more, he thinks the residual pain is from general stiffness, so he’s freed my foot from the boot, indoors at least, and prescribed gentle exercises and massage. Further X-rays and review in 6 weeks.
Breakfast: my usual low carb coconut ‘porridge’ with strawberries washed down with a black coffee.
Late morning: black coffee and a carb killa bar.
Skipped lunch.
Mid afternoon: black coffee and a phd bar.
Dinner: bolognese with sliced sautéed courgette.

View attachment 65555
So pleased some progress for you albeit slow good to hear it's going in right direction now. Thinking of you


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Nothing to eat today till an early dinner at 4.30pm.

Moroccan lamb tagline cooked for hours in the slow cooker, served with sauteed cauli rice. Never had this before, it's now going to be favourite.

I might have a chunk of coconut cream block later, but that depends if my teeth get itchy.

View attachment 65550
I like the sound, and the look, of your sautéed cauliflower rice.

In other news, you appear to have the same plates as me!


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Saw my surgeon today, xray shows my foot bones have healed some more, he thinks the residual pain is from general stiffness, so he’s freed my foot from the boot, indoors at least, and prescribed gentle exercises and massage. Further X-rays and review in 6 weeks.
So happy to hear there is some progress, and that your foot is getting some tentative freedom again!
Still, much less happy that it's going so painfully slow, and that you're still having pain. :mad:

My mood has dropped even further so I hope I'll find the courage to plate yesterday's leftovers and pop it in the microwave.
Didn't go to the gym/swimming for fear of slippery roads, but the temperature has stayed well above zero.
Tomorrow starts in the swimming pool, hopefully this will improve my mood! :)


Type of diabetes
Type 2
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Tablets (oral)
Monday 15 January - bed 7.3 FBG 7.5. AQUA this morning, but I'm second on the wait list for next week. I was 30 seconds later than usual calling in, but we're in that period of the New Year "effort" not having worn off yet with the newbies.

B. TAG and 2 slices of SRSLY toast. One with egg mayo; one with coronation chicken. Benecol dairy free.

L. 3 M&S cheesy crackers with wensleydale and port salut.

D. Remains of the gammon with the carrot and swede mash. Added on a slice each of ox tongue, deli roast pork, and haslet. CC little chocolate pot with raspberries.

@Rachox - glad to read your healing is moving in the right direction, but sorry it's taking so long. @DJC3 - Although these are souffle pancakes, they're easy to make and are really nice.


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:mad: My mood has dropped even further so I hope I'll find the courage to plate yesterday's leftovers and pop it in the microwave. Didn't go to the gym/swimming for fear of slippery roads, but the temperature has stayed well above zero.
Tomorrow starts in the swimming pool, hopefully this will improve my mood! :)
Evening @Antje77. Today is known as Blue Monday here; the most depressing day of the year; a combination of gloomy weather and economising post-Yuletide excesses, I suppose.

Ever go birdwatching? Even in these bitterly cold temperatures, (thank G O D for thermal underwear!), birding always lifts my spirits.


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Evening all


B: Two poached eggs topped with a knob of butter, avocado and four tiger prawns, seasoned with a good grinding of black pepper.
Water to swallow tablet.

L: Courgetti con sugo di melanzana made with aubergines, celery, carrot and onion, passata, garlic, rosemary, olive oil and spiralised courgettes, finished with grated Parmesan.
Steamed French beans and mangetout smothered with butter.
Skipped pud
Water to drink.

D: Seafood salad made with brown shrimps, mussels, lettuce, finely shredded red cabbage, apple peel, celery, baby plum tomatoes and mustard cress with a dollop of aioli for dipping, topped with toasted pistachios.
Water to swallow tablets.


Retired Moderator
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Evening @Antje77. Today is known as Blue Monday here; the most depressing day of the year; a combination of gloomy weather and economising post-Yuletide excesses, I suppose.

Ever go birdwatching? Even in these bitterly cold temperatures, (thank G O D for thermal underwear!), birding always lifts my spirits.
Birdwatching sounds pretty cool actually, but not knowing anything about birds I think I'd need an enthousiastic birdwatcher to take me along. I'm also having some trouble venturing away from my house or my car, both 'safe' places for me. Still, there are a lot of possibilities right next to the car, and there are quite a lot of birds where I live. :)

As for Blue Monday, I had heard about it but had no idea it was today. Weather is dfinitely gloomy but there weren't any excesses. Still, I'm happy to blame Blue Monday if it means tomorrow will be better!
My mood has dropped even further so I hope I'll find the courage to plate yesterday's leftovers and pop it in the microwave.
I partially succeeded so I'll call it a win, even if I dind't manage to have my meal until 10:45 pm. :joyful:
I didn't bother with the fish but I did have cauliflower cheese, and I did put the rest of the cauliflower (bar a portion for tomorrow) in the freezer. :)

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Type of diabetes
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Diet only
Blue Monday started as Moody Monday here, after after very bad nights sleep with clock watching from shortly after 4 a.m.

Exercise class helped lift mood somewhat.
Skipped the usual chat session after as needed to come home apologise to hubby who got into firing line of Moody Monday earlier.

L: Stilton on seedy crackers with coleslaw and olives. 1 sq 85% chocolate

Opticians appointment, hoping for new glasses but was told old (non-diabetic) problem is back so came out with urgent referral to consultant instead. Definitely Moody Blue Monday .

An hours much needed nap.

D: 2 cheese straws (4g carbs each) as starter before meeting girlfriends at pub. Lamb shank with veg. Glass white wine. Mint tea.
Back home 2 seedy crackers with stilton.

As usual was interesting how many are going low carb...but still have lasagne followed by proper puddings. 1 said she'd had weetabix for lunch, and had tested her bg twice since Christmas, and she's already diagnosed T2 :banghead:


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Saw my surgeon today, xray shows my foot bones have healed some more, he thinks the residual pain is from general stiffness, so he’s freed my foot from the boot, indoors at least, and prescribed gentle exercises and massage. Further X-rays and review in 6 weeks.
Breakfast: my usual low carb coconut ‘porridge’ with strawberries washed down with a black coffee.
Late morning: black coffee and a carb killa bar.
Skipped lunch.
Mid afternoon: black coffee and a phd bar.
Dinner: bolognese with sliced sautéed courgette.

View attachment 65555
Glad to see that things are looking up for your foot. It's been a long haul for you. Here's hoping for a full recovery very soon now.


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As for Blue Monday, I had heard about it but had no idea it was today. Weather is dfinitely gloomy but there weren't any excesses. Still, I'm happy to blame Blue Monday if it means tomorrow will be better!
My friend, here on the Island, always felt very low in the winter. As the days got darker, so did his mood and, living here, life was very difficult for him. I discussed with his wife a few times the effect that the darker days had on him and whether one of the, then new, light boxes would be helpful and eventually she bought one for him. He hasn't lifted completely out of his dark moods in the winter, but it made a big difference. Much more willing to go out and do things, rather than sit in the chair brooding and dozing most of the time from October to March. Would something like that make a difference for you Antje?


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@Rachox, pleased for you that there is some progress, however slow & that you're free of the boot some of the time now.

@MrsA2, we seem to be living parallel'ish lives ATM. I went to bed at 2:30am, read for an hour, tried to sleep, was useless, so got back up until just after 6. Luckily, there's nobody that has to suffer my moodiness, but Alexa gets it in the neck sometimes.
The optician part too, but I did get given the glasses as well as the quick referral. 1 problem & the 'easy' to fix is for ptosis, I will be having an eyelid lift. I'm going to ask them to do the face too whilst they're there. :woot:

@Annb, a friend of mine, who actually lived in Stornoway, suffered with SAD & I sent her a light box, it did help her.

Dinner was half the veg & gravy part of the stew I had yesterday & I briefly air fried a steak, chopped it up & threw it in.