What have you eaten today? (Low carb forum)


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Diet only
Forgot to mention the other day when I made poached eggs that I was very pleased to find both eggs were double yolkers! Haven't seen a double yolk in years. Presumed they were screened out somehow.

Well after a small early breakfast of ff greek with blackberries and milled seeds, my early lunch was a 3 egg omelette with cheese and ham, and YES all 3 eggs were double yolkers! That's 5 out of a box of 12...very keen now to see if they all are.
Exercise good today, an early hours walk then 3 hours dancing, though I did sit out quite a few.
Feeling exhausted and rough generally, think the adrenaline I've been living on is seeping away.

D: a very welcome 3 90% sausages with broccoli, cabbage and aa half a carrot with gravy. Small coffe ice-cream and 2 small glasses red.


Retired Moderator
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Too late (!) The picture didn't do it justice, though, it was lovely.
Dang, so I had to cook my own meal again. A shame, if it tasted even better than that mouthwatering picture!

Rather chuffed with myself I actually did cook a meal, I was sure it wouldn't happen. :joyful:
Having my usual mental health struggles which are always worse this time of year, plus the yearly diabetes blood draw last friday, and the coming up yearly appointment with the endo in ten days, an MRI on my back the day after endo, a follow up appointment with the rheumatologist a week later or so, and the yearly visit with the diabetes nurse. Any one of those things is enough to get me out of kilter for a bit, all of them at the same time is proving to be an ordeal, even though I love my endo (the rheumatologist not so much).
I'm quite good at cutting out activities when my head gets too full, but there's nothing much here to be cut so I'll plough on. I will cut the diabetes nurse if the endo doesn't have a very good reason for me visiting though, I don't have questions, my feet are fine, and I definitely don't need guidance on insulin use.

Anyway, I surprised myself by boiling the giant cauliflower and making a tasty cheese and mustard sauce, I had already given myself the all clear for skipping cooking!
Had it with half a 'fish fillet a la bordelaise' from Aldi.

More than enough left for tomorrow, so tomorrow's only chore is putting the rest of the cauliflower in the freezer. And going to the gym at 7 pm, followed by a short cold swim. :joyful:



Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
@MrsA2, maybe your luck is changing? I remember when Tesco and Sainsburys used to sell double yolkers. I had visions of eggs being X Ray'd before being packed.
14 January - bed 7.7 FBG 7.2. I got back just after midnight. I had spent a while along the road with both dogs and 2 of the cats, all trying to sit on me or beside me!

B. TAG and 2 slices of SRSLY toast. One with egg mayo, one with coronation chicken. Benecol dairy free.

L. After returning from grandson's swimming lesson, 3 M&S crackers with wensleydale & port salut.

D. Campari and soda. IP gammon (finished off in oven with a LC glaze), mashed carrot & swede (plenty of black pepper), cauliflower cheese. CC little chocolate pot and a couple of raspberries.

I also managed to give my existing range a clean & sort out the trays I had stored in it.


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
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Tablets (oral)
Evening all


B: Two eggs scrambled in butter with a generous dollop of double cream, sautéed chestnut mushrooms and baby plum tomatoes, all seasoned with black pepper.
Water to swallow tablet.

L: Aperitif: dry tawny port.
Baked whole sea bass, belly stuffed with sprigs of thyme and garlic, drizzled with olive oil.
A medley of baked broccoli, cauliflower, leeks, onions and sweet red peppers.
Water to drink.
Skipped pud.
Four squares, Montezuma's Absolute Black 100% cocoa chocolate.

S: Tea with dash of milk (gave me something to do with my hands while OH tucked into refreshments, none of which were diabetic-friendly).

D: Salad made with anchovy fillets, eggs, avocado, lettuce, Padrón chillies, salad onions, lemon verbena and a touch of lemon juice, with a dollop of home-made aioli for dipping, topped with pecan halves.


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Type 2
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Diet only
Evening all.
Late morning I had a couple of slices of cold roast beef, some blue cheese and my allotted portion of nuts.
Mid afternoon - main meal of chicken pie, cabbage sauteed with bacon and steamed broccoli. My pie was made with pastry from Keto chefs but I wasn’t keen on it. It had that slimy mouthfeel that psyllium husk and xanthan gum always gives. I’ll stick to fathead pie crust in future.


Well-Known Member
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Diet only
Oooooo so many lovely dishes. It's not too bad being low carb is it.

Found a little nugget re making DIY onion and garlic powder today, apparently if I save onion and garlic skins, even though they are very papery, wash them (to get any chemicals off them - or buy organic), dry them thoroughly, then blitz them into powder with a grinder or liquidizer, I'll get some very healthy onion or garlic powder. The skins are packed with vitamins and antioxidants.


Breakfast was a treat of hm sourdough bread accompanied with 2 back bacon rashers, and one fried egg.

For dinner hubby had an old fashioned home made beef pie out of the freezer, while I had smoked salmon with some hm ricotta cheese. I'd never made ricotta before and it turned out very tasty. It's something for nothing (as is the onion powder above) as the milk was getting past it's use by date.

IMG20240114172124 (2).jpg


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Oooooo so many lovely dishes. It's not too bad being low carb is it.

Found a little nugget re making DIY onion and garlic powder today, apparently if I save onion and garlic skins, even though they are very papery, wash them (to get any chemicals off them - or buy organic), dry them thoroughly, then blitz them into powder with a grinder or liquidizer, I'll get some very healthy onion or garlic powder. The skins are packed with vitamins and antioxidants.

View attachment 65537
Breakfast was a treat of hm sourdough bread accompanied with 2 back bacon rashers, and one fried egg.

For dinner hubby had an old fashioned home made beef pie out of the freezer, while I had smoked salmon with some hm ricotta cheese. I'd never made ricotta before and it turned out very tasty. It's something for nothing (as is the onion powder above) as the milk was getting past it's use by date.

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I’ll be interested to see how the onion powder works out. I don’t think my food processor would manage it, I expect you’d need something like a Nutribullet maybe?
Your dinner looks good - how do you make the ricotta? I’d no idea you could make it at home.


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Didn't eat anything else all day. The soup available was an Indian dish made with lentils, mixed vegetables and something that looked like noodles, the dessert offered was Indian style halva - all very heavy on carbs, so I had a cup of tea without milk, the only milk on offer being oat milk. Surprisingly I really enjoyed the tea and I was even more surprised when I asked what kind of tea it was, it was so enjoyable, to be told that it was Tetley. I shall buy Tetley tea in future.


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
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Tablets (oral)
I quite like Tetley too, even over some premium brands for a nice strong cuppa.

Onion powder thing sounds intriguing and can’t imagine it working but I’ve never tried it so could be suprised

Posting late again so apologies, a bit tired to go further back than the last few posts, will do tomorrow though, because everyone here gives such good ideas for things to make.

Breaky: 3 bacon, 2 hard boiled eggs, lettuce, cheese, mushrooms.

Dinner: 2 thin steaks with mustard and steak seasoning in butter, scrambled eggs with cheese mixed in using the same pan, lettuce, 2 gherkins, 4 slices beetroot, and a chunk of cucumber. (Negligible bg reading 2 hours post)

2hrs after, some yoghurt and 5 raspberries and some cranberry tea/infusion thing.

Oh I forget to put tea and coffee, I tend to have 1 coffee and follow it up with tea most days, splash of milk, seem to handle it okay.

Def feeling benefits of lower carb way of eating again, can see it in my face, feel it in my body, although blimey this time I’m feeling quite tired in the conversion period! Few ‘woozy’ spells despite sleeping well.

Maybe need to eat more, but feel I’ve eaten enough each day. Edit: I just done a back of a matchbox calculation and was about 26g of carbs all day and 1500 calories, which I guess is a big drop for me at the moment.

Might have a cup of vegetable stock in case I’m missing the sodium.
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Diet only
Breakfast - egg whites, green tomato chutney, cauli fry, moring leaves fry. Almond milk coffee
Snack - chia seeds with 80g salted almonds
Lunch - egg white, salad, moring leaves fry, cauliflower fry, green tomato chutney/
Snack - 100 g salted almonds. Almond milk coffee
Dinner - egg whites, mushroom fry, cauli fry, salad. Almond milk coffee


Type of diabetes
I reversed my Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Oooooo so many lovely dishes. It's not too bad being low carb is it.

Found a little nugget re making DIY onion and garlic powder today, apparently if I save onion and garlic skins, even though they are very papery, wash them (to get any chemicals off them - or buy organic), dry them thoroughly, then blitz them into powder with a grinder or liquidizer, I'll get some very healthy onion or garlic powder. The skins are packed with vitamins and antioxidants.

View attachment 65537
Breakfast was a treat of hm sourdough bread accompanied with 2 back bacon rashers, and one fried egg.

For dinner hubby had an old fashioned home made beef pie out of the freezer, while I had smoked salmon with some hm ricotta cheese. I'd never made ricotta before and it turned out very tasty. It's something for nothing (as is the onion powder above) as the milk was getting past it's use by date.

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Such a good idea I always put the veggie skins into hm stock as it adds loads of flavour. I've got a small grinder @DJC3 which is meant for coffee beans but use for spices bet that would work to grind. I'm really into to using skins ( once washed) as often flavoursome plus gut bacteria seem to like skins and peel from fruit and veg. I've got some wonderful organic garlic and hate throwing skin out!I
I also love bitter orange peel so have been experimenting with using those powerfully bitter Seville oranges to make lower sugar marmalade, I've cut lovely chunky bits of peel and halved the sugar. I plan to have the peel bits only as an occasional treat on a small bit of low carb bread - will let you know. Made for OH who loves proper dark chunky marmalade. If it's a success will be buying more Seville oranges whilst in season. Think I could chop up some of cooked rind too to flavour yoghurt.......


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Morning all, hope everyone well on this crisp Monday. have the decorators in so need to stay away from the choc digestives I have bought for them. My challenge for the day,luckily don’t think they will last long! Thank you for all the lovely food ideas on here
B Yog,blueberries, seeds
L Prawns,avocado salad
D Beef stew,green beans,celeriac mash


Well-Known Member
Morning all. Had a lovely lamb steak plus mashed cauli and celeriac yesterday. I made some celeriac chips and fried them and thoroughly enjoyed them. For tea, I had the leftovers. It's pensioners lunch today so no telling what will be on offer. But I'm taking a sf jelly with raspberries and cream for pudding. Have a good day folks. :)


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Snow today and the roads look dodgy so Neil isn't going shopping. There's a list all ready for him when he does go. Bacon and eggs are the most urgent items.

Oops! Almost missed my Move More Zoom class. Completely forgot until an e-mail reminder came through. Not really up to much today - too many aches and pains and breathing problems again. Still, I did manage to hang on to the end. Now for some more pain killers. Then some black (well pale amber really) tea.

Breakfast will be bacon and eggs - last of the bacon but still a few eggs remaining.

2nd meal has to be something with some turkey leg mince. Probably spiced. I only have onions and tomatoes left and a wilted bit of cabbage. Not quite sure what kind of a meal that will make, but I will be using all of them. The pork mince with shredded onion and Brussels sprouts was very good, so maybe this will be as well.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Evening all.
Late morning I had a couple of slices of cold roast beef, some blue cheese and my allotted portion of nuts.
Mid afternoon - main meal of chicken pie, cabbage sauteed with bacon and steamed broccoli. My pie was made with pastry from Keto chefs but I wasn’t keen on it. It had that slimy mouthfeel that psyllium husk and xanthan gum always gives. I’ll stick to fathead pie crust in future. View attachment 65536
I agree on the KC "pastry." I found it rather bread like and doughy (if that's a word)! I much prefer the mix I worked out previously. Okay, it doesn't rise (I keep meaning to make time to go through the rough puff process with it), but at least it tastes like pastry.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Oooooo so many lovely dishes. It's not too bad being low carb is it.

Found a little nugget re making DIY onion and garlic powder today, apparently if I save onion and garlic skins, even though they are very papery, wash them (to get any chemicals off them - or buy organic), dry them thoroughly, then blitz them into powder with a grinder or liquidizer, I'll get some very healthy onion or garlic powder. The skins are packed with vitamins and antioxidants.

View attachment 65537
Breakfast was a treat of hm sourdough bread accompanied with 2 back bacon rashers, and one fried egg.

For dinner hubby had an old fashioned home made beef pie out of the freezer, while I had smoked salmon with some hm ricotta cheese. I'd never made ricotta before and it turned out very tasty. It's something for nothing (as is the onion powder above) as the milk was getting past it's use by date.

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I have a recipe on my CMT for ricotta souffle pancakes. I've made them loads of times. I like them for breakfast with streaky bacon and a little of the Skinny Food Co Maple Syrup. They also make a really nice dessert with some berries.



Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
I’ll be interested to see how the onion powder works out. I don’t think my food processor would manage it, I expect you’d need something like a Nutribullet maybe?
Your dinner looks good - how do you make the ricotta? I’d no idea you could make it at home.
Lakeland had cheesemaking kits for ricotta like cheeses. In Italy, a lot of the households make their own cheeses. It's interesting to see, but I'm not sure I'd ever have the time!


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Lakeland had cheesemaking kits for ricotta like cheeses. In Italy, a lot of the households make their own cheeses. It's interesting to see, but I'm not sure I'd ever have the time!

Found this recipe online at https://www.greatbritishchefs.com/how-to-cook/how-to-make-ricotta. Keep meaning to try it, but haven't done so yet.



  • 1l whole milk
  • 20ml of distilled vinegar*
  • 1 pinch of salt
1 Place the milk in a heavy bottomed saucepan with a pinch of salt and begin to heat

2 Bring to 93°C and stir through the distilled vinegar or lemon juice*

3 Remove from the heat and stir for a couple of minutes before leaving to stand for 10–15 minutes

4 Use a slotted spoon to remove the solid curds from the pan, leaving the yellowish whey in the bottom. Place the solid curds in a large sieve

5 Leave to drain for anything from 30 minutes for soft ricotta to overnight for a much firmer texture

6 Store the ricotta in your chosen container and refrigerate. Use within 3 days

* I think I would prefer to use lemon juice

Serving suggestions

Emanuele Scarello mixes ricotta with herbs to create a silky smooth mousse in his Turbot, mustard sauce and egg recipe and Fabrizio Marino uses it as part of his Gourmet pizza. Giuseppe D'Aquino makes tasty ricotta croquettes to serve alongside his Lamb and sweetbreads, while Gaetano Trovato uses it as a filling for his Ravioli with tomato sauce.


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
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Diet only
Found this recipe online at https://www.greatbritishchefs.com/how-to-cook/how-to-make-ricotta. Keep meaning to try it, but haven't done so yet.



  • 1l whole milk
  • 20ml of distilled vinegar*
  • 1 pinch of salt
1 Place the milk in a heavy bottomed saucepan with a pinch of salt and begin to heat

2 Bring to 93°C and stir through the distilled vinegar or lemon juice*

3 Remove from the heat and stir for a couple of minutes before leaving to stand for 10–15 minutes

4 Use a slotted spoon to remove the solid curds from the pan, leaving the yellowish whey in the bottom. Place the solid curds in a large sieve

5 Leave to drain for anything from 30 minutes for soft ricotta to overnight for a much firmer texture

6 Store the ricotta in your chosen container and refrigerate. Use within 3 days

* I think I would prefer to use lemon juice

Serving suggestions

Emanuele Scarello mixes ricotta with herbs to create a silky smooth mousse in his Turbot, mustard sauce and egg recipe and Fabrizio Marino uses it as part of his Gourmet pizza. Giuseppe D'Aquino makes tasty ricotta croquettes to serve alongside his Lamb and sweetbreads, while Gaetano Trovato uses it as a filling for his Ravioli with tomato sauce.
Thank you @Annb. Yes, that's more or less what I did, although more slapdash I'm afraid, I did use the juice of a lemon and around a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar (though you can't taste them in the ricotta). I had about 3 pints of whole milk that needed to be used.

The milk went in a large pan with the juice and vinegar, then stirred on a low heat. I didn't test the temperature, but the liquid was a long way off from boiling, probably it came up to a low simmering temperature. The protein soon started to clot together. I turned off the heat then left it for about 10 mins.

The mixture was strained though a double layer of cheese cloth, then I squeezed quite a bit of moisture out. The 'cheese' was mixed in a dish with salt and some double cream, I also added some garlic powder. It's delicious though I should have left out the garlic powder as that's stopped me from making anything sweet with it.

I don't have milk anymore, and my husband only has it in his 3 or 4 cups of tea a day, I've thrown so much milk away in the past as I though it couldn't be used, but that won't happen anymore!

The strained off liquid looks very thin and watery, but I should think it'll make the base of a marinade for fried chicken including chicken wings. I suppose a whole chicken could seeped in the marinate before roasting?