What have you eaten today? (Low carb forum)


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Wednesday 25 January bed 7.2 FBG 7.6. BGs are still yoyoing during the day, though. I worked on my legs yesterday but overdid it. Today, I'll reduce the number of Revitive sessions. Now Hubby appears to be going down with whatever this is.


L. 2 slices of SRSLY LC Toast with whipped cheese and a CC little chocolate pot

D. Really not hungry but, GF wrap with spiced ham, lettuce, tomato mustard and mayo. A few raspberries with a dash of cream.
Have been using Revitive for a few years now.
Although expensive, have found it to be a godsend when in the middle of the night the Neuropathic electric shocks/burning/pins & needles in the feet 'kick in'.
Normally get relief after 30 mins @ intensity 99.


Type of diabetes
I reversed my Type 2
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Diet only
@MissMuffett it's an issue 're the ragu becoming watery. I slow cook mine all day and that helps but often use a slotted spoon to serve the mince and veg ragu and then just spoon a bit of the watery sauce on!
Breakfast kefir then two boiled eggs and LC buttered roll
Lunch kimchi, cheese and LC seeded crackers then a few squares of Montezuma 100% chocolate

Dinner leftover ragu made into chilli by adding spices and chilli with small glass of red wine. Pudding of berries and yoghurt.


Well-Known Member
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I made a ragu and had it with roast cauliflower this evening. Trouble is it was a bit watery and I obviously can’t thicken it with flour like I used to. I don’t want to use xantham gum as it always turns a bit jelly-fied. Any suggestions please?
Evening MissMuffett

How about almond meal of almond flour?

Alternatively, I'd remove the lid and leave to simmer gently until the surplus fluid has evaporated and the sauce has thickened.


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Tablets (oral)
Evening all

B: Two poached eggs topped with a knob of butter, avocado and four tiger prawns seasoned with a good grinding of black pepper.
Water to swallow tablet.

L: Salmon fillets baked with broccoli, mushrooms, double cream and lemon verbena.
Steamed carrot batons and mangetout smothered with butter.
Water to drink.
Skipped pud.

D: Seafood salad made with brown shrimps and mussels, lettuce, Romano peppers, celery, baby plum tomatoes, Kalamata olives, mint and salad onions, dressed with an olive oil, balsamic and garlic vinaigrette, topped with toasted almonds.
Water to swallow tablets.


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I didn’t know if the almond flour would make it sweet. I have got coconut flour so maybe I could try that. Also wondered if a bit of cream or butter would thicken it slightly, I know chefs use butter sometimes.
I did simmer with the lid off for 20 mins but was too hungry to wait any longer.
Other mealtimes:
breakfast - large mug of coffee with almond milk and cream.
lunch - 2 thick wedges of Wensleydale cheese Grommit!
Dinner - as before…ragu with roast cauliflower and grated cheddar on top. Raspberries and blueberries with cottage cheese.


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Spicy food which is too hot. Nasty people who have no idea on your life journey but feel the need to comment and be cruel.
Coffee and cream x 3
Coffee and unsweetened almond milk
Bacon, egg, sausage tomato and mushrooms. (Was only half a breakfast but still felt too full).
Much later.... ham and sliced cheese.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
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Diet only
Skipped breakfast
11:30 a nut bar
12:00 carvery roast at the garden centre. Skipped the potatoes and stuffing but ate the Yorkshire. Watched the men eat the most enormous cakes.
18:00 wonderful comfort food. Celeriac mash with cheese and ham stirred into it. The mash had been frozen so simply all reheated in the microwave and eaten from the plastic pot as hubby is out! Yoghurt with ginger preserve and chopped 85% chocolate.
That jar of ginger preserve is proving too tempting to ignore.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Evening all. @MissMuffett I agree with you about the texture of xanthan gum, it’s just too slimy. I’d have done as @LivingLightly suggested and simmer with the lid off to reduce. These days I don’t make ragu with much liquid at all, no tinned tomatoes. I use a spoonful of tomato puree and a small splash of water or stock, the tomato puree helps to stop the wateriness I find.
@Antje77 hugs for the stresses of your various health worries. A non diabetes day was definitely in order I think.
Today’s food started with a few black coffees as usual then Aquafit.
Lunch was air fried skinny rib strips ( a beefy version of belly pork) with celeriac remoulade, followed by DGF crumble and clotted cream.
Dinner- mixed grill of lamb chops, 40g liver, 1 rasher bacon, sauteed red onion, mushrooms and spinach and steamed broccoli. 2 squares Montezuma’s Absolute black.


Retired Moderator
Type of diabetes
I reversed my Type 2
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Tablets (oral)
Breakfast: my usual low carb coconut ‘porridge’ with strawberries washed down with a black coffee.
Late morning: black coffee and a phd bar.
Skipped lunch.
Mid afternoon: black coffee and a carb killa bar.
Dinner: bacon melts with broccoli and cauliflower.

2024-01-31 19.31.10.jpeg


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Trying to get back to proper meals but not really succeeding yet, today my evening meal consisted of eating nuts until I wasn't hungry enough to cook my planned meal, will try again tomorrow and have chicory and hummus shortly to at least get some veggies.
I can't really call it a proper meal, but some effort was put into it and it featured veggies as well, so I'd say it counts. :joyful:
A low carb wrap with cheese and a couple of rashers of very thin bacon, fried before putting them on the wrap. Put into microwave to melt the cheese, and added a generous portion of raw endive before rolling up.
I dipped in a spicy mayo based sauce, not bad at all!

I also went back to the gym after two weeks of skipping because too much was going on in my head with all the medical stuff and trying to fix my car (more or less succeeded after lots of fiddling: It now works fine again, provided you turn on the ceiling light or it won't start and your dashboard and blinkers won't work. No problem as long as the ceiling light is on. :hilarious: )
The gym was pretty much hell, missing two once a week lessons apparently makes a big difference.
But the cold swim afterwards was absolute heaven, I feel better than I have felt in weeks! :happy:
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Skipped breakfast as had to attend a clinic appt which was running late for and was a bit of a walk. Since I found the cause of my bad lower back and it's now gone, I can walk a lot faster. For the last 6 months I've been over compensating on the wrong muscles, and resting every 500 yards as I;d seize up otherwise. Well after todays walk my calves and right ankle are both feeling the burn now.

Which is probably a good thing, although I think I over did it rushing, because they are the right muscles I should have been using all along. Still, I;d rather this over the back any day.

Feel I've eaten loooooads today

Ate a 9! slice packet of corned beef and half a tub of hummus while out as a "snack" :bag:

Came back and finished the hummus with some cucumber, olives, and crunchy vintage cheddar.

Had 2 Vienna sausage as cooked them for my daughter with some salad butdidn't realise there was five left and needed to eat them by today.

Found a floating rectangle of 85% choc in the cupboard so had that.

Ate 2 small steaks with some mustard and butter and pepper sauce made in the pan, and half a plate of salad.

Need a meat free day tomorrow I think.

Oh, @Antje77 I did ask Mrs RS, She said it was nothing special, just a run of the mill hummus recipe she used, and I got not much more from her than that :hilarious:, we are a bit "ships passing in the night at the moment." So massive letdown on that front, ah well, it is always nice when she does it though and she made it look simple.

Will catch up with the thread in a bit.


Type of diabetes
I reversed my Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Skipped breakfast as had to attend a clinic appt which was running late for and was a bit of a walk. Since I found the cause of my bad lower back and it's now gone, I can walk a lot faster. For the last 6 months I've been over compensating on the wrong muscles, and resting every 500 yards as I;d seize up otherwise. Well after todays walk my calves and right ankle are both feeling the burn now.

Which is probably a good thing, although I think I over did it rushing, because they are the right muscles I should have been using all along. Still, I;d rather this over the back any day.

Feel I've eaten loooooads today

Ate a 9! slice packet of corned beef and half a tub of hummus while out as a "snack" :bag:

Came back and finished the hummus with some cucumber, olives, and crunchy vintage cheddar.

Had 2 Vienna sausage as cooked them for my daughter with some salad butdidn't realise there was five left and needed to eat them by today.

Found a floating rectangle of 85% choc in the cupboard so had that.

Ate 2 small steaks with some mustard and butter and pepper sauce made in the pan, and half a plate of salad.

Need a meat free day tomorrow I think.

Oh, @Antje77 I did ask Mrs RS, She said it was nothing special, just a run of the mill hummus recipe she used, and I got not much more from her than that :hilarious:, we are a bit "ships passing in the night at the moment." So massive letdown on that front, ah well, it is always nice when she does it though and she made it look simple.

Will catch up with the thread in a bit.
Had to look up Vienna sausages! They sound a bit like frankfurters which I don't like.........


Well-Known Member
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Had to look up Vienna sausages! They sound a bit like frankfurters which I don't like.........

Yes very similar I think, I'm not the biggest fan of those kind of sausages myself. These were on offer and my daughter had had them with someone else so requested we got some, but she couldn't eat the five that were left. Haven't had them in years, probably wont for some years to come again.


Retired Moderator
Type of diabetes
I reversed my Type 2
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Tablets (oral)
Those bacon melts look lovely. How are they made?
They are lovely!
I'm sure @Rachox will share the secret, and if you're lucky she'll include the tuna melts as well, they're equally good. :hungry:
I use the same basic recipe for both tuna and bacon, here’s the recipe, I just fry three or four slices of bacon and add for the bacon one and no parsley.
Edit to add, they are good hot or cold!
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2024-01-31 19.44.45.jpg


Retired Moderator
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Ate a 9! slice packet of corned beef and half a tub of hummus while out as a "snack" :bag:

Came back and finished the hummus with some cucumber, olives, and crunchy vintage cheddar.

Had 2 Vienna sausage as cooked them for my daughter with some salad butdidn't realise there was five left and needed to eat them by today.

Found a floating rectangle of 85% choc in the cupboard so had that.

Ate 2 small steaks with some mustard and butter and pepper sauce made in the pan, and half a plate of salad.
The rhythm of your post is delightfully reminiscent of this little caterpillar, one page for every sentence. I expect he's well known in the UK as well. It made me want to reread the book but I couldn't find my copy, must e somewhere.
Also, I would have happily eaten along with you today, your food sounds very tasty to me. :hungry:


Oh, @Antje77 I did ask Mrs RS, She said it was nothing special, just a run of the mill hummus recipe she used, and I got not much more from her than that :hilarious:, we are a bit "ships passing in the night at the moment." So massive letdown on that front, ah well, it is always nice when she does it though and she made it look simple.
No worries, I bought a ridiculous amount of hummus yesterday at a discount because of the date. Except, I know from experience it'll last for at least a month after expiry, despite it being a cooled product, I should be fine for a while!

And very happy to hear your back is better!


Retired Moderator
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Those bacon melts look lovely. How are they made?
I use the same basic recipe for both tuna and bacon, here’s the recipe, I just fry three or four slices of bacon and add for the bacon one and no parsley.
I use the same recipe, more or less, but I like adding finely cut onions and a chopped chilli pepper or some jalapeno.
It also makes for a great filling for bell peppers, turning a side dish into a main one. :hungry:


Type of diabetes
Type 2
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Diet only
I use the same recipe, more or less, but I like adding finely cut onions and a chopped chilli pepper or some jalapeno.
It also makes for a great filling for bell peppers, turning a side dish into a main one. :hungry:

I’ve borrowed your idea of filling bell peppers with the mix and agree, it’s very good.
Also had to re-read @ravensmitten ‘s post in the style of The Very Hungry Caterpillar and you’re absolutely right, it’s spot on.