What have you eaten today? (Low carb forum)


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Thursday 25 January bed 8 FBG 7.6 - Decided I'd better catch up a bit more with 200 posts still to get through!
This was not a good day. I decided to go to Aqua to get a break from gutting. Little did I know they had moved the road works to the most atrocious place. I spent 30 mins not moving!! I ended up phoning the club as I was going to miss at least half the class. I couldn't even turn and go home. Much later I ended up back where I started.

B. TAG and 2 slices of SRSLY toast with wafer thin ham and a cheese triangle. Benecol dairy free.

L. 2 M&S crackers with wensleydale.

D. A concoction with corn fed chicken thighs & drumsticks - mushrooms, onion, sliced peppers, chicken stock, tomato & chilli. Had it with cauliflower fried rice with peas & tomato. CC little chocolate pot.
2 gin & soda to lift my mood again!

I went back to gutting in prep for furniture movement.

Friday 26 January - bed & FBG Both 7.9

B. TAG and 2 slices of SRSLY toast with wafer thin ham and a cheese triangle. Benecol dairy free.

L. M&S cheese crackers with wensleydale and port salut.

D. I was heading along to son & DIL to sit with the boys so they could go to a Burns Supper (yes, the date was wrong). I had exactly the same as yesterday. The leftover chicken concoction and I made more cauliflower fried rice. Out until midnight, but eldest grandson actually did some homework with me without moaning!


Type of diabetes
I reversed my Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Today was the last of it, an appointment with the GP who initially wanted me to have the MRI a while back, to talk over the hernia and what else to do about the lower back pain now there are no signs of inflammation and the rheumatologist has referred me back to the GP.
Only the second time I saw this GP (the owners of the practice aren't very nice people so the good ones don't stick around and you always see a new GP there).

This one happens to be absolutely brilliant, hope he'll stay!
We decided there's not much to be done about it at the moment, and he still managed to have me leave feeling very good about this, no mean feat! :hilarious:

After going through the results and both our thoughts on that, we spent almost half an hour talking about all kinds of stuff, ranging from what types of patients he likes best to work with and what a good HCP is from my pov, to insulin management (and how HCP's should empower patients to be confident in working it out themselves and making bold decisions, working with them, not for them), cold water swimming, and some other stuff.
We both felt we would have talked longer if not for the waiting room, and he thanked me for the enjoyable conversation being a welcome break in his day.
I will see a physio to see if something is to be gained there.

After the appointment I went for a quick swim with my friend, and upon getting home I finally found the courage to cook a proper meal again. :joyful:
Only to find that the cauliflower I had thawed two days ago but didn't use had gone off. :mad:

And still found the courage to improvise a meal! You're right @LivingLightly the relief of having those appointments over seems to have freed a lot of space in my head. :joyful: Plus it was a beautiful spring like day, which helps as well.

A large salad of endive, half a bloody onion (no expletive, cut my thumb and only noticed I was leaking when it was too late), cucumber, two boiled eggs and two thin rashers of bacon, with 3 fishfingers, stolen from my neighbour. :hungry:
So pleased you've emerged from your marathon of medical appointments and that today sounds like you managed to talk things through and left feeling strong. Well done you and hope your physiotherapist idea produces a way forward.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
11:00 a little cheese and ham with 2 slices hi lo bread
Was pleased I'd remembered to eat first. Concentrated much better, and it was easier to refuse cake when my friends indulged afterwards.
Back home made a lc chocolate mug cake which I had with cream and called it lunch.

17:45 2 scrambled eggs with ham and a little cheese. 1 finger of hubbys pizza. Coffee ice cream


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Some bizarre fry up of cold turkey cuts, wholegrain mustard, mushrooms & cherry tomatoes in butter.

Dinner, Piece of cod, some peas with a few sprigs of mint in them, (testing these as they are higher in carb than the alternatives, but wanting to gain some freezer space so small portion and test, I've not eaten much at all today though so fingers crossed.) and a fake homemade sort of, caperless, tartar sauce.

My goodness, my ankle was feeling sprained today, hobbling about, and my whole upper torso is sharply aching like I've pulled various muscles, I think I needed to have gotten back into walking at a much slower pace than I was going yesterday, now I can walk distance again. and maybe factor an extra half an hour to fourty five minutes to get to appointments so I don't have to rush in future. :D


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type
Odd day today. Rushing as usual to get out in time to get my legs bandaged so I just had a few wafer thin slices of ham so that I could take my antibiotic. Cup of hot water, then a cup of black coffee.

Since then one cup of coffee and one cup of tea (had that with Em when she came in from school).

BG has remained at 8 and above all day though.

Didn't get a chance to eat before the surveyors for our conversion to air source and solar panels arrived. When they left, I said to Neil that we would have to start emptying the loft soon because it will need to be clear. So "Right," says he. "I'll make a start and Em can help me". Off they went to hunt to see what could be thrown out. They found an electric grill and a deep fat fryer which I didn't know I had (I had already given away one deep fat fryer and a couple of grills a couple of years ago). They also found 4 boxes of paperwork and I needed to sort through them to see what could be just put into the recycling, what would have to be burned and what would have to go into the bin. That's taken me until just before 1830.

I think I will now go and cook a couple of sausages with some quick vegetable dish - maybe tomato grilled alongside the sausages. Got to be quick or I won't bother.
I find a good clear out is always satisfying


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
@Antje77 Always nice to get a GP like that, who listens and is personable. Also glad to hear you are having some resolve at least.

Think the peas are out for me, wasn't a massive rise, 2 and a bit and not gone back down yet, didn't enjoy them that much not to have returned to baseline a few hours later. Would never have thought before that peas could affect me like that but there you go, seem so innocuous. This is why testing is important for me with "new" meals.


Well-Known Member
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Type 1
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Well after all of this time I finally realized that I log in here regularly to read how you are all doing, get meal inspiration and some excellent advice on living with this pain of a disease but I’ve never actually contributed my “ what have you eaten today ( low carb).”
So, breakfast was a couple of good sausages with an egg on L/c bread with lots of salt. The lots of salt is another medical issue. Lunch was nuts, L/c crackers and cheese followed by lemon chia pudding with five blackberries. Dinner is about to be sardines on L/c toast with a slice of tomato, feta and again, plenty of salt. Plenty of exercise today, biking, pickleball and long beach walk on the most glorious sunny evening have kept b/s in good range. Treating myself to a glass of red.


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Morning all, must have been a good day for GP’s yesterday @Antje77, glad you are feeling a bit better,spoke to mine re my itchy skin rash issues. He congratulated me on my last two Hba1c, asked how I had done it, we had a quick dicussion on low carb! He is the head at the practise so you never know,it may have planted a little seed in his head! Having the full works of blood tests next Friday,oh and he was happy for me to stay off Metformin!
B Yog, raspberries, flaked coconut
L Cheese and ham salad
D Beef casserole, shredded cabbage and green beans and half a packet of H& B dark choc hazelnuts


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
BG a bit on the high side this morning. Upped my basal dose by one unit to see if that helps. Hungry now, so I will get on and make breakfast. It will be 2 sausages and scrambled eggs.

2nd meal will be chicken in a tomato sauce with onion and mushrooms.

Lots more clearing to do today. A bit hampered by Neil's untimely decision to repaint an old metal wastebin which we have unearthed. Wet paint doesn't help when there's a lot of dust in the air.


Well-Known Member
Hi all. While I was ill, I didn't eat normally, just picked anything that I could get at and really fell off the diabetes wagon good and proper. Yesterday I had scrambled eggs with ham and a couple of sausages. Today, I'm having beef casserole with cauliflower and looking forward to some normality! Have a great weekend everyone. :)


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Evening @Annb. I remember enjoying haggis, neeps and tatties on Burns Night with student friends. I must have been all of 19 years old. It struck me as the ideal comfort food in cold weather.

Can't think how one would adapt it for low carbers; with difficulty I'd imagine! Well done for giving it a go!
I'm quite lucky that my butcher does a GF haggis that doesn't have much effect on me. Neeps are fine, and I substitute cauliflower mash for the tatties.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Woke at 4:30 with a cold wet foot - my hot water bottle had sprung a leak in the night. What a palaver to strip all the bedding and get the dehumidifier going full blast in the hope the mattress will be dry by tonight.
B- 2 rashers streaky bacon and 2 fried eggs.
More stress driving Paul to the fracture clinic ( to check his finger) Major road works and diversions meant we and sat nav got completely lost and confused. We arrived in good time though and I ate a packed lunch of a lc cheese&marmite roll and some nuts in the car while I waited for him.
D - snap @maglil55 with pasta bolognaise. My pasta was from Low Carb Food Co. It was better than I expected, like a very hearty wholemeal pasta. What’s the NLC one like? Glass of red.
@JenniferM55 have you tried using fat head dough as a pie crust? It’s no good if you want pastry on the bottom of the pie but I think it makes an excellent top crust. I make a batch of the dough and freeze individual portions for my pie top when needed. View attachment 65870
The NLC pasta is one of the better ones I have to say. I prefer it as a carbonara, and I like that you can get it in 100g bags. I still think the best ever was Oomi noodles as a substitute, but they went capute during lockdown. Lidl did their version of the oomi noodles, but, like their LC rolls (remember the triangular one), they vanished never to be seen again!


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Have been using Revitive for a few years now.
Although expensive, have found it to be a godsend when in the middle of the night the Neuropathic electric shocks/burning/pins & needles in the feet 'kick in'.
Normally get relief after 30 mins @ intensity 99.
I'm at 61 intensity currently. My leg issues are thanks to RTA and spinal injuries. As well as the Revitive, I also have a home use type of flowtron boots, and a deep tissue massage gun. Oh boy, I can relate to the shocks/burning/pins and needles and chuck in jumping for good measure.


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
I fancy sausages now after the last 2 posts

@Annb - dust and paint, yes! Although I guess if it's only the first coat though it could do with a slight rub in between coats anyway, so a small amount wouldn't be the worst really.
I don't think it works that way with Hammerite. Keeping clear anyway, just in case. Collecting a big pile of stuff - mainly boxes - to be loaded into the car and taken to the dump. That's all sitting in the hallway just now - can't put it outside because of the wind and rain.


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
I don't think it works that way with Hammerite. Keeping clear anyway, just in case. Collecting a big pile of stuff - mainly boxes - to be loaded into the car and taken to the dump. That's all sitting in the hallway just now - can't put it outside because of the wind and rain.

Fair, hammerite, quite right, it used to at least, as lots of paint has changed formulas over the years, require quite some time to cure between recoating.

AND was a lot stickier.


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Spicy food which is too hot. Nasty people who have no idea on your life journey but feel the need to comment and be cruel.
Coffee and cream x 2
Coffee and unsweetened almond milk
Corned Beef and tomato
Hot smoked Trout, cheese and tomato


Type of diabetes
I reversed my Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Definitely a cooking day today been busy getting food ready for a family get together tomorrow planning buffet of cooked meats, cheeses and salads plus some cakes here's the ham

The glaze is a mix of mustard and some hm low sugar marmalade applied when finished off in oven.slow cooked it initially this morning. I also made some lower carb chocolate cakes using a low carb recipe for chocolate cup cakes but added some of the peel from my hm marmalade to top them so added a few more carbs with the peels.


Today's menu
Breakfast kefir then two boiled eggs and LC roll
Lunch started with kimchi and Apple cider vinegar as was going to try one of my little cakes for pudding and wanted to see if it helped reduce any rise! Also had cheese and LC seeded crackers then my cake. Good news before lunch 4.8 bloods after 2 hours 4.9 so the peel didn't have too much impact and\or the Glucose Goddess vinegar hack worked!
Dinner salmon and cauliflower cheese and glass of dry white wine.


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The NLC pasta is one of the better ones I have to say. I prefer it as a carbonara, and I like that you can get it in 100g bags. I still think the best ever was Oomi noodles as a substitute, but they went capute during lockdown. Lidl did their version of the oomi noodles, but, like their LC rolls (remember the triangular one), they vanished never to be seen again!
I saw high protein rolls in the bakery section last week, they were rectangular and didn't look quite as dark as I remember the old ones being but they were definitely there. Don't know what the carb count of these were. Also didn't know if it's a regular line or if its one of those post Christmas fad lines!


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
I'm at 61 intensity currently. My leg issues are thanks to RTA and spinal injuries. As well as the Revitive, I also have a home use type of flowtron boots, and a deep tissue massage gun. Oh boy, I can relate to the shocks/burning/pins and needles and chuck in jumping for good measure.
Sorry to hear of your RTA.
I've been neglecting my diet & visits to this forum for quite a while now. However, my (night-time) neuropathy has slowly been getting worse & although the Revitive m/c works a treat, I'm spending more time on it each night. Several sleepless nights have forced me to reconsider my diet & revisit this forum. I'd forgotten what a treasure trove of useful information it is. I've been trawling through some of KennyA's posts & found them very helpful. I've just got to implement those ultra-low carb recommendations now : ).